package status _header_ { _1_ } _footer_ { } _infoheader_ { _1_


} _infofooter_ {

_iconblankbar_ } _frameset_ { _titlewelcome_ <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p>_textframebrowser_</p> </body> } _select_ {



_texterrorlog_ _If_("_cgiarguma_" ne "\_cgiarguma\_",

_textchangepasswd_ )

_textprotocols_ } _textframebrowser_ {You must have a frame enabled browser to view this.} _textusermanage_ {User management} _textlistusers_ {list users} _textaddusers_ {add a new user} _textchangepasswd_ {change password} _textinfo_ {Technical information} _textgeneral_ {general} _textarguments_ {arguments} _textactions_ {actions} _textbrowsers_ {browsers} _textprotocols_ {protocols} _textconfigfiles_ {Configuration files} _textgsdlsite_ {gsdlsite.cfg} _textmaincfg_ {main.cfg}_ _textlogs_ {Logs} _textusagelog_ {usage log} _textinitlog_ {init log} _texterrorlog_ {error log} _textadminhome_ {admin home} _textreturnhome_ {Greenstone home} _titlewelcome_ { Administration } _welcome_ {

Maintenance and administration services available include:
  • view on-line logs
  • create, maintain and update collections
  • access technical information such as CGI arguments
These services are accessed using the side navigation bar on the lefthand side of the page.


Collection Status
Collections will only appear as "running" if their build.cfg files exist, are readable, contain a valid builddate field (i.e. > 0), and are in the collection's index directory (i.e. NOT the building directory).

click abbrev. for information on a collection
click collection to view a collection

} _maincfg_ {

_If_(_maincfgfile_,, Error opening main.cfg)

} _changemaincfgfail_ { Failed to update main.cfg _footer_ } _changemaincfgsuccess_ { main.cfg updated successfully _footer_ }