# this file must be UTF-8 encoded ###################################################################### # # English Language text and icon macros # -- this file contains text that is of less importance ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # 'home' page package home ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _documents_ _lastupdate_ [l=id] {Pembaharuan terakhir} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _ago_ # -- Missing translation: _colnotbuilt_ # -- Missing translation: _textpagetitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textadmin_ # -- Missing translation: _textabgs_ # -- Missing translation: _textgsdocs_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgli_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrcollector_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrtranslator_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescradmin_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgogreenstone_ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgodocs_ # -- Missing translation: _textpoem_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgreenstone_ #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textdescrselcol_ # -- Missing translation: cgli # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcgliof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcglion_ # -- Missing translation: _widthcgli_ # -- Missing translation: ccol # -- Missing translation: _httpiconccolof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconccolon_ # -- Missing translation: _widthccol_ # -- Missing translation: ctrans # -- Missing translation: _httpiconctransof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconctranson_ # -- Missing translation: _widthctrans_ # -- Missing translation: cadmin # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcadminof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcadminon_ # -- Missing translation: _widthcadmin_ # -- Missing translation: cabgs # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcabgsof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcabgson_ # -- Missing translation: _widthcabgs_ # -- Missing translation: cgsdoc # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcgsdocof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconcgsdocon_ # -- Missing translation: _widthcgsdoc_ ###################################################################### # home help page package homehelp ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _text4buts_ # -- Missing translation: _textnocollections_ # -- Missing translation: _text1coll_ # -- Missing translation: _textmorecolls_ ###################################################################### # external link package package extlink ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textextlink_ # -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfound_ # -- Missing translation: _textextlinkcontent_ # -- Missing translation: _textlinknotfoundcontent_ # should have arguments of collection, collectionname and link # -- Missing translation: _foundintcontent_ #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ ###################################################################### # authentication page package authen ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textGSDLtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textusername_ # -- Missing translation: _textpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textmustbelongtogroup_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessageinvalid_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagefailed_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagedisabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagepermissiondenied_ # -- Missing translation: _textmessagestalekey_ ###################################################################### # 'docs' page package docs ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textnodocumentation_ # -- Missing translation: _textuserguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textinstallerguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textdeveloperguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textpaperguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textorganizerguide_ # -- Missing translation: _textgsdocstitle_ ###################################################################### # collectoraction package collector ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textdefaultstructure_ # -- Missing translation: _textmore_ _textcollector_ [l=id] {Kolektor} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 _textinfo_ [l=id] {Informasi koleksi} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textsrce_ # -- Missing translation: _textconf_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild_ # -- Missing translation: _textview_ # -- Missing translation: _textdel_ # -- Missing translation: _textexpt_ # -- Missing translation: _textdownloadingfiles_ # -- Missing translation: _textimportingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textbuildingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textcreatingcollection_ # -- Missing translation: _textcollectorblurb_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb1_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb2_ # -- Missing translation: _textcnc_ # -- Missing translation: _textwec_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb3_ # -- Missing translation: _textcb4_ # -- Missing translation: _textfsc_ # -- Missing translation: _textwtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textamd_ # -- Missing translation: _textetc_ # -- Missing translation: _textdtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textetcfcd_ # -- Missing translation: _textcaec_ # -- Missing translation: _textnwec_ # -- Missing translation: _textcianc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttsosn_ # -- Missing translation: _textsin_ # -- Missing translation: _textswts_ # -- Missing translation: _textatco_ # -- Missing translation: _textbtc_ # -- Missing translation: _textpvyh_ # -- Missing translation: _texttfsiw_ # -- Missing translation: _textadab_ # -- Missing translation: _textwyar_ # -- Missing translation: _textcnmbs_ # -- Missing translation: _texteambs_ # -- Missing translation: _textpsea_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocmbs_ # -- Missing translation: _textwcanc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttfc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttctiasp_ # -- Missing translation: _textcea_ # -- Missing translation: _textteas_ # -- Missing translation: _textatc_ # -- Missing translation: _texttiasd_ _textypits_ [l=id] {Posisi anda dalam uraian ditunjukkan oleh panah di bawah--dalam hal ini, tahap "informasi koleksi". Untuk melanjutkan, klik pada tombol "data sumber" (source data).} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _srcebadsources_ # -- Missing translation: _textymbyco_ # -- Missing translation: _textbtco_ # -- Missing translation: _textand_ _textad_ [l=id] {Menambah data:} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _texttftysb_ # -- Missing translation: _textis_ # -- Missing translation: _textddd1_ # -- Missing translation: _textddd2_ # -- Missing translation: _textconf1_ # -- Missing translation: _textreset_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild1_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild2_ # -- Missing translation: _textstopbuild_ # -- Missing translation: _textbild3_ # -- Missing translation: _textbuildcancelled_ # -- Missing translation: _textbildcancel1_ # -- Missing translation: _textbsupdate1_ _textbsupdate2_ [l=id] {Status pembangunan ("building") dalam} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textseconds_ # -- Missing translation: _textbildsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textviewbildsummary_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg11_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg21_ # -- Missing translation: _textblcont_ _texttryagain_ [l=id] {Mohon memulai collector lagi dan coba ulang.} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg31_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg41_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailmsg71_ # -- Missing translation: _textretcoll_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelperm_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelinv_ # -- Missing translation: _textdelsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textclonefail_ # -- Missing translation: _textcolerr_ # -- Missing translation: _texttmpfail_ # -- Missing translation: _textmkcolfail_ # -- Missing translation: _textnocontent_ # -- Missing translation: _textrestart_ # -- Missing translation: _textreloaderror_ # -- Missing translation: _textexptsuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textexptfail_ #------------------------------------------------------------ # icons #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: h_colect # -- Missing translation: _httpiconhcolect_ # -- Missing translation: info # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcinfoof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcinfoon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycinfoof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycinfoon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconncinfoof_ # -- Missing translation: srce # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcsrceof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcsrceon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycsrceof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycsrceon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconncsrceof_ # -- Missing translation: conf # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcconfof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcconfon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycconfof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycconfon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconncconfof_ # -- Missing translation: bild # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcbildof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcbildon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycbildof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycbildon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconncbildof_ # -- Missing translation: view # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcviewof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcviewon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycviewof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconycviewon_ # -- Missing translation: _httpiconncviewof_ # -- Missing translation: del # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcdelof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcdelon_ # -- Missing translation: expt # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcexptof_ # -- Missing translation: _httpicongcexpton_ ###################################################################### # 'gsdl' page package gsdl ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone1_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone2_ # -- Missing translation: _textplatformtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone3_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone4_ # -- Missing translation: _textcustomisationtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textgreenstone5_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocumentationtitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textdocuments_ #_textthreedocs_ {There are three documents that explain the Greenstone system:} #_textinstall_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Installer's Guide} #_textuser_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software User's Guide} #_textdevelop_ {The Greenstone Digital Library Software Developer's Guide} # -- Missing translation: _textmailinglisttitle_ _textmailinglist_ [l=id] {Terdapat suatu milis (kelompok email) terutama untuk diskusi mengenai perangkat lunak perpustakaan digital Greenstone. Pengguna Greenstone aktif dipersilahkan bergabung dengan milis ini dan ikut serta dalam diskusi. Untuk bergabung, kunjungilah https://list.scms.waikato.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/greenstone-users. Untuk mengirim pesan ke milis, gunakan alamat greenstone-users@list.scms.waikato.ac.nz.} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textbugstitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textreport_ # -- Missing translation: _textgs3title_ # -- Missing translation: _textgs3_ # -- Missing translation: _textcreditstitle_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhoswho_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgslong_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userslistusers ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textlocu_ # -- Missing translation: _textuser_ # -- Missing translation: _textas_ # -- Missing translation: _textgroups_ # -- Missing translation: _textcomment_ # -- Missing translation: _textadduser_ # -- Missing translation: _textedituser_ # -- Missing translation: _textdeleteuser_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersedituser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textedituser_ # -- Missing translation: _textadduser_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutusername_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textoldpass_ # -- Missing translation: _textenabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textdisabled_ # -- Missing translation: _textaboutgroups_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package usersdeleteuser ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textdeleteuser_ # -- Missing translation: _textremwarn_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswd ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textchangepw_ # -- Missing translation: _textoldpw_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpw_ _textretype_ [l=id] {masukkan ulang password baru} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 ###################################################################### # 'users' page package userschangepasswdok ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textsuccess_ ###################################################################### # 'users' page package users ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textinvalidusername_ [l=id] {Nama pengguna salah.} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textinvalidpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textemptypassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textuserexists_ # -- Missing translation: _textusernameempty_ # -- Missing translation: _textpasswordempty_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpass1empty_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewpassmismatch_ # -- Missing translation: _textnewinvalidpassword_ # -- Missing translation: _textfailed_ ###################################################################### # 'status' pages package status ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textversion_ # -- Missing translation: _textframebrowser_ # -- Missing translation: _textusermanage_ # -- Missing translation: _textlistusers_ # -- Missing translation: _textaddusers_ # -- Missing translation: _textchangepasswd_ # -- Missing translation: _textinfo_ # -- Missing translation: _textgeneral_ # -- Missing translation: _textarguments_ # -- Missing translation: _textactions_ # -- Missing translation: _textbrowsers_ # -- Missing translation: _textprotocols_ # -- Missing translation: _textconfigfiles_ # -- Missing translation: _textlogs_ # -- Missing translation: _textusagelog_ # -- Missing translation: _textinitlog_ # -- Missing translation: _texterrorlog_ # -- Missing translation: _textadminhome_ # -- Missing translation: _textreturnhome_ # -- Missing translation: _titlewelcome_ # -- Missing translation: _textmaas_ # -- Missing translation: _textvol_ # -- Missing translation: _textcmuc_ # -- Missing translation: _textati_ # -- Missing translation: _texttsaa_ # -- Missing translation: _textcolstat_ _textcwoa_ [l=id] {Koleksi hanya tampak "sedang jalan" bila file "build.cfg" tersedia, dapat dibaca, mengandung medan "builddate" (tanggal pembentukan) yang sah (yaitu > 0), dan terdapat dalam direktori indeks dari koleksi (bukan di direktori "building"). } # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textcafi_ # -- Missing translation: _textcctv_ # -- Missing translation: _textsubc_ # -- Missing translation: _texteom_ # -- Missing translation: _textftum_ # -- Missing translation: _textmus_ ###################################################################### # 'bsummary' pages package bsummary ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textbsummary_ # -- Missing translation: _textflog_ ############################################################################ # # This stuff is only used by the usability (I'd like to Complain) stuff # ############################################################################ package Global # -- Missing translation: _greenstoneusabilitytext_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhy_ # -- Missing translation: _textextraforform_ # -- Missing translation: _textprivacybasic_ # -- Missing translation: _textstillsend_ # -- Missing translation: _texterror_ # -- Missing translation: _textyes_ # -- Missing translation: _textno_ # -- Missing translation: _textclosewindow_ # -- Missing translation: _textabout_ # -- Missing translation: _textprivacy_ # -- Missing translation: _textsend_ # -- Missing translation: _textdontsend_ _textoptionally_ [l=id] {Sebagai alternatif} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textunderdev_ # -- Missing translation: _textviewdetails_ # -- Missing translation: _textmoredetails_ # -- Missing translation: _texttrackreport_ # -- Missing translation: _textcharacterise_ # -- Missing translation: _textseverity_ # -- Missing translation: _textbadrender_ # -- Missing translation: _textcontenterror_ _textstrangebehaviour_ [l=id] {Tindak laku aneh} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textunexpected_ # -- Missing translation: _textfunctionality_ # -- Missing translation: _textother_ # -- Missing translation: _textcritical_ # -- Missing translation: _textmajor_ # -- Missing translation: _textmedium_ # -- Missing translation: _textminor_ # -- Missing translation: _texttrivial_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhatdoing_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhatexpected_ # -- Missing translation: _textwhathappened_ # -- Missing translation: _cannotfindcgierror_ # -- Missing translation: _textusabbanner_ ###################################################################### # GTI text strings package gti ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Missing translation: _textgti_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtierror_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtihome_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiselecttlc_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiselecttfk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgticoredm_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiauxdm_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiglidict_ _textgtiglihelp_ [l=id] {Bantuan GLI} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textgtiperlmodules_ _textgtigreenorg_ [l=id] {Greenstone.org} # Updated 1-Feb-2006 # -- Missing translation: _textgtienter_ # -- Missing translation: _textgticorrectexistingtranslations_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtidownloadtargetfile_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiviewtargetfileinaction_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksmatchingquery_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunkstranslated_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksrequiringupdating_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtinumchunksrequiringtranslation_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtienterquery_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtifind_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtitranslatingchunk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtiupdatingchunk_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtisubmit_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtilastupdated_ # -- Missing translation: _textgtitranslationfilecomplete_ ############ # gli page ############ package gli # -- Missing translation: _textgli_ # -- Missing translation: _textglilong_ # -- Missing translation: _textglihelp_