someCallback = (pageNum, numPages) -> "

someCallback: " + pageNum + " / " + numPages + "

" page = require("webpage").create() system = require("system") if system.args.length < 3 console.log "Usage: printheaderfooter.js URL filename" phantom.exit 1 else address = system.args[1] output = system.args[2] page.viewportSize = width: 600 height: 600 page.paperSize = format: "A4" margin: "1cm" # default header/footer for pages that don't have custom overwrites (see below) header: height: "1cm" contents: phantom.callback((pageNum, numPages) -> return "" if pageNum is 1 "

Header " + pageNum + " / " + numPages + "

" ) footer: height: "1cm" contents: phantom.callback((pageNum, numPages) -> return "" if pageNum is numPages "

Footer " + pageNum + " / " + numPages + "

" ) address, (status) -> if status isnt "success" console.log "Unable to load the address!" else # check whether the loaded page overwrites the header/footer setting, # i.e. whether a PhantomJSPriting object exists. Use that then instead # of our defaults above. # # example: # # # # #



# # if page.evaluate(-> typeof PhantomJSPrinting is "object" ) paperSize = page.paperSize paperSize.header.height = page.evaluate(-> PhantomJSPrinting.header.height ) paperSize.header.contents = phantom.callback((pageNum, numPages) -> page.evaluate ((pageNum, numPages) -> PhantomJSPrinting.header.contents pageNum, numPages ), pageNum, numPages ) paperSize.footer.height = page.evaluate(-> PhantomJSPrinting.footer.height ) paperSize.footer.contents = phantom.callback((pageNum, numPages) -> page.evaluate ((pageNum, numPages) -> PhantomJSPrinting.footer.contents pageNum, numPages ), pageNum, numPages ) page.paperSize = paperSize console.log page.paperSize.header.height console.log page.paperSize.footer.height window.setTimeout (-> page.render output phantom.exit() ), 200