###################################################################### # # English Language text and icon macros for Czech # ###################################################################### # # This is the main macro file for translation when creating an # interface in another language. # # Under the 'text macros' comments are text macros of the form: # _macroname_ [l=cs] {macro value} # Everything between the {} is the text to be translated. This text # may itself contain macros (i.e. characters other than space between # underscore characters, e.g. _about:numdocs_ or _textpage_). These # macro names occurring within text shouldn't be translated but should # be left as they are. Underscores or curly brackets occurring # naturally within the text should be escaped with a leading backslash # (i.e. '\_', '\{' or '\}). # # Under the 'icons' comments are macros concerned with displaying # icons which themselves contain text. # Above each macro (or group of macros) for an icon is a comment line # that looks something like '## "HOME" ## top_nav_button ## chome ##'. # The first field of the comment ("HOME" in this case) is the text # that appears in the english version of the icon. This is the text # that must be translated, nothing needs to be done to the macros # themselves. The other two fields of the comments are used by # automatic icon generating software which reads the newly translated # file and generates appropriate icons. # # Comment lines (other than those described above) need not be # translated (i.e. any lines beginning with '#', like this line). # # The simplest way to translate this file is to save it as something # else (e.g. french.dm) and work through translating all the text # macro values and icon comments. # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Global (base) package package Global ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textperiodicals_ [l=cs] {Periodika} _textsource_ [l=cs] {zdroj } _textdate_ [l=cs] {datum publikování: } _textnumpages_ [l=cs] {počet stran: } _textsignin_ [l=cs] {sign in} _textdefaultcontent_ [l=cs] {Požadovaná stránka nemohla být nalezena. Prosíme, použijte tlačítko 'zpět' pro návrat do digitální knihovny Greenstone .} _textdefaulttitle_ [l=cs] {GSDL Error} _collectionextra_ [l=cs] {Tato kolekce obsahuje _about:numdocs_ dokumentů. A byla vytvořena před _about:builddate_ dny.} # this is only used by the collector (where the above _collectionextra_ # macro will always be set to another value) _collectorextra_ [l=cs] {

Tato kolekce obsahuje _numdocs_ _If_("_numdocs_" eq "1",document,documents), celkem _numbytes_ B.

Klikněte sem! - souhrn údajů o této kolekci. } _textimagecollection_ [l=cs] {} _textimageabout_ [l=cs] {O této kolekci} _textimagehome_ [l=cs] {Homepage} _textimagehelp_ [l=cs] {Nápověda} _textimagepref_ [l=cs] {Předvolby} _textimagegreenstone_ [l=cs] {Greenstone Digital Library Software} _textimagesearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej dokumenty} _textimageTitle_ [l=cs] {Listuj abecedním seznamem názvů} _textimageList_ [l=cs] {Listuj seznamem dokumentů} _textimageCreator_ [l=cs] {Listuj abecedním seznamem autorů} _textimageSeries_ [l=cs] {Listuj čísly} _textimageDate_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej podle data} _textimageSubject_ [l=cs] {Listuj předmětovými kategoriemi} _textimageTo_ [l=cs] {Listuj polem 'Pro:'} _textimageFrom_ [l=cs] {Listuj polem 'Od:'} _textimageOrganization_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej organizace} _textimageHowto_ [l=cs] {Listuj kategoriemi 'Jak na to'} _textimageTopic_ [l=cs] {Listuj speciálními kategoriemi} _textimageBrowse_ [l=cs] {Listuj} _textimagePeople_ [l=cs] {Listuj abecedním seznamem osob} _textimageLanguage_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej podle jazyka} _textimageAcronym_ [l=cs] {Listuj zkratkami} _textimagePhrase_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej fráze} _textimageArtist_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej jména umělců} _textimageSource_ [l=cs] {Listuj zdrojovými soubory} _textimageKeyword_ [l=cs] {Prohlížej klíčová slova} _texticontabsearchgreen_ [l=cs] {Hledej} _texticontabdategreen_ [l=cs] {Datumy} _texticontabseriesgreen_ [l=cs] {Čísla} _texticontabauthorgreen_ [l=cs] {Autoři A-Z} _texticontabtitlegreen_ [l=cs] {Názvy A-Z} _texticontablistgreen_ [l=cs] {Seznam} _texticontabsubjectgreen_ [l=cs] {Předmět} _texticontabtogreen_ [l=cs] {Pro:} _texticontabfromgreen_ [l=cs] {Od:} _texticontaborggreen_ [l=cs] {Organizace} _texticontabhowgreen_ [l=cs] {Jak na to} _texticontabtopicgreen_ [l=cs] {Témata} _texticontabbrwsegreen_ [l=cs] {Listuj} _texticontabbrowsgreen_ [l=cs] {Listuj} _texticontabPeoplegreen_ [l=cs] {Lidé A-Z} _texticontabLanguagegreen_ [l=cs] {Jazyk} _texticontabAcronymgreen_ [l=cs] {Zkratky} _texticontabPhrasegreen_ [l=cs] {Fráze} _texticontabArtistgreen_ [l=cs] {Umělci} _texticontabSourcegreen_ [l=cs] {Názvy souborů} _texticontabKeywordgreen_ [l=cs] {Klíčová slova} _texticontext_ [l=cs] {Zobraz dokument} _texticonclosedbook_ [l=cs] {Otevři dokument a ukaž obsah} _texticonnext_ [l=cs] {další oddíl} _texticonprev_ [l=cs] {předchozí oddíl} _texticonmidi_ [l=cs] {Ukaž MIDI dokument} _texticonmsword_ [l=cs] {Ukaž Microsoft Word document} _texticonpdf_ [l=cs] {Ukaž PDF dokument} _texticonps_ [l=cs] {Ukaž PostScript dokument} _texticonppt_ [l=cs] {Ukaž PowerPoint dokument} _texticonrtf_ [l=cs] {Ukaž RTF dokument} _texticonxls_ [l=cs] {Ukaž Microsoft Excel dokument} _page_ [l=cs] {strana } _pages_ [l=cs] {strany} _of_ [l=cs] { z } _vol_ [l=cs] {Sv.} _num_ [l=cs] {č.} _textmonth00_ [l=cs] {} _textmonth01_ [l=cs] {Leden} _textmonth02_ [l=cs] {Únor} _textmonth03_ [l=cs] {Březen} _textmonth04_ [l=cs] {Duben} _textmonth05_ [l=cs] {Květen} _textmonth06_ [l=cs] {Červen} _textmonth07_ [l=cs] {Červenec} _textmonth08_ [l=cs] {Srpen} _textmonth09_ [l=cs] {Září} _textmonth10_ [l=cs] {Říjen} _textmonth11_ [l=cs] {Listopad} _textmonth12_ [l=cs] {Prosinec} _Document_ [l=cs] {Dokument} _Section_ [l=cs] {Sekce} _Paragraph_ [l=cs] {Odstavec} _magazines_ [l=cs] {Časopisy} _nzdlpagefooter_ [l=cs] {


Projekt New Zealand Digital Library
Ústav počítačové vědy, Universita Waikato, Nový Zéland} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "HOME" ## top_nav_button ## chome ## _httpiconchomeof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/chomeof.gif} _httpiconchomeon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/chomeon.gif} ## "HELP" ## top_nav_button ## chelp ## _httpiconchelpof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/chelpof.gif} _httpiconchelpon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/chelpon.gif} ## "PREFERENCE" ## top_nav_button ## cpref ## _httpiconcprefof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/cprefof.gif} _httpiconcprefon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/cprefon.gif} ## "help" ## green_title ## h_help ## _httpiconhhelp_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_help.gif} _widthhhelp_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthhelp_ [l=cs] {57} ## "autoři a-z" ## nav_bar_button ## tauth ## _httpicontauthgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tauthgr.gif} _httpicontauthof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tauthof.gif} _httpicontauthon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tauthon.gif} _widthtauthx_ [l=cs] {91} ## "čísla" ## nav_bar_button ## tser ## _httpicontsergr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsergr.gif} _httpicontserof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tserof.gif} _httpicontseron_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tseron.gif} _widthtserx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "datum" ## nav_bar_button ## tdate ## _httpicontdategr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tdategr.gif} _httpicontdateof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tdateof.gif} _httpicontdateon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tdateon.gif} _widthtdatex_ [l=cs] {87} ## "předmět" ## nav_bar_button ## tsubj ## _httpicontsubjgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsubjgr.gif} _httpicontsubjon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsubjon.gif} _httpicontsubjof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsubjof.gif} _widthtsubjx_ [l=cs] {0} ## "pro:" ## nav_bar_button ## tto ## _httpiconttogr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttogr.gif} _httpiconttoon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttoon.gif} _httpiconttoof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttoof.gif} _widthttox_ [l=cs] {87} ## "od:" ## nav_bar_button ## tfrom ## _httpicontfromgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tfromgr.gif} _httpicontfromon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tfromon.gif} _httpicontfromof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tfromof.gif} _widthtfromx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "organizace" ## nav_bar_button ## torg ## _httpicontorggr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/torggr.gif} _httpicontorgon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/torgon.gif} _httpicontorgof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/torgof.gif} _widthtorgx_ [l=cs] {92} ## "jak na to" ## nav_bar_button ## thow ## _httpiconthowgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/thowgr.gif} _httpiconthowon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/thowon.gif} _httpiconthowof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/thowof.gif} _widththowx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "témata" ## nav_bar_button ## ttopic ## _httpiconttopicgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttopicgr.gif} _httpiconttopicon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttopicon.gif} _httpiconttopicof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttopicof.gif} _widthttopicx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "listuj" ## nav_bar_button ## tbrwse ## _httpicontbrwsegr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tbrwsegr.gif} _httpicontbrwseon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tbrwseon.gif} _httpicontbrwseof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tbrwseof.gif} _widthtbrwsex_ [l=cs] {87} ## "metalistování" ## nav_bar_button ## tbrwse like above ## _httpicontbrowsgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/tbrwsegr.gif} _httpicontbrowson_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/tbrwseon.gif} _httpicontbrowsof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/tbrwseof.gif} _widthtbrowsx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "hledej" ## nav_bar_button ## tsrch ## _httpicontsrchgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrchgr.gif} _httpicontsrchof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrchof.gif} _httpicontsrchon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrchon.gif} _widthtsrchx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "názvy a-z" ## nav_bar_button ## ttitl ## _httpiconttitlgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttitlgr.gif} _httpiconttitlof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttitlof.gif} _httpiconttitlon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ttitlon.gif} _widthttitlx_ [l=cs] {0} ## "lidé" ## nav_bar_button ## tpeop ## _httpicontpeopgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tpeopgr.gif} _httpicontpeopof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tpeopof.gif} _httpicontpeopon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tpeopon.gif} _widthtpeopx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "jazyk" ## nav_bar_button ## tlang ## _httpicontlanggr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tlanggr.gif} _httpicontlangon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tlangon.gif} _httpicontlangof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tlangof.gif} _widthtlangx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "zkratky" ## nav_bar_button ## tacro ## _httpicontacrogr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tacrogr.gif} _httpicontacroof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tacroof.gif} _httpicontacroon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tacroon.gif} _widthtacrox_ [l=cs] {87} ## "fráze" ## nav_bar_button ## tphrse ## _httpicontphrsegr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tphrsegr.gif} _httpicontphrseof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tphrseof.gif} _httpicontphrseon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tphrseon.gif} _widthtphrsex_ [l=cs] {0} ## "umělci" ## nav_bar_button ## tartst ## _httpicontartstgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tartstgr.gif} _httpicontartstof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tartstof.gif} _httpicontartston_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tartston.gif} _widthtartstx_ [l=cs] {87} ## "názvy souborů" ## nav_bar_button ## tsrc ## _httpicontsrcgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrcgr.gif} _httpicontsrcof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrcof.gif} _httpicontsrcon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tsrcon.gif} _widthtsrcx_ [l=cs] {0} ## "klíčová slova" ## nav_bar_button ## tkw ## _httpicontkwgr_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tkwgr.gif} _httpicontkwof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tkwof.gif} _httpicontkwon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/tkwon.gif} _widthtkwx_ [l=cs] {0} ###################################################################### # 'about' page package about ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textabcol_ [l=cs] {O této kolekci} _textsubcols1_ [l=cs] {

Kompletní sbírka obsahuje určitý počet kolekcí: _1_ . V současnosti přístupné jsou:

} _textsubcols2_ [l=cs] {
Na stránce 'Preferencí' můžete zkontrolovat (a měnit) aktuální (sub)kolekce.} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "o nás" ## green_title ## h_about ## _httpiconhabout_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_about.gif} _widthhabout_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthabout_ [l=cs] {57} ###################################################################### # document package package document ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _texticonhtitle_ [l=cs] {Názvy A-Z} _texticonhauth_ [l=cs] {Autoři A-Z} _texticonhsubj_ [l=cs] {Předmět} _texticonhto_ [l=cs] {Pro:} _texticonhfrom_ [l=cs] {Od:} _texticonhser_ [l=cs] {Čísla} _texticonhdate_ [l=cs] {Datum} _texticonhhow_ [l=cs] {Jak na to} _texticonhorg_ [l=cs] {Organizace} _texticonhbrwse_ [l=cs] {Listuj} _texticonhbrows_ [l=cs] {Listuj} _texticonhpeople_ [l=cs] {Lidé A-Z} _texticonhlanguage_ [l=cs] {Jazyk} _texticonhacronym_ [l=cs] {Zkratky} _texticonhphrases_ [l=cs] {Fráze} _texticonhartist_ [l=cs] {Umělci} _texticonhsrc_ [l=cs] {Názvy souborů} _texticonhkw_ [l=cs] {Klíčová slova} _texticonopenbookshelf_ [l=cs] {Zavři tuto sekci knihovny} _texticonclosedbookshelf_ [l=cs] {Otevři tuto sekci knihovny a ukaž obsah} _texticonopenbook_ [l=cs] {Zavři tuto knihu} _texticonclosedfolder_ [l=cs] {Otevři tuto složku a ukaž obsah} _texticonclosedfolder2_ [l=cs] {Otevři podsekci: } _texticonopenfolder_ [l=cs] {Zavři tuto složku} _texticonopenfolder2_ [l=cs] {Zavři tuto podsekci: } _texticonsmalltext_ [l=cs] {Ukaž tuto sekci textu} _texticonsmalltext2_ [l=cs] {Ukaž text: } _texticonpointer_ [l=cs] {Aktuální sekce} _texticondetach_ [l=cs] {Otevři tuto stránku v novém okně} _texticonhighlight_ [l=cs] {Zvýrazni hledané termíny} _texticonnohighlight_ [l=cs] {Nezvýrazňuj hledané termíny} _texticoncontracttoc_ [l=cs] {Sbal obsah} _texticonexpandtoc_ [l=cs] {Rozviň obsah} _texticonexpandtext_ [l=cs] {Ukaž veškerý text} _texticoncontracttext_ [l=cs] {Ukaž text pouze pro aktuální sekci} _texticonwarning_ [l=cs] {Upozornění: } _texticoncont_ [l=cs] {Pokračovat?} _textltwarning_ [l=cs] {

_iconwarning_Váš prohlížeč bude muset zobrazit velké množství textu. _imagecont_
} _textgoto_ [l=cs] {jdi na stranu} _textintro_ [l=cs] { (úvodní text)} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "názvy a-z" ## green_title ## h_title ## _httpiconhtitle_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_title.gif} _widthhtitle_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthtitle_ [l=cs] {57} ## "autoři a-z" ## green_title ## h_auth ## _httpiconhauth_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_auth.gif} _widthhauth_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthauth_ [l=cs] {57} ## "předmět" ## green_title ## h_subj ## _httpiconhsubj_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_subj.gif} _widthhsubj_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthsubj_ [l=cs] {57} ## "pro:" ## green_title ## h_to ## _httpiconhto_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_to.gif} _widthhto_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthto_ [l=cs] {57} ## "od:" ## green_title ## h_from ## _httpiconhfrom_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_from.gif} _widthhfrom_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthfrom_ [l=cs] {57} ## "čísla" ## green_title ## h_ser ## _httpiconhser_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_ser.gif} _widthhser_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthser_ [l=cs] {57} ## "datum" ## green_title ## h_date ## _httpiconhdate_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_date.gif} _widthhdate_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthdate_ [l=cs] {57} ## "jak na to" ## green_title ## h_how ## _httpiconhhow_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_how.gif} _widthhhow_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthhow_ [l=cs] {57} ## "témata" ## green_title ## h_topic ## _httpiconhtopic_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_topic.gif} _widthhtopic_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthtopic_ [l=cs] {57} ## "organizace" ## green_title ## h_org ## _httpiconhorg_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_org.gif} _widthhorg_ [l=cs] {250} _heighthorg_ [l=cs] {57} ## "listuj" ## green_title ## h_brwse ## _httpiconhbrwse_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_brwse.gif} _widthhbrwse_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthbrwse_ [l=cs] {57} ## "metalistování" ## green_title ## h_brwse ## _httpiconhbrows_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_brwse.gif} _widthhbrows_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthbrows_ [l=cs] {57} ## "lidé" ## green_title ## h_people ## _httpiconhpeople_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_people.gif} _widthhpeople_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthpeople_ [l=cs] {57} ## "jazyk" ## green_title ## h_lang ## _httpiconhlanguage_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_lang.gif} _widthhlanguage_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthlanguage_ [l=cs] {57} ## "zkratky" ## green_title ## h_acro ## _httpiconhacronym_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_acro.gif} _widthhacronym_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthacronym_ [l=cs] {57} ## "fráze" ## green_title ## h_phrse ## _httpiconhphrse_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_phrse.gif} _widthhphrse_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthphrse_ [l=cs] {57} ## "umělci" ## green_title ## h_artist ## _httpiconhartist_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_artist.gif} _widthhartist_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthartist_ [l=cs] {57} ## "názvy souborů" ## green_title ## h_src ## _httpiconhsrc_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_src.gif} _widthhsrc_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthsrc_ [l=cs] {57} ## "klíčová slova" ## green_title ## h_kw ## _httpiconhkw_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_kw.gif} _widthhkw_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthkw_ [l=cs] {57} ## "POKRAČOVAT?" ## top_nav_button ## cont ## _httpiconcontoff_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/contof.gif} _httpiconconton_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/conton.gif} ## "ROZVINOUT TEXT" ## document_button ## eallt ## _httpiconealltof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ealltof.gif} _httpiconeallton_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/eallton.gif} ## "SBALIT OBSAH" ## document_button ## econc ## _httpiconeconcof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/econcof.gif} _httpiconeconcon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/econcon.gif} ## "ODESLAT" ## document_button ## edtch ## _httpiconedtchof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/edtchof.gif} _httpiconedtchon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/edtchon.gif} ## "ROZVINOUT OBSAH" ## document_button ## eexpc ## _httpiconeexpcof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/eexpcof.gif} _httpiconeexpcon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/eexpcon.gif} ## "SBALIT TEXT" ## document_button ## etsec ## _httpiconetsecof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/etsecof.gif} _httpiconetsecon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/etsecon.gif} ## "ZVÝRAZNĚNÍ" ## document_button ## ehl ## _httpiconehlof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ehlof.gif} _httpiconehlon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/ehlon.gif} ## "BEZ ZVÝRAZNĚNÍ" ## document_button ## enhl ## _httpiconenhlof_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/enhlof.gif} _httpiconenhlon_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/enhlon.gif} ###################################################################### # 'search' page package query ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # this if statement produces the text 'results n1 - nn for query: querystring' or # 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were # any matches _textquerytitle_ [l=cs] {_If_(_thislast_,výsledky _thisfirst_ - _thislast_ na dotaz: _cgiargq_,Žádné výsledky na dotaz: _cgiargq_)} _textnoquerytitle_ [l=cs] {Vyhledávací strana} _texticonthispage_ [l=cs] {hledej} _textsome_ [l=cs] {_If_(_cgiargb_,ranked,některá)} _textall_ [l=cs] {_If_(_cgiargb_,boolean,všechna)} _textformsome_ [l=cs] {_If_(_cgiargb_,ranked,některá)} _textformall_ [l=cs] {_If_(_cgiargb_,natural,všechna)} _texticonqueryresultsbar_ [l=cs] {} _texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=cs] {historie dotazů} #alt text for query buttons _textusequery_ [l=cs] {použij tento dotaz} _textfreqmsg1_ [l=cs] {Počet slov: } _textpostprocess_ [l=cs] {_If_(_quotedquery_,
post-processed to find _quotedquery_ )} _textmorethan_ [l=cs] {Více než } _textapprox_ [l=cs] {Kolem } _textnodocs_ [l=cs] {Nebyl nalezen žádný dokument. Zkontrolujte prosím dotaz a nastavení.} _text1doc_ [l=cs] {Nalezen 1 dokument.} _textlotsdocs_ [l=cs] {dokument(ů) souhlasí s dotazem.} _textmatches_ [l=cs] {Výsledky} _textbeginsearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej} _textrunquery_ [l=cs] {Spusť dotaz} _textclearform_ [l=cs] {Vymaž formulář} #these go together in form search: #"Word or phrase (fold, stem) ... in field" _textwordphrase_ [l=cs] {Slovo nebo frázi} _textinfield_ [l=cs] {... v poli} _textfoldstem_ [l=cs] {(velikost znaků, stemming)} _textadvquery_ [l=cs] {Nebo zadejte dotaz přímo:} _textallfields_ [l=cs] {Všechna pole} _textand_ [l=cs] {and} _textor_ [l=cs] {or} _textandnot_ [l=cs] {not} # _hselection_, _jselection_, _nselection_ and _gselection_ are set from # within the server some or all of them may remain unset _textsimplesearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej _If_(_hselection_, _hselection_) _If_(_jselection_, _textjselect_) _If_(_gselection_, na _gselection_ úrovni) _If_(_nselection_, v jazyce _nselection_ ) obsahující _querytypeselection_ ze slov} _textadvancedsearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej _If_(_hselection_, _hselection_, _defaultindextext_) _If_(_jselection_,_textjselect_) _If_(_gselection_, na úrovni _gselection_ )_If_(_nselection_, v jazyce _nselection_) pomocí _querytypeselection_ dotazů} _textformsimplesearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej _If_(_hselection_, _hselection_) _If_(_jselection_, _textjselect_) _If_(_gselection_, na úrovni _gselection_) _If_(_nselection_, v jazyce _nselection_) obsahující _formquerytypeselection_ z} _textformadvancedsearch_ [l=cs] {Hledej _If_(_hselection_, _hselection_, _defaultindextext_) _If_(_jselection_,_textjselect_) _If_(_gselection_, na úrovni _gselection_)_If_(_nselection_, v jazyce _nselection_) a zobraz výsledky v _formquerytypeselection_ pořadí} _textjselect_ [l=cs] {_If_(_hselection_, z) _jselection_} _textdatesearch_ [l=cs] {V této kolekci lze vyhledávat dokumenty podle určeného časového rozmezí (např. od - do). Specifikace data není povinná.} _textstartdate_ [l=cs] {Počáteční (nebo jediné) datum:} _textenddate_ [l=cs] {Koncové datum:} _textbc_ [l=cs] {B.C.E.} _textad_ [l=cs] {C.E.} _textexplaineras_ [l=cs] {C.E. a B.C.E představují alternativu pro A.D.(našeho letopočtu) a B.C.(Před Kristem). C.E. a B.C.E. jsou pokládány za kulturně nezávislá časová vymezení. Zkratky jsou rozepsány jako 'Common Era' a 'Before the Common Era'} _textstemon_ [l=cs] { (ignoruj (anglické) koncovky)} _textsearchhistory_ [l=cs] {Historie dotazů} #text macros for search history _textnohistory_ [l=cs] {Historie dotazů není dostupná} _texthresult_ [l=cs] {výsledek} _texthresults_ [l=cs] {záznamů} _texthallwords_ [l=cs] {všechna slova} _texthsomewords_ [l=cs] {nejméně 1 slovo} _texthboolean_ [l=cs] {boolean} _texthranked_ [l=cs] {ranked} _texthcaseon_ [l=cs] {záleží na velikosti písma} _texthcaseoff_ [l=cs] {nezáleží na velikosti písma} _texthstemon_ [l=cs] {automatické doplnění koncovek } _texthstemoff_ [l=cs] {celé slovo musí souhlasit} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "search" ## green_title ## h_search ## _httpiconhsearch_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_search.gif} _widthhsearch_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthsearch_ [l=cs] {57} ## "results" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## qryresb ## _httpiconqryresb_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/qryresb.gif} _widthqryresb_ [l=cs] {_pagewidth_} _heightqryresb_ [l=cs] {17} ## "history" ## green_bar_left_aligned ## schhistb ## _httpiconsrchhistb_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/schhistb.gif} _widthsrchhistb_ [l=cs] {_pagewidth_} _heightsrchhistb_ [l=cs] {17} ## "display" ## hand_made ## _httpicondisplay_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/display.gif} _widthdisplay_ [l=cs] {60} _heightdisplay_ [l=cs] {20} ###################################################################### # 'preferences' page package preferences ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textprefschanged_ [l=cs] { Preference byly nastaveny. Nepoužívejte tlačítka "zpět" - změna by se neprojevila! Použijte některé z tlačítek na našem navigačním panelu. } _textsetprefs_ [l=cs] {ulož preference} _textsearchprefs_ [l=cs] {Preference pro vyhledávání} _textcollectionprefs_ [l=cs] {Preference kolekcí} _textpresentationprefs_ [l=cs] {Preference zobrazení} _textpreferences_ [l=cs] {Preference} _textcasediffs_ [l=cs] {VELKÁ,malá písmena:} _textignorecase_ [l=cs] { ignoruj velikost znaků} _textmatchcase_ [l=cs] { velká/malá písmena musí souhlasit} _textwordends_ [l=cs] {Anglické koncovky:} _textstem_ [l=cs] { automaticky doplň} _textnostem_ [l=cs] { celá slova musí souhlasit} _textprefop_ [l=cs] {Vyhledej _maxdocoption_ záznamů. Zobraz _hitsperpageoption_ na jedné stránce.} _textextlink_ [l=cs] {Přístup na externí www stránku:} _textintlink_ [l=cs] {Zdrojové dokumenty vyhledány z:} _textlanguage_ [l=cs] {Jazyk komunikace:} _textencoding_ [l=cs] {Kódování:} _textformat_ [l=cs] {Formát interface:} _textall_ [l=cs] {all} _textquerymode_ [l=cs] {Mód dotazu:} _textsimplemode_ [l=cs] { jednoduchý dotaz} _textadvancedmode_ [l=cs] { rozšířený dotaz (booleho operátory &, |, ! a závorky)} _textlinkinterm_ [l=cs] {přes vloženou stránku} _textlinkdirect_ [l=cs] {jdi tam přímo} _textdigitlib_ [l=cs] {digitální knihovna} _textweb_ [l=cs] {web} _textgraphical_ [l=cs] {Grafický} _texttextual_ [l=cs] {Textový} _textcollectionoption_ [l=cs] {

Subkolekce k zobrazení:
} _textrelateddocdisplay_ [l=cs] {zobraz příbuzné dokumenty} _textsearchhistory_ [l=cs] {Historie dotazů:} _texthistorydisplay_ [l=cs] { ukaž _historynumrecords_posledních dotazů} _textnohistorydisplay_ [l=cs] { nozobrazuj historii dotazů} _texttypesearch_ [l=cs] {Druh dotazu:} _texttextsearch_ [l=cs] {do textu} _textformsearch_ [l=cs] {do polí} _textqueryboxsize_ [l=cs] {Velikost formuláře:} _textregbox_ [l=cs] { normální} _textbigbox_ [l=cs] { zvětšený} _textformtype_ [l=cs] {Forma dotazu:} _textsimple_ [l=cs] { jednoduchý} _textadvanced_ [l=cs] { rozšířený} # used in "with 4 fields" in the form search box _textwith_ [l=cs] {s} _textfields_ [l=cs] {poli} #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ## "preferences" ## green_title ## h_pref ## _httpiconhpref_ [l=cs] {_httpimg_/cs/h\_pref.gif} _widthhpref_ [l=cs] {200} _heighthpref_ [l=cs] {57} ##################################################################### # 'browse' package for the dynamic browsing interface package browse ##################################################################### _textsortby_ [l=cs] {Setřiď dokumenty } _textalsoshowing_ [l=cs] {ukazující také} _textwith_ [l=cs] {s nanejvýš} _textdocsperpage_ [l=cs] {dokumenty na stránce} _textfilterby_ [l=cs] {Jen dokumenty obsahující} _textall_ [l=cs] {všechna} _textany_ [l=cs] {jakákoliv} _textwords_ [l=cs] {slova} _textleaveblank_ [l=cs] {ponechte toto pole prázdné, chcete-li obdržet všechny dokumenty} _browsebuttontext_ [l=cs] {"Setřiď dokumenty"} _nodata_ [l=cs] {no data} _docs_ [l=cs] {dokumenty} ###################################################################### # 'help' page -- this is lower priority for translating than the # rest of this file package help ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textHelp_ [l=cs] {Help} _textSearchshort_ [l=cs] {search for particular words} _textSeriesshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by series} _textDateshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by date} _textSubjectshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by subject} _textToshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by To field} _textFromshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by From field} _textTitleshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by title} _textBrowseshort_ [l=cs] {browse publications} _textCreatorshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by author} _textOrganizationshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by organization} _textHowtoshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by "how to" listing} _textTopicshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by topic} _textPeopleshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by people} _textLanguageshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by language} _textAcronymshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by acronym occurance} _textPhraseshort_ [l=cs] {browse phrases occurring in publications} _textArtistshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by artist} _textSourceshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by filename} _textKeywordshort_ [l=cs] {access publications by keyword} _textdefaultshorttext_ [l=cs] {undefined classification} _textSearchlong_ [l=cs] {

You can search for particular words that appear in the text from the "search" page. This is the first page that comes up when you begin, and can be reached from other pages by pressing the search button. } _textTitlelong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by title by pressing the titles a-z button. This brings up a list of books in alphabetic order. } _textOrganizationlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by organisation by pressing the organisations button. This brings up a list of organisations. } _textHowtolong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by "how to" listing by pressing the how to button. This brings up a list of how to strings. } _textCreatorlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by author by pressing the authors a-z button. This brings up a list of books, sorted by author name. } _textTopiclong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by topic by pressing the topic button. This brings up a list of topics to browse. } _textSubjectlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by subject by pressing the subjects button. This brings up a list of subjects, represented by bookshelves. } _textTolong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by To field by pressing the to button. This brings up a list of addressees. } _textFromlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by From field by pressing the from button. This brings up a list of senders. } _textSerieslong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by series by pressing the series button. This brings up a list of those series which are currently in the collection. } _textDatelong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by date by pressing the dates button. This brings up a list of all the issues, sorted chronologically. } _textBrowselong_ [l=cs] {

You can browse publications by pressing the browse button. } _textPeoplelong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by people by pressing the people a-z button. This brings up a list of entries, sorted by surname. } _textLanguagelong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by language by pressing the languages button. This brings up a list of entries, sorted by language. } _textAcronymlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by acronym occurance by pressing the acronyms button. This brings up a list of the acronyms, and the places that they occur. } _textPhraselong_ [l=cs] {

You can browse phrases occurring in publications by pressing the phrases button. This uses the phind phrase browser. } _textArtistlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by artist by pressing the artists button. This brings up a list of entries, sorted by artist name. } _textSourcelong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by filename by pressing the filenames button. This brings up a list of entries, sorted by original filename. } _textKeywordlong_ [l=cs] {

You can access publications by keyword by pressing the keywords button. This brings up a list of keywords. } _textdefaultlongtext_ [l=cs] {

Click on the unknown button to browse publications (listing is sorted by an unknown field). } _texthelptopics_ [l=cs] {


} # there are 4 versions of this section of the help text. # which version is used is currently set within the server # (it should probably use the macro language e.g. [type=book]) # 1 = html (like fao collections) -- section is empty # 2 = book (like hdl collection) -- macros beginning with book # 3 = bibliographic (like csbib) -- macros beginning with bib # 4 = standard (like gberg) -- the default _topicreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {
  • _textreadingdocs_} _textreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {How to read the documents} _booktextreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {How to read the books} _bibtextreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {Getting more information on a bibliography item} _texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {



    You can tell when you have arrived at an individual document because its title and author appear at the top left of the page. Beside these is the number of the current page, a box that allows you to select a new page, and forward and backward arrows.

    Underneath is the text of the current section. When you have read through it, there are arrows at the bottom to take you on to the next section or back to the previous one.

    Below the title and author are three buttons. Click on expand text to expand out the whole text of the current document. If the document is large, this could take a long time and use a lot of memory! Click on detach to make a new browser window for this document. (This is useful if you want to compare documents, or read two at once.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are highlighted. Click on no highlighting to remove the highlighting.

    Click on the arrow to go to the next section ...
    ... or back to the previous section
    Display all text, or not
    Open this page in a new window
    Highlight search terms, or not
    } _booktexthelpreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {



    You can tell when you have arrived at an individual book because there is a photograph of its front cover at the top left of the page. Beside the photograph is a table of contents with an arrow marking where you are. This table is expandable: click on the folders to open them or close them. Click on the open book at the top to close it.

    Underneath is the text of the current section. When you have read through it, there are arrows at the bottom to take you on to the next section or back to the previous one.

    Below the photograph are four buttons. Click on expand text to expand out the whole text of the current section, or book. If the book is large, this could take a long time and use a lot of memory! Click on expand contents to expand out the whole table of contents so that you can see the titles of all chapters and subsections. Click on detach to make a new browser window for this book. (This is useful if you want to compare books, or read two at once.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are highlighted. Click on no highlighting to remove highlighting.

    Open this bookshelf
    Open/close this book
    View this section of the text
    Display all text, or not
    Expand table of contents, or not
    Open this page in a new window
    Highlight search terms, or not
    Click the arrow to go to the next section ...
    ... or back to the previous section
    } _bibtexthelpreadingdocs_ [l=cs] {



    Some bibliography items contain more information, such as an abstract. You can tell from the query response page if this is the case because they are shown with the _icontext_ icon instead of the _iconblanktext_ icon.

    Clicking on the _icontext_ icon will give you more information about the bibliography item.

    Below the bibliography item are two buttons. Click on detach to make a new browser window for this book. (This is useful if you want to compare bibliography items.) Finally, when you do a search the words you search for are highlighted. Click on no highlighting to remove the highlighting.

    Open this page in a new window
    Highlight search terms, or not
    } _texthelpsearching_ [l=cs] {

    How to search for particular words

    From the search page, you make a query in these simple steps:

    1. Specify what items you want to search
    2. Say whether you want to search for all or just some of the words
    3. Type in the words you want to search for
    4. Click the Begin Search button

    When you make a query, the titles of twenty matching documents will be shown. There is a button at the end to take you on to the next twenty documents. From there you will find buttons to take you on to the third twenty or back to the first twenty, and so on. Click the title of any document, or the little button beside it, to see it.

    A maximum of 100 is imposed on the number of documents returned. You can change this number by clicking the preferences button at the top of the page.


    Search terms

    Whatever you type into the query box is interpreted as a list of words called "search terms." Each term contains nothing but alphabetic characters and digits. Terms are separated by white space. If any other characters such as punctuation appear, they serve to separate terms just as though they were spaces. And then they are ignored. You can't search for words that include punctuation.

    For example, the query

    will be treated the same as


    Query type

    There are two different kinds of query.

    Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a whole paragraph. If you specify only one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.

    _texthelpscope_ } _textdatesearch_ [l=cs] {Searching with Dates} _texthelpdatesearch_ [l=cs] {


    Date search lets you find documents that, as well as matching your search terms, are about events within a certain timeframe. You can search for documents from a certain year or from a range of years. Note that you do not have to have any search terms -- you can search by date alone; and also that you do not have to use dates in your search, if you do not type any dates in it is just the same as if the date search didn't exist.


    How to use this feature:


    The way results of your search work

    Generally speaking a search for documents about the year 1903 will not return documents that, say, reference books written in 1903, just documents about 1903. However, the way that the documents' dates are found, it will return documents that have a date range (for example 1899-1911) that includes 1903, and also those documents which, as part of their text name the century that 1903 is a part of (for example 20th century or twentieth century). This means that for some documents, the dates in your search will not actually appear in the document text. For a range search, all of this applies to every date in the range.

    } _textchangeprefs_ [l=cs] {Changing your preferences} _texthelppreferences_ [l=cs] {


    When you click the preferences button at the top of the page you will be able to change some features of the interface to suit your own requirements.


    Collection preferences

    Some collections comprise several subcollections, which can be searched independently or together, as one unit. If so, you can select which subcollections to include in your searches on the Preferences page.


    Language preferences

    Each collection has a default presentation language, but you can switch to a different language if you like. You can also alter the encoding scheme used by Greenstone for output to the browser -- the software chooses sensible defaults, but with some browsers better visual results can be used by switching to a different encoding scheme. All collections allow you to switch from the standard graphical interface format to a textual one. This is particularly useful for visually impaired users who use large screen fonts or speech synthesizers for output.


    Presentation preferences

    Depending on the particular collection, there may be several options you can set that control the presentation.

    Collections of Web pages allow you to suppress the Greenstone navigation bar at the top of each document page, so that once you have done a search you land at the exact Web page that matches without any Greenstone header. To do another search you will have to use your browser's "back" button. These collections also allow you to suppress Greenstone's warning message when you click a link that takes you out of the digital library collection and on to the Web itself. And in some Web collections you can control whether the links on the "Search Results" page take you straight to the actual URL in question, rather than to the digital library's copy of the page.


    Search preferences

    Two pairs of buttons control the kind of text matching in the searches that you make. The first set (labeled "case differences") controls whether upper and lower case must match. The second ("word endings") controls whether to ignore word endings or not. It is possible to get a large query box, so that you can easily do paragraph-sized searching. It is surprisingly quick to search for large amounts of text.

    For example, if the buttons ignore case differences and ignore word endings are selected, the query

    will be treated the same as

    because the uppercase letter in "African" will be transformed to lowercase, and the suffixes "n" and "ing" will be removed from "African" and "building" respectively (also, "s" would be removed from "builds").

    You can switch to an "advanced" query mode which allows you to combine terms using AND (&), OR (|), and NOT (!). This allows you to specify more precise queries. You can turn the search history feature, which shows you your last few queries. This makes it easy to repeat slightly modified versions of previous queries. Finally, you can control the number of hits returned, and the number presented on each screenful. } _texttanumbrowseoptions_ [l=cs] {There are _numbrowseoptions_ ways to find information in this collection:} _textsimplehelpheading_ [l=cs] {How to find information in the _collectionname_ collection} _texthelpscope_ [l=cs] {


    Scope of queries

    In most collections you can choose different indexes to search. For example, there might be author or title indexes. Or there might be chapter or paragraph indexes. Generally, the full matching document is returned regardless of which index you search.

    If documents are books, they will be opened at the appropriate place. }