JFlex Ant Task

JFlex can be easily integrated with Ant build tool. To use JFlex with Ant, simply copy JFlex.jar to $ANT_HOME/lib/ directory.


The JFlex Ant Task invokes the JFlex lexical analyzer generator on a grammar file.

To use the JFlex task, the following line must be placed in the Ant build file:

<taskdef classname="JFlex.anttask.JFlexTask" name="jflex" />

The JFlex task requires the file attribute to be set to the source grammar file (*.flex). Unless the target directory is specified with the destdir option, the generated class will be saved to the same directory where grammar file resides. Like javac, the JFlex task creates subdirectories in destdir according to the generated class package.

This task only invokes JFlex if the grammar file is newer than the generated files.


Attribute Description Required Default
file="file" The grammar file to process. Yes
destdir="dir" The directory to write the generated files to. If not set, the files are written to the directory containing the grammar file. Note that unlike JFlex's "-d" command line option, destdir causes the generated file to be written to {destdir}/{package name}. This behaviour is similar to javac -d dir. No
outdir="dir" The directory to write the generated files to. If not set, the files are written to the directory containing the grammar file. This options works exactly like JFlex's "-d" command line option, it causes the output file to be written to dir regardless of the package name. No
verbose Display generation process messages. No "off"
dump Dump character classes, NFA and DFA tables. No "off"
time or


Display generation time statistics. No "off"
nomin or


Skip minimization step. No "off"
skel="file" or


Use external skeleton file. No "off"
dot or


Write graphviz .dot files for the generated automata (alpha). No "off"
nobak Do not make a backup if the generated file exists. No "off"
switch Use code generation method switch. No "off"
table Use code generation method table. No "off"
pack Use code generation method pack. No "on"



JFlex generates the lexical analyzer for src/parser/Parser.flex and saves the result to build/generated/parser/, providing Parser.flex declares to be in package parser.


The same as above plus compile generated classes to build/classes