#### initial properties file with all gs3build bits from main greenstone3 system ## java compilation properties - for javac #Should compilation include the debug option? compile.debug=true #Should compilation include the deprecation option? compile.deprecation=true #Should compilation include the optimize option? compile.optimize=true ## Relational database # set this to be non-empty if you are using an external mysql. mysql.installed.path= #change the following if the defaults are not correct mysql.server=localhost #port mysql should run on. Change if you already have mysql running on the default port mysql.port=3306 #Should passwords be set for the root and greenstone mysql users? mysql.use.passwords=yes ## If you are installing greenstone (including mysql) in an nfs directory, mysql may not work. The data directory needs to be on a local drive: Copy the greenstone3/packages/mysql/data directory to a local drive and set the location here #mysql.datadir= ## Mysql user passwords: uncomment and set the following if you don't want to be prompted for them during installation #The root password for a local mysql installation #mysql.root.password= # The password for the gsdl3admin user (local and external mysql) #mysql.admin.password= # The password for the gsdl3reader user (local and external mysql) #mysql.reader.password=