#!/usr/bin/perl use usabcgi; print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; print "Greenstone Usability - Report Details\n"; usabcgi::printscript; usabcgi::printstyle($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}); print "\n"; usabcgi::printbanner("Report Details"); usabcgi::printaplinks; usabcgi::checkidno; %reportvals=usabcgi::getusabreportdetails; print "

Your automatically generated report ID number is: $reportvals{\"report-id\"}"; $reportid = $reportvals{"report-id"}; delete $reportvals{"report-id"}; print "

The following technical information was automatically collected about your problem:

\n"; print "\n"; make_table_entry("The URL of the page where you were having problems","URL"); make_table_entry("the collection you were using when you had problems","collection"); make_table_entry("Time you opened the usability report window","opentime"); make_table_entry("Time you sent the usability report","sendtime"); make_table_entry("Time the report was received by the server","time"); make_table_entry("Your browser as it identifies itself","browser"); make_table_entry("Your browser as the server identifies it","browser-read-by-server"); make_table_entry("Your browser's IP number","browser-ip-no"); make_table_entry("The server's IP number","server-ip-no"); make_table_entry("Your language as recorded by your browser","language"); make_table_entry("The resolution of your screen","resolution"); make_table_entry("The colour of your screen","screencolour"); make_table_entry("The number of bits per pixel your display uses to represent colour","pixeldepth"); print "
"; print "

You provided us with the following extra information about the problem

\n"; print"\n"; make_table_entry("How bad the problem was","severity"); make_table_entry("What kind of problem it was","probtype"); make_table_entry("Other details","moredetails"); print "
\n"; print "

The following data was automatically collected from the form on the Greenstone interface

\n"; print"\n"; print "\n"; foreach $key (keys(%reportvals)){ if($key ne "update"){ $key=~/-/; print "\n"; } } print "
Type of inputName of inputValue of input
\n"; print "

Contact us with any queries or if you would like this report to be removed from the database. Please include your report ID number ($reportid) if your query concerns this report specifically."; print ""; #This function takes a key into the report values interface, and a desription # of what that entry means, and makes a properly formatted html table entry sub make_table_entry { local ($desc, $entry) = @_; print "$desc:"; print "$reportvals{$entry}\n"; delete $reportvals{$entry}; }