gTimeline: Production oil and gas per month at Ekofisk

The element which draws the above chart:

<div id="sgvzl_example_query" 
   data-sgvizler-query="PREFIX fn: &lt;> SELECT xsd:date(?date) ?Oil_millSm &quot;&quot; &quot;&quot; ?Gas_billSm &quot;&quot; &quot;&quot; WHERE{ {[] a npdv:FieldProductionPeriod ; npdv:hasField &lt;> ; npdv:month ?month ; npdv:year ?year ; npdv:producedNetOilMillSm3 ?Oil_millSm ; npdv:producedNetGasBillSm3 ?Gas_billSm ; LET (?date := fn:concat(fn:concat(fn:concat(?year, &quot;-&quot;), ?month), &quot;-01&quot;)) FILTER (xsd:int(?year) &lt; 2011 &amp;&amp; xsd:int(?month) > 9)} UNION { [] a npdv:FieldProductionPeriod ; npdv:hasField &lt;> ; npdv:month ?month ; npdv:year ?year ; npdv:producedNetOilMillSm3 ?Oil_millSm ; npdv:producedNetGasBillSm3 ?Gas_billSm ; LET (?date := fn:concat(fn:concat(fn:concat(?year, &quot;-0&quot;), ?month), &quot;-01&quot;)) FILTER (xsd:int(?year) &lt; 2011 &amp;&amp; xsd:int(?month) &lt; 10) } }ORDER BY xsd:date(?date)" 
   style="width:800px; height:400px;"/>

The results of the query in gTable