# this file must be UTF-8 encoded package collector _imagethispage_ {_textcollector_} # _pagescriptextra_ will be set to the appropriate _***scriptextra_ # macro from within the server _pagescriptextra_ {} # a plain header for those pages that need it (the _pagebanner_ macro # will be set to this by the server for those pages. _plainbanner_ {} # dont want links to "help" or "preferences" pages from within # collector _globallinks_ {_homelink_} ####################################################################### # icons _iconcross_ {} _iconcross_ [v=1] {no} _icontick_ {} _icontick_ [v=1] {yes} _iconblank_ {} _iconblank_ [v=1] {} _imagemore_ {_textmore_} _imagemore_ [v=1] {_textmore_} _icongreyarrow_ {} _icongreyuparrow_ {} _iconstop_ {} ####################################################################### # http macros _httpinfo_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&p=info} _httpview_ {_gwcgi_?a=p&p=about&c=_cgiargbc1dirnameUrlsafe_} ####################################################################### # intro ####################################################################### _introscriptextra_ {} _introcontent_ {









} ####################################################################### # existing (Changing an existing collection page) ####################################################################### _existingscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; if (gotopage == "srce") \{ form.bc1esrce.value = "1"; \} if (gotopage == "conf") \{ form.bc1econf.value = "1"; \} form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} function do\_delete () \{ var form = document.collectorform; var i = form.bc1dirname.selectedIndex; var del = confirm ("Confirm deletion of " + form.bc1dirname.options[i].value + " collection?"); if (del) \{ form.bc1dodelete.value = "1"; form.submit(); \} \} } _changeexisting_ {


1. _textsrce_ _textamd_
2. _textconf_ _textetc_
3. _textdel_ _textdtc_
4. _textexpt_ _textetcfcd_
} _existingcontent_ {



_If_("_fullnamemenu_" eq "",


} ####################################################################### # new (Create a new collection page) ####################################################################### _newscriptextra_ {} _newcontent_ {



1. _textinfo_ _textsin_
2. _textsrce_ _textswts_
3. _textconf_ _textatco_
4. _textbild_ _textbtc_
5. _textview_ _textpvyh_





} ####################################################################### # info (Collection information page) ####################################################################### _infoscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; if (form.bc1fullname.value.match(/^\\s*$/)) \{ alert("_textcnmbs_"); form.bc1fullname.focus(); return; \} else if (form.bc1contactemail.value.match(/^\\s*$/)) \{ alert("_texteambs_"); form.bc1contactemail.focus(); return; \} else if (!form.bc1contactemail.value.match(/^([^@]+)@(.+)$/)) \{ alert("_textpsea_"); form.bc1contactemail.focus(); return; \} else if (form.bc1aboutdesc.value.match(/^\\s*$/)) \{ alert("_textdocmbs_"); form.bc1aboutdesc.focus(); return; \} form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _infocontent_ {











} ####################################################################### # srce (Source data page) ####################################################################### # _fullnamemenu is set from within the server. If it's empty there are # no valid collections _fullnamemenu_ {} _srcescriptextra_ { var selectedindex = _selectedindex_; function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.bc1fromsrce.value = "1"; form.submit(); \} function menuchange () \{ var form = document.collectorform; var warnlist = new Array (_warnindex_); if (warnlist[form.bc1clonecol.selectedIndex] == 1) \{ alert ("The collection you are cloning has a non-standard input file\\n" + "format, and/or uses metadata specified in auxiliary files. If your\\n" + "new input lacks this information, some browsing facilities may not\\n" + "work properly."); \} if (form.bc1clonecol.selectedIndex == 0) \{ form.bc1clone.value = "0"; \} else \{ form.bc1clone.value = "1"; \} if (form.bc1clonecol.selectedIndex == selectedindex) \{ form.bc1clonechanged.value = "0"; \} else \{ form.bc1clonechanged.value = "1"; \} \} function more () \{ var form = document.collectorform; form.bc1inputnum.value = parseInt(form.bc1inputnum.value) + 3; form.p.value = "srce"; if (!form.action.match(/sources$/)) \{ form.action += "#sources"; \} form.submit(); \} } _srcenew_ {


_If_("_badsources_" eq "1",_srcebadsources_,_srcenewcontent_) } _srcenewcontent_ { _textymbyco_

_textbtco_ _fullnamemenu_

} _srceappend_ {




_texttftysb_ } _srcecontent_ {
_If_("_cgiargbc1esrce_" eq "1",_srceappend_,_srcenew_)


_sourcelist_ _textddd1_

} ####################################################################### # conf (Configure collection page) ####################################################################### _confscriptextra_ { var changed = 0; function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; form.bc1cfgchanged.value = changed; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} function reset\_button () \{ document.collectorform.reset(); changed = 0; \} } _confcontent_ {



_iconstop_ _textreset_

} ####################################################################### # bild (main frameset for build page) ####################################################################### _bildcontent_ {
<body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p>You must have a frame enabled browser to obtain feedback on how the building process is progressing. The collection <i>will</i> continue to build as normal however. <table> <tr valign=center><td> To stop the building process at any time, click here. <br>The collection you are working on will remain intact. </td> <td><input type="submit" value="stop building"></td> </table> </body> } ####################################################################### # bildframe1 ####################################################################### # header overridden to allow base target to be set # also no page banner to maximise what we can fit in the frame without scrolling _bildframe1header_ {_cgihead_ _pagetitle_ _globalscripts_ _startspacer_ } _bildframe1header_[v=1] {_cgihead_ _pagetitle_ _globalscripts_ } _bildframe1scriptextra_ {} _bildframe1content_ {






} ####################################################################### # bildcancel ####################################################################### _bildcancelscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _bildcancelcontent_ {




} ####################################################################### # bildstatus ####################################################################### # special header for status page _bildstatusheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage" onLoad="initialize();")_startspacer_ } _bildstatusheader_[v=1] {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(onLoad="initialize();") } _bildstatusscriptextra_ { var timer = 5; function initialize() \{ setTimeout("count_down()",1000); \} function count_down() \{ if (timer==0) \{ window.status = ""; document.collectorform.submit(); \} else \{ if (timer==1) \{ window.status = "_textbsupdate1_"; \} else \{ window.status = "_textbsupdate2_ "+timer+" _textseconds_"; \} timer--; setTimeout("count_down()",1000); \} \} } _bildstatuscontent_ {
} ####################################################################### # bilddone ####################################################################### _bilddoneheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage")_startspacer_ } _bilddonescriptextra_ {} _bilddonecontent_ {



} ####################################################################### # bildfail ####################################################################### _bildfailheader_ {_cgihead_ _htmlhead_(class="bgimage")_startspacer_ } _bildfailscriptextra_ { function check\_submit (gotopage) \{ var form = document.collectorform; form.p.value = gotopage; form.submit(); \} } _bildfailcontent_ {
} # _textfailmsg_ will be set to one of the following macros from within # the server _textfailmsg1_ { _textfailmsg11_

} _textfailmsg6_ {_textfailmsg1_} _textfailmsg2_ { _textfailmsg21_



_texttryagain_ } _textfailmsg3_ { _textfailmsg31_



_texttryagain_ } _textfailmsg4_ { _textfailmsg41_


_faillog_ } _textfailmsg5_ {_textfailmsg4_} _textfailmsg7_ { _textfailmsg71_

_texttryagain_ } ####################################################################### # Error and message pages ####################################################################### _messagehead_ {

} _messagefoot_ {


} _messagefootnolink_ {
} _delpermissioncontent_ { _messagehead_

_textdelperm_ _messagefoot_ } _delinvalidcontent_ { _messagehead_

_textdelinv_ _messagefoot_ } _delsuccesscontent_ { _messagehead_

_textdelsuc_ _messagefoot_ } _clonefailcontent_ { _messagehead_

_textclonefail_ _messagefoot_ } _genericcontent_ { _messagehead_

_textcolerr_ _messagefoot_ } _tmpfailcontent_ { _messagehead_

_texttmpfail_ _messagefoot_ } _mkcolfailcontent_ { _messagehead_

_textmkcolfail_ _messagefoot_ } _nocollectioncontent_ { _messagehead_


_messagefootnolink_ } _reloaderrorcontent_ { _messagehead_


_messagefootnolink_ } _exptscriptextra_ {} _exptsuccesscontent_ { _messagehead_

_textexptsuc_ _messagefoot_ } _exptfailcontent_ { _messagehead_ _textexptfail_ _messagefoot_ } ################################################### ## text macros that are defined by another package ################################################### _textbild_ {_wizard:textbild_} _textview_ {_wizard:textview_} _textbildsuc_ {_wizard:textbildsuc_} _textviewbildsummary_ {_wizard:textviewbildsummary_} _textbild1_ {_wizard:textbild1_} _textbild2_ {_wizard:textbild2_} _textstopbuild_ {_wizard:textstopbuild_} _textbild3_ {_wizard:textbild3_} _textbuildcancelled_ {_wizard:textbuildcancelled_} _textbildcancel1_ {_wizard:textbildcancel1_} _textbsupdate1_ {_wizard:textbsupdate1_} _textbsupdate2_ {_wizard:textbsupdate2_} _textseconds_ {_wizard:textseconds_} _textfailmsg11_ {_wizard:textfailmsg11_} _textfailmsg21_ {_wizard:textfailmsg21_} _textblcont_ {_wizard:textblcont_} _textfailmsg31_ {_wizard:textfailmsg31_} _textfailmsg41_ {_wizard:textfailmsg41_} _textfailmsg71_ {_wizard:textfailmsg71_}