** Simplified instructions for collections which only use Lucene and JDBM ** 1. unzip jetty-6.1.26.zip 2. cd jetty-6.1.26 3. cp ../../../web webapps/greenstone3 4. edit 'global.properties' to gsdl3home is set to the right area with webapps 5. cp LuceneWrapper3.jar into webapps/greenstone3/WEB-INF/classes/ and then unjar it Going beyond the initial page view, http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/index.html and to start generating pages with the servlet, then it quickly runs into problems (undefined ... access STOP_ENGLISH_WORDs or something similar). Unjaring this file appears to be enought to let everything else run OK. For example, the same did not have to be done for JDBM.jar for the database part 6. run java -jar start.jar 7. visit http://localhost:8080/greenstone3/ All versions of the interface (default, gs2, etc.) displayed correctly.