This package contains the source code for the sqlite3 executable and library in amalgamated form, as downloaded from The only modifications have been to add a win32.mak file for compiling on Windows. SQLite is in the public domain and is thus free for use for any purpose, commercial or private. 30 May 2008 Michael Dewsnip DL Consulting Ltd. ( ==== To compile this package using the Android NDK, the following auto-config files needed to be replaced with newer versions that included the 'android' architecture as one of the valid host targets: config.sub config.guess This has been done (using the 'config.sub' and 'config.guess' files from the 'gnome-lib/android-extra' folder in the gs2-extensions area) and the files to libiconv tarred up once more. David Bainbridge 29/1/2013 ====