Need an introduction the describes the overall aim of Bib-Stinky
Concerning DOI-Stinky, the following is aspirational ....
Enhance your experience when reviewing research literature DOI-Stinky, an algorithmic technique we have devised that monitors for DOIs in the web pages you are browsing, and automatically comparing the metadata records that different academic publishers, and other scholarly content agregators, have on file, looking for places where there is disagreement—or as we've conceptualized: where something looks a bit stinky.
To get going with DOI-Stinky, first install a User Scripting extension to your browser, such as TamperMonkey (available in all reputable web-brower extension stores!). Then add in our doi-stinky.user.js, which is primed to to activate when you visit websites such as CrossRef, the ACM DL, and DBLP to name a few.