README for the the NZDL Greenstone Java client This code is released under the Gnu Public Licence, as described in the file GPL or on the web site The main authors of this code are: At the University of Waikato NZDL group David Bainbridge Dave Nichols , Brett Sheeran (bas6 in the cvs log) Stuart Yeates Formerly with the NZDL group: Aziz Mahoui Gordon W. Paynter Collaborators: George Buchanan ************ The NZDL Java-Client interface is a package for writing java applications to communicate with the Greenstone Digital Library. The interface is through Common Object Reference Broker Architecture (CORBA). In order to communicate to Greenstone collections, this software requires that the server machine has Corbaserver installed and running. ************ 1. Introduction It is now possible to access Greenstone collections using the Corba protocol and a Java client. ** As a Java programmer it is not necessary to understand Corba at all - as the Corba complexity has been reduced to a series of Java objects, methods and interfaces. ** To demonstrate how to use the Nzdl classes we have created an application, SimpleGraphicalClient, which can query a Corba server and display the resulting documents. This client is probably a good starting point to using Java with the NZDL. 2. Getting the code 2.1 Getting the SimpleGraphicalClient application source code cvs -d checkout java-client cd java-client make 2.2 Getting the Server cvs checkout gsdl cd gsdl ./configure --enable-corba make make install (anything else??) 3. Running the client It is important to get the directories correct - as Java uses them to manage the namespace of the classes. So you should have something that looks like: java-client/org/nzdl/gsdl/ In this directory you will find: corba - directory, lots of nasty corba stuff, avoid service - the java classes you use, no need to look at this - early test application SimpleGraphicalClient - directory, the Java package Run: java org.nzdl.gsdl.SimpleGraphicalClient.SimpleGraphicalClient 4. Running the server corbaserver -ORBNoCodeSets