# secret signing key for JWT tokens, should be at least 128 characters long string # - change this to a random alphanumeric string in production # - same secret must be present in admin console's webswing-admin.properties if you are using admin console webswing.connection.secret = Jco55eah9s0SQVXv4EYrau0hq40GaR6JxVzGA9jFuwqqDnmnljt2cwdkCyqcCv1zfLVM3ziUE3qxyvPKViVlYqNMTSMEOGkH6fhNFbm66Yd6EpgGVydtTXwK9iw1bjv1 # use this property to provide secret key from a file #webswing.connection.secret.file = secret.key # websocket URL of this server, if deployed outside embedded Jetty webswing.server.websocketUrl = @internal-ws-webswingserver@ #Custom ssl context configuration for websocket connection to Webswing server webswing.server.websocket.truststore.type = jks webswing.server.websocket.truststore = @gsdl3srchomeunix@/web/ext/webswing/ssl/gs3-webswing-truststore.jks webswing.server.websocket.truststore.password = 123123 webswing.server.websocket.hostnameVerifier.disabled = true #webswing.server.websocket.proxyUri = http://myproxy:8080