# This properties file is for the secondary text strings, not the main stuff ################## # help page ################## help.general.title=The Greenstone home page gives access to the following features: help.general.collection_descr=Presents the built collections in the digital library to choose from. A collection is a focused set of documents. Select a collection to view the documents in it, find documents by searching by keywords and phrases, as well as browsing by librarian assigned metadata. The way each collection was configured when it was built and the collection\'s contents, such as if its documents contain extractable text and which metadata have been assigned or extracted for documents, and which of these metadata were set up to be searchable and browsable, determine the available indexes and metadata you can search and browse the collection by. help.general.login_descr=The library administrator or any other users with an account on the library can log in through this menu option. Once logged in, the menu allows changing the account password or logging out. When viewing a document, logged-in users can turn the online document editing features on or off by selecting the Enable/Disable edit mode option through this menu. If this feature is switched on and the user is a member of the correct group to edit documents in the selected collection, they can edit the metadata or text content for the document they\'re viewing, then rebuild the collection with the modifications to the document. help.general.help_descr=This help page is shown when the Help menu is accessed through the main Greenstone home pages. To access help for a collection, first go into that collection and select the Help menu. help.general.preferences_descr=From this menu, you can choose from a list of available languages to control the language in which the Greenstone library interface is presented to you. You can also turn the Favourite basket feature on or off. The Favourite basket features allows you to mark documents in search results to add them to your 'basket' as documents of interest, and email the links to yourself for later inspection. help.general.quicksearch_descr=To search across the default search index of all the built collections available in the library. help.general.crosscollsearch=Cross collection search help.general.crosscollsearch_descr=To search across all the available built collections, with some more control over number of the particular collections to search through and the search results displayed. help.general.adminpage_descr=Through here, the administrator can log in and view users who have an account in the digital library, create new users and edit their settings. From the Administration Page, Greenstone administrators can assign Greenstone group membership to users. The group(s) assigned to a user control which collections logged-in users may edit and which non-public collections such users may view. Users can also be assigned to the admin group, giving such users access to the Administrator Page as well. help.general.depositor_descr=This subsytem of Greenstone guides you through the steps for adding a new document into an existing collection and lets you assign metadata to it. In order to use the Depositor, you need to have an account, be logged in and be a member of the necessary group for adding documents to the selected collection. help.general.register_descr=Registering as a new user sends a request to the digital library administrator to create a user account for them. help.general.aboutgreenstone_descr=A page that provides general information about the Greenstone Digital Library software and links to the Greenstone website, wiki, tutorials and mailing list. ######### help.collection_title=Using the {0} collection help.link_to_main=This page contains help for the current collection. For general library help, please see the library help page. For more information about the Greenstone software, please see the About Greenstone page. help.collection_general=You can find your way to documents via 'browsing' or 'searching'. Browsing involves navigating through predefined categories and subcategories, or alphabetical lists. Searching will present you with a list of documents containing the specified terms in the selected text/metadata fields. help.browsing_title=Help with Browsing help.browsing_general=Browsing is pretty straightforward. Select the appropriate tab underneath the collection header to browse by that field. The browsing structures may be organised alphabetically or into categories and subcategories. help.browsing_bookshelf=This bookshelf icon indicates a new category or subcategory of the browsing structure. Clicking on this bookshelf icon or the {0} icon will open up that part of the browsing structure. help.browsing_book=These 'book' icons indicate you have reached a document. Clicking these will take you to an HTML version of the document, or a page describing the document. {0} indicates a structured document, while {1} indicates a single page document. help.browsing_srcicon=These 'source' icons indicate a link to the original version of the document, e.g. PDF, Word, MP3 etc. help.icon_bookshelf=bookshelf icon help.icon_book=structured document icon help.icon_page=single page document icon help.icon_plus=plus help.icon_pdf=PDF icon help.icon_word=Word icon help.icon_mp3=MP3 icon help.icon_favourites=Favourites icon help.icon_berry=Berry icon help.icon_ help.searching_title=Help with Searching help.searching_quick=On every page is a quick search form. Enter your search terms, select which index you are searching (if there is a choice) and hit 'search'. Indicate phrases using double quotes around the phrase, e.g. "snail farming". All the default search settings will be used. Results are split into pages - use the next/prev arrows to navigate through the pages of search results. help.searching_more=If you want more control over your search settings you can use one of the alternate search forms listed underneath the quick search form. help.searching_text=The text search form gives you the same single field search as the quick search form, however you can control more search parameters. These depend on the indexing tool that the collection has been built with, but may include whether you are searching for some or all of the search terms; searching at document or chapter level; casefolding and stemming; which order to sort search results; how many hits per page of search results etc. help.searching_form=The form search gives you the ability to search for words in different fields. For example, 'BOSTID' in Organisations, and 'economic future' in Titles. Other search parameters are set across all the search items. help.searching_adv=The advanced form search gives you even more precision, allowing boolean combination between terms in different fields. For example, 'BOSTID' in Organisations AND 'economic future' in Titles but NOT "tropical" in Titles. For collections that allow casefolding and stemming, these options can be set differently for each field of search. help.searchparams_title=Search Parameters help.searchparams_general=There are lots of search parameters which you can set on the alternate search forms. (The quick search will use all the default values for these parameters.) This collection supports the following: help.sp_level=Granularity of search, for example looking for the search terms across the entire document or within a section. help.sp_matchMode=A 'some' search will return documents that contain one or more of the search terms, while an 'all' search will only return documents that contain all of the search terms. help.sp_case=If casefolding is 'on', then ignore case (upper vs lower) distinctions when searching. For example, SNAIL would match snail and Snail. Otherwise, case must match. help.sp_stem=If stemming is 'on', then ignore word endings and match words that have the same root, for example computer would match computing. Otherwise, the entire word must match. help.sp_accent=If accentfolding is 'on', then ignore accents when searching. For example, e would match è é etc. Otherwise, each accented form will not match the others. help.sp_sortBy=The ordering of search results. By rank, build order or predefined metadata field. help.sp_index=This determines the scope of the search - the search might be over the full text, or restricted to metadata elements. help.sp_sortOrder=Ascending or descending order based on what is being sorted by. Ascending would be A - Z, 1 - 99, while descending would be Z - A, or 99 - 1. help.sp_query=The words or phrase to search for. help.sp_maxDocs=How many document results to return. help.sp_hitsPerPage=How many hits per page of search results to show. help.sp_reverseSort=Return the search results in reverse order. help.searchresults_title=Understanding your Search Results help.searchresults_general=By default, your search results are presented in order of relevance: those documents more closely matching the search terms are presented first. This can be changed using the search options on the alternate search pages. help.searchresults_facet_title=Refining the Results help.searchresults_facets=Using the boxes on the right hand side of the search results you can refine your search. These boxes show fields and their values that can be used to filter the results. For example, selecting one of the options for a particular field will restrict the results to only those documents that have that value in that field. Selecting two options will show documents matching either value. If none are selected, then no filtering based on that field will be done. The numbers in brackets show how many documents match each value. help.document_title=Help with Documents help.document_general=The document page can look quite different depending on how the collection is configured and what the source document was like. Some collections will display a table of metadata, with a link to the original, e.g. PDF, file. Other collections will convert their import documents to HTML, and display the HTML on the document page. If this is structured, there will be a table of contents displayed. Scanned image documents will display with a contents box that shows thumbnails of the pages. help.document_toc_title=Table of Contents help.document_toc=Structured documents may be displayed with a table of contents. There are two main types of table of contents: Structured, and Paged Image. The former is for documents with sections and subsections, and displays a hierarchical list of section titles; the latter is for scanned image documents, and shows a list of thumbnails. Clicking a section title or thumbnail will open up the corresponding section/page of the document. Clicking 'Expand Document' will open up all the sections of the document, while 'Contract Document' will close them all. A Filter Pages options is provided with the Paged Image contents: use it to narrow down the range of thumbnail images shown. help.document_icons=There are a few different icon buttons that you may find on the document page: help.document_highlight=Search term highlighting: if this is selected, then Greenstone will highlight the search terms that occur in the document. help.document_zoomer=Image Zoomer: if this is selected then moving the cursor over an image will show an enlarged version of the image. help.document_floattoc=Float the Table of Contents - Locks the contents to the side of the screen so that it won\'t move when scrolling. help.document_slideshow=View a slideshow of the images contained in the document. help.favourites_title=Favourites help.favourites=A favourites option is available - this can be switched on/off in the preferences page. In search results or browsing lists, you can click on the {0} icon by each document to add it to your favourites. The icon will highlight ({1}) to show that the document is in the list. Clicking again will remove it. A small box on the right hand side of the page will give you a link to view your favourites. From there you can delete favourites, view in different formats, and email the list to yourself. help.berrybasket_title=Berry Baskets help.berrybasket=A berry basket (favourites) option is available - this can be switched on/off in the preferences page. In search results or browsing lists, drag the berries ({0}) of documents you want to save onto the berry basket. From the basket, you can view the list of saved documents, delete them, or email the list to yourself. help.rss_title=RSS Feeds help.rss=This collection provides an RSS feed. View the RSS page by clicking the {0} button. From here you can subscribe to the feed: then you will be notified if new documents get added to the collection. ############################# # Document structure editor # ############################# dse.edit_structure=Edit structure dse.no_docs=No documents in the Document Basket dse.untitled=UNTITLED DOCUMENT dse.delete_section=delete section dse.edit=edit dse.hide=hide dse.undo=Undo dse.add_sub_section=add sub-section dse.duplicate=duplicate dse.error_saving=There was an error saving, aborting dse.modifying_archives=Modifying archive files dse.empty_collection_list=List of collections to build is empty dse.could_not_build_p1=Could not build collection dse.could_not_build_p2=, aborting the building operation dse.could_not_activate_p1=Could not activate collection dse.could_not_activate_p2=, aborting the activation operation dse.activating=Activating collection dse.building=Building collection dse.could_not_check_status_p1=Could not check status of dse.could_not_check_status_p2a=, there was an error in the XML, aborting the operation dse.could_not_check_status_p2b=, there was an error on the server, aborting the operation dse.error_saving_changes=There was an error saving your changes dse.error_code=Error Code dse.error_reason=Error Reason dse.error_line=Error Line dse.xml_error=There was an error parsing the XML dse.browse_cannot_validate_xml=Your browser cannot handle XML validation dse.create_new_document=Create new document dse.setarchives_error=An error occurred during setArchivesMetadata. Not proceeding further with saving and rebuilding. See browser's console log for details. dse.setarchives_server_error=A server side error occurred during setArchivesMetadata. (Is the server running?) Not proceeding further with saving and rebuilding. dse.untitled_section=UNTITLED SECTION dse.insert_new_section=Insert new section ################### # DebugInfo # ################### debuginfo.library=The main Greenstone library servlet (library) debuginfo.oaiserver=The OAI servlet (oaiserver) debuginfo.intermediateview=Viewing intermediate stages of page preparation debuginfo.intview_desc=To make the HTML page, we produce a page of XML with all the content in it. That gets transformed by XSLT to produce the HTML output. There are quite a few stages to go through to get the final XSL file used to transform the page. debuginfo.usage=When debugging the HTML page generation process, you can append any of the following to the URL (prefixed with a & or ? as appropriate) to see the intermediate stages of page production. debuginfo.xml=Displays the page XML. debuginfo.format=Displays the format statements extracted from the page XML and converted into proper XSL - i.e. all GSF elements converted to XSL. debuginfo.format1=Displays the raw format statements extracted from the page XML. These are the format options and templates that come from configuration files (collection, site etc). debuginfo.ilt=Displays the inline template that was sent as a cgi argument (ilt=). Inline templates are used in ajax calls when we only want part of the page returned - e.g. for dynamically loading one section of a document. debuginfo.gslib=Displays the gslib XSL, after includes/imports have been added. debuginfo.gslib1=Displays the gslib XSL, before includes/imports have been added. debuginfo.expandgslib=Displays the expand-gslib XSL (that is used to merge the gslib with the main page XSL) debuginfo.xsl=The final XSL that will be used to transform the page XML. Format elements and inline templates have been added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib and gsf elements have been transformed to proper XSL. debuginfo.xsl1=The original page XSL (eg pages/about.xsl) - generated by merging all inheriting variants of the file. We look for the file in base interface, current interface, site, collection, with templates from the latter overriding the former. debuginfo.xsl2=The page XSL with format elements (options and templates from the collection/site configuration files) added in. debuginfo.xsl3=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in. Inline templates are XSL fragments sent as the ilt cgi argument. debuginfo.xsl4=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. debuginfo.xsl5=The page XSL with gslib attached, in pageAndGslibXSL document. Ready for processing by expand-gslib.xsl. debuginfo.xsl6=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib elements have been transformed to proper XSL. debuginfo.xsl7=The page XSL with format elements and inline templates added in, with any include/import files inlined. gslib elements have been transformed to proper XSL. The first pass of transforming GSF elements to XSL has been done. debuginfo.formatedit=Web interface editor for editing Greenstone3 format statements. debuginfo.refreshconfig=Refresh all the collection configuration files: debuginfo.reconfigsite=Reconfigures the whole site. Reads in siteConfig.xml, reloads all the collections. debuginfo.reconfigcoll=Reconfigure just one collection. Re-reads the collectionConfig.xml file and reloads the collection. debuginfo.misc_params=Miscellaneous Helpful Parameters debuginfo.forcetandc=Add to a link to a source document (eg PDF file) to force the terms and conditions page to display - even if you have already verfied yourself once. debuginfo.misc_links=Miscellaneous Helpful Links debuginfo.depositor=Greenstone 3 Depositor: online tools that allows adding, or 'depositing', new files along with their metadata into an existing collection. The collection can then be rebuilt online. You need to be logged in and in a group which has edit permission for the collection. debuginfo.inlinetemplate=Inline Template. Type or paste your XSLT here. debuginfo.displaymetadata=Display metadata. debuginfo.oaiserver_reset=Send a system request to the OAIMessageRouter to reconfigure. debuginfo.oaiserver_activate_col=Tell the oaiserver servlet to deactivate the specified collection. If rebuilding a collection against a running server, need to call this after moving building folder to index. debuginfo.oaiserver_deactivate_col=Tell the oaiserver servlet to deactivate the specified collection. If rebuilding a collection against a running server, need to call this before moving building folder to index.