gsdl=Greenstone Digital Library Software gs3power=powered by greenstone3 error=Error: # the buttons home_b=HOME help_b=HELP pref_b=PREFERENCES # tool tips for the buttons home_tip=Library home page help_tip=Help pages pref_tip=Change your interface preferences # page titles help_t=Help pref_t=Preferences home_t=Home aboutpage=About page textframebrowser=You must have a frame enabled browser to view this. home.quick_search=Quick Search home.librarian_interface=The Librarian Interface home.select_a_collection=Select a collection ####################### # query page ######################## about.noservices=There are no services available for this collection. available: about.servicehelp=You can access the services by clicking on the buttons below or on the names on the navigation bar. The navigation bar is persistent across all pages in the collection. #about.description=Description: about.metadata=Metadata: open_book=Open this document and view contents close_book=Close this book and return to search/browse open_folder=Open this folder and view contents close_folder=Close this folder view_document=View the document ####################### # query page ######################## query.wordcount=Word count: query.nodocsmatch=No documents matched the query. query.onedocsmatch=One document matched the query. query.manydocsmatch={0} documents matched the query. query.atleastdocsmatch=At least {0} documents matched the query. query.docsreturned={0} documents returned. query.matches=Matches query.results=Results ################## # prefs page ################## pref.searchpref=Search preferences pref.prespref=Presentation preferences pref.interfacelang=Interface language: pref.encoding=Encoding: pref.hitsperpage=Number of hits per page: pref.all=all pref.set_prefs=Set preferences pref.berrybasket=Berry basket pref.berrybasket.on=on viewer mode: ################## # document page ################## doc.pageof=Page {0} of {1}. doc.pages={0} pages. doc.gotopage=Go to page doc.expand_doc_b=EXPAND
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PAGE doc.detach_page_tip=Open this page in a new window doc.table_of_contents=Table of Contents doc.close_toc=Close the table of contents doc.open_toc=Open the table of contents external.title=External Link external.text=The link you have selected is external to any of your currently selected collections. If you still wish to view this link and your browser has access to the Web, you can {0} to this page; otherwise use your browsers "back" button to return to the previous document. external.go_forward=go forward ################## # authentication page ################## authen.login_descibe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in. authen.login_descibe_line_2=[Note that you must belong to the "administrator" group to access this page] authen.login_descibe_line_3=Please enter your Greenstone username and password. authen.no_permission=Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page. authen.username=username authen.username_describe=Usernames must be between 2 and 30 characters long. They can contain alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_'. authen.password=password authen.password_describe=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. authen.account_status=account status authen.enabled=enabled authen.disabled=disabled authen.groups=groups authen.groups_describe=Groups is a comma separated list. authen.comment=comment authen.add_a_new_user_title=Add a new user authen.change_password_title=Change password authen.change_password_login_describe_line_1=The page you have requested requires you to sign in. authen.change_password_login_describe_line_2=Please enter your Greenstone username and password. authen.change_password_describe_line_1=Passwords must be between 3 and 8 characters long. They can contain any normal printable ASCII characters. authen.old_password=old password authen.new_password=new password authen.retype_new_password=retype new password authen.change_password_successed_title=Change password authen.change_password_successed_content=Your password was successfully changed. authen.old_password_warning=The old password was incorrect. authen.new_retype_password_warning=Enter your new password and then retype it. authen.two_password_not_match=The two versions of your new password did not match. authen.password_empty_warning=Either the new password or the retyped password cannot be empty. authen.password_initial=Please enter an initial password for this user. authen.new_password_invalid=The new password is invalid. authen.retyped_password_invalid=The retyped password is invalid. authen.username_password_empty_warning=Either the username or the new password cannot be empty. authen.edit_user_information=Edit user information authen.do_you_really_want_to_permanently_remove_user=Do you really want to permanently remove user " authen.user_has_existed=The user name has existed in the users table, choose an unique one. authen.unsername_err=The username is invalid authen.password_err=The password is invalid authen.wrong_password_warning=Either your username or password was incorrect. authen.list_of_current_users_title=List of current users authen.delete_warning=Do you really want to permanently remove user " authen.edit=edit authen.delete=delete authen.sign_in=sign in authen.account_status_false=The account is disabled, request Administrator for more information. authen.authentication=Authentication authen.greenstone_home=Greenstone home authen.list_users=list users authen.add_a_new_user=add a new user authen.change_password=change password authen.logout=logout authen.login=login authen.login_successfully=Login successful