# this file must be UTF-8 encoded ##################################################################### # # English Language text and icon macros # ###################################################################### # # This is the main macro file for translation when creating an # interface in another language. # Under the 'text macros' comments are text macros of the form: # _macroname_ {macro value} # Everything between the {} is the text to be translated. This text # may itself contain macros (i.e. characters other than space between # underscore characters, e.g. _about:numdocs_ or _textpage_). These # macro names occurring within text shouldn't be translated but should # be left as they are. Underscores or curly brackets occurring # naturally within the text should be escaped with a leading backslash # (i.e. '\_', '\{' or '\}). # # Comment lines (other than those described above) need not be # translated (i.e. any lines beginning with '#', like this line). # # The simplest way to translate this file is to save it as something # else (e.g. french.dm) and work through translating all the text # macro values and icon comments. # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Global (base) package package Global ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textperiodicals_ [l=ps] {پرله پسی خپرونی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # these three used by the default format statement of the demo and dls collections. _textsource_ [l=ps] {دسرچینی یادونه:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdate_ [l=ps] {دخپرونی نیټه:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnumpages_ [l=ps] {دمخونو شمیری:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsignin_ [l=ps] {ننوتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdefaultcontent_ [l=ps] {دغه وړاندیز شوی مخ پیدانشو. مهربانی وکړی دخپل کتمنل د 'شاته' تڼی پکار واچوی اویا دکور تڼی پکار واچوی ترڅو دګرین سټون ډیجیټل کتابتون ته راوګرځی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdefaulttitle_ [l=ps] {دGSDL غلطی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textbadcollection_ [l=ps] {دغه ټولګه چی ("_cvariable_"نومیږی) ددی ګرین سټون کتابتون په ډیجیټل سیسټم کی نده پورته شوی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textselectpage_ _collectionextra_ [l=ps] {دغه ټولګه لرونکی د _about:numdocs_اسنادوده. داوروستی ځل لپاره _about:builddate_ورځی مخکی جوړ ه شوی وه.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # this is only used by the collector (where the above _collectionextra_ # macro will always be set to another value) # -- Missing translation: _collectorextra_ _textdescrcollection_ [l=ps] {} _textdescrabout_ [l=ps] {دمخ په اړه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrhome_ [l=ps] {کورپاڼه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrhelp_ [l=ps] {لارښود مخ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrpref_ [l=ps] {دخوښی مخ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgreenstone_ _textdescrusab_ [l=ps] {داستعمال لپاره دڅه مشکل سره مخامخ شوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # Metadata names and navigation bar labels _textSearch_ [l=ps] {پلټنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelSearch_ [l=ps] {پلټنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 _textTitle_ [l=ps] {عنوان} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelTitle_ [l=ps] {عنوانونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textCreator_ [l=ps] {منځته راوړونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelCreator_ [l=ps] {منځته راوړونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textSubject_ [l=ps] {مضمون} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelSubject_ [l=ps] {مضمونونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textDescription_ [l=ps] {تشریح} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelDescription_ [l=ps] {تشریحات} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textPublisher_ [l=ps] {خپروونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelPublisher_ [l=ps] {خپروونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textContributor_ [l=ps] {مرستیالان} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelContributor_ [l=ps] {مرستیالان} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textDate_ [l=ps] {نیټه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelDate_ [l=ps] {نیټی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textType_ [l=ps] {ډول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelType_ [l=ps] {ډولونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textFormat_ [l=ps] {جوړښت} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelFormat_ [l=ps] {بڼی } # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textIdentifier_ [l=ps] {پیژندونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelIdentifier_ [l=ps] {پیژندونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textSource_ [l=ps] {ددوسیی (ملف) نوم} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelSource_ [l=ps] {ددوسیو(ملف) نومونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textLanguage_ [l=ps] {ژبه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelLanguage_ [l=ps] {ژبی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textRelation_ [l=ps] {اړیکه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelRelation_ [l=ps] {اړیکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textCoverage_ [l=ps] {احتوا} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelCoverage_ [l=ps] {احتوا} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textRights_ [l=ps] {حقوق} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelRights_ [l=ps] {حقوق} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # DLS metadata set _textOrganization_ [l=ps] {اداره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelOrganization_ [l=ps] {اداری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textKeyword_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی ټکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelKeyword_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی ټکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textHowto_ [l=ps] {څنګه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelHowto_ [l=ps] {څنګه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # Miscellaneous Greenstone metadata _textPhrase_ [l=ps] {نیمګړی جمله} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelPhrase_ [l=ps] {نیمګړی جملی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textCollage_ _labelCollage_ [l=ps] {ګډ رنګونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textBrowse_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelBrowse_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textTo_ [l=ps] {تر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelTo_ [l=ps] {تر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textFrom_ [l=ps] {له} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelFrom_ [l=ps] {له} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textAcronym_ [l=ps] {دنومونو لنډیز} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _labelAcronym_ [l=ps] {دلنډیز نومونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # Navigation bar tooltip - to customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textdescrXXX_ where XXX is the metadata name _textdescrdefault_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتل په _1_ سره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrSearch_ [l=ps] {پلټنه دخاصی اصطلاح لپاره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrType_ [l=ps] {سرسر ی کتنه نظر د موادو ډول ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrIdentifier_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه دپیژندونکو موادو له نظره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrSource_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه داصلی دوسیی دنوم لپاره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrTo_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتل نظر وساحی ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrFrom_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتل نظر ساحی ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrCollage_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه دانځور دګډو رنګونوله نظره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrAcronym_ [l=ps] {دنومونو دلنډیزونو سرسری کتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrPhrase_ [l=ps] {دنیمګړو جملو کتنمل} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrHowto_ [l=ps] {سرسری کتنه دکټه ګوریو لپاره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrBrowse_ [l=ps] {داسنادو سرسری کتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticontext_ [l=ps] {سند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonclosedbook_ [l=ps] {داسند خلاص کړی او محتویات یی ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonnext_ [l=ps] {راتلونکی برخی ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonprev_ [l=ps] {مخکی برخی ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonworld_ [l=ps] {دویب سند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonmidi_ [l=ps] {دMIDIسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonmsword_ [l=ps] {دMicrosoft Wordسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonmp3_ [l=ps] {د MP3سند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonpdf_ [l=ps] {دPDFسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonps_ [l=ps] {دPostScriptسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonppt_ [l=ps] {دPowerPointسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonrtf_ [l=ps] {د RTFسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonxls_ [l=ps] {دMicrosoft Excelسند ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _page_ [l=ps] {مخ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _pages_ [l=ps] {مخونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _of_ _vol_ [l=ps] {ټوک} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _num_ [l=ps] {لمبر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth00_ [l=ps] {} _textmonth01_ [l=ps] {جنوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth02_ [l=ps] {فبروری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth03_ [l=ps] {مارچ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth04_ [l=ps] {اپریل} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth05_ [l=ps] {می} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth06_ [l=ps] {جون} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth07_ [l=ps] {جولای} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth08_ [l=ps] {اګست} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth09_ [l=ps] {سپټمبر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth10_ [l=ps] {اکتوبر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth11_ [l=ps] {نومبر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmonth12_ [l=ps] {دیسمبر} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdocument_ [l=ps] {سند} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsection_ [l=ps] {برخه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textparagraph_ [l=ps] {دلیکنی یوه برخه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _magazines_ [l=ps] {مجلی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _nzdlpagefooter_ _linktextHOME_ [l=ps] {کور} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _linktextHELP_ [l=ps] {لارښوونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _linktextPREFERENCES_ [l=ps] {خوښی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # 'home' page package home ###################################################################### _textpagetitle_ [l=ps] {دګرین سټون ډیجیټال کتابتون} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnocollections_ [l=ps] {نادرست(i.e. built and public) ټولګی موجودی دی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textadmin_ [l=ps] {داداره کولو مخ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textabgs_ [l=ps] {دګرین سټون په اړه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textgsdocs_ [l=ps] {دګرین سټون اسناد یا سند راوړنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescradmin_ [l=ps] {تاسوته اجازه درکوی چی نوی استفاده کونکی علاوه کړی، ټولګی په سیسټم کی درته خلاصه کوی، او دګرین سټون دپورته کولو په باره کی تخنیکی معلومات درکوی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrgogreenstone_ [l=ps] {تاسوته دGreenstone softwareاو دنوی زیلانډ دډیجیټل کتابتون دپروژی په باره کی چی چیرته موقیعت لری اوڅه ښوونه کوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textdescrgodocs_ ##################################################################### # some macros used on the home page from other packages ##################################################################### package gli _textgli_ [l=ps] {دکتابدار لید منځ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrgli_ [l=ps] {دتاسره مرسته کو ی چی نوی ټولګه جوړی کړی، شته ټولګه کی بدلون یا اضافه والی، یا دټولګوپاکول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme package collector _textcollector_ [l=ps] {راټولونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textdescrcollector_ package depositor _textdepositor_ [l=ps] {زیرمه کوونکی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrdepositor_ [l=ps] {دتاسوسره کومک کوی چی په شته ټولګی باند اسناد علاوه کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme package gti _textgti_ [l=ps] {دګرین سټون دژباړونکی منځ لید} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdescrtranslator_ [l=ps] {تاسو ته لارښوونه کوی ترڅو دډیرو ژبو اړیکی په ګرین سټون کی نو ی وساتی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # 'about' page package about ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textabcol_ [l=ps] {ددی ټولګی په اړه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsubcols1_ [l=ps] {ټوله ټولګه_1_ فرعی ټولګی په برکی نیسی. هغه چی اوس شته دی عبارت دی له:
} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsubcols2_ [l=ps] {
(تاسو کلای شی چی هغه فرعی ټولګی وګوری او(بدلون پکی راوړی .کومی چی تاسو داوس وخت لپاره دخوښی په مخ کی پکار اچوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _titleabout_ [l=ps] {په اړه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # document package package document ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _texticonopenbookshelf_ [l=ps] {دکتابتون دابرخه وتړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonclosedbookshelf_ [l=ps] {دابرخه دکتابتون خلاصه کړی او محتویات یی ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonopenbook_ [l=ps] {داکتاب بند کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonclosedfolder_ [l=ps] {دادوسیه خلاصه کړی او محتویات یی ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonclosedfolder2_ [l=ps] {فرعی برخه خلاصه کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonopenfolder_ [l=ps] {دادوسیه(ملف) وتړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonopenfolder2_ [l=ps] {فرعی برخه وتړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonsmalltext_ [l=ps] {دابرخه دمتن ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonsmalltext2_ [l=ps] {دمتن ښکاره کول:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonpointer_ [l=ps] {اوسنی برخه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticondetach_ [l=ps] {دامخ په یوه نوی کړکی کی خلاص کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonhighlight_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی اصطلا ح ګانی روښانه کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonnohighlight_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی اصطلا ح ګانی مه روښانه کوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticoncontracttoc_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو جدول ونغاړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonexpandtoc_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو جدول پراخه کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonexpandtext_ [l=ps] {ټول متن جوت کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticoncontracttext_ [l=ps] {یواځی دپه نښه شوی برخی لپاره متن جوت کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonwarning_ [l=ps] {خبرداری: } # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticoncont_ [l=ps] {دوام؟} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textltwarning_ [l=ps] {
_iconwarning_دلته به دمتن پراخول ستا دسرسری کتو لپاره لپاره دداتا یوه لویه پیمانه درابرسیره کولو لپاره جوړه کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textgoto_ [l=ps] {مخ ته لاړشه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textintro_ [l=ps] {(پیژندونکی متن)} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textCONTINUE_ [l=ps] {دوام؟} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textEXPANDTEXT_ [l=ps] {دمتن پراخول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textCONTRACTCONTENTS_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو راغونډول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textDETACH_ [l=ps] {بیلول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textEXPANDCONTENTS_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو پراخول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textCONTRACT_ [l=ps] {دمتن راغونډول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textHIGHLIGHT_ [l=ps] {روښانه کول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textNOHIGHLIGHT_ [l=ps] {نه روښانه کول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textPRINT_ [l=ps] {پرنټ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnextsearchresult_ [l=ps] {دراتلونکی پلټنی پایله} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textprevsearchresult_ [l=ps] {دپخوانی پلټنی پایله} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # macros for printing page _textreturnoriginal_ [l=ps] {اصلی مخ ته راګرځیدل} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textprintpage_ [l=ps] {دامخ پرنټ کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textshowcontents_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو جدول ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthidecontents_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو دجدول پټول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # 'search' page package query ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ # this if statement produces the text 'results n1 - nn for query: querystring' or # 'No matches for query: querystring', depending on whether or not there were # any matches _textquerytitle_ [l=ps] { نتبجه د_If_(_thislast_,د_thisfirst_ - _thislast_دسلسلی لپاره ده: _cgiargq_, دپوښتنی سر سمون نه خوری: _cgiargq_)} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnoquerytitle_ [l=ps] {مخ ولټوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsome_ [l=ps] {ځینی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textall_ [l=ps] {ټول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textboolean_ [l=ps] {بولین سیسټم} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textranked_ [l=ps] {درجه بندی شوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnatural_ [l=ps] {طبیعی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsortbyrank_ [l=ps] {مناسبه درجه بندی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texticonsearchhistorybar_ [l=ps] {دتاریخ پلټنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textifeellucky_ [l=ps] {زه دنیکمرغی احساس کوم!} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme #alt text for query buttons _textusequery_ [l=ps] {داپوښتنه پکارواچوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textfreqmsg1_ [l=ps] {دلغاتو شمیرنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textpostprocess_ _textinvalidquery_ [l=ps] {دپوښتنی غلطه نحوه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textstopwordsmsg_ [l=ps] {لاندی کلیمی ډیری عام شوی وی او له نظره وغورځول شوی:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textlucenetoomanyclauses_ [l=ps] {ستا پوښتنه زیاتی کلیمی په بر کی نیسی؛ مهربانی وکړی پوښتنه مو نوره لنډه کړی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmorethan_ [l=ps] {زیات له} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textapprox_ [l=ps] {په اړه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnodocs_ [l=ps] {اسناد دپوښتنی سره سمون نه خوری.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _text1doc_ [l=ps] {1سند دپوښتنی سره سمون خوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textlotsdocs_ [l=ps] {اسناد ستاسو دپوښتنی سره سمون خوری.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmatches_ [l=ps] {سمونونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textbeginsearch_ [l=ps] {پلټنه پیل کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textrunquery_ [l=ps] {پوښتنی ته دوام ورکړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textclearform_ [l=ps] {پاکه فورمه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme #these go together in form search: #"Words (fold, stem) ... in field" _textwordphrase_ [l=ps] {لغاتونه } # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textinfield_ [l=ps] {...په ساحه کی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textfoldstem_ _textadvquery_ [l=ps] {یا پوښتنی ته په مستقیمه توګه ننوزی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textallfields_ [l=ps] {ټولی ساحی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texttextonly_ [l=ps] {یواځی متن} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textand_ [l=ps] {او} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textor_ [l=ps] {یا} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textandnot_ [l=ps] {او نه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # _indexselection_, _jselection_, _nselection_ and _gselection_ are set from # within the server - _indexselection_ is always set, but the others may be # unset _textsimplesearch_ [l=ps] {د_indexselection_ _If_(_jselection_,د_jselection_ )_If_(_gselection_,په_gselection_ سطحه )په _If_(_nselection_, ژبه پلټنه وکړی) کوم چی مشتمل په_If_(_nselection_,دالفاظو _If_(_sfselection_,\,_allowformbreak_ دترتیب نتیجه په _sfselection_)وی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedsearch_ # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedmgppsearch_ # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedlucenesearch_ # -- Missing translation: _textformsimplesearch_ _textformadvancedsearchmgpp_ [l=ps] {د_If_(_jselection_,_jselection_ )_If_(_gformselection_,په_gformselection__gformselection_سطحه)_If_(_nselection_,په_nselection_ژبه) پلټنه وکړی او پایله یی په_formquerytypeadvancedselection_ حالت ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textformadvancedsearchlucene_ _textnojsformwarning_ [l=ps] {خبرداری: Javascript ستا په ویب کتنمل کی کار نکوی.
لپاره ددی چی دپلټنی بڼه په کار واچوی مهربانی وکړی دا بیکاره کړی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdatesearch_ [l=ps] {داټولګه د هغو اسنادو لپاره پلټلای شی چی نظر نیټی ته توپیر ولری، یا هغه اسناد چی لرونکی دخاصی نیټی وی. دا یوه دخوښی وړ بڼه دپلټنی ده.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textstartdate_ [l=ps] {پیل (یا یوازی) نیټه:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textenddate_ [l=ps] {وروستی نیټه:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textbc_ # -- Missing translation: _textad_ _textexplaineras_ [l=ps] {د A.D.او B.C. معوض C.E.اوB.C.E دی. او داکلیمی بی قیده رواج شوی دی او د "عام پیل دتاریخ" او "مخکی دعام پیل دتاریخ" لپاره راپورته شوی دی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textstemon_ [l=ps] {(د نظره غورځول شویو کلیمو پای)} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsearchhistory_ [l=ps] {تاریخ ولټوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme #text macros for search history _textnohistory_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی په تاریخ کی مه ننوزی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthresult_ [l=ps] {پایله} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthresults_ [l=ps] {پایلی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthallwords_ [l=ps] {ټول لغاتونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthsomewords_ [l=ps] {ځینی لغاتونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthboolean_ [l=ps] {بولین سیسټم} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthranked_ [l=ps] {صف بندی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthcaseon_ [l=ps] {حالت باید سمون وخوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _texthcaseoff_ _texthstemon_ [l=ps] {مخه یی نیول شوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthstemoff_ [l=ps] {مخه یی نده نیول شوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # 'preferences' page package preferences ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textprefschanged_ [l=ps] {خوښی په لاندی ډول ترتیب شوی. دخپل کتنمل "شاتع"تڼی مه پکاروی دابه یی بی ترتیبه کړی! ددی په ځای په پورتنی برخه کی دaccess barپه تڼی کلیک وکړی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsetprefs_ [l=ps] {دخوښی ترتیبول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsearchprefs_ [l=ps] {دخوښو پلټنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textcollectionprefs_ [l=ps] {دټولګی خوښی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textpresentationprefs_ [l=ps] {وړاندیز شوی خوښی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textpreferences_ [l=ps] {خوښی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textcasediffs_ [l=ps] {دحروفو لویوالی او کوچنیوالی:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textignorecase_ [l=ps] {دحروفو په لویوالی اوکوچنیوالی سترګی پټول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmatchcase_ [l=ps] {پورتنی/لاندنی برخی باید سمون وخوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textwordends_ [l=ps] {دلغات پای:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textstem_ [l=ps] {دلغات دپای له نظره غورځول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnostem_ [l=ps] {ټول لغات باید سمون وخوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textaccentdiffs_ [l=ps] {دلهجی اختلافات:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textignoreaccents_ [l=ps] {لهجی دنظره وغورځوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textmatchaccents_ [l=ps] {لهجی باید سمون وخوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textprefop_ [l=ps] {بیرته_maxdocoption_پایلو ته د_hitsperpageoption_پایلو سره نظر ومخ ته راوګرځی.} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textextlink_ [l=ps] {بهرنیو ویب پاڼو ته لار:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textintlink_ _textlanguage_ [l=ps] {دژبی منځ لید:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textencoding_ [l=ps] {رمزکونه:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textformat_ [l=ps] {نښلونه دجوړښت سره:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textall_ [l=ps] {ټول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textquerymode_ [l=ps] {دپوښتنی حالت:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsimplemode_ [l=ps] {دپوښتنی ساده حالت} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textadvancedmode_ _textlinkinterm_ [l=ps] {دمنځنی مخ پواسطه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textlinkdirect_ [l=ps] {مستقیم هلته لاړشه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdigitlib_ [l=ps] {ډیجیټل کتابتون} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textweb_ [l=ps] {ویب} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textgraphical_ [l=ps] {ګرافیک} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texttextual_ [l=ps] {متنی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textcollectionoption_ [l=ps] {

:فرعی ټولګی چی لرونکی د
} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsearchtype_ [l=ps] {دپوښتنی څرنګوالی:} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textformsearchtype_ [l=ps] {بیل شوی په _formnumfieldoption_ساحو باندی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textplainsearchtype_ _textregularbox_ [l=ps] {یواځنی لیکه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textlargebox_ [l=ps] {لوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textrelateddocdisplay_ [l=ps] {اړوند اسناد جوت کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textsearchhistory_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی تاریخ} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnohistory_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی تاریخ نشته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthistorydisplay_ [l=ps] {د _historynumrecords_دپلټنی پخوانی تاریخ جوت کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textnohistorydisplay_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی تاریخ مه جوتوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ##################################################################### # 'browse' package for the dynamic browsing interface package browse ##################################################################### _textsortby_ [l=ps] {داسنادو ترتیبول نظر په} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textalsoshowing_ [l=ps] {همدارنګه ښایی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textwith_ [l=ps] {دزیاتی نه زیاتی سره} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textdocsperpage_ [l=ps] {اسناد نظرو مخ ته} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textfilterby_ [l=ps] {اسناد ترلاسه کړی چی لرونکی د} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textall_ [l=ps] {ټول} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textany_ [l=ps] {هریو} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textwords_ [l=ps] {دلغاتو} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textleaveblank_ [l=ps] {لپاره ددی چی ټول اسناد ترلاسه کړی دابکس تش پریږدی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _browsebuttontext_ [l=ps] {"داسنادو ترتیبول"} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _nodata_ [l=ps] {دداتا شمیری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _docs_ [l=ps] {اسناد} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme ###################################################################### # 'help' page -- this is lower priority for translating than the # rest of this file package help ###################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # text macros #------------------------------------------------------------ _textHelp_ [l=ps] {لارښوونه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # Macros giving a brief help message for navigation bar access buttons # The arguments to this will be _textXXX_ and _labelXXX_, where XXX is the metadata name. For example, to print out the help message for a titles classifier, the library will use _textdefaulthelp_(_textTitle_,_labelTitle_) # To customize this for a specific metadata, add a macro named _textXXXhelp_ where XXX is the metadata name _textdefaulthelp_ [l=ps] {د _2_ تڼی په کلیک کولوسره اسناد نظر_1_ ته سرسری وګوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textSearchhelp_ [l=ps] {ځانګړی کلیمی وپلټی کوم چی په متن کی د_labelSearch_ تڼی لپاسه دکلیک کولوسره ښکاره کیږی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textTohelp_ _textFromhelp_ [l=ps] {د_labelFrom_تڼی په کلیک کولوسره خپرونی نظر وFromڅانګی ته سرسری وګوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textBrowsehelp_ [l=ps] {داسنادوسرسری کتنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textAcronymhelp_ [l=ps] {د_labelAcronym_تڼی به کلیک کولو سره دنومونو پیښ شوی لنډیزونه سرسری وګوری} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _textPhrasehelp_ _texthelptopicstitle_ [l=ps] {موضوعات} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _textreadingdocs_ [l=ps] {اسناد باید څنګه ولوستل شی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpreadingdocs_ [l=ps] {

دوه ډوله پوښتنی شتوالی لری.

Use as many search terms as you like--a whole sentence, or even a whole paragraph. If you specify only one term, documents will be ordered by its frequency of occurrence.

} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # help about the icons _texthelpopenbookshelf_ [l=ps] {دکتابو داتاخچه خلاص کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpopenbook_ [l=ps] {داکتاب خلاص/وتړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpviewtextsection_ [l=ps] {دمتن دابرخه ښکاره کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpexpandtext_ [l=ps] {ټول متن جوت کړی او یا یی مه جوتوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpexpandcontents_ [l=ps] {دمحتویاتو جدول ته وسعت ورکړی او یا یی مه ورکوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpdetachpage_ [l=ps] {دامخ په یوه نوی کړکی کی خلاص کړی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelphighlight_ [l=ps] {دپلټنی کلیمی روښانه کړی، یا مه روښانه کوی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpsectionarrows_ [l=ps] {مخکی/راتلونکی برخی ته لاړ شی} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme _texthelpsearchingtitle_ [l=ps] {ځانګړی کلیمی څنګه وپلټو} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _texthelpsearching_ _texthelpquerytermstitle_ [l=ps] {دعباراتو پلټنه} # Updated 6-Mar-2007 by graeme # -- Missing translation: _texthelpqueryterms_ _texthelpmgppsearching_ [l=ps] {کومه ټولګه چی په MGPP سره جوړه شوی څه نوری خوښی هم پکار اچول کیږی.