page = require("webpage").create() system = require("system") if system.args.length < 7 console.log "Usage: printmargins.js URL filename LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM" console.log " margin examples: \"1cm\", \"10px\", \"7mm\", \"5in\"" phantom.exit 1 else address = system.args[1] output = system.args[2] marginLeft = system.args[3] marginTop = system.args[4] marginRight = system.args[5] marginBottom = system.args[6] page.viewportSize = width: 600 height: 600 page.paperSize = format: "A4" margin: left: marginLeft top: marginTop right: marginRight bottom: marginBottom address, (status) -> if status isnt "success" console.log "Unable to load the address!" else window.setTimeout (-> page.render output phantom.exit() ), 200