* 10/03/2007
* TclTokenMaker.java - Scanner for the Tcl programming language.
* This library is distributed under a modified BSD license. See the included
* RSyntaxTextArea.License.txt file for details.
package org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.modes;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.text.Segment;
import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*;
* Scanner for the Tcl programming language.
* This implementation was created using
* JFlex 1.4.1; however, the generated file
* was modified for performance. Memory allocation needs to be almost
* completely removed to be competitive with the handwritten lexers (subclasses
* of AbstractTokenMaker
, so this class has been modified so that
* Strings are never allocated (via yytext()), and the scanner never has to
* worry about refilling its buffer (needlessly copying chars around).
* We can achieve this because RText always scans exactly 1 line of tokens at a
* time, and hands the scanner this line as an array of characters (a Segment
* really). Since tokens contain pointers to char arrays instead of Strings
* holding their contents, there is no need for allocating new memory for
* Strings.
* The actual algorithm generated for scanning has, of course, not been
* modified.
* If you wish to regenerate this file yourself, keep in mind the following:
* - The generated TclTokenMaker.java file will contain two
* definitions of both
and yyreset
* You should hand-delete the second of each definition (the ones
* generated by the lexer), as these generated methods modify the input
* buffer, which we'll never have to do.
* - You should also change the declaration/definition of zzBuffer to NOT
* be initialized. This is a needless memory allocation for us since we
* will be pointing the array somewhere else anyway.
* - You should NOT call
on the generated scanner
* directly; rather, you should use getTokenList
as you would
* with any other TokenMaker
* @author Robert Futrell
* @version 0.5
%class TclTokenMaker
%extends AbstractJFlexCTokenMaker
%type org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.Token
* Constructor. This must be here because JFlex does not generate a
* no-parameter constructor.
public TclTokenMaker() {
* Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
* @param tokenType The token's type.
private void addToken(int tokenType) {
addToken(zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-1, tokenType);
* Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
* @param tokenType The token's type.
private void addToken(int start, int end, int tokenType) {
int so = start + offsetShift;
addToken(zzBuffer, start,end, tokenType, so);
* Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
* @param array The character array.
* @param start The starting offset in the array.
* @param end The ending offset in the array.
* @param tokenType The token's type.
* @param startOffset The offset in the document at which this token
* occurs.
public void addToken(char[] array, int start, int end, int tokenType, int startOffset) {
super.addToken(array, start,end, tokenType, startOffset);
zzStartRead = zzMarkedPos;
* Returns the text to place at the beginning and end of a
* line to "comment" it in a this programming language.
* @return The start and end strings to add to a line to "comment"
* it out.
public String[] getLineCommentStartAndEnd() {
return new String[] { "//", null };
* Returns the first token in the linked list of tokens generated
* from text
. This method must be implemented by
* subclasses so they can correctly implement syntax highlighting.
* @param text The text from which to get tokens.
* @param initialTokenType The token type we should start with.
* @param startOffset The offset into the document at which
* text
* @return The first Token
in a linked list representing
* the syntax highlighted text.
public Token getTokenList(Segment text, int initialTokenType, int startOffset) {
this.offsetShift = -text.offset + startOffset;
// Start off in the proper state.
int state = Token.NULL;
s = text;
try {
return yylex();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return new DefaultToken();
* Refills the input buffer.
* @return true
if EOF was reached, otherwise
* false
* @exception IOException if any I/O-Error occurs.
private boolean zzRefill() throws java.io.IOException {
return zzCurrentPos>=s.offset+s.count;
* Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
* Does not close the old reader.
* All internal variables are reset, the old input stream
* cannot be reused (internal buffer is discarded and lost).
* Lexical state is set to YY_INITIAL.
* @param reader the new input stream
public final void yyreset(java.io.Reader reader) throws java.io.IOException {
// 's' has been updated.
zzBuffer = s.array;
* We replaced the line below with the two below it because zzRefill
* no longer "refills" the buffer (since the way we do it, it's always
* "full" the first time through, since it points to the segment's
* array). So, we assign zzEndRead here.
//zzStartRead = zzEndRead = s.offset;
zzStartRead = s.offset;
zzEndRead = zzStartRead + s.count - 1;
zzCurrentPos = zzMarkedPos = zzPushbackPos = s.offset;
zzLexicalState = YYINITIAL;
zzReader = reader;
zzAtBOL = true;
zzAtEOF = false;
Letter = [A-Za-z]
NonzeroDigit = [1-9]
Digit = ("0"|{NonzeroDigit})
HexDigit = ({Digit}|[A-Fa-f])
OctalDigit = ([0-7])
EscapedSourceCharacter = ("u"{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit}{HexDigit})
NonSeparator = ([^\t\f\r\n\ \(\)\{\}\[\]\;\,\.\=\>\<\!\~\?\:\+\-\*\/\&\|\^\%\"\']|"#"|"\\")
IdentifierStart = ({Letter}|"_"|"$")
IdentifierPart = ({IdentifierStart}|{Digit}|("\\"{EscapedSourceCharacter}))
LineTerminator = (\n)
WhiteSpace = ([ \t\f])
UnclosedStringLiteral = ([\"]([\\].|[^\\\"])*[^\"]?)
StringLiteral = ({UnclosedStringLiteral}[\"])
LineCommentBegin = "#"
IntegerHelper1 = (({NonzeroDigit}{Digit}*)|"0")
IntegerHelper2 = ("0"(([xX]{HexDigit}+)|({OctalDigit}*)))
IntegerLiteral = ({IntegerHelper1}[lL]?)
HexLiteral = ({IntegerHelper2}[lL]?)
FloatHelper1 = ([fFdD]?)
FloatHelper2 = ([eE][+-]?{Digit}+{FloatHelper1})
FloatLiteral1 = ({Digit}+"."({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2}|{Digit}+({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2})))
FloatLiteral2 = ("."{Digit}+({FloatHelper1}|{FloatHelper2}))
FloatLiteral3 = ({Digit}+{FloatHelper2})
FloatLiteral = ({FloatLiteral1}|{FloatLiteral2}|{FloatLiteral3}|({Digit}+[fFdD]))
ErrorNumberFormat = (({IntegerLiteral}|{HexLiteral}|{FloatLiteral}){NonSeparator}+)
Separator = ([\(\)\{\}\[\]])
Separator2 = ([\;,.])
Operator = ("="|"!"|"+"|"-"|"*"|"/"|">"=?|"<"=?|"%"|"&"|"|"|"^"|"~")
Identifier = ({IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}*)
ErrorIdentifier = ({NonSeparator}+)
/* Keywords */
"append" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"array" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"auto_mkindex" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"concat" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"console" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"eval" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"expr" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"format" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"global" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"set" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"trace" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"unset" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"upvar" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"join" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lappend" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lindex" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"linsert" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"list" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"llength" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lrange" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lreplace" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lsearch" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lsort" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"split" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"scan" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"string" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"regexp" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"regsub" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"if" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"else" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"elseif" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"switch" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"for" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"foreach" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"while" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"break" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"continue" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"proc" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"return" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"source" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"unkown" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"uplevel" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"cd" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"close" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"eof" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"file" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"flush" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"gets" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"glob" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"open" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"read" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"puts" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"pwd" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"seek" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tell" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"catch" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"error" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"exec" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"pid" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"after" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"time" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"exit" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"history" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"rename" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"info" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"ceil" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"floor" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"round" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"incr" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"hypot" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"abs" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"acos" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"cos" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"cosh" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"asin" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"sin" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"sinh" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"atan" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"atan2" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tan" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tanh" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"log" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"log10" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"fmod" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"pow" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"hypot" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"sqrt" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"double" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"int" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"bind" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"button" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"canvas" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"checkbutton" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"destroy" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"entry" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"focus" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"frame" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"grab" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"image" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"label" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"listbox" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"lower" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"menu" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"menubutton" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"message" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"option" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"pack" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"placer" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"radiobutton" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"raise" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"scale" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"scrollbar" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"selection" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"send" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"text" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tk" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tkerror" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"tkwait" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"toplevel" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"update" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"winfo" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
"wm" { addToken(Token.RESERVED_WORD); }
{LineTerminator} { addNullToken(); return firstToken; }
{Identifier} { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); }
{WhiteSpace}+ { addToken(Token.WHITESPACE); }
/* String/Character literals. */
{StringLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTE); }
{UnclosedStringLiteral} { addToken(Token.ERROR_STRING_DOUBLE); addNullToken(); return firstToken; }
/* Comment literals. */
{LineCommentBegin}.* { addToken(Token.COMMENT_EOL); addNullToken(); return firstToken; }
/* Separators. */
{Separator} { addToken(Token.SEPARATOR); }
{Separator2} { addToken(Token.IDENTIFIER); }
/* Operators. */
{Operator} { addToken(Token.OPERATOR); }
/* Numbers */
{IntegerLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_DECIMAL_INT); }
{HexLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_HEXADECIMAL); }
{FloatLiteral} { addToken(Token.LITERAL_NUMBER_FLOAT); }
{ErrorNumberFormat} { addToken(Token.ERROR_NUMBER_FORMAT); }
{ErrorIdentifier} { addToken(Token.ERROR_IDENTIFIER); }
/* Ended with a line not in a string or comment. */
<> { addNullToken(); return firstToken; }
/* Catch any other (unhandled) characters and flag them as bad. */
. { addToken(Token.ERROR_IDENTIFIER); }