The Sample XML texts collection. This README provides directions on how to rebuild the collection if necessary, and how to create a new collection using this method. Building the gberg collection (linux): Go to top level Greenstone and run: source Starting from the gberg directory (where this README file is located): cd java javac *.java cd .. java -classpath $CLASSPATH:./java BuildXMLColl $GSDL3HOME/sites/localsite gberg mv building index cp etc/buildConfig.xml index cp import/*.dtd $GSDL3SRCHOME/resources/dtd/ (this step is already done) The building process: There are two stages, import and build. Importing goes through the xml documents in the import directory and adds gs3:id attributes to indexable nodes. Building makes another pass though the documents, indexing any indexable nodes, and assigning them node ids. Node ids are made up of several parts: document id, scope, tag name, gs3:id. Document id refers to the work, and is generated from the original document filename. For example, origin.xml becomes origin. The scope part is optional. Tag name is the name of the node that is to be indexed, and gs3:id is its id. The class XMLTagInfo provides two methods, isIndexable and isScopable, and is used to determine which tags provide scope, and which tags should be indexed. This is the only part of the build code that is specific to the documents in the collection. Indexable nodes are those that should be indexed individually. When a search is done, these are the units that will be returned. For instance, suppose a collection contains books with chapters and sections of chapters. To have searching and retrieval at chapter level, the chapter nodes would be made indexable. Alternatively, making the section nodes indexable would provide searching at the smaller section level instead. Scopable nodes are not necessarily indexed, but are recorded as part of the id as a scope. This is to speed up searching for the appropriate tag during retrieval. Scopeable tags should only occur once per document. Testing the index: You can run the command line Search program, and query the index. From the gberg folder: java -classpath $CLASSPATH:./java Search ./index/idx Building other collections: To use the java building stuff for other XML document collections, you can just modify the file to include the appropriate tag names for your XML documents. Then put import documents into the import directory, and run the BuildXMLColl program as above. Configuration files will need to be created for the collection (etc/collectionConfig.xml and index/buildConfig.xml). The Greenstone runtime software has problems locating DTDs, so any DTDs for your collection should be placed in the collection's resources directory. If DTD files are shared between collections, they can go into the WEB-INF/classes directory (in gsdl3/web or tomcat/webapps/gsdl3, depending on your setup). NOTE: Sept 2018. Tomcat cannot find gutbook DTD when trying to transform the file to produce table of contents :-(