#!/usr/bin/perl use usabcgi; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; print "Greenstone Usability - Track Report\n"; usabcgi::printscript; usabcgi::printstyle($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}); print "\n"; usabcgi::printbanner("Track Report"); usabcgi::printaplinks; usabcgi::checkidno; %reportvals=usabcgi::getusabreportdetails; print "

Your automatically generated report ID number is: $reportvals{\"report-id\"}

\n"; print "

Thank you very much for helping us improve the usability of the Greenstone software\n

We received your report at $reportvals{\"time\"}, any updates are shown below.\n

To track this report continue to use the URL http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}?$ENV{QUERY_STRING}.\n"; print "

Updates on this report

\n"; if(!(defined($reportvals{"update"}))){ print "

None at this time.

\n"; } else { print $reportvals{"update"}; } print "

Contact us with any queries or if you would like this report to be removed from the database. Please include your report ID number ($ENV{QUERY_STRING}) if your query concerns this report specifically.\n"; print "";