# Installation This extension can be added to Greenstone3 by running cd web ./INSTALL.sh cd .. # Compilation The extension ships with a ready-to-go JAR/WAR file, and so no compilation is actually needed to install and use webswing However, if you do want to compile up theextension, then you need Maven and NodeJS installed. For example, using version of these command-line tools that are known to work: # # Assuming # ./get-selfcontained-jdk.sh # already done, then ... # # One time only setup # pushd ../../ext-cli ./get-selfcontained-mvn.sh ./get-selfcontained-nodejs.sh popd # # When starting a new terminal # pushd ../.. . ./gs3-setup-cli.sh popd # Troubleshooting 1. JDK -- JAVA_HOME One of the 'mvn' tasks was found to need JAVA_HOME set. If using ./get-selfcontained-jdk.sh to provide java/javac, then this is set for you. 2. Gnome/Freedesktop/XDG 'trash' command-line utility If you are compiling this up outside of your home directory (say /opt/greenstone3-svn/ext/webswing) then you will need a a directory: /.Trash-$UID for the 'trash' command-line utility to function correctly. When the issue was enounctered, the particular trash folder that yielded the error was: /.Trash-1000 Explaniation: For one of the mvn stages for compiling, it looks to run a npm 'clean' target, before compiling. The clean target uses 'trash', which (if things have previously been run) there there is a directory that needs to be moved to its 'trash folder'. When running in a disk partition that does not contian your /home/ account, then the XDG specification specifies this to be /.Trash-$UID