creator maintainer public true buildtype mgpp infodbtype gdbm indexes text dls.Title,ex.Title dls.Subject dls.Organization dls.Keyword levels section document plugin GreenstoneXMLPlugin plugin HTMLPlugin -description_tags plugin MetadataXMLPlugin plugin ArchivesInfPlugin plugin DirectoryPlugin classify List -metadata dls.Title -partition_type_within_level constant_size classify Hierarchy -metadata dls.Subject -sort dls.Title classify List -sort_leaf_nodes_using dls.Title -metadata dls.Organization -bookshelf_type always -partition_type_within_level constant_size classify List -metadata dls.Keyword -partition_type_within_level constant_size -buttonname Howto format CL4VList "[link][icon][/link][link][dls.Keyword][/link]" format SearchVList "[link][icon][/link]{If}{[parent(All\': \'):Title],[parent(All\': \'):Title]:}[link][Title][/link]" format VList "[link][icon][/link][highlight]{Or}{[Title],Untitled}[/highlight]{If}{[Date],
_textsource_[dmsafe:Source]}" format DocumentText "



[Text]" format DocumentImages true format DocumentButtons "Expand Text|Expand Contents|Highlight|Detach|Print" format DocumentSearchResultLinks true format HList "[link][highlight][Title][/highlight][/link]" format DocumentHeading "{Or}{[parent(Top):Title],[Title],untitled}
" format SearchTypes "plain,form" # strings that use macros # these don't need translating unless you want something different from the # default collectionmeta .text [l=en] "_labeltext_" collectionmeta .dls.Title,Title [l=en] "_labelTitle_" collectionmeta .dls.Subject [l=en] "_labelSubject_" collectionmeta .dls.Organization [l=en] "_labelOrganization_" collectionmeta .dls.Keyword [l=en] "_labelHowto_" collectionmeta .document [l=en] "_textbook_" collectionmeta .section [l=en] "_textchapter_" # -- English strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=en] "Cascading Style Sheets
Demo collection" collectionmeta depositormetadata [l=en] "{\"name\":\"dls.Title\",\"label\":\"Title\",\"tooltip\":\"dls.Title: The title of this resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dls.Organization\",\"label\":\"Organization\",\"tooltip\":\"dls.Organization: The organization responsible for producing this resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dls.Subject\",\"label\":\"Subject\",\"tooltip\":\"dls.Subject: The subject of this resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dls.Keyword\",\"label\":\"Keyword\",\"tooltip\":\"dls.Keyword: A more specific indication of what the resource can be used for.\",\"type\":\"text\"}, {\"name\":\"dls.Language\",\"label\":\"Language\",\"tooltip\":\"dls.Language: The language of this resource.\",\"type\":\"text\"}" # -- French strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=fr] "Démo de feuilles de styles en cascade (CSS)" # -- Spanish strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=es] "Colección de muestra CSS" # -- Simplified Chinese strings ---------------- collectionmeta collectionname [l=zh] "层级样式表
演示馆藏" # -- English text --------------------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=en] " This collection demonstrates Greenstone\'s use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for visual formatting in web browsers. (Greenstone uses CSS instead of HTML tables since version 2.63.) On every page, you can change the style-sheet in effect, to modify that page\'s appearance.

This collection contains the same material as the original Greenstone demo collection.

An macro file is used by the collection to provide the stylesheet switching. This redefines a few macros from the Style package: \_cssheader\_, to link to multiple stylesheets; \_optnavigationbar\_, to display the links to click; and \_pagescriptextra\_, to facilitate the switching when a link is clicked.

If you want to download any of these stylesheets for your own collections, here are links to them:

Using a downloaded stylesheet

" # -- French text --------------------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=fr] " Cette collection montre l'usage que fait Greenstone des feuilles de style en cascace (CSS) pour le formatage visuel dans les navigateurs Web. (Greenstone utilise les feuilles CSS à la place des tableaux HTML depuis la version 2.63.) Sur chaque page, vous pouvez changer la feuille de style utilisée, pour changer l'apparence de la page.

Cette collection contient les mêmes matériaux que la collection de démonstration originale de Greenstone.

Un fichier de macro est utilisé par cette collection pour permettre de changer de feuille de style. Cela redéfinit quelques macros du paquet Style : \_cssheader\_, pour permettre le lien vers plusieurs feuilles de style; \_optnavigationbar\_, pour afficher le lien à cliquer; et \_pagescriptextra\_, pour faciliter le changement de feuille de style quand on clique sur un lien.

Si vous voulez télécharger n'importe laquelle de ces feuilles de style pour vos propres collections, voici les liens qui y renvoient :

Utiliser une feuille de style téléchargée

" # -- Spanish text ----------------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=es] " Esta colección demuestra el uso de hojas de estilo (CSS) con Greenstone para el formateo visual en los navegadores web. (Greenstone usa CSS en vez de tablas HTML desde la version 2.63.) En cada página, puede cambiar la plantilla usada, para modificar la apariencia de la página.

Esta colección contiene el mismo material que la colección de demo original de Greenstone.

Un archivo se utiliza para proveer el cambio de plantilla de estilos. Este archivo redefine algunas macros del paquete Style: \_cssheader\_, para enlazar múltiples plantillas; \_optnavigationbar\_, para mostrar los links; y \_pagescriptextra\_, para facilitar el cambio cuando se selecciona un link.

Si quiere descargar cualquiera de estas plantillas para sus propias colecciones, aquí están los links a ellas:

Usar una plantilla descargada

" # -- Simplified Chinese text ----------------------- collectionmeta collectionextra [l=zh] " 本馆藏演示Greenstone使用层级样式表(CSS)定制网页浏览格式。(自2.63版本后,Greenstone使用CSS替换HTML表格。)每个页面都可通过修改对应的样式表来更改该页面的外观。




