package build _header_ { _1_


} _footer_ { _iconblankbar_ } _frameheader_ { _1_ } _framefooter_ { } _wizardfooter_ { } _httpiconstop_ {_httpimg_/stop.gif} _iconwizardnext_{_texticonwizardnext_} _iconwizardnext_[v=1] {_texticonwizardnext_} _iconwizardcurr_{_texticonwizardcurr_} _iconwizardprev_{_texticonwizardprev_} _iconwizardprev_[v=1] {_texticonwizardprev_} _iconwizardreset_{_texticonwizardreset_} _iconwizardreset_[v=1] {_texticonwizardreset_} _texticonwizardnext_ {to next page} _texticonwizardcurr_ {this page} _texticonwizardprev_ {to previous page} _texticonwizardreset_ {reset page} # new collection _bcargfullname_ {} _bcargcontactemail_ {} _bcargaboutdesc_ {} _bcargsrcformat_ {TEXT} _bcarginputdir_ {} _bcargcopydir_ {yes} _bcargingsdlarea_ {no} _bcargacronyms_ {off} _bcargrefine_ {} # delete collection _bcargfullnameindex_ {0} _bcargdeletearea_ {archives} _bcargdirname_ {} # build collection _bcargcopydata_ {false} _bcargdoimport_ {true} _bcargdobuild_ {true} _commonjavascript_ { function simulate_get_action(args) \{ var form = document.form; args += "&bc1fullname=" + escape(form.bc1fullname.value); args += "&bc1contactemail=" + escape(form.bc1contactemail.value); args += "&bc1aboutdesc=" + escape(form.bc1aboutdesc.value); args += "&bc1srcformat=" + escape(form.bc1srcformat.value); args += "&bc1inputdir=" + escape(form.bc1inputdir.value); args += "&bc1copydir=" + escape(form.bc1copydir.value); args += "&bc1ingsdlarea=" + escape(form.bc1ingsdlarea.value); args += "&bc1acronyms=" + escape(form.bc1acronyms.value); args += "&bc1refine=" + escape(form.bc1refine.value); args += "&wizard=" + escape(form.wizard.value); document.location = args; \} function prev_page(new_wizard) \{ var form = document.form; form.wizard.value = new_wizard; simulate_get_action("_httpbuild_&bca=newcol"); \} } _wizardlink_ { } _wizardbar_ {
_wizardlink_(textinfo,Textual information) _wizardlink_(:source,Source data) _wizardlink_(:archiveopts,Archive options) _wizardlink_(:definished,Save)
Wizard page: Reset
} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Create a new collection #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmesstextinfo_ { New collection wizard: textual information } _contenttextinfo_ {
To create a new collection you are required to enter some preliminary information about the source data. This process is structured as a series of Web pages, overseen by the new-collection "wizard." The wizard bar at the bottom of the page shows you the sequence of pages to be completed. You can return to a previous page by clicking on the corresponding item in the wizard bar.
Title for collection:
The collection title is a text phrase that encapsulates the content of the collection and is used throughout the digital library. Example titles include "Computer Science Technical Reports" and "Humanity Development Library."
Contact email address:
This email address specifies the first point of contact for the collection. If the collection software detects a problem, then a diagnostic report is sent to this address. Enter an email address in its full form: name@domain.
About this collection:
A statement describing the principles governing what is included in the collection.


Next page_iconwizardnext_
_wizardbar_ } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmesssource_ { New collection wizard: source data } _contentsource_ {
Type of data:
This pull-down menu specifies the type of file format the source data is in: TEXT for plain text documents, HTML for Web pages and so for. Also listed in the pull-down menu are the permissible file names extensions (for instance .htm and .html) for the source files (Web pages in this case).
Input directory:
The input directory specifies where on the local disk the source data is located.


Next page_iconwizardnext_
_wizardbar_ } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmessarchiveopts_ { New collection wizard: archive options } _contentarchiveopts_ {
Copy data:
_If_("_bcargingsdlarea_" eq "yes", The input directory _bcarginputdir_ is internal to the Greenstone collection file area. In this situation the default behaviour is to build the collection directly from this source data. Use the pull-down menu to alter this behaviour. , The input directory _bcarginputdir_ is external to the Greenstone collection file area. Use this pull-down menu to control whether or not a copy of the data is made for collection building purposes. ) Note, once a collection has been built it is not necessary for the source data to remain in the Greenstone collection area -- the collection can be safely accessed, browsed and searched without this. If you wish, however, to make changes to the collection and then rebuild, the source data must still be available.


Next page_iconwizardnext_
_wizardbar_ } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmessdefinished_ { New collection wizard: data entry finished } _contentdefinished_ {
This concludes the data entry required to create a new collection.

Select "finish" to save your collection info and create the collection or select from the wizard bar to go back and change any of your previous selections.


_wizardbar_ } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Edit a collection #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmesseditcol_ { Edit a collection } _contenteditcol_ {

To edit the configuration settings for collection, first choose the collection to edit through the pulldown menu, then edit the data that appears. To commit your changes to disk, click on "Save configuration data".

Use the pull-down menu below to specify the collection to edit.

Alter the data below to change the configuration settings for the selected collection. Click on "Save configuration data" to commit your changes to disk.

 _iconwizardreset_Reset page      Save configuration data_iconwizardnext_ 
Don't Save configuration data_iconwizardnext_ 
} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Build a collection #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmessbuildcol_ { Build a collection } _allowcopydatano_ { No } _copydatatext_ { Copy data: Yes _If_("_bcargfirsttime_" eq "false",_allowcopydatano_)

Copying the data is necessary the very first time the collection is built. Subsequent builds do not need this option selected, unless new data has been added to the original data, in which case the data should be recopied. } _contentbuildcol_ {

_hiddenargs_ _If_("_bcargcopydir_" eq "yes", _copydatatext_ , )
Building a collection is a multi-staged process. After selecting the collection you wish to be built, you must specify which stages of the building process you want executed. _If_(_win32_,

It is recommended that you close all other windows and applications while building a collection as they may interfere with the building process.
Collection to build: _fullnamemenu_
Select from the pull-down menu the collection you wish to build.
Cache intermediate data: Yes No

To speed up the collection building process, intermediate data can be cached to file. Set this option to "yes" (the default) unless the collection is prohibitively large or the amount of available disk space is small.

Create indexes: Yes No

The final stage of building a collection is the creation of the indexes. Except in very unusual circumstances this option should be set to "yes" (the default).


 _iconwizardreset_Reset page     Build collection_iconwizardnext_ 
} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmessbuildframe_ { Executing build commands } _contentbuildframe_ { <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p>You must have a frame enabled browser to view this.</p> </body> } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# _headmessbuildexec_ { Executing build commands } _contentbuildexec_ {
The collection is now being built. See the building status line below for feedback on how the operation is progressing.
} package buildstatus _header_ { Building status

Building status:

} _footer_ { } _content_ { _contentpara_ } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Delete a collection #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# package build _headmessdelcol_ { Delete a collection } _contentdelcol_ {
Deletion of data from a collection can be selective or all encompassing. Use the options below to specify the required deletion operation.
Collection to delete: _fullnamemenu_
Use this pull-down menu to target the collection that has files deleted.
Type of data to delete: cached data cached and source data all data
There are three levels to deletion: cached data; cached and source data; and all data.

Cached data is generated during a building operation, and is superfluous to a collection that is "live". Keeping this data, however, can save time if the only required step in a rebuild is index creation.

Source data, like cached data, is superflous to a collection that is "live". However, you must keep this data if you intend to rebuild the collection in the future.

The final level to collection deletion is delete "all data" Selecting this option removes all traces of the collection from the digital library.


 _iconwizardreset_Reset page     Delete specified data_iconwizardnext_ 
} _headmesscollog_ { Collection Build Log } _contentcollog_ {
} package buildmess _headmess_ {} _headdone_ {Successful Operation} _headnosave_ {Configuration Unchanged} _headerror_ {Error Encountered} _messdonenewcol_ {

Configuration of the new collection was successfully saved. Would you like to:

} _messdoneeditcol_ {

Configuration of collection successfully updated. Would you like to:

} _messnosave_ {

Configuration unchanged. Would you like to:

} _messdonebuildcol_ {

The collection has been successfully built. Would you like to:

} _messdonedelcol_ {

Files successfully deleted. Would you like to:

} _messnofn_ {

Empty collection title
} _messconfigexists_ {

A configuration file already exists for this collection.
} _messerrorbuildcol_ {

An error was encountered during the building operation, and consequently the generated files have not been transfered to the "live" collection. Would you like to:

} _messerror_ {
An error was encountered.
} _content_ { _contentpara_ } _colexists_ {

The collection title you have specified already exists. Please choose another. }