page = require('webpage').create() system = require 'system' page.onInitialized = -> page.evaluate -> userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent platform = window.navigator.platform window.navigator = appCodeName: 'Mozilla' appName: 'Netscape' cookieEnabled: false sniffed: false window.navigator.__defineGetter__ 'userAgent', -> window.navigator.sniffed = true userAgent window.navigator.__defineGetter__ 'platform', -> window.navigator.sniffed = true platform if system.args.length is 1 console.log 'Usage: ' phantom.exit 1 else address = system.args[1] console.log 'Checking ' + address + '...' address, (status) -> if status isnt 'success' console.log 'FAIL to load the address' phantom.exit() else window.setTimeout -> sniffed = page.evaluate(-> navigator.sniffed ) if sniffed console.log 'The page tried to sniff the user agent.' else console.log 'The page did not try to sniff the user agent.' phantom.exit() , 1500