- name: Changing Ansible to use 'aptitude' as package installation manager apt: name=aptitude update_cache=yes state=latest force_apt_get=yes - name: Ensure that existing packages are up-to-date (within last 30 mins) apt: update_cache=yes state=latest force_apt_get=yes cache_valid_time=1800 - name: Install prerequisites apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=latest loop: [ 'subversion', 'build-essential', 'wget', # As well as using 'unzip', the greenstone3 compile sequence currently uses # 'zip' in a handful of places, such as: # /gli/makejar.sh 'zip', 'unzip', # Choosing to install the latest ImageMagick, rather than work # with the one included as a Greenstone3 extension, as that # latter is getting a bit old 'imagemagick', # The following needed for WebSwing on a headless server 'libxrender1', 'libxtst6', 'libxi6', 'xvfb', # The following are nice to have in general 'plocate', 'emacs-nox' ]