accu 1 ACCU ag21 2 "Agenda 21" bgz 3 "BASIN - GTZ - SKAT" bostid 4 BOSTID cps 5 CPS cpas 6 "CTA Spore" cf 7 "Commonwealth Foundation" csu 8 "Computer Science Unplugged" dcs 9 "Development Consultancy Services" 1echo 0 E.C.H.O ecc 11 "EC Courier" ecdg8 12 "EC DG8" echo 13 "Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization" fao 14 FAO faobfs 15 "FAO Better Farming series" ceres 16 "FAO Ceres" ff 17 "Food First" ghp 18 GHP grain 19 GRAIN gret 20 GRET gtz 21 GTZ gate 22 "GTZ GATE Magazine" habitat 23 Habitat idrc 24 IDRC iisd 25 IISD irma 26 IRMA bp 27 "ITDG Boiling Point" itdg 28 "ITDG Food Chain" iis 29 "Indian Institute of Sciences" chandra 30 "Individual Contributor Chandrakant" alkire 31 "Individual Contributor S. Alkire" inforse 32 Inforse iirr 33 "International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)" msf 34 MSF ngls 35 NGLS norad 36 NORAD nri 37 NRI nsc 38 "North South Centre" op 39 "Orbi Pharma" oxfam 40 Oxfam pace 41 PACE paho 42 PAHO pc 43 "Peace Corps" pelum 44 Pelum sida 45 SIDA skat 46 SKAT tool 47 Tool un 48 UN unesco 49 UNESCO unicef 50 UNICEF fnb 51 "UNU Food and Nutrition Bulletin" unu 52 "UNU United Nations University" vso 53 VSO who 54 WHO wwf 55 WWF wwsf 56 WWSF wa 57 "Water Aid" winrock 58 Winrock ws 59 Workshop wb 60 "World Bank"