package userslistusers _header_ { List of current users } _content_ {} _contentstart_ {

List of current users

} _contentend_ {
user account status groups comment  
} _textadduser_ {add a new user} _textedituser_ {edit} _textdeleteuser_ {delete} _footer_ { } package usersedituser _header_ { _If_("_cgiarguma_" eq "edituser",Edit user information,Add a new user) } _content_ {

_If_("_cgiarguma_" eq "edituser",Edit user information,Add a new user)

username Usernames must be between 2 and 30 characters long. They can contain alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_'.
password Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. _If_("_cgiarguma_" eq "edituser",If this field is blank the old password will be kept.)
account status
groups Groups is a comma separated list, do not put spaces after the commas.
} _footer_ { } package usersdeleteuser _header_ { Delete a user } _content_ {

Do you really want to permanently remove user _cgiargumun_?
} _footer_ { } package userschangepasswd _header_ { Change password } _content_ {

Change password

Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters.


old password
new password
retype new password
} package userschangepasswdok _header_ { Change password } _content_ {

Change password

Your password was successfully changed. } package users _messageinvalidusername_ {The username is invalid. } _messageinvalidpassword_ {The password is invalid. } _messageemptypassword_ {Please enter an initial password for this user. } _messageuserexists_ {This user already exists, please enter in another username. } _messageusernameempty_ {Please enter your username. } _messagepasswordempty_ {You must enter your old password. } _messagenewpass1empty_ {Enter your new password and then retype it. } _messagenewpass2empty_ {_messagenewpass1empty_} _messagenewpassmismatch_ {The two versions of your new password did not match. } _messagenewinvalidpassword_ {You entered an invalid password. } _messagefailed_ {Either your username or password was incorrect. }