# extra.dm file
# You can add collection specific macros in here
# Lines starting with a '#' are comments.
# Remember to include the package declaration
package about
_If_("_cgiargqt_" ne "1",
_If_("_cgiargu_" ne "1",_aboutqueryform_)
package Style
_cssheader_ {
body.bgimage \{ background: url("_httpimg_/chalk.gif") scroll repeat-y left top; \}
div.navbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}
div.divbar \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}
a.navlink \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_off.png"); \}
a.navlink_sel \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_green.png"); \}
a.navlink:hover \{ background-image: url("_httpimg_/bg_on.png"); \}
p.bannertitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}
p.collectiontitle \{background-image: url("_httpimg_/banner_bg.png"); \}
package query
_content_ {
_If_("_cgiargq_" ne "",
_pagefooterextra_ {