Fixes in 1.0.6: - -f works with binary files - w3mir will no longer use 'Referer: (commandline)' when a URL is derived from the commandline/config file. - More errormessage fixes - Fixed install instructions to warn against LWP 5.40. Fixes in 1.0.5: - Better error-messaged in -quiet mode - Fixed quoting. Both " and ' quotes in documents are accepted. - Fixed timeout handling. - Fixed broken connection handling. Incomplete documents are deleted and retried. - Fixed URL mangling problem. In 1.0.3 URLs like ``foo.html#bar'' would be rewritten to ``#bar''. This is quite bad and makes a lot of mirrors un-useable. - -v now prints LWPs version as well as w3mirs version Features/bugs in 1.0.5 - As earlier, w3mir does not support cookies. I have received a patch for basic cookie support but have not yet incorporated it due to time-restraints. - There actually exists web servers that break the HTTP standard rather thoroughly by not sending a Content-type header (this is mandatory in the standard). W3mir will not discover that a HTML file is HTML in this case and will not extract URLs from it. - If you rewrite the ending filename URLs with Apply rules (as in index.htm -> index.html) and there are links to index.htm#foo the link will be incorrect after mirroring. The solution is to avoid those kinds of rules. This was meant to be fixed in 1.0.3 (which broke it as described above), I will fix it when I get more time. The fix is to remove the #fragment part of URLs when they pass thru the apply machinery. Patches accepted. Fixes in 1.0.3: - The -R/remove option to remove files is no longer more destructive than intended. - Files with 'unsafe' characters in their filename is now saved as "foo bar" instead of "foo%20bar" - The -B switch works once again. Fixes in 1.0.2: - W3mir now only newline converts HTML files, all other files are handled as binary. This should ensure file-integrety even when working with mis-configured servers. Fixes in 1.0.1: -fa option and corresponding configuration file directive works again. - Added -nnc option and a corresponding configuration file directive. It disables newline conversions, which could corrupt files the Webserver mis-declares. The HOWTO explains the uses of -nnc