srjava.util.ArrayListxaIsizexp wsr&org.greenstone.gatherer.cdm.Classifierzۇ6Z is_abstractL descriptiontLjava/lang/String;LelementtLorg/w3c/dom/Element;Lnameq~Lold_position_stringq~Lsuper_classifiert(Lorg/greenstone/gatherer/cdm/Classifier;xq~w sr$org.greenstone.gatherer.cdm.Argument{A-( r ImaximumIminimumZrequiredBtypeL default_valueq~L descriptionq~Lelementq~LlisttLjava/util/HashMap;Lnameq~Lownerq~xpttWhere to put the built indexes.pptbuilddirtBasClassq~tSTDERRt#The file handle to write output to.ppt outhandleq~ sq~pt{BasClas.ignore_namespace}pptignore_namespaceq~ xt{BasClas.desc}pq~ ppsq~w sq~ptA single Metadata field or a comma separated list of Metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a Metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element.pptmetadatatAZListsq~t)Metadata element specified with -metadatat$Button name for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~sq~q~ tEA prefix to ignore in the Metadata values for the field when sorting.ppt removeprefixq~sq~q~ tEA suffix to ignore in the Metadata values for the field when sorting.ppt removesuffixq~xt {AZList.desc}pq~pq~sq~w sq~ptbMetadata field used for classification. List will be sorted by this element, unless -sort is used.pptmetadatat Hierarchysq~q~ t"The classification structure file.ppthfileq~*sq~t)Metadata element specified with -metadatat$Title field for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~*sq~t'Metadata field specified with -metadatat=Metadata field to sort by. Use '-sort nosort' for no sorting.pptsortq~*sq~pt;Display the first level of the classification horizontally.ppt hlist_at_topq~*xt{Hierarchy.desc}pq~*pq~sq~ wsq~ptA single Metadata field or a comma separated list of Metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a Metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element.pptmetadatat AZCompactListsq~t{AZCompactList.metadata.deft}t$Button name for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~>sq~q~ tEA prefix to ignore in the Metadata values for the field when sorting.ppt removeprefixq~>sq~q~ tEA suffix to ignore in the Metadata values for the field when sorting.ppt removesuffixq~>sq~t2tDThe smallest value that will cause a group in the hierarchy to form.pptmingroupq~>sq~t20tMThe smallest value that will cause a list to be converted into a nested list.ppt minnestingq~>sq~t10t5Minimum number of documents to be displayed per page.ppt mincompactq~>sq~t30t5Maximum number of documents to be displayed per page.ppt maxcompactq~>sq~ttoptLevel to process document at.psrjava.util.HashMap`F loadFactorI thresholdxp?@wtsectiont By sections.ttoptWhole document.xtdoclevelq~>sq~ptMControl whether all or only first metadata value used from array of metadata.ppt onlyfirstq~>sq~pt1Sort by node frequency rather than alpha-numeric.pptfreqsortq~>sq~q~ txt{AZCompactList.desc}pq~>pq~sq~w xt{AZCompactSectionList.desc}ptAZCompactSectionListpq~:sq~w sq~pt0Classify by year and month instead of only year.pptbymonthtDateListsq~ptMake each year an individual entry in the horizontal list, instead of spanning years with few entries. (This can also be used with the -bymonth option to make each month a separate entry instead of merging).pptnogroupq~tsq~tDatet[The metadata that contains the dates to classify by. The format is expected to be yyyymmdd.pptdatemetaq~tsq~ptVAn extra metadata field to sort by in the case where two documents have the same date.pptsortmetaq~txt{DateList.desc}pq~tpq~sq~w sq~ptA single Metadata field or a comma separated list of Metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a Metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element.pptmetadatat AZSectionListsq~t)Metadata element specified with -metadatat$Button name for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~xt{AZSectionList.desc}pq~pq~sq~w xt {Browse.desc}ptBrowsepq~sq~w sq~ptA single Metadata field or a comma separated list of Metadata fields used for classification. Following the order indicated by the list, the first field that contains a Metadata value will be used. List will be sorted by this element.pptmetadatatListsq~t)Metadata element specified with -metadatat$Button name for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~sq~t'Metadata field specified with -metadatatEMetadata field to sort by. If not set, sorts in build (random) order.pptsortq~xt {List.desc}pq~pq~sq~w xt{SectionList.desc}pt SectionListpq~sq~w sq~pt#The url of the web page to link to.ppturltHTMLsq~tBrowset(The title field for this classification.ppt buttonnameq~xt {HTML.desc}pq~pq~sq~ w sq~tsection:Title,section:textt,The text used to build the phrase hierarchy.ppttexttPhindsq~tTitlet2The metadata field used to describe each document.ppttitleq~sq~tPhrasetAThe label for the classifier screen and button in navigation bar.pptbuttonq~sq~tentLanguage or languages to use building hierarchy. Languages are identified by two-letter country codes like en (English), es (Spanish), and fr (French). Language is a regular expression, so 'en|fr' (English or French) and '..' (match any language) are valid.pptlanguageq~sq~q~ t{If set, the phrase infomation will be stored in the given file as text. It is probably a good idea to use an absolute path.ppt savephrasesq~sq~q~ tWhere to put the built indexes.pptbuilddirq~sq~t1tThe smode parameter to the phrase extraction program. A value of 0 means that stopwords are ignored, and of 1 means that stopwords are used.ppt suffixmodeq~sq~q~ tMName of a thesaurus stored in Phind format in the collection's etc directory.ppt thesaurusq~sq~ptDon't remove working files.pptuntidyq~xt {Phind.desc}pq~pq~x