D, R. MONK TELEPHONE 548 55 COURT CRESCENT SuPCLPT HOURal 12 5 PANMURE 0 7 AUCKLAND, NO HOURS ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 7. Dear Nrs. Koroki Lahuta, Very good friends of ours, The Karquese and The karquesa di intagliari of Florence, Italy are at present in New Zealand and will be passing through Ngaruawahia,-together with us-, on Sunday 26th February in the afternoon. If it meets with your approval, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce them to you and your husband. If you would k'_ndly consent, we would also like to show them the meeting house, the 19arae and the Pah, so that when they leave New Zealand they should have a thorough knowledge of the Naori people and their most important institutions and buildings. The farquese belongs to one of the oldest families of nobility in Italy. His wise, The Earquesa, comes originally from sydney. The harquese was Italian Ambassador at the Court of Queen Victoria, also in Xashington, Paris, Chile, Rumania and many other European capitals. He also was a member of the Italian Delegation at the Peace Conference at Versaille. in 1919. He retired from the diplomatic service about 15 years ago. At present, he is on an extended trip to Australia, Samoa and New Zealand. They will be leaving for Sydney