**** * Afrepo extension now installed in * GEXTAMP_INSTALLED=@GEXTAMP_INSTALLED@ * * Place audio files in: * $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo/audio-files * 1. Run: * afr-makelinks * to populate: * $GEXTAMP_INSTALLED/htdocs/afrepo/audio-ids * with MD5 hashmap based on content in 'audio-files' * 2. Followed by: * afr-classify-echoprint * to associate (where possible) Echonoest and/or MusicBrainz Linked Data * with each MD5 hashmapped audio file * (this can be re-run as many times as needed to pick up on fingerprints that timed out) * 3. Next run in sequence * 4s-backend-setup salami * 4s-backend salami * 4s-httpd -p @4store-port@ -s -1 -X salami * to initialize and start the 4store 'tripple-store' server * ('4s-backend-setup' need only be run the very first time) * To stop the server use 'kill' on the process ID *without* the -9 flag * 4. And then run: * afr-generate-rdf * to generate static RDF files and populate the tripple-store backend * (the latter is to support Sparql queries) * * If the static RDF files already exist but the tripple-store has been cleared, then run: * afr-generate-rdf --force * to ensure all the RDF data is pushed across to the tripple-sore * 5. Finally, run: * apchectl start * * And in a web browser load up the URL: * @afrepo-http-prefix@/afrepo ****