AMIsApplet AMStayOpen BuildMachineOSBuild 20A241133 CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations CFBundleDevelopmentRegion English CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeExtensions * CFBundleTypeName Automator workflow file CFBundleTypeOSTypes **** CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleExecutable Automator Application Stub CFBundleIconFile ApplicationStub CFBundleIdentifier CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName gs3-server CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString 1.3 CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleSupportedPlatforms MacOSX CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleVersion 512 DTCompiler DTPlatformBuild 13E6049a DTPlatformName macosx DTPlatformVersion 12.6 DTSDKBuild 21G105 DTSDKName macosx12.6.internal DTXcode 1330 DTXcodeBuild 13E6049a LSMinimumSystemVersion 10.9 LSUIElement NSAppleEventsUsageDescription This workflow needs to control other applications to run. NSAppleMusicUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your music to run. NSAppleScriptEnabled YES NSCalendarsUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your calendars to run. NSCameraUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your camera to run. NSContactsUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your contacts to run. NSHomeKitUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your HomeKit Home to run. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your microphone to run. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your photos to run. NSPrincipalClass NSApplication NSRemindersUsageDescription This workflow needs access to your reminders to run. NSServices NSSiriUsageDescription This workflow needs access to Siri to run. NSSystemAdministrationUsageDescription This workflow needs access to administer this system in order to run. UTExportedTypeDeclarations UTImportedTypeDeclarations