This extension enhances Greenstone3's ability to process with images using the Google Vision API. This includes OCRing of text in documents, OCRing of text in photos, and labelling photos. Presentation of the OCR'd results in enhanced through the Mirador annotation viewer. At build-time, collections can tap into these capabilities using the plugins: At runtime #--- # Setup #--- Run: ./ # TLDR cd packages && ./ && cd .. # See packages/README.txt for more details # TLDR cd src && ./ && ./ && ./ && cd .. # See src/README.txt for more details Review: Copy to: ant-start-settings.bash And edit accordingly. This controls how Greenstone accesses the SimpleAnnotationServer. To enable the Google Vision API, set up a key etc, see: When you create a key, your browsesr downloads a JSON version of the key. #--- # Using the Extension: Build-time #--- The extension provides the GoogleVisionImagePlugin, for use in collections. Example use of the plugin: The plugin currently has a hard-wired filename for the Google service key. This need's to be in the collection's 'etc' directory as follows: etc/my-google-service-account-key.json For the 'atea-storage' Google Cloud Project, for example, a redacted version of the JSON key file looks like: { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "atea-storage", "private_key_id": "7bc843de4257da515193eaa5b60468fcab5b3948", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n???????.........??????=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "", "client_id": "123???...????", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" } #--- # Using the Extension: Runtime #--- Check out the 'intermuse' site and interface Build the intermuse-demo collection Visit the built collection in your browser