# Installation/Compiling
Installation of this extension follows the usual pattern:
[ Currently we need to compile up Ruby, as Apache Jena uses this
scripting language to implement s-put, s-get, and related scripts.
These scripts are fairly simple, and an improvement would be to to
remove any GS3 dependencies on these, at which point Ruby (and
openssl) can be removed as dependencies ]
Successful execution of ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh installs the Fuseki3 WAR
file as:
Now run:
This restarts the Greenstone3 server to pick up on the newly installed
fuseki3.war file. This, in turn means, that the next URL request
(to run a ping test to see if /greenstone as a dataset already exists)
can take a while.
# Test Your SPARQL Endpoint
In your web browser, visit:
Adapt URL as need for your installation.
If you are unsure, run:
ant get-external-servlet-url
If you encounter issues, view the Tomcat's catalina.out log file:
You should seen logged entires similar to:
[2023-02-04 03:01:49] Config INFO FUSEKI_HOME=/home/greenstone3-svn/gs2build/ext/apache-jena
[2023-02-04 03:01:49] Config INFO FUSEKI_BASE=/home/greenstone3-svn/gs2build/ext/apache-jena/run3
[2023-02-04 03:01:49] Config INFO Shiro file: file:///home/greenstone3-svn/gs2build/ext/apache-jena/run3/shiro.ini
[2023-02-04 03:01:50] Config INFO Context path = /fuseki3
[2023-02-04 03:01:50] Config INFO Configuration file: /home/greenstone3-svn/gs2build/ext/apache-jena/run3/config.ttl
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO Configuration file: /home/greenstone3-svn/gs2build/ext/apache-jena/run3/config.ttl
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO System
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO Memory: 800.0 MiB
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO Java:
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO OS: Linux 4.19.0-20-cloud-amd64 amd64
[2023-02-04 03:01:51] Server INFO PID: 24253
Currently there is no content in the triplestore. For that, you need to adjust and then
build a collection.
# Building collections with Linked Open Data
To include Linked Data triples of the documents metadata to a collection,
add the following to its collectionConfig.xml file, and rebuild.
# Confirming Linked Open Data has been ingested
For interative experiments with the Triplestore, you can then visit
the home page:
and from there explore the interactive interface Fuseki provides to
the Jena TDB store.
For production use, it is common to be operating Greenstone3 through a
Reverse Proxy web server, such as Apache2 Assuming you are running
Greenstone3 through as:
which, using Apache Rewrite rules, is redirected
to the packages/tomcat instance that ships with Greenstone3 with:
# Make sure web sockets get passed on to 'ws://...'
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket
RewriteRule /(.*) ws://localhost:8383/$1 [P,L]
RewriteRule ^/$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/greenstone3/library [R,L]
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket
RewriteRule /(greenstone3|webswing-server|gs-cantaloupe|simpleAnnotationStore|rdf-editor)/(.*) http://localhost:8383/$1/$2 [P,L]
For this type of setup, the Fuseki triplstore can be accessed via:
A useful page to visit to test out your triple store is:
Make sure for 'dataset' you have the drop-down menu on:
In normal use of Greenstone3 with the apache-jena extension, this will
be the only item in the drop-down menu
By default it has the default SPARQL query loaded:
SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
?subject ?predicate ?object
Press the 'play' button to run the query.
Then you will get output similar to the following:
subject predicate object
# Adding in sparql.xsl to a collection
If needed:
mkdir $GSDL3HOME/sites//collect//transform
mkdir $GSDL3HOME/sites//collect//transform/pages
/bin/cp transform/pages/sparql.xsl $GSDL3HOME/sites//collect//transform/pages/.
If using a reverse-proxy web server:
emacs packages/apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0/webapp/xml-to-html-links.xsl
Then change:
Then copy:
cp packages/apache-jena-fuseki-3.17.0/webapp/xml-to-html-links.xsl $GSDL3SRCHOME/packages/tomcat/webapps/fuseki3/.
Also make sure you have set the reverse-proxy web server settings needed for Greenstone3 in:
emacs $GSDL3SRCHOME/build.properties
# SPARQL quieries
To run a SPARQL query directly, you would do:
For a proxied install you would (continuing the example) do:
Factoring in these details, it is possible to setup a transform/page/sparql.xsl page in Greenstone3 that is fully operational,
even in the ReverseProxying situation.
**** From here on, the instructions have not been updated to the newer /fuseki3 embeddedin GS3 Tomcat
One key step in sparql.xsl is to updated the form input argument for 'stylesheet' to specify the proxied prefix URL:
When asking for the SPARQL XML result to be transformed to html-links, the hyperlinks in the page generated
also need some tweaking. The Greenstone3 sparql.xsl page helps plumb the static files used back to the
/greenstone3-lod/ url, but inside 'xml-to-html-links.xsl' this sets another 'stylesheet=' argument that
needs to be updated to the ReverseProxy setup
You might need to reload the xml-to-html-links.xsl file in the browser if it has been cached before the change
% fgrep -rl xml-to-html etc/
# Note about Jena code:
Jena is a pure Java code base, and the relevant compiled jar files
are bundled with this extension, so no actual compilation is needed.
The main task CASCADE-MAKE.sh does is to untar the 'binary' files,
and setup them up in appropriate top-level ' lib' folder (for jar
files) etc so Greenstone can find them
In case it is ever needed, the companion source code is in 'src'
directory (taken from the Apache Jena website, matched to the binary
version). For source code, there was only a zip version of the file
to download.
To run the command-line client programs, such as 's-put', this
requires Ruby to be installed. The source code for this is
provided in the 'packages' directory, and compiled up and installed
as part of running ./CASCADE-MAKE.sh