Greenstone3 now works with Fuseki3 as a WAR file within its
tomcat/webapps area
Installation of this extension follows the usual pattern:
For interative experiments with the Triplestore, you can then visit
the home page:
Go to the control panel:
The control panel lets you choose which dataset to work with through a
drop-down menu. For the Greenstone extension installation there
should only be one:
Pressing 'select' triggers a POST action to:
which triggers a redirect (through setting 'Location:' in the respose header) to:
A generic query to try out is:
select * where { ?s ?p ?o } limit 100
# ReverseProxying
If serving your Greenstone3 through a public facing web server, such as Apache2:
ProxyPass /greenstone3-lod3 http://localhost:4040
ProxyPassReverse /greenstone3-lod3 http://localhost:4040
then the installed '.tpl' files and the Location redirects don't work. Introducing
a base tag into the header such as: