#Elements are *not* supported at this time, only Styles #The currently acceptable variable are... #pixelsBefore the height of space in pixels before a paragraph #pixelsAfter the height of space in pixels after a paragraph #patterndir the directory of the patterns #charset which is #either automatically recognized iso-8859-1 and utf-8, or an explicitly #specified charset from the command line, only the two thai ones whose name #i currently forget are alllowed. Element Bold { Start End } # How to disable the use of bold throughout a document #Element Bold # { # Start " " # End " " # } Element Italic { Start End } Element Font { Start "" End } #Some of the global options that we can tweak. Document { Start " $title " VTWIPS 76 HTWIPS 76 End "

Document converted from ms word 8 by MSWordView($version)
MSWordView written by Caolan McNamara " } # A style configuration has the following syntax #Style Name , Name is the name that word gives to the style. # { # Prespace string, prespace is designed to be a placeholder for # the vertical space that is at the beginning of # a paragraph # Start string, start is the starting tag of a style # Bold On/Off, Each one of these tags can be set to On or Off. # Off means that if the style according to word # should be bold, then that is ignored. On means # that mswordview follows what word says, if its # bold, it stays bold, if its not it stays non-bold. # Italic On/Off, # Font On/Off, # Default On/Off, Default On/Off sets the default handling for character # attributes in a style to On or Off, ala the Bold example. # End string, end is the ending tag of a style # Postspace string, postspace is designed to be a placeholder for # the vertical space that is at the end of a # paragraph # } Style Normal { PreSpace "
" Start "" End "" PostSpace "
" } #e.g. advanced configuration #if you want the default word heading to be just a

, and to ignore #the character formatting do something like this. Style "Heading 1" { PreSpace "
" Start

Default Off End

PostSpace "
" } Style "Heading 2" { PreSpace " " Start

Default Off End

PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 3" { PreSpace " " Start

Default Off End

PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 4" { PreSpace " " Start

Default Off End

PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 5" { PreSpace " " Start
Default Off End
PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 6" { PreSpace " " Start
Default Off End
PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 7" { PreSpace " " Start Default Off End PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 8" { PreSpace " " Start Default Off End PostSpace " " } Style "Heading 9" { PreSpace " " Start Default Off End PostSpace " " }