6.2: General Settings
This section explains how to review and alter the general settings associated with your collection. First, under "Design Sections", click "General".

Simple Instructions:
General settings

Simple Instructions:

Here the values provided during collection creation can be modified.

At the top of the page is an instruction box, which appears for each of the different sections. It contains a brief list of instructions to remind you what functionality is available.

First are the contact emails of the collection's creator and maintainer. The following field allows you to change the collection title. The folder that the collection is stored in is shown next, but this cannot be edited. The next one specifies (in the form of a URL) the icon to show at the top left of the collection's "About" page, and the next is the icon used in the Greenstone library page to link to the collection. Then, a checkbox controls whether the collection should be publicly accessible. Finally comes the "Collection Description" text area as described in Creating A New Collection.