#!/usr/bin/perl # # CGIProxy 2.1.17 # # CGIProxy (nph-proxy.cgi): a proxy in the form of a CGI script. # Retrieves the resource at any HTTP or FTP URL, updating embedded URLs # in HTML and all other resources to point back through this script. By # default, no user info is sent to the server. Options include # text-only proxying to save bandwidth, cookie filtering, ad filtering, # script removal, user-defined encoding of the target URL, and much more. # Besides running as a CGI script, can also run under mod_perl, as a # FastCGI script, or can use its own embedded HTTP server. # Requires Perl 5. # # Copyright (C) 1996, 1998-2016 by James Marshall, james@jmarshall.com # All rights reserved. Free for non-commercial use; commercial use # requires a license. # # For the latest, see https://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/ # # # IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ANONYMOUS BROWSING: # # CGIProxy was originally made for indirect browsing more than # anonymity, but since people are using it for anonymity, I've tried # to make it as anonymous as possible. Suggestions welcome. For best # anonymity, browse with JavaScript turned off. That said, please notify # me if you find any privacy holes, even when using JavaScript. # Anonymity is good, but may not be bulletproof. For example, if even # a single unchecked JavaScript statement can be run, your anonymity # can be compromised. I've tried to handle JS in every place it can # exist, but please tell me if I missed any. Also, browser plugins # or other executable extensions may be able to reveal you to a server. # Also, be aware that this script doesn't modify PDF files or other # third-party document formats that may contain linking ability, so # you will lose your anonymity if you follow links in such files. # If you find any other way your anonymity can be compromised, please let # me know. # # # INSTALLATION: # # First, edit this file (nph-proxy.cgi) to configure it-- see the CONFIGURATION # section just below for certain options that may be required. All # configuration variables are set in the "user configuration" section starting # around line 338. # After copying nph-proxy.cgi to your server, run "./nph-proxy.cgi init" # from the server command line (on Windows, run "perl nph-proxy.cgi init"). # This creates needed directories, installs all optional Perl (CPAN) modules, # and creates the database that CGIProxy uses. Ignore the scrolling text, # and hit if asked any questions. Ideally you can run this command # as root to set file permissions and ownership optimally, but even if run as # non-root these will be handled as well as possible and the script should # still work. # To see a simple usage message, run "./nph-proxy.cgi -?". # It's fine to rename this file, as long as your Web server is set up to # recognize it. All of the documentation refers to "nph-proxy.cgi", # but replace that with whatever you renamed the file to. # # For complete installation instructions, see # https://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/install.html # # # CONFIGURATION: # # . Set $PROXY_DIR and $RUN_AS_USER -- see the comments above those settings # for details. # . If you don't have root access on your server, set $LOCAL_LIB_DIR so that # the Perl (CPAN) modules can be installed under your own directory. Do # this before running "./nph-proxy.cgi init", as described above. # . If you're using either a MySQL/MariaDB or Oracle database to store cookies, # you need to set $DB_DRIVER, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, and possibly $DB_SERVER . # See the notes by those settings for more details. Note that you need to # purge the database periodically by running "./nph-proxy.cgi purge-db", # with a cron job on Unix or Mac, or with the Task Scheduler in Windows. # The default database driver is SQLite, which doesn't need a username or # password or even a running database engine, but still requires periodic # purging. # . If you're using another HTTP or SSL proxy, set $HTTP_PROXY, # $SSL_PROXY, and $NO_PROXY as needed. If those proxies use # authentication, set $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH accordingly. # . If you're using a SOCKS proxy, set $SOCKS_PROXY and possibly # $SOCKS_USERNAME and $SOCKS_PASSWORD . # . If this is running on an insecure server that doesn't use port 80, set # $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER=0 (otherwise, the default of '' is fine). # . If you plan to run CGIProxy as a FastCGI script, set at least # $SECRET_PATH and see the configuration section "FastCGI configuration". # . If you plan to run CGIProxy using its own embedded server, set # $SECRET_PATH and see the configuration section "Embedded server configuration". # You'll also need a certificate and private key (key pair) in PEM # format. # . See http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/options.html#env , in the section # "OPTIONS RELATED TO YOUR SERVER/NETWORK ENVIRONMENT", for other options # you may need to set. # # Other options include: # . Set $TEXT_ONLY, $REMOVE_COOKIES, $REMOVE_SCRIPTS, $FILTER_ADS, # $HIDE_REFERER, and $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM as desired. Set # $REMOVE_SCRIPTS if anonymity is important. # . To let the user choose all of those settings (except $TEXT_ONLY), # set $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG=1. # . To change the encoding format of the URL, modify the # proxy_encode() and proxy_decode() routines. The default # routines are suitable for simple PATH_INFO compliance. # . To encode cookies, modify the cookie_encode() and cookie_decode() # routines. # . You can restrict which servers this proxy will access, with # @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS. # . Similarly, you can specify allowed and denied server lists for # both cookies and scripts. # . For security, you can ban access to private IP ranges, with # @BANNED_NETWORKS. # . If filtering ads, you can customize this with a few settings. # . To insert your own block of HTML into each page, set $INSERT_HTML # or $INSERT_FILE. # . As a last resort, if you really can't run this script as NPH, # you can try to run it as non-NPH by setting $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH=1. # BUT, read the notes and warnings above that line. Caveat surfor. # . For crude load-balancing among a set of proxies, set @PROXY_GROUP. # . Other config is possible; see the user configuration section. # . If heavy use of this proxy puts a load on your server, see the # "NOTES ON PERFORMANCE" section below. # # For more info, read the comments above any config options you set. # # For a full list of options, see https://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/options.html # # This script MUST be installed as a non-parsed header (NPH) script. # In Apache and many other servers, this is done by simply starting the # filename with "nph-". It MAY be possible to fake it as a non-NPH # script, MOST of the time, by using the $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH feature. # This is not advised. See the comments by that option for warnings. # # # TO USE: # Start a browsing session by visiting the script's URL with no parameters. # You can bookmark pages you browse to through the proxy, or link to # the URLs that are generated. # # # NOTES ON PERFORMANCE: # Unfortunately, this has gotten slower through the versions, mostly # because of optional new features. Configured equally, version 1.3 # takes 25% longer to run than 1.0 or 1.1 (based on *cough* highly # abbreviated testing). Compiling takes about 50% longer. # Leaving $REMOVE_SCRIPTS=1 adds 25-50% to the running time. # Remember that we're talking about tenths of a second here. Most of # the delay experienced by the user is from waiting on two network # connections. These performance issues only matter if your server # CPU is getting overloaded. Also, these mostly matter when retrieving # JavaScript and Flash, because modifying those is what takes most of the # time. # If you can, use mod_perl. Starting with version 1.3.1, this should # work under mod_perl, which requires Perl 5.004 or later. If you use # mod_perl, be careful to install this as an NPH script, i.e. set the # "PerlSendHeader Off" configuration directive (or "PerlOptions -ParseHeaders" # if using mod_perl 2.x). For more info, see the mod_perl documentation. # If you can't use mod_perl, try using FastCGI. Configure the section # "FastCGI configuration" below, and run nph-proxy.cgi from the command # line to see a usage message. You'll also need to configure your # Web server to use FastCGI. # If you can't use mod_perl or FastCGI, try running CGIProxy as its own # embedded server. Configure the section "Embedded server configuration", # and run nph-proxy.cgi from the command line to see a usage message. # You'll also need a key pair (certificate and private key). # If you use mod_perl, FastCGI, or the embedded server, and modify this # script, see the note near the "reset 'a-z'" line below, regarding # UPPER_CASE and lower_case variable names. # # If performance on the browser is bad for JS-heavy sites like facebook, # then close other browser windows and other CPU-heavy processes, and # see the comments above the setting of %REDIRECTS below. Also, try # using a browser other than MSIE-- it seems to have the most problems. # # # TO DO: # What I want to hear about: # . Any HTML tags not being converted here. # . Any method of introducing JavaScript or other script, that's not # being handled here. # . Any script MIME types other than those already in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES. # . Any MIME types other than text/html that have links that need to # be converted. # plug any other script holes (e.g. MSIE-proprietary, other MIME types?) # more error checking? # find a simple encryption technique for proxy_encode() # For ad filtering, add option to disable images from servers other than # that of the containing HTML page? Is it worth it? # # # BUGS: # Anonymity may not not perfect. In particular, there may be some remaining # JavaScript or Flash holes. Please let me know if you find any. # Since ALL of your cookies are sent to this script (which then chooses # the relevant ones), some cookies could be dropped if you accumulate a # lot, resulting in "Bad Request" errors. To fix this, use a database # server for cookies. # # # I first wrote this in 1996 as an experiment to allow indirect browsing. # The original seed was a program I wrote for Rich Morin's article # in the June 1996 issue of Unix Review, online at # http://www.cfcl.com/tin/P/199606.shtml. # # Confession: I didn't originally write this with the spec for HTTP # proxies in mind, and there are probably some violations of the protocol # (at least for proxies). This whole thing is one big violation of the # proxy model anyway, so I hereby rationalize that the spec can be widely # interpreted here. If there is demand, I can make it more conformant. # The HTTP client and server components should be fine; it's just the # special requirements for proxies that may not be followed. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict ; use warnings ; no warnings qw(uninitialized redefine) ; # we use defaults all the time use Encode ; use IO::Handle ; use IO::Select ; use File::Spec ; use Time::Local ; use Getopt::Long ; use Socket qw(:all) ; use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn) ; use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock) ; use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h setsid); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval) ; use Errno qw(EINTR EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCK ENOBUFS EPIPE) ; # First block below is config variables, second block is sort-of config # variables, third block is persistent constants, fourth block is would-be # persistent constants (not set until needed), fifth block is constants for # JavaScript processing (mostly regular expressions), and last block is # variables. # Removed $RE_JS_STRING_LITERAL to help with Perl's long-literal-string bug, # but can replace it later if/when that is fixed. Added # $RE_JS_STRING_LITERAL_START, $RE_JS_STRING_REMAINDER_1, and # $RE_JS_STRING_REMAINDER_2 as part of the workaround. use vars qw( $PROXY_DIR $SECRET_PATH $LOCAL_LIB_DIR $FCGI_SOCKET $FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_PROCESS $FCGI_NUM_PROCESSES $PRIVATE_KEY_FILE $CERTIFICATE_FILE $RUN_AS_USER $EMB_USERNAME $EMB_PASSWORD $DB_DRIVER $DB_SERVER $DB_NAME $DB_USER $DB_PASS $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES %REDIRECTS %TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER_BY_HOST $DEFAULT_LANG $TEXT_ONLY $REMOVE_COOKIES $REMOVE_SCRIPTS $FILTER_ADS $HIDE_REFERER $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS @ALLOWED_SERVERS @BANNED_SERVERS @BANNED_NETWORKS $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE @ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS @ALLOWED_SCRIPT_SERVERS @BANNED_SCRIPT_SERVERS @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS $RETURN_EMPTY_GIF $USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST $DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST $INSERT_HTML $INSERT_FILE $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION $FORM_AFTER_INSERTION $INSERTION_FRAME_HEIGHT $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH $USER_FACING_PORT $HTTP_PROXY $SSL_PROXY $NO_PROXY $PROXY_AUTH $SSL_PROXY_AUTH $SOCKS_PROXY $SOCKS_USERNAME $SOCKS_PASSWORD $MINIMIZE_CACHING $SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY $COOKIE_PATH_FOLLOWS_SPEC $RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE @PROXY_GROUP $USER_AGENT $USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE $SHOW_FTP_WELCOME $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS $PROXIFY_SWF $ALLOW_RTMP_PROXY $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS $PROXIFY_COMMENTS $USE_POST_ON_START $ENCODE_URL_INPUT $REMOVE_TITLES $NO_BROWSE_THROUGH_SELF $NO_LINK_TO_START $MAX_REQUEST_SIZE @TRANSMIT_HTML_IN_PARTS_URLS $QUIETLY_EXIT_PROXY_SESSION $ALERT_ON_CSP_VIOLATION $OVERRIDE_SECURITY @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES @OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER @TYPES_TO_HANDLE $NON_TEXT_EXTENSIONS @RTL_LANG $PROXY_VERSION $RUN_METHOD @MONTH @WEEKDAY %UN_MONTH %RTL_LANG @BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS $DB_HOSTPORT $DBH $STH_UPD_COOKIE $STH_INS_COOKIE $STH_SEL_COOKIE $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES $STH_DEL_COOKIE $STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES $STH_UPD_SESSION $STH_INS_SESSION $STH_SEL_IP $STH_PURGE_SESSIONS $STH_PURGE_COOKIES $USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST_H $DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST_H $RUNNING_ON_IIS @NO_PROXY $NO_CACHE_HEADERS @ALL_TYPES %MIME_TYPE_ID $SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX $TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX $THIS_HOST $ENV_SERVER_PORT $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME $THIS_SCRIPT_URL $SSL_SUPPORTED $RTMP_SERVER_PORT %ENV_UNCHANGING $HAS_INITED %MSG @MSG_KEYS $CUSTOM_INSERTION %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION $RE_JS_WHITE_SPACE $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR $RE_JS_COMMENT $RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START $RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_PART $RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_NAME $RE_JS_PUNCTUATOR $RE_JS_DIV_PUNCTUATOR $RE_JS_NUMERIC_LITERAL $RE_JS_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE $RE_JS_STRING_LITERAL $RE_JS_STRING_LITERAL_START $RE_JS_STRING_REMAINDER_1 $RE_JS_STRING_REMAINDER_2 $RE_JS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_LITERAL $RE_JS_TOKEN $RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_DIV $RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_REG_EXP $RE_JS_SKIP $RE_JS_SKIP_NO_LT %RE_JS_SET_TRAPPED_PROPERTIES %RE_JS_SET_RESERVED_WORDS_NON_EXPRESSION %RE_JS_SET_ALL_PUNCTUATORS $JSLIB_BODY $JSLIB_BODY_GZ $HTTP_VERSION $HTTP_1_X $URL $STDIN $STDOUT $now $session_id $session_id_persistent $session_cookies $packed_flags $encoded_URL $doing_insert_here $env_accept $e_remove_cookies $e_remove_scripts $e_filter_ads $e_insert_entry_form $e_hide_referer $images_are_banned_here $scripts_are_banned_here $cookies_are_banned_here $scheme $authority $path $host $port $username $password $csp $csp_ro $csp_is_supported $cookie_to_server %auth $script_url $url_start $url_start_inframe $url_start_noframe $lang $dir $is_in_frame $expected_type $base_url $base_scheme $base_host $base_path $base_file $base_unframes $default_style_type $default_script_type $status $headers $body $charset $meta_charset $is_html %in_mini_start_form $does_write $swflib $AVM2_BYTECODES $xhr_origin $temp_counter $debug ) ; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # user configuration #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For certain purposes, CGIProxy may need to create files. This is where # those will go. For example, use "/home/username/cgiproxy", where "username" # is replaced by your username. # This directory has to be readable and writeable by the userID that CGIProxy # runs as; that userID is set in the Web server configuration (if this is running # as a CGI script or under mod_perl), or else it's the userID used to start # the FastCGI server or the embedded server. # This can be either a relative or absolute path. If it's a relative path, it # will be interpreted relative to the home directory of this script file's owner. # If you have root access and can run "./nph-proxy init" as root (which has # advantages), then set this to an absolute path so it doesn't go under # the /root directory. # Note that you need to use "\\" to represent a single backslash. # Leading drive letters (e.g. for Windows) are allowed. # The default will use the directory "cgiproxy" under your home directory (which # varies with your operating system). If it doesn't work, manually set # $PROXY_DIR to an absolute path. You can name it whatever you want. # Also see $RUN_AS_USER, just below. Note that many special users, probably # including your Web server's user, don't have a home directory to put $PROXY_DIR # under. For such a case, you need to set $PROXY_DIR to another directory somewhere # that the Web server's user can read and write. # Note that in Unix or Mac, using a directory on a mounted filesystem (which often # includes home directories) may prevent that filesystem from being unmounted, # which may bother your sysadmin. If so, try setting this to something starting # with "/tmp/", like "/tmp/.your-username/". # If you get "mkdir" permission errors, create the directory yourself with mkdir. # You may also need to "chmod 777 directoryname" to make the directory writable # by the Web server, but note that this makes it readable and writable by # everybody. You might ask your webmaster if they provide a safe way for CGI # scripts to read and write files in your directories. With Apache, the suEXEC # feature is often used to let multiple website owners use the same server # securely: each CGI or mod_perl script is run as the owner of the script file. #$PROXY_DIR= 'cgiproxy' ; $PROXY_DIR= '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/meddle' ; #### # If you have root access and can run "./nph-proxy init" as root, then set this # to either the username or numeric user ID that the script will run as. When # run as a CGI script or under mod_perl, this is usually the Web server's # username, or possibly the script owner's username if using Apache with the # suEXEC feature turned on. # Setting this lets "./nph-proxy init" create the needed directories ($PROXY_DIR # and subdirectories) and a SQLite database file (if using SQLite) with the right # permissions and ownership. # If you run this script as the root user in order to use port 443 with the # embedded server, it's a good idea to change the user ID to something with # fewer permissions. You can also do this by setting $RUN_AS_USER . # In any case, this has to be set to an existing user on the server, i.e. CGIProxy # doesn't create the user if it doesn't already exist. # If this is not set, it will default to the owner of this script file. # Also see $PROXY_DIR, just above. Note that many special users, probably including # your Web server's user, don't have a home directory to put $PROXY_DIR under. # For such a case, you need to set $PROXY_DIR to another directory somewhere that # the Web server's user can read and write. # This probably won't work on Windows, though note that you don't need root # access to use port 443 on Windows. $RUN_AS_USER= 'www-data' ; # **** # IMPORTANT: CHANGE THIS IF USING FASTCGI OR THE EMBEDDED SERVER! # If using FastCGI or the embedded server, the path in the URL will begin with a # fixed alphanumeric sequence (string) to help conceal the proxy. You can set # this to any alphanumeric string. The URL of your proxy will be # "https://example.com/secret" (replace "secret" with your actual secret). # If we didn't do this, then a censor could check if a site hosts a proxy by # merely accessing "https://example.com" . # Note that this is not a secret from the users, just from anyone watching # network traffic. Also, it won't be kept secret if your server is insecure. $SECRET_PATH= 'secret' ; # If you don't have root access on your server, set this so that Perl (CPAN) # modules are installed under your own directory. Be sure to follow the # instructions about the environment variables after you run "./nph-proxy.cgi init". # If this script is not running as your user ID (such as a Web server running # as its own user ID), and you're using the local::lib module, then # set this to the directory where your modules are installed with local::lib . # This is normally just the "perl5" directory under your home directory, unless # you renamed it or configured local::lib to use a different directory. # If you set this before installing modules, then CPAN (Perl) modules will be # installed into this directory. #$LOCAL_LIB_DIR= '/home/your-username/perl5' ; # this example works for Unix or Mac $LOCAL_LIB_DIR= '/home/davidb/research/code/writers-of-the-lost-paper/perl5' ; ##### # If you're running CGIProxy such that the Web server that the user sees is different # from the Web server CGIProxy is running on (though maybe on the same machine), # the SERVER_PORT environment variable might not be set to the port that the # user is connecting to, and so all the generated URLs will have the wrong # port in them. In this case, you can set $USER_FACING_PORT to the port number # that *should* be in the URLs, i.e. the port that the user connects to. # For example, this would be useful when the user connects to nginx on a server where # nginx then calls an internal Apache process to run this script (perhaps to take # advantage of mod_perl). In such a case, the SERVER_PORT set by Apache will be # the port used for internal nginx-to-Apache communication, not the port the user # connects to nginx with. In this case, you would set $USER_FACING_PORT to the # outward-facing port that nginx listens on. #$USER_FACING_PORT= 443 ; #---- FastCGI configuration --------------------- # FastCGI is a mechanism that can speed up CGI-like scripts. It's purely # optional and requires some web server configuration as well, and if you # don't use it you can ignore this section. # FastCGI uses a local Internet socket to communicate between the FastCGI client # (e.g. the web server software) and the FastCGI server (e.g. a CGI script that # has been converted to run as a listening daemon, such as CGIProxy). # Set this to a port number for this script to listen on as a FastCGI script. # You'll need to set it in your HTTP server's configuration file too (e.g. in # httpd.conf or nginx.conf). For details of that, see # http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/install.html#fastcgi # This used to use a "Unix-domain socket" instead of an Internet socket, but # there was trouble with the FCGI module and Unix-domain sockets, so as of # CGIProxy 2.1.14 we use an Internet socket. # Note that this no longer requires a ":" at the start, though that is allowed. $FCGI_SOCKET= 8002 ; # FastCGI uses multiple processes to listen on its socket, where each # process can handle one request at a time. This is a performance tuning # parameter, so the optimal number depends on your server environment # (hardware and software). # If you don't understand this, the default should be fine. You can experiment # with different numbers if performance is an issue. # This can be overridden with the "-n" command-line parameter. $FCGI_NUM_PROCESSES= 100 ; # As a FastCGI process gets used for many requests, it slowly takes more and # more memory, due to the copy-on-write behavior of forked processes. Thus, # it's cleaner if you kill a process and restart a fresh one after it handles # some number of requests. This is a performance tuning parameter, so the # optimal number depends on your server environment (hardware and software). # If you don't understand this, the default should be fine. You can experiment # with different numbers if performance is an issue. # This can be overridden with the "-m" command-line parameter. $FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_PROCESS= 1000 ; #---- End of FastCGI configuration -------------- # Much initialization of unchanging values is now in this routine. (Ignore # this if you don't know what it means.) sub init { #---- Embedded server configuration ------------- # For the embedded server, you need to a) put a certificate and private key, # in PEM format, into the $PROXY_DIR directory, and b) set these two # variables to the two file names. (A "certificate" is the same thing as # a public key.) # You can either pay a certificate authority for a key pair, or you can # generate your own "self-signed" key pair. The disadvantage of using a # self-signed key pair is that your users will see a browser warning about # an untrusted certificate. This is all true of any secure server. #$CERTIFICATE_FILE= 'plain-cert.pem' ; #$PRIVATE_KEY_FILE= 'plain-rsa.pem' ; # It's important to use $SECRET_PATH, but you can require a username and # password too. All users must login with whatever you set below, using # HTTP Basic authentication. Leave these commented out to disable # password protection. # This is very simple right now. In the future there will likely be # more authentication methods, including support for multiple users. #$EMB_USERNAME= 'free' ; #$EMB_PASSWORD= 'speech' ; #---- End of embedded server configuration ------ #---- Database configuration -------------------- # Database use is optional, and if you don't use one you can ignore this # section. But if you're getting "Bad Request" errors, you can fix it # by using a database; also, see the $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES option below. # Database use is optional. It's most efficient when this script is running # under mod_perl or FastCGI. # The easiest database to use is SQLite. While normal database engines like # MySQL/MariaDB or Oracle require a constantly running process and some # configuration by the system administrator, SQLite requires none of this-- # it reads and writes directly to database files in your own directory, as # protected by the operating system permissions. Because of its ease of # configuration, SQLite is the default database here. # If you're using a database other than SQLite, create a database user account # for this program to use, or ask your database administrator to do it. Set # $DB_USER and $DB_PASS to the username and password, below. This program # will try to create the required database, named $DB_NAME as set below, but # if your DBA isn't willing to grant the permission to create databases to # the CGIProxy user, then you or the DBA will need to create the database. # This can be done with the SQL command "CREATE DATABASE cgiproxy;" (or # whatever you set $DB_NAME to below). # # If you are using a database of any kind, it must be purged periodically. In # Unix or Mac, do this with a cron job. In Windows, use the Task Scheduler. # In Unix or Mac, the command to purge the database is # "/path/to/script/nph-proxy.cgi purge-db". (Replace "/path/to/script/" # with the actual path to the script.) Edit your crontab with "crontab -e", # and add a line like: # "0 * * * * /path/to/script/nph-proxy.cgi purge-db" (without quotes) # to purge the database at the top of every hour, or: # "0 2 * * * /path/to/script/nph-proxy.cgi purge-db" (without quotes) # to purge it every night at 2:00am. # This is the name of the "database driver" for the database software you're using. # Currently supported values are "SQLite", "MySQL" and "Oracle". # The default of "SQLite" is the easiest to use. SQLite lets you have database # functionality by directly reading and writing a database file, without requiring # a full database engine like MySQL/MariaDB or Oracle to run on your server. # Note that it is potentially insecure to use a database if there are other # untrusted people with accounts on the same server, especially if they can read # this script file and the database password below. The easiest way to securely # use a database is to have your own server with no untrusted user having shell # access on it. If this isn't practical, then you need to set file permissions # appropriately on both this script file and any SQLite database file: set # permissions (and file ownership and group ownership) on both files to be # accessible by the web server's userID, but not accessible by anyone else on # the same server. Note that running this on a virtual private server isn't # insecure in this way-- even though a VPS is a shared machine, other people # can't see your files (except the sysadmin). # Set this to "" or comment it out to not use a database. Note that you will # probably see "Bad Request" errors when you accumulate too many cookies; using # a database solves this problem, or you can periodically clear your cookies. $DB_DRIVER= 'SQLite' ; # If your database (other than SQLite) is running on a remote server, or on a # non-default port, set this to "dbserver:port", where dbserver is the name # or IP address of your database server, and port is the port it is listening # on. If dbserver is empty (as in ":port"), then it defaults to localhost; # if port is empty (as in "dbserver:" or just "dbserver"), then it defaults # to 3306 for MySQL, or 1521 for Oracle. #$DB_SERVER= "localhost:3306" ; # CGIProxy creates (if possible) and uses its own database. If you want to name # the database something else, change this value. If you need a database # administrator to create the database, tell him or her this database name. # This value must only contain letters, numbers, and the "_" character. $DB_NAME= 'cgiproxy' ; # These are the username and password of the database account, as described above. # If you're using SQLite, you don't need to set these-- access to the SQLite # database files is controlled by the permissions of the filesystem. $DB_USER= 'proxy' ; $DB_PASS= '' ; # If set, then use the server-side database to store cookies. This gets around # the problem of too many total cookies causing "Bad Request" errors. # Set this to 1 to use the database (if it's configured), or to 0 to NOT use # the database. $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES= 1 ; #---- End of database configuration ------------- # This is the default language to use for all CGIProxy messages, until the user # clicks on a flag in the start form. $DEFAULT_LANG= 'en' ; # If set, then proxy traffic will be restricted to text data only, to save # bandwidth (though it can still be circumvented with uuencode, etc.). # To replace images with a 1x1 transparent GIF, set $RETURN_EMPTY_GIF below. $TEXT_ONLY= 0 ; # set to 1 to allow only text data, 0 to allow all # If set, then prevent all cookies from passing through the proxy. To allow # cookies from some servers, set this to 0 and see @ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS # and @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS below. You can also prevent cookies with # images by setting $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE below. # Note that this only affects cookies from the target server. The proxy # script sends its own cookies for other reasons too, like to support # authentication. This flag does not stop these cookies from being sent. $REMOVE_COOKIES= 0 ; # If set, then remove as much scripting as possible. If anonymity is # important, this is strongly recommended! Better yet, turn off script # support in your browser. # On the HTTP level: # . prevent transmission of script MIME types (which only works if the server # marks them as such, so a malicious server could get around this, but # then the browser probably wouldn't execute the script). # . remove Link: headers that link to a resource of a script MIME type. # Within HTML resources: # . remove . # . remove intrinsic event attributes from tags, i.e. attributes whose names # begin with "on". # . remove where "type" attribute is a script MIME type. # . remove various HTML tags that appear to link to a script MIME type. # . remove script macros (aka Netscape-specific "JavaScript entities"), # i.e. any attributes containing the string "&{" . # . remove "JavaScript conditional comments". # . remove MSIE-specific "dynamic properties". # To allow scripts from some sites but not from others, set this to 0 and # see @ALLOWED_SCRIPT_SERVERS and @BANNED_SCRIPT_SERVERS below. # See @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES below for a list of which MIME types are filtered out. # I do NOT know for certain that this removes all script content! It removes # all that I know of, but I don't have a definitive list of places scripts # can exist. If you do, please send it to me. EVEN RUNNING A SINGLE # JAVASCRIPT STATEMENT CAN COMPROMISE YOUR ANONYMITY! Just so you know. # Richard Smith has a good test site for anonymizing proxies, at # http://users.rcn.com/rms2000/anon/test.htm # Note that turning this on removes most popup ads! :) $REMOVE_SCRIPTS= 0 ; # If set, then filter out images that match one of @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS, # below. Also removes cookies attached to images, as if $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE # is set. # To remove most popup advertisements, also set $REMOVE_SCRIPTS=1 above. $FILTER_ADS= 0 ; # If set, then don't send a Referer: [sic] header with each request # (i.e. something that tells the server which page you're coming from # that linked to it). This is a minor privacy issue, but a few sites # won't send you pages or images if the Referer: is not what they're # expecting. If a page is loading without images or a link seems to be # refused, then try turning this off, and a correct Referer: header will # be sent. # This is only a problem in a VERY small percentage of sites, so few that # I'm kinda hesitant to put this in the entry form. Other arrangements # have their own problems, though. $HIDE_REFERER= 0 ; # If set, insert a compact version of the URL entry form at the top of each # page. This will also display the URL currently being viewed. # When viewing a page with frames, then a new top frame is created and the # insertion goes there. # If you want to customize the appearance of the form, modify the routine # mini_start_form() near the end of the script. # If you want to insert something other than this form, see $INSERT_HTML and # $INSERT_FILE below. # Users should realize that options changed via the form only take affect when # the form is submitted by entering a new URL or pressing the "Go" button. # Selecting an option, then following a link on the page, will not cause # the option to take effect. # Users should also realize that anything inserted into a page may throw # off any precise layout. The insertion will also be subject to # background colors and images, and any other page-wide settings. $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM= 1 ; # If set, then allow the user to control $REMOVE_COOKIES, $REMOVE_SCRIPTS, # $FILTER_ADS, $HIDE_REFERER, and $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM. Note that they # can't fine-tune any related options, such as the various @ALLOWED... and # @BANNED... lists. $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG= 1 ; # If you want to encode the URLs of visited pages so that they don't show # up within the full URL in your browser bar, then use proxy_encode() and # proxy_decode(). These are Perl routines that transform the way the # destination URL is included in the full URL. You can either use # some combination of the example encodings below, or you can program your # own routines. The encoded form of URLs should only contain characters # that are legal in PATH_INFO. This varies by server, but using only # printable chars and no "?" or "#" works on most servers. Don't let # PATH_INFO contain the strings "./", "/.", "../", or "/..", or else it # may get compressed like a pathname somewhere. Try not to make the # resulting string too long, either. # Of course, proxy_decode() must exactly undo whatever proxy_encode() does. # Make proxy_encode() as fast as possible-- it's a bottleneck for the whole # program. The speed of proxy_decode() is not as important. # If you're not a Perl programmer, you can use the example encodings that are # commented out, i.e. the lines beginning with "#". To use them, merely # uncomment them, i.e. remove the "#" at the start of the line. If you # uncomment a line in proxy_encode(), you MUST uncomment the corresponding # line in proxy_decode() (note that "corresponding lines" in # proxy_decode() are in reverse order of those in proxy_encode()). You # can use one, two, or all three encodings at the same time, as long as # the correct lines are uncommented. # Starting in version 2.1beta9, don't call these functions directly. Rather, # call wrap_proxy_encode() and wrap_proxy_decode() instead, which handle # certain details that you shouldn't have to worry about in these functions. # IMPORTANT: If you modify these routines, and if $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS is set # below (on by default), then you MUST modify $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS # below!! (You'll need to write corresponding routines in JavaScript to do # the same as these routines in Perl, used when proxifying JavaScript.) # Because of the simplified absolute URL resolution in full_url(), there may # be ".." segments in the default encoding here, notably in the first path # segment. Normally, that's just an HTML mistake, but please tell me if # you see any privacy exploit with it. # Note that a few sites have embedded applications (like applets or Shockwave) # that expect to access URLs relative to the page's URL. This means they # may not work if the encoded target URL can't be treated like a base URL, # e.g. that it can't be appended with something like "../data/foo.data" # to get that expected data file. In such cases, the default encoding below # should let these sites work fine, as should any other encoding that can # support URLs relative to it. sub proxy_encode { my($URL)= @_ ; $URL=~ s#^([\w+.-]+)://#$1/# ; # http://xxx -> http/xxx # $URL=~ s/(.)/ sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # each char -> 2-hex # $URL=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13 return $URL ; } sub proxy_decode { my($enc_URL)= @_ ; # $enc_URL=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13 # $enc_URL=~ s/([\da-fA-F]{2})/ sprintf("%c",hex($1)) /ge ; $enc_URL=~ s#^([\w+.-]+)/#$1://# ; # http/xxx -> http://xxx return $enc_URL ; } # Encode cookies before they're sent back to the user. # The return value must only contain characters that are legal in cookie # names and values, i.e. only printable characters, and no ";", ",", "=", # or white space. # cookie_encode() is called twice for each cookie: once to encode the cookie # name, and once to encode the cookie value. The two are then joined with # "=" and sent to the user. # cookie_decode() must exactly undo whatever cookie_encode() does. # Also, cookie_encode() must always encode a given input string into the # same output string. This is because browsers need the cookie name to # identify and manage a cookie, so the name must be consistent. # This is not a bottleneck like proxy_encode() is, so speed is not critical. # IMPORTANT: If you modify these routines, and if $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS is set # below (on by default), then you MUST modify $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS # below!! (You'll need to write corresponding routines in JavaScript to do # the same as these routines in Perl, used when proxifying JavaScript.) sub cookie_encode { my($cookie)= @_ ; # $cookie=~ s/(.)/ sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # each char -> 2-hex # $cookie=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13 $cookie=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # simple URL-encoding return $cookie ; } sub cookie_decode { my($enc_cookie)= @_ ; $enc_cookie=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; # URL-decode # $enc_cookie=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13 # $enc_cookie=~ s/([\da-fA-F]{2})/ sprintf("%c",hex($1)) /ge ; return $enc_cookie ; } # If $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS is true, and if you modify the routines above that # encode cookies and URLs, then you need to modify $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS # here. Explanation: When proxifying JavaScript, a library of JavaScript # functions is used. In that library are a few JavaScript routines that do # the same as their Perl counterparts in this script. Four of those routines # are proxy_encode(), proxy_decode(), cookie_encode(), and cookie_decode(). # Thus, unfortunately, when you write your own versions of those Perl routines # (or modify what's already there), you also need to write (or modify) these # corresponding JavaScript routines to do the same thing. Put the routines in # this long variable $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS, and it will be included in # the JavaScript library when needed. Prefix the function names with # "_proxy_jslib_", as below. # The commented examples in the JavaScript routines below correspond exactly to # the commented examples in the Perl routines above. Thus, if you modify the # Perl routines by merely uncommenting the examples, you can do the same in # these JavaScript routines. (JavaScript comments begin with "//".) # [If you don't know Perl: Note that everything up until the line "EOB" is one # long string value, called a "here document". $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS is # set to the whole thing.] $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS= <<'EOB' ; function _proxy_jslib_proxy_encode(URL) { URL= URL.replace(/^([\w\+\.\-]+)\:\/\//, '$1/') ; // URL= URL.replace(/(.)/g, function (s,p1) { return p1.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) } ) ; // URL= URL.replace(/([a-mA-M])|[n-zN-Z]/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0)+(p1?13:-13)) }) ; return URL ; } function _proxy_jslib_proxy_decode(enc_URL) { // enc_URL= enc_URL.replace(/([a-mA-M])|[n-zN-Z]/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0)+(p1?13:-13)) }) ; // enc_URL= enc_URL.replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2})/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(eval('0x'+p1)) } ) ; enc_URL= enc_URL.replace(/^([\w\+\.\-]+)\//, '$1://') ; return enc_URL ; } function _proxy_jslib_cookie_encode(cookie) { // cookie= cookie.replace(/(.)/g, function (s,p1) { return p1.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) } ) ; // cookie= cookie.replace(/([a-mA-M])|[n-zN-Z]/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0)+(p1?13:-13)) }) ; cookie= cookie.replace(/(\W)/g, function (s,p1) { return '%'+p1.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) } ) ; return cookie ; } function _proxy_jslib_cookie_decode(enc_cookie) { enc_cookie= enc_cookie.replace(/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(eval('0x'+p1)) } ) ; // enc_cookie= enc_cookie.replace(/([a-mA-M])|[n-zN-Z]/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0)+(p1?13:-13)) }) ; // enc_cookie= enc_cookie.replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2})/g, function (s,p1) { return String.fromCharCode(eval('0x'+p1)) } ) ; return enc_cookie ; } EOB # Use @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS to restrict which servers a user # can visit through this proxy. Any URL at a host matching a pattern in # @BANNED_SERVERS will be forbidden. In addition, if @ALLOWED_SERVERS is # not empty, then access is allowed *only* to servers that match a pattern # in it. In other words, @BANNED_SERVERS means "ban these servers", and # @ALLOWED_SERVERS (if not empty) means "allow only these servers". If a # server matches both lists, it is banned. # These are each a list of Perl 5 regular expressions (aka patterns or # regexes), not literal host names. To turn a hostname into a pattern, # replace every "." with "\.", add "^" to the beginning, and add "$" to the # end. For example, 'www.example.com' becomes '^www\.example\.com$'. To # match *every* host ending in something, leave out the "^". For example, # '\.example\.com$' matches every host ending in ".example.com". For more # details about Perl regular expressions, see the Perl documentation. (They # may seem cryptic at first, but they're very powerful once you know how to # use them.) # Note: Use single quotes around each pattern, not double qoutes, unless you # understand the difference between the two in Perl. Otherwise, characters # like "$" and "\" may not be handled the way you expect. @ALLOWED_SERVERS= () ; @BANNED_SERVERS= () ; # If @BANNED_NETWORKS is set, then forbid access to these hosts or networks. # This is done by IP address, not name, so it provides more certain security # than @BANNED_SERVERS above. # Specify each element as a decimal IP address-- all four integers for a host, # or one to three integers for a network. For example, '' bans # access to the local host, and '192.168' bans access to all IP addresses # in the 192.168 network. Sorry, no banning yet for subnets other than # 8, 16, or 24 bits. # IF YOU'RE RUNNING THIS ON OR INSIDE A FIREWALL, THIS SETTING IS STRONGLY # RECOMMENDED!! In particular, you should ban access to other machines # inside the firewall that the firewall machine itself may have access to. # Otherwise, external users will be able to access any internal hosts that # the firewall can access. Even if that's what you intend, you should ban # access to any hosts that you don't explicitly want to expose to outside # users. # In addition to the recommended defaults below, add all IP addresses of your # server machine if you want to protect it like this. # If you're using this with another proxy on the same machine (like a SOCKS # proxy), you'll need to remove the '127' item below. But see the comments # above $SOCKS_PROXY, below, for a warning. # After you set this, YOU SHOULD TEST to verify that the proxy can't access # the IP addresses you're banning! # NOTE: According to RFC 1918, network address ranges reserved for private # networks are 10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172.16.x.x-172.31.x.x, i.e. with # respective subnet masks of 8, 16, and 12 bits. Since we can't currently # do a 12-bit mask, we'll exclude the entire 172 network here. If this # causes a problem, let me know and I'll add subnet masks down to 1-bit # resolution. # Also included are 169.254.x.x (per RFC 3927) and 244.0.0.x (used for # routing), as recommended by Waldo Jaquith. # On some systems, 127.x.x.x all point to localhost, so disallow all of "127". # This feature is simple now but may be more complete in future releases. # How would you like this to be extended? What would be useful to you? @BANNED_NETWORKS= ('127', '192.168', '172', '10', '169.254', '244.0.0') ; # Settings to fine-tune cookie filtering, if cookies are not banned altogether # (by user checkbox or $REMOVE_COOKIES above). # Use @ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS and @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS to restrict which # servers can send cookies through this proxy. They work like # @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS above, both in how their precedence # works, and that they're lists of Perl 5 regular expressions. See the # comments there for details. # If non-empty, only allow cookies from servers matching one of these patterns. # Comment this out to allow all cookies (subject to @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS). #@ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS= ('\bslashdot\.org$') ; # Reject cookies from servers matching these patterns. @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS= ( '\.doubleclick\.net$', '\.preferences\.com$', '\.imgis\.com$', '\.adforce\.com$', '\.focalink\.com$', '\.flycast\.com$', '\.avenuea\.com$', '\.linkexchange\.com$', '\.pathfinder\.com$', '\.burstnet\.com$', '\btripod\.com$', '\bgeocities\.yahoo\.com$', '\.mediaplex\.com$', ) ; # Set this to reject cookies returned with images. This actually prevents # cookies returned with any non-text resource. # This helps prevent tracking by ad networks, but there are also some # legitimate uses of attaching cookies to images, such as captcha, so # by default this is off. $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE= 0 ; # Settings to fine-tune script filtering, if scripts are not banned altogether # (by user checkbox or $REMOVE_SCRIPTS above). # Use @ALLOWED_SCRIPT_SERVERS and @BANNED_SCRIPT_SERVERS to restrict which # servers you'll allow scripts from. They work like @ALLOWED_SERVERS and # @BANNED_SERVERS above, both in how their precedence works, and that # they're lists of Perl 5 regular expressions. See the comments there for # details. @ALLOWED_SCRIPT_SERVERS= () ; @BANNED_SCRIPT_SERVERS= () ; # Various options to help filter ads and stop cookie-based privacy invasion. # These are only effective if $FILTER_ADS is set above. # @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS uses Perl patterns. If an image's URL # matches one of the patterns, it will not be downloaded (typically for # ad-filtering). For more information on Perl regular expressions, see # the Perl documentation. # Note that most popup ads will be removed if scripts are removed (see # $REMOVE_SCRIPTS above). # If ad-filtering is your primary motive, consider using one of the many # proxies that specialize in that. The classic is from JunkBusters, at # http://www.junkbusters.com . # Reject images whose URL matches any of these patterns. This is just a # sample list; add more depending on which sites you visit. @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS= ( 'ad\.doubleclick\.net/ad/', '\b[a-z](\d+)?\.doubleclick\.net(:\d*)?/', '\.imgis\.com\b', '\.adforce\.com\b', '\.avenuea\.com\b', '\.go\.com(:\d*)?/ad/', '\.eimg\.com\b', '\bexcite\.netscape\.com(:\d*)?/.*/promo/', '/excitenetscapepromos/', '\.yimg\.com(:\d*)?.*/promo/', '\bus\.yimg\.com/[a-z]/(\w\w)/\1', '\bus\.yimg\.com/[a-z]/\d-/', '\bpromotions\.yahoo\.com(:\d*)?/promotions/', '\bcnn\.com(:\d*)?/ads/', 'ads\.msn\.com\b', '\blinkexchange\.com\b', '\badknowledge\.com\b', '/SmartBanner/', '\bdeja\.com/ads/', '\bimage\.pathfinder\.com/sponsors', 'ads\.tripod\.com', 'ar\.atwola\.com/image/', '\brealcities\.com/ads/', '\bnytimes\.com/ad[sx]/', '\busatoday\.com/sponsors/', '\busatoday\.com/RealMedia/ads/', '\bmsads\.net/ads/', '\bmediaplex\.com/ads/', '\batdmt\.com/[a-z]/', '\bview\.atdmt\.com/', '\bADSAdClient31\.dll\b', ) ; # If set, replace banned images with 1x1 transparent GIF. This also replaces # all images with the same if $TEXT_ONLY is set. # Note that setting this makes the response a little slower, since the browser # must still retrieve the empty GIF. $RETURN_EMPTY_GIF= 0 ; # To use an external program to decide whether or not a user at a given IP # address may use this proxy (as opposed to using server configuration), set # $USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST to either the name of a command-line program that # performs this test, or a queryable URL that performs this test (e.g. a CGI # script). # For a command-line program: The program should take a single argument, the # IP address of the user. The output of the program is evaluated as a # number, and if the number is non-zero then the IP address of the user is # allowed; thus, the output is typically either "1" or "0". Note that # depending on $ENV{PATH}, you may need to enter the path here explicitly. # For a queryable URL: Specify the start of the URL here (must begin with # "http://"), and the user's IP address will be appended. For example, the # value here may contain a "?", thus putting the IP address in the # QUERY_STRING; it could also be in PATH_INFO. The response body from the # URL should be a number like for a command line program, above. $USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST= '' ; # To use an external program to decide whether or not a destination server is # allowed (as opposed to using @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS above), # set $DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST to either the name of a command-line program # that performs this test, or a queryable URL that performs this test (e.g. a # CGI script). # For a command-line program: The program should take a single argument, the # destination server's name or IP address (depending on how the user enters # it). The output of the program is evaluated as a number, and if the number # is non-zero then the destination server is allowed; thus, the output is # typically either "1" or "0". Note that depending on $ENV{PATH}, you may # need to enter the path here explicitly. # For a queryable URL: Specify the start of the URL here (must begin with # "http://"), and the destination server's name or IP address will be # appended. For example, the value here may contain a "?", thus putting the # name or address in the QUERY_STRING; it could also be in PATH_INFO. The # response body from the URL should be a number like for a command line # program, above. $DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST= '' ; # If either $INSERT_HTML or $INSERT_FILE is set, then that HTML text or the # contents of that named file (respectively) will be inserted into any HTML # page retrieved through this proxy. $INSERT_HTML takes precedence over # $INSERT_FILE. $INSERT_FILE is assumed to have contents in UTF-8. # When viewing a page with frames, a new top frame is created and the # insertions go there. # NOTE: Any HTML you insert should not have relative URLs in it! The problem # is that there is no appropriate base URL to resolve them with. So only use # absolute URLs in your insertion. (If you use relative URLs anyway, then # a) if $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION is set, they'll be resolved relative to this # script's URL, which isn't great, or b) if $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION==0, # they'll be unchanged and the browser will simply resolve them relative # to the current page, which is usually worse.) # The frame handling means that it's fairly easy for a surfer to bypass this # insertion, by pretending in effect to be in a frame. There's not much we # can do about that, since a page is retrieved the same way regardless of # whether it's in a frame. This script uses a parameter in the URL to # communicate to itself between calls, but the user can merely change that # URL to make the script think it's retrieving a page for a frame. Also, # many browsers let the user expand a frame's contents into a full window. # [The warning in earlier versions about setting $INSERT_HTML to '' when using # mod_perl and $INSERT_FILE no longer applies. It's all handled elsewhere.] # As with $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, note that any insertion may throw off any # precise layout, and the insertion is subject to background colors and # other page-wide settings. #### !!!! ACMDL-MOD #$INSERT_HTML= "

This is an inserted header

" ; $INSERT_HTML = ""; $INSERT_HTML .= "\n" ; $INSERT_HTML .= '
MEDDLE Proxy: ModifiED Digital Library Proxy
'; #$INSERT_FILE= 'insert_file_name' ; #$INSERT_FILE= 'fixup.html' ; # If your insertion has links that you don't want anonymized along with the rest # of the downloaded HTML, then set this to 0. Otherwise leave it at 1. #$ANONYMIZE_INSERTION= 1 ; #### !!!! ACMDL-MOD $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION= 0 ; # If there's both a URL entry form and an insertion via $INSERT_HTML or # $INSERT_FILE on the same page, the entry form normally goes at the top. # Set this to put it after the other insertion. $FORM_AFTER_INSERTION= 0 ; # If the insertion is put in a top frame, then this is how many pixels high # the frame is. If the default of 80 or 50 pixels is too big or too small # for your insertion, change this. You can use percentage of screen height # if you prefer, e.g. "20%". (Unfortunately, you can't just tell the # browser to "make it as high as it needs to be", but at least the frame # will be resizable by the user.) # This affects insertions by $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, $INSERT_HTML, and $INSERT_FILE. # The default here usually works for the inserted entry form, which varies in # size depending on $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG. It also varies by browser. $INSERTION_FRAME_HEIGHT= $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG ? 80 : 50 ; # NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD BE RUNNING CGIPROXY ON A SECURE SERVER! # Note also that the meaning of '' has changed-- now, all ports except 80 # are assumed to be using SSL. # Set this to 1 if the script is running on an SSL server, i.e. it is # accessed through a URL starting with "https:"; set this to 0 if it's not # running on an SSL server. This is needed to know how to route URLs back # through the proxy. Regrettably, standard CGI does not yet provide a way # for scripts to determine this without help. # If this variable is set to '' or left undefined, then the program will # guess: SSL is assumed if SERVER_PORT is not 80. This fails when using # an insecure server on a port other than 80, or (less commonly) an SSL server # uses port 80, but usually it works. Besides being a good default, it lets # you install the script where both a secure server and a non-secure server # will serve it, and it will work correctly through either server. # This has nothing to do with retrieving pages that are on SSL servers. $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER= '' ; # If your server doesn't support NPH scripts, then set this variable to true # and try running the script as a normal non-NPH script. HOWEVER, this # won't work as well as running it as NPH; there may be bugs, maybe some # privacy holes, and results may not be consistent. It's a hack. # Try to install the script as NPH before you use this option, because # this may not work. NPH is supported on almost all servers, and it's # usually very easy to install a script as NPH (on Apache, for example, # you just need to name the script something starting with "nph-"). # One example of a problem is that Location: headers may get messed up, # because they mean different things in an NPH and a non-NPH script. # You have been warned. # For this to work, your server MUST support the "Status:" CGI response # header. $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH= 0 ; # Set HTTP and SSL proxies if needed. Also see $USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE below. # The format of the first two variables is "host:port", with the port being # optional. The format of $NO_PROXY is a comma-separated list of hostnames # or domains: any request for a hostname that ends in one of the strings in # $NO_PROXY will not use the HTTP or SSL proxy; e.g. use ".mycompany.com" to # avoid using the proxies to access any host in the mycompany.com domain. # The environment variables in the examples below are appropriate defaults, # if they are available. Note that earlier versions of this script used # the environment variables directly, instead of the $HTTP_PROXY and # $NO_PROXY variables we use now. # Sometimes you can use the same proxy (like Squid) for both SSL and normal # HTTP, in which case $HTTP_PROXY and $SSL_PROXY will be the same. # $NO_PROXY applies to both SSL and normal HTTP proxying, which is usually # appropriate. If there's demand to differentiate those, it wouldn't be # hard to make a separate $SSL_NO_PROXY option. #$HTTP_PROXY= $ENV{'http_proxy'} ; #$SSL_PROXY= 'firewall.example.com:3128' ; #$NO_PROXY= $ENV{'no_proxy'} ; # If your HTTP and SSL proxies require authentication, this script supports # that in a limited way: you can have a single username/password pair per # proxy to authenticate with, regardless of realm. In other words, multiple # realms aren't supported for proxy authentication (though they are for # normal server authentication, elsewhere). # Set $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH either in the form of "username:password", # or to the actual base64 string that gets sent in the Proxy-Authorization: # header. Often the two variables will be the same, when the same proxy is # used for both SSL and normal HTTP. #$PROXY_AUTH= 'Aladdin:open sesame' ; #$SSL_PROXY_AUTH= $PROXY_AUTH ; # Set SOCKS proxy if needed. The format of $SOCKS_PROXY is "host:port", with # the port being optional (defaults to 1080). # If your SOCKS proxy supports username/password authentication, then set # the username and password below. # Also see @BANNED_NETWORKS above-- you'll need to remove the '127' from the # default list if you use a SOCKS proxy on the machine where this is running, # such as with the example here. # NOTE THAT THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THIS SCRIPT AND YOUR SOCKS PROXY MUST BE # TRUSTED, BECAUSE CURRENTLY ALL DATA IS SENT IN THE CLEAR BETWEEN THEM! # In particular, the username and password below will be sent in the clear. # The solution would be to use the GSSAPI authentication method, which many # SOCKS proxies do not support, and which CGIProxy doesn't support yet either. #$SOCKS_PROXY= 'localhost:1080' ; #$SOCKS_USERNAME= '' ; #$SOCKS_PASSWORD= '' ; # This is one way to handle pages that don't work well, by redirecting to other working # versions of the pages (for example, to a mobile version or another version that # doesn't have much JavaScript). How it works: If the current domain matches one # of the keys of %REDIRECTS, then s/// (string substitution) is done on the URL, # using the match and replacement patterns in the 2-element value array. # The set of sites handled this way is Facebook and Gmail, since they doesn't # always work well, or are slow, through CGIProxy. If you want to access # them normally, then comment out or remove the line(s) below for that site. # If you want to redirect more sites, you can add records to the %REDIRECTS # hash in the following way: Set the hash key to the name of the server you # want to redirect, and the value to a reference to a 2-element array containing # the left and right sides of an s/// string substitution. If that doesn't make # sense, then try to emulate an example below. # As of version 2.1.7, the full facebook.com site works pretty well, so the # redirection below has been commented out. # ... aaaand, as of version 2.1.8, the full Gmail site works pretty well, so the # redirection below has been commented out. # To improve performance with facebook or other JS-busy sites, users can: # - close other browser windows # - end other CPU-heavy processes on their browsing machine # - reload the page or restart the browser when it gets too slow # - use a browser other than MSIE (it has the most problems) # If Gmail or facebook is still too slow or crashes a lot, you can remove the # leading "#" on the appropriate lines below to automatically redirect to # Gmail's HTML-only site or facebook's mobile site, which may work better. %REDIRECTS= ( # 'www.facebook.com' => [qr#^https?://www\.facebook\.com#i, 'https://m.facebook.com'], # 'mail.google.com' => [qr#^https?://mail\.google\.com/.*shva=\w*1.*$#i, 'https://mail.google.com/?ui=html'] ) ; # Some JavaScript-busy sites crash when visiting them through CGIProxy. Increasing # the delay times in Window.setTimeout() and Window.setInterval() makes them not # crash as much, but it also makes certain page actions slower. You can set # %TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER_BY_HOST for each problematic server, and those timeout # functions on those sites will have their delays multiplied by that amount. For # example, pages on www.facebook.com will have their delay times multiplied by 10 # by default. # Any sites not listed here will not have their delay times changed. %TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER_BY_HOST= ( 'www.facebook.com' => 10, ) ; # Here's an experimental feature that may or may not be useful. It's trivial # to add, so I added it. It was inspired in part by Mike Reiter's and Avi # Rubin's "Crowds", at http://www.research.att.com/projects/crowds/ . # Let me know if you find a use for it. # The idea is that you have a number of mutually-trusting, cooperating # proxies that you list in @PROXY_GROUP(). If that is set, then instead # of rerouting all URLs back through this proxy, the script will choose # one of these proxies at random to reroute all URLs through, for each # run. This could be used to balance the load among several proxies, for # example. Under certain conditions it could conceivably help privacy by # making it harder to track a user's session, but under certain other # conditions it could make it easier, depending on how many people, # proxies, and proxy servers are involved. For each page, both its # included images and followed links will go through the same proxy, so a # clever target server could determine which proxy servers are in each # group. # proxy_encode() and proxy_decode() must be the same for all proxies in the # group. Same goes for pack_flags() and unpack_flags() if you modified them, # and probably certain other routines and configuration options. # Cookies and Basic authentication can't be supported with this, sorry, since # cookies can only be sent back to the proxy that created them. # Set this to a list of absolute URLs of proxies, ending with "nph-proxy.cgi" # (or whatever you named the script). Be sure to include the URL of this # proxy, or it will never redirect back through here. Each proxy in the # group should have the same @PROXY_GROUP. # Alternately, you could set each proxy's @PROXY_GROUP differently for more # creative configuration, such as to balance the load unevenly, or to send # users through a "round-robin" cycle of proxies. #@PROXY_GROUP= ('http://www.example.com/~grommit/proxy/nph-proxy.cgi', # 'http://www.fnord.mil/langley/bavaria/atlantis/nph-proxy.cgi', # 'http://www.nothinghere.gov/No/Such/Agency/nph-proxy.cgi', # ) ; # Normally, your browser stores all pages you download in your computer's # hard drive and memory, in the "cache". This saves a lot of time and # bandwidth the next time you view the page (especially with images, which # are bigger and may be shared among several pages). However, in some # situations you may not want the pages you've visited to be stored. If # $MINIMIZE_CACHING is set, then this proxy will try its best to prevent any # caching of anything retrieved through it. # NOTE: This cannot guarantee that no caching will happen. All we can do is # instruct the browser not to cache anything. A faulty or malicious browser # could cache things anyway if it chose to. # NOTE: This has nothing to do with your browser's "history list", which may # also store a list of URLs you've visited. # NOTE: If you use this, you will use a lot more bandwidth than without it, # and pages will seemingly load slower, because if a browser can't cache # anything locally then it has to load everything across the network every # time it needs something. $MINIMIZE_CACHING= 0 ; # Normally, each cookie includes an expiration time/date, and the cookie stays # in effect until then, even after you exit your browser and restart it # (which normally means the cookie is stored on the hard drive). Any cookie # that has no explicit expiration date is a "session cookie", and stays in # effect only as long as the browser is running, and presumably is forgotten # after that. If you set $SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY=1, then *all* cookies that # pass through this proxy will be changed to session cookies. This is useful # at a public terminal, or wherever you don't want your cookies to remain # after you exit the browser. # NOTE: The clock on the server where this runs must be correct for this # option to work right! It doesn't have to be exact, but don't have it off # by hours or anything like that. The problem is that we must not alter any # cookies set to expire in the past, because that's how sites delete cookies. # If a cookie is being deleted, we DON'T want to turn it into a session # cookie. So this script will not alter any cookies set to expire before the # current time according to the system clock. $SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY= 0 ; # Cookies have a URL path associated with them; it determines which URLs on a # server will receive the cookie in requests. If the path is not specified # when the cookie is created, then the path is supposed to default to the # path of the URL that the cookie was retrieved with, according to the # cookie specification from Netscape. Unfortunately, most browsers seem # to ignore the spec and instead give cookies a default path of "/", i.e. # "send this cookie with all requests to this server". So, *sigh*, this # script uses "/" as the default path also. If you want this script to # follow the specification instead, then set this variable to true. $COOKIE_PATH_FOLLOWS_SPEC= 0 ; # Technically, cookies must have a domain containing at least two dots if the # TLD is one of the main non-national TLD's (.com, .net, etc.), and three # dots otherwise. This is to prevent malicious servers from setting cookies # for e.g. the entire ".co.uk" domain. Unfortunately, this prescribed # behavior does not accommodate domains like ".google.de". Thus, browsers # seem to not require three dots, and thus, this script will do the same by # default. Set $RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE if you want the strictly correct # behavior instead. $RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE= 0 ; # Set $USER_AGENT to something generic like this if you want to be extra # careful. Conceivably, revealing which browser you're using may be a # slight privacy or security risk. # However, note that some URLs serve different pages depending on which # browser you're using, so some pages will change if you set this. # This defaults to the user's HTTP_USER_AGENT. #$USER_AGENT= 'Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)' ; # FTP transfers can happen in either passive or non-passive mode. Passive # mode works better if the client (this script) is behind a firewall. Some # people consider passive mode to be more secure, too. But in certain # network configurations, if this script has trouble connecting to FTP # servers, you can turn this off to try non-passive mode. # See http://cr.yp.to/ftp/security.html for a discussion of security issues # regarding passive and non-passive FTP. $USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE= 1 ; # Unlike a normal browser which can keep an FTP session open between requests, # this script must make a new connection with each request. Thus, the # FTP welcome message (e.g. the README file) will be received every time; # there's no way for this script to know if you've been here before. Set # $SHOW_FTP_WELCOME to true to always show the welcome message, or false # to never show it. $SHOW_FTP_WELCOME= 1 ; # If set, then modify script content (like JavaScript) as well as possible # such that network accesses go through this proxy script. If not set, then # allow script content to pass unmodified, assuming it's not being removed. # Currently, JavaScript is the only script content that's proxified. # If this is set, and if you modify proxy_encode() and proxy_decode(), then # you MUST modify the JavaScript routines in $ENCODE_DECODE_BLOCK_IN_JS also. # NOTE: This proxification of script content may not be perfect. It's pretty # good, but it may be possible to construct malicious JavaScript that reveals # your identity to the server. The purpose of this feature is more to allow # scripts to function through the proxy, than to provide bulletproof # anonymity. # The best advice remains: FOR BEST ANONYMITY, BROWSE WITH SCRIPTS TURNED OFF. $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS= 1 ; # If set, then modify ShockWave Flash resources as well as possible such that # network accesses go through this proxy script. If not set, then allow # SWF resources to pass unmodified. # NOTE: This is still experimental, and the modified SWF apps are sometimes # much slower than the unproxified SWF apps. If this is turned on, then # Web pages with SWF may run much more slowly and possibly bog down # your browser, even if the rest of the page is fast. Remember that SWF # apps are pretty common in ads and other places in the page that we tend # to ignore. $PROXIFY_SWF= 1 ; # To support video in Flash 9+, this program spawns a specialized RTMP proxy # daemon that listens on a port (1935 if possible) and dies after 10 minutes # of no connections. This is useful, but some sysadmins may not like it. # If you want to prevent the daemon, set $ALLOW_RTMP_PROXY=0 . Note that # Flash 9+ video won't always work if you do so. # As of release 2.1, the RTMP proxy isn't used yet, so turn it off. $ALLOW_RTMP_PROXY= 0 ; # Though JavaScript is by far the most common kind of script, there are other # kinds too, such as Microsoft's VBScript. This program proxifies JavaScript # content, but not other script content, which means those other scripts # could open privacy holes. Thus, the default behavior of this program is # to remove those other scripts. Set this variable to true if you'd rather # let those scripts through. # How this works with $REMOVE_SCRIPTS and the "remove scripts" user checkbox: # If $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS is false, then unsupported scripts will # always be removed. If it is true, then it is subject to those other # settings, just like supported script types are. # For now, this also controls whether unproxified SWF (Flash) apps are allowed # through the proxy. This means that by default, SWF apps are removed # from pages. This is the safest, but may leave some pages looking # incomplete. If you want to display SWF apps, then you need to set either # $PROXIFY_SWF or $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS . This arrangement can change # if there is demand. $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS= 0 ; # Comments may contain HTML in them, which shouldn't be rendered but may be # relevant in some other way. Set this flag if you want the contents of # comments to be proxified like the rest of the page, i.e. proxify URLs, # stylesheets, scripts, etc. $PROXIFY_COMMENTS= 0 ; # Apparently, some censoring filters search outgoing request URIs, but not # POST request bodies. Set this to make the initial input form submit # using POST instead of GET. $USE_POST_ON_START= 1 ; # If this is set, then the URL the user enters in the start form or the top # form will be encoded by _proxy_jslib_proxy_encode() before it's submitted. # This can keep the URL the user visits private. # Note that if you set this, you need to modify proxy_encode() above (along # with proxy_decode() and the two analogous JavaScript routines) if you # want the URL to actually be encoded to something non-obvious. $ENCODE_URL_INPUT= 1 ; # Apparently, some censoring filters look at titles on HTML pages. Set this # to remove HTML page titles. # Note that this does NOT remove titles that are generated by script content, # since those would have no effect on a filter. $REMOVE_TITLES= 0 ; # If set, this option prevents a user from calling the proxy through the # proxy itself, i.e. looping. It's normally a mistake on the user's part, # and a waste of resources. # This isn't foolproof; it just catches the obvious mistakes. It's probably # pretty easy for a malicious user to make the script call itself, or s/he # can always use two proxies to call each other in a loop. This doesn't # account for IP addresses or multiple hostnames for the same server. $NO_BROWSE_THROUGH_SELF= 0 ; # Set this to leave out the "Restart" link at the bottom of error pages, etc. # In some situations this could make it harder for search engines to find the # start page. $NO_LINK_TO_START= 0 ; # For the obscure case when a POST must be repeated because of user # authentication, this is the max size of the request body that this # script will store locally. If CONTENT_LENGTH is bigger than this, # the body's not saved at all-- the first POST will be correct, but # the second will not happen at all (since a partial POST is worse than # nothing). $MAX_REQUEST_SIZE= 4194304 ; # that's 4 Meg to you and me # When handling HTML resources, CGIProxy downloads the entire resource before # modifying it and returning it to the client. However, some operations # (such as time-intensive queries) return the first part of a page while # still generating the last part. On such pages, the user might like to # see that first part without waiting for the entire response, which they # would normally have to do when using CGIProxy. So, if this option is set, # then CGIProxy will return proxified HTML parts as soon as it receives them # from the server. This is less efficient; for example, it means that every # page will have the JavaScript library inserted, even if it's not needed # (though that wouldn't be too bad since the library is normally cached # anyway). So, we want to do this only for certain pages and not for all. # Thus, set this to a list of patterns that match URLs you want to handle # this way. The patterns work like @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS # above, in that they're lists of Perl 5 regular expressions. See the # comments there for details. # The sample webfeat.org pattern is appropriate for libraries who use the # WebFeat service. #@TRANSMIT_HTML_IN_PARTS_URLS= ( # '^https?://search3\.webfeat\.org/cgi-bin/WebFeat\.dll', # ) ; # Normally, if a user tries to access a banned server or use an unsupported # scheme (protocol), this script will alert the user with a warning page, and # either allow the user to click through to the URL unprotected (i.e. without # using the proxy), or ban access altogether. However, in some VPN-like # installations, it may more desirable to let users follow links from # protected pages (e.g. within an intranet) that lead to unprotected, # unproxified pages (e.g. pages outside of the intranet), with no breaks in # the browsing experience. (This example assumes the proxy owner intends it # to be used for browsing only the intranet and not the Internet at large.) # Set $QUIETLY_EXIT_PROXY_SESSION to skip any warning message and let the # user surf directly to unproxified pages from proxified pages. Note that # this somewhat changes the meaning of @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS-- # they're not allowed or banned per se, it's just whether this proxy is # willing to handle their traffic. @BANNED_NETWORKS is unaffected, however, # since the IP ranges it contains often make no sense outside of the LAN. # WARNING: DO *NOT* SET THIS FLAG IF ANONYMITY IS IMPORTANT AT ALL!!! IT IS # NOT MEANT FOR THAT KIND OF INSTALLATION. IF THIS IS SET, THEN USERS WILL # SURF INTO UNPROXIFIED, UNANONYMIZED PAGES WITH NO WARNING, AND THEIR # PRIVACY WILL BE COMPROMISED; THEY MAY NOT EVEN NOTICE FOR A LONG TIME. # THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ANONYMIZING PROXIES ARE CREATED TO AVOID. $QUIETLY_EXIT_PROXY_SESSION= 0 ; # Content Security Policy (CSP) is indicated by the Content-Security-Policy: # HTTP response header, which CGIProxy has both used and supported since # version 2.1.9 . Normally, any attempted violation of it is reported only # in the JavaScript console, i.e. invisible to most users. If you want to # show a message when a violation happens (e.g. when testing), set this to # true. $ALERT_ON_CSP_VIOLATION= 0 ; # WARNING: # EXCEPT UNDER RARE CIRCUMSTANCES, ANY PROXY WHICH HANDLES SSL REQUESTS # SHOULD *ONLY* RUN ON AN SSL SERVER!!! OTHERWISE, YOU'RE RETRIEVING # PROTECTED PAGES BUT SENDING THEM BACK TO THE USER UNPROTECTED. THIS # COULD EXPOSE ANY INFORMATION IN THOSE PAGES, OR ANY INFORMATION THE # USER SUBMITS TO A SECURE SERVER. THIS COULD HAVE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES, # EVEN LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. IT UNDERMINES THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF SECURE # SERVERS. # THE *ONLY* EXCEPTION IS WHEN YOU HAVE *COMPLETE* TRUST OF THE LINK # BETWEEN THE BROWSER AND THE SERVER THAT RUNS THE SSL-HANDLING PROXY, # SUCH AS ON A CLOSED LAN, OR IF THE PROXY RUNS ON THE SAME MACHINE AS # THE BROWSER. # IF YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT YOU TRUST THE USER-TO-PROXY LINK, YOU # CAN OVERRIDE THE AUTOMATIC SECURITY MEASURE BY SETTING THE FLAG BELOW. # CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU RUN THIS SSL-ACCESSING # PROXY ON AN INSECURE SERVER!!! $OVERRIDE_SECURITY= 0 ; # Stuff below here you probably shouldn't modify unless you're messing with # the code. # This lists all MIME types that could identify a script, and which will be # filtered out as well as possible if removing scripts: HTTP responses with # Content-Type: set to one of these will be nixed, certain HTML which links # to one of these types will be removed, style sheets with a type here will # be removed, and other odds and ends. # These are used in matching, so can't contain special regex characters. # This list is also used for the $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS function. # This list contains all script MIME types I know of, but I can't guarantee # it's a complete list. It's largely taken from the examples at # http://www.robinlionheart.com/stds/html4/scripts.html # That page describes only the first four below as valid. # The page at ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/media-types/media-types # lists all media (MIME) types registered with the IANA, but unfortunately # many script types (especially proprietary ones) have not registered with # them, and that list doesn't specify which types are script content anyway. @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES= ('application/x-javascript', 'application/x-ecmascript', 'application/x-vbscript', 'application/x-perlscript', 'application/javascript', 'application/ecmascript', 'text/javascript', 'text/ecmascript', 'text/jscript', 'text/livescript', 'text/vbscript', 'text/vbs', 'text/perlscript', 'text/tcl', 'text/x-scriptlet', 'text/scriptlet', 'application/hta', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ) ; # All MIME types in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES and @OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER will be # "registered". Registration helps the script remember which MIME type is # expected by a page when downloading embedded URLs, e.g. style sheets. Any # MIME types that need special treatment should be listed here if they're not # already in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES. # If you write a handler for a new MIME type in proxify_block(), and that type # isn't already listed in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES, then add it here. # The Perl code in this program supports up to 64 registered MIME types, but # the JS _proxy_jslib_pack_flags() and _proxy_jslib_unpack_flags() routines # only support 26. Thus, fix the JS code if there are ever more than 26 types. # "x-proxy/xhr" is a special case-- it's used to support the JavaScript class # XMLHttpRequest . Data downloaded through that should not be proxified, # even if it's HTML data; it's proxified later when it's added to a document. # Using the "x-proxy/xhr" type is part of avoiding that first proxification. @OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER= ('text/css', 'x-proxy/xhr') ; # These are MIME types that we *may* try to rewrite in proxify_block(), e.g. # to send all URLs back through this script. If a type isn't on this list, # then we know for certain it should be sent back to the user unchanged, # which saves time. # If you write a handler for a new MIME type in proxify_block(), then add the # type here. # NOT all the types here are actually supported at this time! # text/html is not on this list because currently it's handled specially. @TYPES_TO_HANDLE= ('text/css', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/x-ecmascript', 'application/javascript', 'application/ecmascript', 'text/javascript', 'text/ecmascript', 'text/livescript', 'text/jscript', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ) ; # This is a list of all file extensions that will be disallowed if # $TEXT_ONLY is set. It's an inexact science. If you want to ban # other file extensions, you can add more to this list. Note that # removing extensions from this list won't necessarily allow those # files through, since there are other ways $TEXT_ONLY is implemented, # such as only allowing MIME types of text/* . # The format of this list is one long string, with the extensions # separated by "|". This is because the string is actually used as # a regular expression. Don't worry if you don't know what that means. # Extensions are roughly taken from Netscape's "Helper Preferences" screen # (but that was in 1996). A more complete list might be made from a # mime.types file. $NON_TEXT_EXTENSIONS= 'gif|jpeg|jpe|jpg|tiff|tif|png|bmp|xbm' # images . '|mp2|mp3|wav|aif|aiff|au|snd' # audios . '|avi|qt|mov|mpeg|mpg|mpe' # videos . '|gz|Z|exe|gtar|tar|zip|sit|hqx|pdf' # applications . '|ram|rm|ra|swf' ; # others # This must be an array of languages that run right-to-left. Normally # only the 2-character codes are needed. @RTL_LANG= qw( ar fa ) ; $PROXY_VERSION= '2.1.17' ; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of normal user configuration. # Now, set or adjust all globals that remain constant for all runs. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # First, set various constants. # Convert $RUN_AS_USER to a numeric UID if needed. # It defaults to owner of this script file. # Don't do this on Windows. no warnings 'numeric' ; $RUN_AS_USER= $RUN_AS_USER ne '' ? getpwnam($RUN_AS_USER) : (stat($0))[4] if $RUN_AS_USER==0 and $^O!~ /win/i ; die "Please set \$RUN_AS_USER to non-root and run this again.\n" if $RUN_AS_USER==0 ; use warnings 'numeric' ; # Try to discern the user's home directory if $PROXY_DIR is relative, in a # platform-independent way. If no appropriate environment variables # (depending on platform), then use home directory of script file's owner. # What a mess. if ($^O=~ /win/i) { if (!($PROXY_DIR=~ m#^(?:[A-Za-z]:)?(?:/|\\)#)) { my $home_dir= "$ENV{HOMEDRIVE}$ENV{HOMEPATH}" || (getpwuid( (stat($0))[4] ))[7] ; $PROXY_DIR= File::Spec->catdir($home_dir, $PROXY_DIR) ; } } else { if (!($PROXY_DIR=~ m#^/#)) { my $home_dir= $ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid( (stat($0))[4] ))[7] ; $PROXY_DIR= File::Spec->catdir($home_dir, $PROXY_DIR) ; } } # Use local::lib if so configured. Don't use it when installing modules # or when purging the database. if ($LOCAL_LIB_DIR and !($ARGV[0]=~ /^(?:init|install-modules|purge-db)\z/)) { push(@INC, File::Spec->catdir($LOCAL_LIB_DIR, qw(lib perl5))) ; eval { require local::lib ; local::lib->import($LOCAL_LIB_DIR) } ; # ignore errors } # Set %RTL_LANG from @RTL_LANG . @RTL_LANG{@RTL_LANG}= (1) x @RTL_LANG ; # Allow installer to set $DB_DRIVER="MySQL" in config. $DB_DRIVER= 'mysql' if lc($DB_DRIVER) eq 'mysql' ; &HTMLdie("\$DB_NAME must only contain letters, numbers, and \"_\".") if $DB_DRIVER and !($DB_NAME=~ /^\w+\z/) ; $DB_NAME= File::Spec->catfile($PROXY_DIR, 'sqlite', $DB_NAME) if $DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite' ; if ($DB_SERVER ne '') { my($db_host, $db_port)= $DB_SERVER=~ /\[/ ? $DB_SERVER=~ /^\[([^\]]*)\]:(.*)/ : split(/:/, $DB_SERVER) ; $db_host= $db_host ne '' ? ";host=$db_host" : '' ; $db_port= $db_port ne '' ? ";port=$db_port" : '' ; ($DB_HOSTPORT= $db_host . $db_port)=~ s/^;// ; } else { $DB_HOSTPORT= '' ; } # These are used in rfc1123_date() and date_is_after(). @MONTH= qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) ; @WEEKDAY= qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun) ; %UN_MONTH= map { lc($MONTH[$_]), $_+1 } 0..$#MONTH ; # look up by month name, 1-based # Create the sets of regular expressions we'll need if we proxify scripts. # So far, the only script type we proxify is JavaScript. &set_RE_JS if $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS ; # Next, make copies of any constant environment variables, and fix as needed. # SERVER_PORT and SCRIPT_NAME will be constant, and are used in several places. # Besides, we need SCRIPT_NAME fixed before setting $THIS_SCRIPT_URL. # SCRIPT_NAME should have a leading slash, but the old CGI "standard" from # NCSA was unclear on that, so some servers didn't give it a leading # slash. Here we ensure it has a leading slash. # Exception: If SCRIPT_NAME is empty, then we're using a daemon, so leave it empty. # Apache has a bug where SCRIPT_NAME is wrong if the PATH_INFO has "//" in it; # it's set to the script name plus all of PATH_INFO up until its final "//". # To work around this, truncate SCRIPT_NAME at the first place it matches $0. # PATH_INFO is also changed to collapse all multiple slashes into a single # slash, which is not worked around here. This bug should be fixed in # Apache 2.0.55 and later. # Some servers provide $0 as a complete path rather than just the filename, # so extract the filename. $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}=~ s#^/?#/# if $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ne '' ; if ($ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}=~ /^Apache\b/i) { my($zero)= $0=~ m#([^/]*)$# ; ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME})= $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}=~ /^(.*?\Q$zero\E)/ if $zero ne '' ; } $ENV_SERVER_PORT= $ENV{SERVER_PORT} ; $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME= $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ; # The nginx server sets SCRIPT_NAME to the entire request-URI, so fix it. # Must do this only on $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME and not $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}, because # later we'll need the latter to get PATH_INFO. :P if ($ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}=~ /^nginx\b/i) { if ($RUN_METHOD eq 'fastcgi') { $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME= '/' . $SECRET_PATH ; } else { my($zero)= $0=~ m#([^/]*)$# ; ($ENV_SCRIPT_NAME)= $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME=~ /^(.*?\Q$zero\E)/ if $zero ne '' ; } } # If we're running as the embedded server, use $SECRET_PATH . $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME= '/' . $SECRET_PATH if $RUN_METHOD eq 'embedded' or $RUN_METHOD eq 'fastcgi' ; # Next, adjust config variables as needed, or create any needed constants from # them. # Create @BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS from @BANNED_NETWORKS. # No error checking; assumes the proxy owner set @BANNED_NETWORKS correctly. @BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS= () ; for (@BANNED_NETWORKS) { push(@BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS, pack('C*', /(\d+)/g)) ; } # For the external tests, create hashes of parsed URLs if the tests are CGI calls. # Note that the socket names must each be unique! @{$USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST_H}{qw(host port path socket open)}= (lc($1), ($2 eq '' ? 80 : $2), $3, 'S_USERTEST', 0) if ($USER_IP_ADDRESS_TEST=~ m#http://([^/?:]*):?(\d*)(.*)#i) ; @{$DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST_H}{qw(host port path socket open)}= (lc($1), ($2 eq '' ? 80 : $2), $3, 'S_DESTTEST', 0) if ($DESTINATION_SERVER_TEST=~ m#http://([^/?:]*):?(\d*)(.*)#i) ; # Require a full path in $PROXY_DIR. # Currently only used when using embedded server, but that may change. # Use different patterns for Windows vs. everything else. die "Must use full directory path in \$PROXY_DIR setting; currently set to \"$PROXY_DIR\".\n" if $RUN_METHOD eq 'embedded' and $PROXY_DIR!~ ($^O=~ /win/i ? qr#^([a-zA-Z]:)?[/\\]# : qr#^/#) ; # If $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER is '', then guess based on SERVER_PORT. $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER= ($ENV_SERVER_PORT!=80) if $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER eq '' ; # Or, if we're a daemon, then it's always true. $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER= 1 if $RUN_METHOD eq 'embedded' ; # $DB_DRIVER is required for $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES to be true. $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES= 0 unless $DB_DRIVER ne '' ; # Set this constant based on whether the server is IIS, because we have to # test it later for every run to work around a bug in IIS. A constant here # saves time when using mod_perl. $RUNNING_ON_IIS= ($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}=~ /IIS/) ; # FastCGI doesn't support NPH scripts. :P $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH= 1 if $RUN_METHOD eq 'fastcgi' ; # Create @NO_PROXY from $NO_PROXY for efficiency. @NO_PROXY= split(/\s*,\s*/, $NO_PROXY) ; # Base64-encode $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH if they're not encoded already. $PROXY_AUTH= &base64($PROXY_AUTH) if $PROXY_AUTH=~ /:/ ; $SSL_PROXY_AUTH= &base64($SSL_PROXY_AUTH) if $SSL_PROXY_AUTH=~ /:/ ; # Guarantee URLs in @PROXY_GROUP have no trailing slash. foreach (@PROXY_GROUP) { s#/$## } # Create $NO_CACHE_HEADERS depending on $MINIMIZE_CACHING setting; it is placed # in every response. Note that in all the "here documents" we use for error # messages, it has to go on the same line as another header to avoid a blank # line in the response. $NO_CACHE_HEADERS= $MINIMIZE_CACHING ? "Cache-Control: no-cache\015\012Pragma: no-cache\015\012" : '' ; # Canonicalize all MIME types to lowercase. for (@SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES) { $_= lc } for (@OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER) { $_= lc } # Create @ALL_TYPES and %MIME_TYPE_ID, which are inverses of each other. # This is useful e.g. to identify the MIME type expected in a given download, # in a one-character flag. That's why we limit this to 64 types for now. # $ALL_TYPES[0] is '', so we can test e.g. "if $MIME_TYPE_ID{$id} ..." . @ALL_TYPES= ('', @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES, @OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER) ; &HTMLdie("Too many MIME types to register.") if @ALL_TYPES > 64 ; @MIME_TYPE_ID{@ALL_TYPES}= 0..$#ALL_TYPES ; # Regex that matches a script MIME type. $SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX= '(' . join("|", @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES) . ')' ; # Regex that tells us whether we handle a given MIME type. $TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX= '(' . join("|", @TYPES_TO_HANDLE) . ')' ; # Only need to run this routine once $HAS_INITED= 1 ; # End of initialization of constants. } # sub init { #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global constants are now set. Now do any initialization that is # required for every run. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # What used to be the "main" code has now been divided up between init() and # one_run() . sub one_run { # OK, let's time this thing #my $starttime= time ; #my($sutime,$sstime)= (times)[0,1] ; # This is needed to run an NPH script under mod_perl. # Other stuff needed for mod_perl: # must use at least Perl 5.004, or STDIN and STDOUT won't behave correctly; # cannot use exit(); # must initialize or reset all vars; # regex's with /o option retain state between calls, so be careful; # typeglobbing of *STDIN doesn't work, so must pass filehandles as strings. local($|)= 1 ; # In mod_perl, global variables are retained between calls, so they must # be initialized correctly. In this program, (most) UPPER_CASE variables # are persistent constants, i.e. they aren't changed after they're # initialized above (in the $HAS_BEGUN block). We also assume that no # lower_case variables are set before here. It's a little hacky and possibly # error-prone if user customizations don't follow these conventions, but it's # fast and simple. # So, if you're using mod_perl and you make changes to this script, don't # modify existing UPPER_CASE variables after the $HAS_BEGUN block above, # don't set lower_case variables before here, and don't use UPPER_CASE # variables for anything that will vary from run to run. reset 'a-z' ; $URL= '' ; # (almost) only uppercase variable that varies from run to run # Store $now rather than calling time() multiple times. $now= time ; # for (@goodmen) $csp_is_supported= &csp_is_supported() ; # Set $THIS_HOST to the best guess how this script was called-- use the # Host: request header if available; otherwise, use SERVER_NAME. # We don't bother with a $THIS_PORT, since it's more reliably set to the port # through which the script was called. SERVER_NAME is much more likely to # be different from the hostname that the user sees, since one server may # handle many domains or have many hostnames. # This has to be calculated every run, since there may be multiple hostnames. if ($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} ne '') { ($THIS_HOST)= $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}=~ /\[/ ? $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}=~ m#^(?:[\w+.-]+://)?\[([^\]]*)\]# : $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}=~ m#^(?:[\w+.-]+://)?([^:/?]*)# ; $THIS_HOST= $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} if $THIS_HOST eq '' ; } else { $THIS_HOST= $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} ; } # Build the constant $THIS_SCRIPT_URL from environment variables. Only include # SERVER_PORT if it's not 80 (or 443 for SSL). $THIS_SCRIPT_URL= $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER ? 'https://' . $THIS_HOST . ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==443 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT) . $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME : 'http://' . $THIS_HOST . ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==80 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT) . $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME ; # This script uses whatever version of HTTP the client is using. So far # only 1.0 and 1.1 are supported. ($HTTP_VERSION)= $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'}=~ m#^HTTP/(\d+\.\d+)#i ; $HTTP_VERSION= '1.0' unless $HTTP_VERSION=~ /^1\.[01]$/ ; # Hack to support non-NPH installation-- luckily, the format of a # non-NPH response is almost exactly the same as an NPH response. # The main difference is the first word in the status line-- something # like "HTTP/1.x 200 OK" can be simulated with "Status: 200 OK", as # long as the server supports the Status: CGI response header. So, # we set that first word to either "HTTP/1.x" or "Status:", and use # it for all responses throughout the script. # NOTE: This is not the only difference between an NPH and a non-NPH # response. For example, the Location: header has different semantics # between the two types of responses. This hack is only an approximation # that we hope works most of the time. It's better to install the script # as an NPH script if possible (which it almost always is). # Technically, the HTTP version in the response is supposed to be the highest # version supported by the server, even though the rest of the response may # be in the format of an earlier version. Unfortunately, CGI scripts do # not have access to that value; it's a hole in the CGI standard. $HTTP_1_X= $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH ? 'Status:' : "HTTP/$HTTP_VERSION" ; # Fix submitted by Alex Freed: Under some unidentified conditions, # instances of nph-proxy.cgi can hang around for many hours and drag the # system. So until we figure out why that is, here's a 10-minute timeout. # Please write me with any insight into this, since I can't reproduce the # problem. Under what conditions, on what systems, does it happen? # 9-9-1999: One theory is that it's a bug in older Apaches, and is fixed by # upgrading to Apache 1.3.6 or better. Julian Haight reports seeing the # same problem with other scripts on Apache 1.3.3, and it cleared up when # he upgraded to Apache 1.3.6. Let me know if you can confirm this. # alarm() is missing on some systems (such as Windows), so use eval{} to # avoid failing when alarm() isn't available. # As of version 2.1: We now only do this if we're running on Apache that is # earlier than version 1.3.6, to allow large downloads for everyone else. if ($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}=~ m#^Apache/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?#i) { if (($1<=>1 or $2<=>3 or $3<=>6) < 0) { $SIG{'ALRM'} = \&timeexit ; eval { alarm(600) } ; # use where it works, ignore where it doesn't } } # Exit upon timeout. If you wish, add code to clean up and log an error. sub timeexit { goto EXIT } # Fix any environment variables that the server may have set wrong. # Note that some constant environment variables are copied to variables above, # and fixed there. # The IIS server doesn't set PATH_INFO correctly-- it sets it to the entire # request URI, rather than just the part after the script name. So fix it # here if we're running on IIS. Thanks to Dave Moscovitz for the info! $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/^$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME// if $RUNNING_ON_IIS ; # The nginx server also doesn't set PATH_INFO, or even SCRIPT_NAME, correctly-- # it sets SCRIPT_NAME to the entire request URI, and PATH_INFO to nothing. So fix it. # $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME has earlier been set correctly. ($ENV{PATH_INFO}= $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME})=~ s/^\Q$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME\E// if $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}=~ /^nginx\b/i and $ENV{PATH_INFO} eq '' ; # PATH_INFO may or may not be URL-encoded when we get it; it seems to vary # by server. This script assumes it's still encoded. Thus, if it's not, # we need to re-encode it. # The only time this seems to come up is when spaces are in URLs, correctly # represented in the URL as %20 but decoded to " " in PATH_INFO. Thus, # this hack only focuses on space characters. It's a hack that I'm not at # all comfortable with. :P # Very yucky business, this encoding thing. if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}=~ / /) { $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/%/%25/g ; $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/ /%20/g ; } # Protect with $SECRET_PATH when appropriate. if ($RUN_METHOD eq 'embedded' and !($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}=~ s#^/\Q$SECRET_PATH\E(/|$)#$1#)) { select((select($STDOUT), $|=1)[0]) ; # unbuffer the socket print $STDOUT "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\015\012\015\012" ; die "exiting" ; } # Copy often-used environment vars into scalars, for efficiency $env_accept= $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT'} || '*/*' ; # may be modified later # PATH_INFO consists of path segments of the language and flags, followed by the encoded # target URL. For example, PATH_INFO might be something like # "/en/20/http/www.example.com". The actual format of the flag segment # is defined in the routine pack_flags(). # Thanks to Mike Harding for the idea of using another flag for the # $is_in_frame parameter, instead of using two parallel scripts. # Extract flags and encoded URL from PATH_INFO. ($lang, $packed_flags, $encoded_URL)= $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}=~ m#^/([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?(.*)# ; $lang= $DEFAULT_LANG if $lang eq '' ; # Set "dir" attribute based on %RTL_LANG . $dir= $RTL_LANG{$lang} ? ' dir="rtl"' : '' ; # Set all $e_xxx variables ("effective-xxx") and anything else from flag # segment of PATH_INFO. If user config is not allowed or if flag segment # is not present, then set $e_xxx variables from hard-coded config variables # instead (but still set anything else as needed from PATH_INFO). if ( $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG && ($packed_flags ne '') ) { ($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type)= &unpack_flags($packed_flags) ; } else { # $is_in_frame is set in any case. It indicates whether the current # request will be placed in a frame. ($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type)= ($REMOVE_COOKIES, $REMOVE_SCRIPTS, $FILTER_ADS, $HIDE_REFERER, $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, (&unpack_flags($packed_flags))[5..6] ) ; } # Set any other $e_xxx variables not from flag segment [none currently]. # Flags are now set, and $encoded_URL now contains only the encoded target URL. # Create a one-flag test for whether we're inserting anything into THIS page. # This must happen after user flags are read, just above. $doing_insert_here= !$is_in_frame && ( $e_insert_entry_form || ($INSERT_FILE ne '') || ($INSERT_HTML ne '') ) ; # One user reported problems with binary files on certain other OS's, and # this seemed to fix it. Supposedly, either this or the "binmode S" # statements below the newsocketto() calls work, or all; I'm putting all in. # Tell me anything new you figure out about this. binmode $STDOUT ; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse URL, make checks, and set various globals #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate $url_start for use later in &full_url() and elsewhere. It's an # integral part of &full_url(), placed here for speed, similar to the # variables set in &fix_base_vars. # $url_start is the first part of every proxified URL. A complete proxified # URL is made by appending &wrap_proxy_encode(URL) (and possibly a #fragment) to # $url_start. $url_start normally consists of the current script's URL # (or one from @PROXY_GROUP), plus a flag segment in PATH_INFO, complete # with trailing slash. For example, a complete $url_start might be # "http://www.example.com/path/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/" . # $url_start_inframe and $url_start_noframe are used to force the frame flag # on or off, for example when proxifying a link that causes frames to be # entered or exited. Otherwise, most links inherit the current frame state. # $script_url is used later for Referer: support, and whenever a temporary # copy of $url_start has to be generated. # In earlier versions of CGIProxy, $url_start was called $this_url, which is # really what it was originally. Its semantics had drifted somewhat since # then, so they have been cleaned up, and $url_start is now more descriptive. # Set $url_start to a random element of @PROXY_GROUP, if that is set. if (@PROXY_GROUP) { # srand is automatically called in Perl 5.004 and later. It might be # desirable to seed based on the URL, so that multiple requests for # the same URL go through the same proxy, and may thus be cached. #srand( unpack('%32L*', $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) ) ; # seed with URL+flags $script_url= $PROXY_GROUP[ rand(scalar @PROXY_GROUP) ] ; } else { $script_url= $THIS_SCRIPT_URL ; } # Create $url_start and any needed variants: "$script_url/flags/" $url_start_inframe= url_start_by_flags($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, 1, '') ; $url_start_noframe= url_start_by_flags($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, 0, '') ; $url_start= $is_in_frame ? $url_start_inframe : $url_start_noframe ; #### !!!! ACMDL-MOD if ($encoded_URL eq '') { $encoded_URL="http://dl.acm.org/"; } #if ($encoded_URL eq 'start') { # $encoded_URL = ""; #} #$encoded_URL = ""; # If there's no $encoded_URL, then start a browsing session. &show_start_form() if $encoded_URL eq '' ; # Decode the URL. $URL= &wrap_proxy_decode($encoded_URL) ; # Set the query string correctly, from $ENV{QUERY_STRING} and what's already # in $URL. # The query string may exist either within the encoded URL or in the containing # URL, as $ENV{QUERY_STRING}. If the former, then the query string was # (definitely?) in a referenced URL, while the latter most likely implies a # GET form input. # With Flash apps adding e.g. "?range=100-1000" to proxified URLs, both # query strings may be valid, so append $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} to the end # of the URL appropriately. # Note that Netscape does not pass any query string data that is part of the # URL in the
attribute, which is probably correct behaviour. # For this program to act exactly the same, it would need to strip the # query string when updating all URLs, way below. $URL.= ($URL=~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?') . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} if $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ne '' ; # Parse the URL, using a regex modelled from the one in RFC 2396 (URI syntax), # appendix B. # This assumes a hierarchical scheme; it won't work for e.g. mailto: # "authority" is the combination of host, port, and possibly other info. # Note that $path here will also contain any query component; it's more like # the request URI. # Note that $URL is guaranteed to be an absolute URL with no "#" fragment, # though this does little error-checking. Note also that the old ";" # parameters are now included in the path component. ($scheme, $authority, $path)= ($URL=~ m#^([\w+.-]+)://([^/?]*)(.*)$#i) ; $scheme= lc($scheme) ; $path= "/$path" if $path!~ m#^/# ; # if path is '' or contains only query # If so configured, handle session cookies. # This all has to be done before calling xproxy() below, because some is # used for cookie management. if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { # Attempt to get session cookies from HTTP_COOKIE . get_session_cookies() ; my $secure_clause= $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER ? ' secure;' : '' ; connect_to_db() ; # Now that we're using a database, we need session IDs. 20 random alphanumeric # characters means one collision in roughly 10^18 simultaneous uses. # One session ID is itself a session-length cookie, and is used to store # session cookies and anything else we need to expire when the session ends; # the other cookie is persistent, and is used to store all persistent cookies. # verify_session() verifies that the session hasn't expired and the user's IP # address hasn't changed. if ($session_id_persistent=~ /^[\dA-Za-z]{20}$/ and verify_session($session_id_persistent)) { update_session_record($session_id_persistent) ; } else { $session_id_persistent= random_string(20) ; create_session_record($session_id_persistent) ; } # The persistent session ID lasts one hour after last use (should time be configurable?), # so a Set-Cookie: header will be sent with every response. # For cookies, the domain defaults to the origin server, i.e. this proxy server. $session_cookies= "Set-Cookie: S2=$session_id_persistent; expires=" . &rfc1123_date($now+3600, 1) . "; path=$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME/;$secure_clause HttpOnly\015\012" ; # Create and return non-persistent session cookie, if needed. if ($session_id=~ /^[\dA-Za-z]{20}$/ and verify_session($session_id)) { update_session_record($session_id) ; } else { $session_id= random_string(20) ; $session_cookies.= "Set-Cookie: S=$session_id; " . "path=$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME/;$secure_clause HttpOnly\015\012" ; create_session_record($session_id) ; } } # Magic here-- if $URL uses special scheme "x-proxy", immediately call the # general-purpose xproxy() routine. &xproxy($URL) if $scheme eq 'x-proxy' ; # Set $is_html if $path (minus query) ends in .htm or .html . # MSIE has a bug (and privacy hole) whereby URLs with QUERY_STRING ending # in .htm or .html are mistakenly treated as HTML, and thus could have # untranslated links, # or tags. This is most likely what the HTML author expects # anyway, though it violates the HTML spec. In this script, we should # over-proxify rather than under-proxify, so we'll end those blocks on # those end tags as browsers (erroneously) do. # Worse, Konqueror allows the string "" inside JS literal strings, # i.e. doesn't end the script block on them. Netscape does end the block # there, and both browsers end style blocks on embedded strings. # Because it's a given that we can't anonymize scripts completely, but # we do want to anonymize HTML completely, we'd rather accidentally # treat script content as HTML than the other way around. So err on # ending the " regardless of whether it's in a string. # (We'd end on " blocks, conditional comments, # intrinsic event attributes ("on___" attributes), script macros, and # the MSIE-specific "dynamic properties". These can be removed or # proxified, depending on the settings of $scripts_are_banned_here and # $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS. # Script content can also exist elsewhere when its MIME type is explicitly # given (for example, in a ') ; # Handle any declarations. # Declarations can contain URLs, such as for DTD's. Most legitimate # declarations would be safe if left unconverted, but if we don't # convert URLs then a malicious document could use this mechanism # to break privacy. Here we use a simple method to handle virtually # all existing cases and close all privacy holes. } elsif ($decl_bang) { my($inside, @words, $q, $rebuild) ; ($inside)= $decl_bang=~ /^]*)/ ; @words= $inside=~ /\s*("[^">]*"?|'[^'>]*'?|[^'"][^\s>]*)/g ; # Instead of handling all SGML declarations, the quick hack here is # to convert any "word" in it that looks like an absolute URL. It # handles virtually all existing cases well enough, and closes any # privacy hole regardless of the declaration. foreach (@words) { # Don't hammer on W3C's poor servers. next if m#^['"]?https?://www\.w3\.org/#i ; if (m#^["']?[\w+.-]+://#) { if (/^"/) { $q= '"' ; s/^"|"$//g } elsif (/^'/) { $q= "'" ; s/^'|'$//g } else { $q= '' } $_= $q . &HTMLescape(&full_url(&HTMLunescape($_))) . $q ; $rebuild= 1 ; } } $decl_bang= '' if $rebuild ; push(@out, $decl_bang) ; # Handle any declarations, such as XML declarations. } elsif ($decl_question) { # Nothing needs to be done to these. push(@out, $decl_question) ; } # end of main if comment/script/style/declaration/tag block } # end of main while loop # @out now has proxified HTML # Finally, a few things might be inserted into the page, if we're proxifying # a full page and not just an HTML fragment. if ($is_full_page) { # Inserting anything (even a comment) before initial or # declarations confuses some browsers (like MSIE 6.0), so any # insertion should go after initial declarations. Thus, find # the point right after any such declarations. # Note that comments may be included in an XML prolog, so they're # matched here too. my($after_decl, $i) ; for ($i= 0; $i<@out; $i++) { next unless $out[$i]=~ /^ tag if available, else right after # the tag, else at the beginning. # Don't insert anything if there was no (non-whitespace) content, or # else tags won't work. splice(@out, ($body_pos || $html_pos || $after_decl), 0, $full_insertion) if $doing_insert_here && $has_content ; # If needed, insert styles for the top form and " # strings within literal strings in JavaScript blocks. :P # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_proxify_block() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. # ALSO: Depending what you change here, the routine _proxy_jslib_proxify_css() # may be affected. sub proxify_block { my($s, $type)= @_ ; if ($scripts_are_banned_here) { return undef if $type=~ /^$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX$/io ; } if ($type eq 'text/css') { # The only URIs in CSS2 are invoked with "url(...)", "@import", "image(...)", # or "@font-face". (Are there any more?) # Note that @font-face can contain url(), so those two have to be done together. # Ugly regex, but gets virtually all real matches and is privacy-safe. # Hard part is handling "\"-escaping. See # http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/syndata.html#uri # Hopefully we'll use a whole different approach in the new rewrite. $s=~ s/(\@font-face\s*\{([^}]*)\})|\burl\s*\(\s*(([^)]*\\\))*[^)]*)(\)|$)/ $1 ? '@font-face {' . proxify_font_face($2) . '}' : (match_csp_source_list('img-src', $3) && ('url(' . &css_full_url($3) . ')') ) /gie ; $s=~ s#\@import\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|(?!url\s*\()[^;\s<]*)# match_csp_source_list('style-src', $1) && ('@import ' . &css_full_url($1)) #gie ; # image() is tricky. It can contain a comma-separated list of declarations, # each of which can be a quoted URL, or a color in string or xxx() # functional notation, where xxx can be "rgb", "rgba", etc. # Perls before 5.10.0 can't use the (?PARNO) construct below, and the # (??{}) construct is still experimental and inefficient. Since # parens here will only be nested once, the regex used below will work. # css_full_url_list() handles the related CSP. #$s=~ s/\bimage\s* ( \( (?:(?>[^()]+)|(?1))* \) ) / $s=~ s/\bimage\s* ( \( (?:(?>[^()]+)|\([^)]*\))* \) ) / 'image(' . &css_full_url_list($1) . ')' /giex ; # As part of our _proxy_css_main_div hack, rewrite "body>foo" to be # "div#_proxy_css_main_div>foo". This hack is getting messier, and # is imperfect... we really should do this for "body foo" (descendents) # too, but that would require more complete CSS parsing... maybe later. # It's not a privacy hole, it just affects display. $s=~ s/\bbody\s*>/div#_proxy_css_main_div>/gi ; # Proxify any strings inside "expression()" or "function()". # proxify_expressions_in_css() handles the related CSP. $s= &proxify_expressions_in_css($s) if $s=~ /\b(?:expression|function)\s*\(/i ; return $s ; # JavaScript can be identified by any of these MIME types. :P The # "ecma" ones are the standard, the "javascript" and "livescript" ones # refer to Netscape's implementations, and the "jscript" one refers to # Microsoft's implementation. Until we need to differentiate, let's # treat them all the same here. } elsif ($type=~ m#^(application/x-javascript|application/x-ecmascript|application/javascript|application/ecmascript|text/javascript|text/ecmascript|text/livescript|text/jscript)$#i) { # Slight hack-- verify $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS is true, since this may be # called even when it's not true (e.g. style sheets of script type). return $s unless $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS ; return &proxify_js($s, 1) ; # Handle ShockWave Flash resources. } elsif ($type eq 'application/x-shockwave-flash') { return &proxify_swf($s) if $PROXIFY_SWF ; # Remove if not $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS . return $s if $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS ; return '' ; # For any non-supported script type, either remove it or pass it unchanged. } elsif ($type=~ /^$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX$/io) { return $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS ? $s : '' ; } else { # If we don't understand the type, return the block unchanged. # This would be a privacy hole, if we didn't check for script types # when $scripts_are_banned_here above. If later we want the option # of returning undef for an unknown type, we can add a parameter to # specify that. return $s ; } } # For CSS only: takes entire contents between parentheses in "url(...)", # extracts the URL therein (accounting for quotes, "\"-escaped chars, etc.), # and returns the full_url() of that, suitable for placing back inside # "url(...)", including all "\"-escaping, quotes, etc. :P # Preserve correct quotes, because this may be embedded in a larger quoted # context. # In external style sheets, relative URLs are resolved relative to the style # sheet, not the source HTML document. This makes it easy for us-- no # special $base_url handling. # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_css_full_url() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # (almost) a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub css_full_url { my($url)= @_ ; my($q) ; $url=~ s/\s+$// ; # leading spaces already stripped above if ($url=~ /^"/) { $q= '"' ; $url=~ s/^"|"$//g } # strip quotes elsif ($url=~ /^'/) { $q= "'" ; $url=~ s/^'|'$//g } $url=~ s/\\(.)/$1/g ; # "\"-unescape $url=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ; # finally, strip spaces once more $url= &full_url($url) ; $url=~ s/([(),\s'"\\])/\\$1/g ; # put "\"-escaping back in return $q . $url . $q ; } # Used to proxify a CSS image() directive, which can be a comma-separated list # of quoted URIs or color specifications; color specifications can be in many # formats, notably including parenthesized rgb() etc. functions. sub css_full_url_list { my($list)= @_ ; my($item, @out) ; $list=~ s/^\(|\)$//g ; # Extract quoted URIs, literal strings, or rgb() etc. functions. while ($list=~ /\G\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|#?\w+(?:\(.*?\))?)\s*,?/gc) { my $item= $1 ; if ($item=~ s/^(['"])(.*)\1$/$2/gs) { my $q= $1 ; next unless match_csp_source_list('img-src', $item) ; push(@out, $q . full_url($item) . $q) ; } else { push(@out, $item) ; } } return join(',', @out) ; } # The @font-face rule in CSS can include "url(...)" within it. # jsm-- this doesn't allow quotes in url().... sub proxify_font_face { my($css)= @_ ; $css=~ s/\burl\s*\(\s*(([^)]*\\\))*[^)]*)(\)|$)/ match_csp_source_list('font-src', $1) and ('url(' . &css_full_url($1) . ')') /gie ; return $css ; } # Some CSS (MSIE-only?) may use the "expression" or "function" constructs, # whose contents inside "()" are to be interpreted and executed as # JavaScript. We have to handle nested parentheses, so we utilize the # already-existing get_next_js_expr() to read the JS code inside the "()". # jsm-- this may need to be done in JS too. sub proxify_expressions_in_css { my($s)= @_ ; my(@out, $obeys_csp) ; while ($s=~ /(\G.*?(?:expression|function)\s*\()/gcis) { $obeys_csp||= match_csp_source_list('script-src', "'unsafe-inline'") && match_csp_source_list('style-src', "'unsafe-inline'") ; push(@out, $1) ; my $next_expr= &get_next_js_expr(\$s, 1) ; push(@out, &proxify_js($next_expr)) if $obeys_csp ; return undef unless $s=~ /\G\)/gc ; push(@out, ')') ; } return join('', @out, substr($s, pos($s))) ; } # This is a hack for supporting Flash apps that use Adobe's shared/cached .swz # libraries, which are downloaded from Adobe's site but which we don't know # how to parse yet. So proxify any fields in the flashvars string that might # be URLs. To start with, "src" and "poster" are used by Adobe's Strobe. # jsm-- must do this in JS too.... sub proxify_flashvars { my($fv)= @_ ; return $fv unless $fv ne '' ; my %fv= getformvars($fv) ; my $rebuild ; $fv{src}= full_url($fv{src}), $rebuild= 1 if defined $fv{src} ; $fv{poster}= full_url($fv{poster}), $rebuild= 1 if defined $fv{poster} ; return $fv unless $rebuild ; my($name, $value, @ret) ; while (($name, $value)= each %fv) { $name=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; $value=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; push(@ret, "$name=$value") ; } return join('&', @ret) ; # should use ";" but not all apps read that correctly } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheme-specific routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # _get: get resource at URL and set globals $status, $headers, $body, # and $is_html. (These are all globals for speed, to prevent unneeded copying # of huge strings.) Also, return HTTP response to user. # # http_get: actually supports both GET and POST. Also, it is used for # https:// (SSL) URLs in addition to normal http:// URLs. sub http_get { my($default_port, $portst, $realhost, $realport, $request_uri, $use_range, $dont_use_range, $realm, $tried_realm, $auth, $proxy_auth_header, $content_type, $lefttoget, $postblock, @postbody, $body_too_big, $rin, $status_code, $footers, $doing_cors_preflight_request, $cors_preflight_done) ; local($/)= "\012" ; # Localize filehandles-- safer for when using mod_perl, early exits, etc. # But unfortunately, it doesn't work well with tied variables. :( local(*S, *S_PLAIN) ; # If using SSL, then verify that we're set up for it. if ($scheme eq 'https') { eval { require Net::SSLeay } ; # don't check during compilation &no_SSL_warning($URL) if $@ ; # Fail if we're being asked to use SSL, and we're not on an SSL server. # Do NOT remove this code; instead, see note above where # $OVERRIDE_SECURITY is set. &insecure_die if !$RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER && !$OVERRIDE_SECURITY ; } $default_port= $scheme eq 'https' ? 443 : 80 ; $port= $default_port if $port eq '' ; # Some servers don't like default port in a Host: header, so use $portst. $portst= ($port==$default_port) ? '' : ":$port" ; $realhost= $host ; $realport= $port ; $request_uri= $path ; $request_uri=~ s/ /%20/g ; # URL-encode spaces for now; maybe more in the future my $hostst= $host=~ /:/ ? "[$host]" : $host ; # there must be a smoother way to handle proxies.... if ($scheme eq 'http' && $HTTP_PROXY) { my($dont_proxy) ; foreach (@NO_PROXY) { $dont_proxy= 1, last if $host=~ /\Q$_\E$/i ; } unless ($dont_proxy) { ($realhost, $realport)= $HTTP_PROXY=~ m#^(?:http://)?([^/?:]*):?([^/?]*)#i ; $realport= 80 if $realport eq '' ; $request_uri= "$scheme://$authority$request_uri" ; # rebuild to include encoded path $proxy_auth_header= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $PROXY_AUTH" if $PROXY_AUTH ne '' ; } } my($xhr_omit_credentials, $xhr_headers, @xhr_headers) ; if ($ENV{HTTP_X_PROXY_XHR_DATA}) { ($xhr_omit_credentials, $xhr_headers)= split(/;/, $ENV{HTTP_X_PROXY_XHR_DATA}, 2) ; @xhr_headers= grep { /\S/ } split(/,/, $xhr_headers) ; } #------ Connect socket to host; send request; wait with select() ------ # To be able to retry on a 401 Unauthorized response, put the whole thing # in a labeled block. Note that vars have to be reinitialized. HTTP_GET: { # Open socket(s) as needed, taking into account possible SSL, proxy, etc. # Whatever the situation, S will be the socket to handle the plaintext # HTTP exchange (which may be encrypted by a lower level). # If using SSL, then open a plain socket S_PLAIN to the server and # create an SSL socket handle S tied to the plain socket, such that # whatever we write to S will be written encrypted to S_PLAIN (and # similar for reads). If using an SSL proxy, then connect to that # instead and establish an encrypted tunnel to the destination server # using the CONNECT method. if ($scheme eq 'https') { my($dont_proxy) ; if ($SSL_PROXY) { foreach (@NO_PROXY) { $dont_proxy= 1, last if $host=~ /$_$/i ; } } # If using an SSL proxy, then connect to it and use the CONNECT # method to establish an encrypted tunnel. The CONNECT method # is an HTTP extension, documented in RFC 2817. # This block is modelled after code sent in by Grant DeGraw. if ($SSL_PROXY && !$dont_proxy) { ($realhost, $realport)= $SSL_PROXY=~ m#^(?:http://)?([^/?:]*):?([^/?]*)#i ; $realport= 80 if $realport eq '' ; &newsocketto('S_PLAIN', $realhost, $realport) ; # Send CONNECT request. print S_PLAIN "CONNECT $hostst:$port HTTP/$HTTP_VERSION\015\012", 'Host: ', $hostst, $portst, "\015\012" ; print S_PLAIN "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $SSL_PROXY_AUTH\015\012" if $SSL_PROXY_AUTH ne '' ; print S_PLAIN "\015\012" ; # Wait a minute for the response to start vec($rin= '', fileno(S_PLAIN), 1)= 1 ; select($rin, undef, undef, 60) || &HTMLdie("No response from SSL proxy") ; # Read response to CONNECT. All we care about is the status # code, but we have to read the whole response. my($response, $status_code) ; do { $response= '' ; do { $response.= $_= ; } until (/^(\015\012|\012)$/) ; #lines end w/ LF or CRLF ($status_code)= $response=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)# ; } until $status_code ne '100' ; # Any 200-level response is OK; fail otherwise. &HTMLdie(['SSL proxy error; response was:

', $response]) unless $status_code=~ /^2/ ; # If not using a proxy, then open a socket directly to the server. } else { &newsocketto('S_PLAIN', $realhost, $realport) ; } # Either way, make an SSL socket S tied to the plain socket S_PLAIN. my $ssl_obj= tie(*S, 'SSL_Handle', \*S_PLAIN) ; # Support the TLS SNI extension. Thanks to Carsten Gaebler for the patch. if (defined &Net::SSLeay::set_tlsext_host_name) { Net::SSLeay::set_tlsext_host_name($ssl_obj->{SSL}, $hostst); } Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl_obj->{SSL}) or &HTMLdie(["Can't SSL connect: %s", $!]) ; # If not using SSL, then just open a normal socket. Any proxy is # already set in $realhost and $realport, above. } else { &newsocketto('S', $realhost, $realport) ; } binmode S ; # see note with "binmode STDOUT", above # Do preflight request if is cross-origin XHR and either not a simple method # or there is a non-simple header. # Don't do this for the actual request, after the preflight request. if ($doing_cors_preflight_request) { $doing_cors_preflight_request= 0 ; } elsif ( ($xhr_origin ne '' and !same_origin("$scheme://$hostst:$port", $xhr_origin)) and ( !($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}=~ /^(?:GET|HEAD|POST)$/) or (grep { !( /^(?:accept|accept-language|content-language|$)$/i or ( $_ eq 'content-type' and $ENV{HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE}=~ m#^(?:application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/plain)\s*(?:;|$)#i) ) } @xhr_headers) ) ) { $doing_cors_preflight_request= 1 ; } # Build and send the request. # The Host: header is required in HTTP 1.1 requests. Also include # Accept: and User-Agent: because they affect results. # We're anonymously browsing, so don't include the From: header. The # User-Agent: header is a very teensy privacy risk, but some pages # load differently with different browsers. Referer: is handled # below, depending on the user option. # Ultimately, we may want to check ALL possible request headers-- see # if they're provided in $ENV{HTTP_xxx}, and include them in our # request if appropriate as per the HTTP spec regarding proxies, and # if they don't violate our goals here (e.g. privacy); some may need # to be appropriately modified to pass through this proxy. Each # request header would have to be considered and handled individually. # That's probably not all necessary, but we can take that approach as # priorities dictate. # Note that servers are NOT required to provide request header values # to CGI scripts! Some do, but it must not be relied on. Apache does # provide them, and even provides unknown headers-- e.g. a "Foo: bar" # request header will literally set HTTP_FOO to "bar". (But some # headers are explicitly discouraged from being given to CGI scripts, # such as Authorization:, because that would be a security hole.) my @req_headers= ("Host: $hostst$portst", # needed for multi-homed servers "Accept: $env_accept", # possibly modified "User-Agent: " . ($USER_AGENT || $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}) ) ; push(@req_headers, $proxy_auth_header) if $proxy_auth_header ; # Handle potential gzip encoding and the Accept-Encoding: header. # Currently, we only handle the gzip encoding, not compress or deflate. # A blank Accept-Encoding: header indicates that we don't support any # encoding (like gzip). Unfortunately, though, at least one server # (Boa) chokes on an empty Accept-Encoding: header, so let's make it # a "," here. That effectively still means an empty value, according # to the rules of HTTP header values. if ($ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}=~ /\bgzip\b/i) { eval { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip } ; # don't check during compilation push(@req_headers, ('Accept-Encoding: ' . ($@ ? ',' : 'gzip'))) ; } else { push(@req_headers, 'Accept-Encoding: ,') ; } # Apparently, some servers don't handle a blank Accept-Language: header, # so only include it in the request if it's not blank. push(@req_headers, "Accept-Language: $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}") if $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE} ne '' ; # Create Referer: header if so configured. # Only include Referer: if we successfully remove $script_url+flags from # start of referring URL. Note that flags may not always be there. # If using @PROXY_GROUP, loop through them until one fits. This could # only be ambiguous if one proxy in @PROXY_GROUP is called through # another proxy in @PROXY_GROUP, which you really shouldn't do anyway. # Do not send Referer: beginning with "https" unless the requested # URL also begins with "https"! Security hole otherwise. my($referer)= $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} ; if (@PROXY_GROUP) { foreach (@PROXY_GROUP) { if ($referer=~ s#^$_(?:/[^/]*/?[^/]*/?)?## && ($referer ne '')) { my $decoded_referer= &wrap_proxy_decode($referer) ; push(@req_headers, "Referer: $decoded_referer") unless $e_hide_referer or ($decoded_referer=~ /^https\b/i && $scheme eq 'http') or $xhr_origin=~ /^blob:/i or $xhr_origin eq 'null' ; last ; } last if $referer eq '' ; } } else { if ($referer=~ s#^$THIS_SCRIPT_URL(?:/[^/]*/?[^/]*/?)?## && ($referer ne '')) { my $decoded_referer= &wrap_proxy_decode($referer) ; push(@req_headers, "Referer: $decoded_referer") unless $e_hide_referer or ($decoded_referer=~ /^https\b/i && $scheme eq 'http') or $xhr_origin=~ /^blob:/i or $xhr_origin eq 'null' ; } } # Add "Connection: close" header, since we don't manage persistent connections to servers. push(@req_headers, 'Connection: close') ; # Add the cookie if it exists and cookies aren't banned here, and if not # banned from CORS request. push(@req_headers, "Cookie: $cookie_to_server") if !$cookies_are_banned_here and ($cookie_to_server ne '') and !($xhr_origin and $xhr_omit_credentials) and !$doing_cors_preflight_request ; # Add Pragma: and Cache-Control: headers if they were given in the # request, to allow caches to behave properly. These two headers # need no modification. # As explained above, we can't rely on request headers being provided # to the script via environment variables. push(@req_headers, "Pragma: $ENV{HTTP_PRAGMA}") if $ENV{HTTP_PRAGMA} ne '' ; push(@req_headers, "Cache-Control: $ENV{HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL}") if $ENV{HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL} ne '' ; # Add Authorization: header if we've had a challenge. # Don't add this Authorization: header if another was set in the XHR. if (!$doing_cors_preflight_request and !$xhr_omit_credentials and $ENV{HTTP_X_AUTHORIZATION} eq '') { if ($realm ne '') { # If we get here, we know $realm has a defined $auth and has not # been tried. push(@req_headers, "Authorization: Basic $auth{$realm}") ; $tried_realm= $realm ; } else { # If we have auth information for this server, what the hey, let's # try one, it may save us a request/response cycle. # First case is for rare case when auth info is in URL. Related # block 100 lines down needs no changes. if ($username ne '') { push(@req_headers, 'Authorization: Basic ' . &base64($username . ':' . $password)) ; } elsif ( ($tried_realm,$auth)= each %auth ) { push(@req_headers, "Authorization: Basic $auth") ; } } } # Some old XMLHTTPRequest server apps require this non-standard header. # Thanks to Devesh Parekh for the patch. push(@req_headers, "X-Requested-With: $ENV{HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH}") if $expected_type eq 'x-proxy/xhr' and $ENV{HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH} eq 'XMLHttpRequest' ; # More non-standard HTTP request headers. push(@req_headers, "X-Do-Not-Track: 1") if $ENV{HTTP_X_DO_NOT_TRACK} eq '1' ; push(@req_headers, "DNT: 1") if $ENV{HTTP_DNT} eq '1' ; # jsm-- what is this used for? test with video on iPad etc. push(@req_headers, "X-Playback-Session-Id: $ENV{HTTP_X_PLAYBACK_SESSION_ID}") if defined $ENV{HTTP_X_PLAYBACK_SESSION_ID} ; # Don't use Range: when getting a handled type, including text/html . # We'd rather sometimes not use Range: when we should, than use it # when we shouldn't. # A bit hacky-- when resource is text/html and Range: was used, redo # the request without Range: . $use_range= !$dont_use_range && defined($ENV{HTTP_RANGE}) && $expected_type!~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io ; push(@req_headers, "Range: $ENV{HTTP_RANGE}") if $use_range ; # Add any CORS headers. # A bit messy-- should we make a dedicated preflight routine? # Google's GSE servers don't allow explicit port in Origin: when the # port is the default. In other words, "Origin: https://example.com" # works, while "Origin: https://example.com:443" doesn't. :P So # remove port if it's the default port. if ($xhr_origin ne '') { my $origin_value= $xhr_origin ; $origin_value=~ s/:80$// if $origin_value=~ /^http:/ ; $origin_value=~ s/:443$// if $origin_value=~ /^https:/ ; push(@req_headers, "Origin: $origin_value") ; } if ($doing_cors_preflight_request) { push(@req_headers, "Access-Control-Request-Method: $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}") ; push(@req_headers, 'Access-Control-Request-Headers: ' . join(',', sort @xhr_headers)) if @xhr_headers ; # Remove author request headers... kind of hacky, inefficient. foreach my $xh (@xhr_headers) { @req_headers= grep { !/^\Q$xh:/i } @req_headers ; } } else { # XHR Authorization: headers are received as X-Authorization: headers. # For chaining, X-Authorization: headers are received as X-X-Authorization: # headers, etc. foreach (@xhr_headers) { my $env_name= 'HTTP_' . (/^(x-)*authorization$/i ? 'X_' : '') . uc ; $env_name=~ s/-/_/g ; push(@req_headers, "$_: $ENV{$env_name}") if $ENV{$env_name} ne '' ; } } # A little problem with authorization and POST requests: If auth # is required, we won't know which realm until after we make the # request and get part of the response. But to make the request, # we have to send the entire POST body, because some servers # mistakenly require that before returning even an error response. # So this means we have to send the entire POST body, and be # prepared to send it a second time, thus we have to store it # locally. Either that, or fail to send the POST body a second # time. Here, we let the owner of this proxy set $MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: # store and post a second time if a request is smaller, or else # die with 413 the second time through. # If request method is POST, copy content headers and body to request. # The first time through here, save body to @postbody, if the body's # not too big. if (!$doing_cors_preflight_request and $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { if ($body_too_big) { # Quick 'n' dirty response for an unlikely occurrence. # 413 is not actually an HTTP/1.0 response... &HTMLdie(["Sorry, this proxy can't handle a request larger " . "than %s bytes at a password-protected" . " URL. Try reducing your submission size, or submit " . "it to an unprotected URL.", $MAX_REQUEST_SIZE], 'Submission too large', '413 Request Entity Too Large') ; } # Otherwise... $lefttoget= $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} ; push(@req_headers, "Content-Type: $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}", "Content-Length: $lefttoget") ; } # To make traffic fingerprinting harder. shuffle(\@req_headers) ; # Send the request. my $method= $doing_cors_preflight_request ? 'OPTIONS' : $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} ; print S "$method $request_uri HTTP/$HTTP_VERSION\015\012", join("\015\012", @req_headers), "\015\012\015\012" ; # Print POST body if needed. if (!$doing_cors_preflight_request and $method eq 'POST') { if (@postbody) { print S @postbody ; } else { $body_too_big= ($lefttoget > $MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) ; # Loop to guarantee all is read from $STDIN. do { $lefttoget-= read($STDIN, $postblock, $lefttoget) ; print S $postblock ; # efficient-- only doing test when input is slow anyway. push(@postbody, $postblock) unless $body_too_big ; } while $lefttoget && ($postblock ne '') ; } } # Wait a minute for the response to start vec($rin= '', fileno(S), 1)= 1 ; select($rin, undef, undef, 60) || &HTMLdie(["No response from %s:%s", $realhost, $realport]) ; #------ Read full response into $status, $headers, and $body ---- # Support both HTTP 1.x and HTTP 0.9 $status= ; # first line, which is the status line in HTTP 1.x # HTTP 0.9 # Ignore possibility of HEAD, since it's not defined in HTTP 0.9. # Do any HTTP 0.9 servers really exist anymore? unless ($status=~ m#^HTTP/#) { $is_html= 1 ; # HTTP 0.9 by definition implies an HTML response $content_type= 'text/html' ; local($/)= undef ; $body= $status . ; $status= '' ; close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; return ; } # After here, we know we're using HTTP 1.x # Be sure to handle case when server doesn't send blank line! It's # rare and erroneous, but a couple servers out there do that when # responding with a redirection. This can cause some processes to # linger and soak up resources, particularly under mod_perl. # To handle this, merely check for eof(S) in until clause below. # ... except that for some reason invoking eof() on a tied SSL_Handle # makes later read()'s fail with unlikely error messages. :( # So instead of eof(S), test "$_ eq ''". # Loop to get $status and $headers until we get a non-100 response. do { ($status_code)= $status=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)# ; $headers= '' ; # could have been set by first attempt do { $headers.= $_= ; # $headers includes last blank line # } until (/^(\015\012|\012)$/) || eof(S) ; # lines end w/ LF or CRLF } until (/^(\015\012|\012)$/) || $_ eq '' ; #lines end w/ LF or CRLF $status= if $status_code == 100 ; # re-read for next iteration } until $status_code != 100 ; # Unfold long header lines, a la RFC 822 section 3.1.1 $headers=~ s/(\015\012|\012)[ \t]+/ /g ; # Messy-- from algorithms in section 7 of # https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/cors/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#user-agent-processing-model # Returning from this routine cancels the request and intentionally # generates a CORS "network error". return if ($doing_cors_preflight_request or $cors_preflight_done) and !($status=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+200\b#) ; # Apply CORS redirect steps if needed. if ($xhr_origin ne '' and $status=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+30[12378]\b#) { return if $cors_preflight_done ; my($new_url)= $headers=~ /^Location:\s*(\S*)/mi ; return unless $new_url=~ /^(?:https?|ftp)$/i ; return if $new_url=~ m#^(?:[\w+.-]+)://(?:[^/?]*)\@#i ; return unless $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:/mi ; return if $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:.*^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:/mis ; if (!$xhr_omit_credentials or !($headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:\s*\*/mi)) { return unless $headers=~ /^(?:Access-Control-Allow-Origin:)\s*(\S*)/mi and same_origin($xhr_origin, $1) ; return if !$xhr_omit_credentials and (!($headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:\s*true/mi) or $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:.*^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:/mis) ; my($new_origin, $new_scheme)= $new_url=~ m#^(([\w+.-]+)://[^/?\#]*)# ; $new_scheme= lc($new_scheme) ; $new_origin= lc($new_origin) ; $new_origin.= $new_scheme eq 'http' ? ':80' : $new_scheme eq 'https' ? ':443' : '' unless $new_origin=~ /:\d+$/ ; $xhr_origin= 'null' if !same_origin($xhr_origin, $new_origin) ; } # Perform only resource sharing check. } elsif ($xhr_origin ne '') { return unless $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:/mi ; return if $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:.*^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:/mis ; if (!$xhr_omit_credentials or !($headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Origin:\s*\*/mi)) { return unless $headers=~ /^(?:Access-Control-Allow-Origin:)\s*(\S*)/mi and same_origin($xhr_origin, $1) ; return if !$xhr_omit_credentials and (!($headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:\s*true/mi) or $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:.*^Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:/mis) ; } } if ($doing_cors_preflight_request) { # We know response status code is 200 here. my @methods= grep { /\S/ } map { split(/\,\s*/) } $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Methods:\s*([^\015\012]+)/mig ; @methods= ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}) unless @methods ; my @headers= grep { /\S/ } map { split(/\,\s*/) } $headers=~ /^Access-Control-Allow-Headers:\s*([^\015\012]+)/mig ; return unless grep { $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq $_ } @methods, qw(GET HEAD POST) ; foreach my $xh (@xhr_headers) { return if !( /^(?:accept|accept-language|content-language|$)$/i or ( $_ eq 'content-type' and $ENV{HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE}=~ m#^(?:application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/plain)$#i) ) and !grep { lc($xh) eq lc } @headers ; } $cors_preflight_done= 1 ; close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; redo HTTP_GET ; # do actual request } # Check for 401 Unauthorized response if ($status=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+401\b#) { ($realm)= $headers=~ /^WWW-Authenticate:\s*Basic\s+realm="([^"\015\012]*)/mi ; # 401 responses are required to have WWW-Authenticate: headers, # but at least one server doesn't obey this. If we don't get # that header, then continue on to return the proxified # response body to the user. #&HTMLdie("Error by target server: no WWW-Authenticate header.") # unless $realm ne '' ; if ($realm ne '') { if ($auth{$realm} eq '') { &get_auth_from_user("$hostst$portst", $realm, $URL) ; } elsif ($realm eq $tried_realm) { &get_auth_from_user("$hostst$portst", $realm, $URL, 1) ; } # so now $realm exists, has defined $auth, and has not been tried close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; redo HTTP_GET ; } } # Extract $content_type, used in several places ($content_type, $charset)= $headers=~ m#^Content-Type:\s*([\w/.+\$-]*)\s*(?:;?\s*charset\s*=\s*([\w-]+))?#mi ; $content_type= lc($content_type) ; # If we're text only, then cut off non-text responses (but allow # unspecified types). if ($TEXT_ONLY) { if ( ($content_type ne '') && ($content_type!~ m#^text/#) ) { &non_text_die ; } } # If we're removing scripts, then disallow script MIME types. if ($content_type=~ /^$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX$/io) { &script_content_die if $scripts_are_banned_here ; &script_content_die if !match_csp_source_list('script-src', $URL) ; # Note that the non-standard Link: header, which may link to a # style sheet, is handled in http_fix(). } # If URL matches one of @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS, then skip the # resource unless it's clearly a text type. if ($images_are_banned_here) { &skip_image unless $content_type=~ m#^text/#i ; } # Keeping $base_url and its related variables up-to-date is an # ongoing job. Here, we look in appropriate headers. Note that if # Content-Base: doesn't exist, Content-Location: is an absolute URL. if ($headers=~ m#^Content-Base:\s*([\w+.-]+://\S+)#mi) { $base_url= $1, &fix_base_vars ; } elsif ($headers=~ m#^Content-Location:\s*([\w+.-]+://\S+)#mi) { $base_url= $1, &fix_base_vars ; } elsif ($headers=~ m#^Location:\s*([\w+.-]+://\S+)#mi) { $base_url= $1, &fix_base_vars ; } # Now, fix the headers with &http_fix(). It uses &full_url(), and # may modify the headers we just extracted the base URL from. # This also includes cookie support. &http_fix ; # If configured, make this response as non-cacheable as possible. # This means remove any Expires: and Pragma: headers (the latter # could be using extensions), strip Cache-Control: headers of any # unwanted directives and add the "no-cache" directive, and add back # to $headers the new Cache-Control: header and a "Pragma: no-cache" # header. # A lot of this is documented in the HTTP 1.1 spec, sections 13 as a # whole, 13.1.3, 13.4, 14.9, 14.21, and 14.32. The Cache-Control: # response header has eight possible directives, plus extensions; # according to section 13.4, all except "no-cache", "no-store", and # "no-transform" might indicate cacheability, so remove them. Remove # extensions for the same reason. Remove any parameter from # "no-cache", because that would limit its effect. This effectively # means preserve only "no-store" and "no-transform" if they exist # (neither have parameters), and add "no-cache". # We use a quick method here that works for all but cases both faulty # and obscure, but opens no privacy holes; in the future we may fully # parse the header value(s) into its comma-separated list of # directives. if ($MINIMIZE_CACHING) { my($new_value)= 'no-cache' ; $new_value.= ', no-store' if $headers=~ /^Cache-Control:.*?\bno-store\b/mi ; $new_value.= ', no-transform' if $headers=~ /^Cache-Control:.*?\bno-transform\b/mi ; my($no_cache_headers)= "Cache-Control: $new_value\015\012Pragma: no-cache\015\012" ; $headers=~ s/^Cache-Control:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers=~ s/^Pragma:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers=~ s/^Expires:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers= $no_cache_headers . $headers ; } # Add the 1-2 session cookies if so configured. $headers= $session_cookies . $headers if $session_cookies ; # Set $is_html if headers indicate HTML response. # Question: are there any other HTML-like MIME types, including x-... ? $is_html= 1 if $content_type eq 'text/html' or $content_type eq 'application/xhtml+xml' ; # Some servers return HTML content without the Content-Type: header. # These MUST be caught, because Netscape displays them as HTML, and # a user could lose their anonymity on these pages. # According to the HTTP 1.1 spec, section. 7.2.1, browsers can choose # how to deal with HTTP bodies with no Content-Type: header. See # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt # In such a case, Netscape seems to always assume "text/html". # Konqueror seems to guess the MIME type by using the Unix "file" # utility on the first 1024 bytes, and possibly other clues (e.g. # resource starts with "

"). # In any case, we must interpret as HTML anything that *may* be # interpreted as HTML by the browser. So if there is no # Content-Type: header, set $is_html=1 . The worst that would # happen would be the occasional content mangled by modified URLs, # which is better than a privacy hole. $is_html= 1 if ($content_type eq '') ; # Additionally, some browsers seem to treat invalid Content-Type: headers # as if there is no Content-Type: header, i.e. the resource is treated # as text/html . As a simple test, we just verify that the MIME type # has a "/" in it, or else treat it as text/html. $is_html= 1 if !($content_type=~ m#/#) ; # If the expected type is "x-proxy/xhr", then the resource is being # downloaded via a JS XMLHttpRequest object and should not be # proxified, even if it's HTML data (it would be proxified later # when the data is written to or inserted in a document). To # indicate this, we set $is_html to false. $is_html= 0 if ($expected_type eq 'x-proxy/xhr') ; # The Range: header shouldn't be sent for text/html resources, but # we don't always know that in advance. Fortunately, this shouldn't # happen often. # Avoid doing this when $content_type is empty. Messy. if ($is_html and $use_range and ($content_type ne '')) { close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; $dont_use_range= 1 ; redo HTTP_GET ; } # To support non-NPH hack, replace first part of $status with # "Status:" if needed. $status=~ s#^\S+#Status:# if $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH ; # A bug in some Sun servers returns "text/plain" for SWF files when # responding to certain SWF method calls. my $may_be_swf= ($content_type eq 'text/plain' and $headers=~ /^Server:\s*Sun-ONE/mi) ; # Read the response, modify as needed, and send back to the user. # Only read body if the request method is not HEAD if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'HEAD') { $body= '' ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers ; } else { # First, handle non-HTML content which needs modification. # Again, anything retrieved via a JS XMLHttpRequest object should # not be proxified, regardless of $content_type . if ( ($expected_type ne 'x-proxy/xhr') && ( ($expected_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) || ($content_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) || $may_be_swf ) ) { # Because of the erroneous way some browsers use the expected # MIME type instead of the actual Content-Type: header, check # $expected_type first. my($type) ; if ($expected_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) { $type= $expected_type ; } else { $type= $content_type ; } # If response is chunked, then dechunk it before processing. # Not perfect (it loses the benefit of chunked encoding), but it # works and will seldom be a problem. # Append $footers into $headers, and remove any Transfer-Encoding: header. if ($headers=~ /^Transfer-Encoding:[ \t]*chunked\b/mi) { ($body, $footers)= &get_chunked_body('S') ; &HTMLdie(["Error reading chunked response from %s .", &HTMLescape($URL)]) unless defined($body) ; $headers=~ s/^Transfer-Encoding:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; $headers=~ s/^(\015\012|\012)/$footers$1/m ; # Handle explicitly sized response. } elsif ($headers=~ /^Content-Length:[ \t]*(\d+)/mi) { $body= &read_socket('S', $1) ; # If not chunked or sized, read entire input into $body. } else { local($/)= undef ; $body= ; $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; } # This was for an old IIS+MSIE bug that made it hang, but now # the shutdown itself can cause Perl on Windows to die. It # still dies even after wrapping with eval{}, which is a Perl # bug. Thus, we remove this line. #shutdown(S, 0) if $RUNNING_ON_IIS ; # without this, IIS+MSIE hangs # If $body is gzipped, then gunzip it. # Change $headers to maintain consistency, even though it will # probably just be compressed again later. &gunzip_body if $headers=~ /^Content-Encoding:.*\bgzip\b/mi ; # A body starting with "\xEF\xBB\xBF" (non-standardly) indicates # a UTF-8 resource. We can only know this after reading # $body, thus it's done here and not above. # The string "\xEF\xBB\xBF" is sort of like a non-standard BOM # for UTF-8, though UTF-8 doesn't need a BOM. Some systems # don't handle it, so remove it if found. $charset= 'UTF-8' if $body=~ s/^\xef\xbb\xbf// ; # Decode $body for text resources. # Unfortunately, browsers don't always default the charset to ISO-8859-1, # as they're supposed to according to the HTTP/1.1 spec. Different # browsers use different algorithms for determining the default # charset; here we just assume it's UTF-8 if it decodes correctly # as UTF-8, and ISO-8859-1 if not. Messy. if ($content_type=~ m#^text/# or $content_type=~ m#^application/[\w-]*script$#) { if ($charset) { eval { $body= decode($charset, $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die($charset) if $@ ; } else { eval { $body= decode('UTF-8', $body) } ; if ($@) { eval { $body= decode('ISO-8859-1', $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die('ISO-8859-1') if $@ ; # not Unicode, oh well.... $charset= 'ISO-8859-1' ; } else { $charset= 'UTF-8' ; } } } # If $body looks like it's in UTF-16 encoding, then convert it # to UTF-8 before proxifying. un_utf16(\$body), $charset= 'UTF-8' if ($body=~ /^(?:\376\377|\377\376)/) ; # Part of workaround for Sun servers (see $may_be_swf above). if ($may_be_swf && $body=~ /^[FC]WS[\x01-\x09]/) { $type= 'application/x-shockwave-flash' ; } # If Content-Type: is "text/html" and body looks like HTML, # then treat it as HTML. This helps with sites that play # fast and loose with MIME types (e.g. hotmail). Hacky. # Remove leading HTML comments before testing for text/html; # e.g. hotmail puts HTML comments at start of JS resources, # and even gives Content-Type as text/html . :P my($leading_html_comments)= $body=~ /^(\s*(?:\s*)*)/ ; $body= substr($body, length($leading_html_comments)) if $leading_html_comments ; if (($content_type eq 'text/html') and $body=~ /^\s*<(?:\!(?!--\s*\n)|html)/i) { $type= 'text/html' ; $is_html= 1 ; # for block below $body= $leading_html_comments . $body ; } else { $body= &proxify_block($body, $type) ; # Re-enbyte $body. if ($charset) { eval { $body= encode($charset, $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die($charset) if $@ ; $headers=~ s#^(Content-Type:\s*[\w/.+\$-]*)(?:(\s*;?\s*charset\s*=\s*[\w-]+))? #$1; charset=$charset#gmix ; } # gzip the response body if we're allowed and able. &gzip_body if $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}=~ /\bgzip\b/i ; # Change Content-Length header, since we changed the content. # If header isn't there already, add it. $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:[^\015\012]*/ 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) /gmie or $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers, $body ; close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; return ; } # This is for when the resource is passed straight through without # modification. # We don't care whether it's chunked or not here, or gzipped or not. # Except: some servers leave a persistent connection open even when # we send "Connection: close", so we must close the connection # after reading the response, so we still must be careful to read the # correct number of bytes, so we respect Content-Length: and chunked # encoding for this. # Ideally, we'd use recv() to get "read all available but block until # something available" behavior, but that fails because of mixing # buffered and non-buffered input. Also, select() doesn't work well # on buffered input, and is unreliable even on unbuffered input on # some systems. So, the best we can do is set up a read() loop. # Note that read() blocks until the entire requested input is read, # or at EOF. } elsif (!$is_html) { my($buf) ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers ; # Use Content-Length: if available. if ($headers=~ /^Content-Length:[ \t]*(\d+)/mi) { my $lefttoget= $1 ; my $thisread ; while ($lefttoget>0 and $thisread= read(S, $buf, ($lefttoget<16384) ? $lefttoget : 16384)) { &HTMLdie(["read() error: %s", $!]) unless defined $thisread ; print $STDOUT $buf ; $lefttoget-= $thisread ; } # Pass through response if chunked. } elsif ($headers=~ /^Transfer-Encoding:[ \t]*chunked\b/mi) { # Get chunks. my $hex_size ; while ($hex_size= ) { print $STDOUT $hex_size ; no warnings 'digit' ; # to let hex() operate without warnings last unless $lefttoget= hex($hex_size) ; my $thisread ; while ($lefttoget>0 and $thisread= read(S, $buf, ($lefttoget<16384) ? $lefttoget : 16384)) { &HTMLdie(["chunked read() error: %s", $!]) unless defined $thisread ; print $STDOUT $buf ; $lefttoget-= $thisread ; } print $STDOUT scalar ; # clear CRLF after chunk } # Get footers. while () { print $STDOUT $_ ; last if /^(\015\012|\012)/ || $_ eq '' ; # lines end w/ LF or CRLF } # If no indication of response length, just pass all socket data through. } else { # If using SSL, read() could return 0 and truncate data. :P print $STDOUT $buf while read(S, $buf, 16384) ; } } # This could have been set in the if() block above. if ($is_html) { my($transmit_in_parts) ; foreach (@TRANSMIT_HTML_IN_PARTS_URLS) { $transmit_in_parts= 1, last if $URL=~ /$_/ ; } # Transmit the HTML in parts if so configured. if ($transmit_in_parts) { &transmit_html_in_parts($status, $headers, 'S') ; } else { # If response is chunked, handle as above; see comments there. if ($headers=~ /^Transfer-Encoding:[ \t]*chunked\b/mi) { ($body, $footers)= &get_chunked_body('S') ; &HTMLdie(["Error reading chunked response from %s .", &HTMLescape($URL)]) unless defined($body) ; $headers=~ s/^Transfer-Encoding:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; $headers=~ s/^(\015\012|\012)/$footers$1/m ; # Handle explicitly sized response. } elsif ($headers=~ /^Content-Length:[ \t]*(\d+)/mi) { $body= &read_socket('S', $1) ; # If not chunked or sized, read entire input into $body. } else { undef $/ ; $body= ; $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; } # This was for an old IIS+MSIE bug that made it hang, but now # the shutdown itself can cause Perl on Windows to die. It # still dies even after wrapping with eval{}, which is a Perl # bug. Thus, we remove this line. #shutdown(S, 0) if $RUNNING_ON_IIS ; # without this, IIS+MSIE hangs # If $body is gzipped, then gunzip it. # Change $headers to maintain consistency, even though it will # probably just be compressed again later. &gunzip_body if $headers=~ /^Content-Encoding:.*\bgzip\b/mi ; # Due to a bug in (at least some) captcha systems, where they label # the test image as "text/html", we test for the image here by # examining the first 1000 chars for non-printable chars. if ($env_accept=~ m#^\s*image/#i) { my $binchars= substr($body, 0, 1000)=~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1b\x80-\xff/\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1b\x80-\xff/ ; if ($binchars > ( (length($body)<1000) ? length($body)*0.25 : 250 )) { print $STDOUT $status, $headers, $body ; close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; return ; } } # Quick check for "" in $body. ($meta_charset)= $body=~ /^.{0,1024}?<\s*meta[^>]+\bcharset\s*=['"]?([^'"\s>]+)/si ; # Decode $body. if ($charset || $meta_charset) { eval { $body= decode($charset || $meta_charset, $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die($charset || $meta_charset) if $@ ; } else { eval { $body= decode('UTF-8', $body) } ; if ($@) { eval { $body= decode('ISO-8859-1', $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die('ISO-8859-1') if $@ ; # not Unicode, oh well.... $charset= 'ISO-8859-1' ; } else { $charset= 'UTF-8' ; } } # If $body looks like it's in UTF-16 encoding, then convert # it to UTF-8 before proxifying. un_utf16(\$body), $charset= 'UTF-8' if ($body=~ /^(?:\376\377|\377\376)/) ; $body= &proxify_html(\$body, 1) ; # $body.= $debug ; # handy for sprinkling checks throughout the code # Must change to byte string before compressing or sending. # For HTML resources, use UTF-8 to make insertions behave correctly. eval { $body= encode('UTF-8', $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die('UTF-8') if $@ ; $headers=~ s/^(Content-Type:[^\015\012;]*)[^\015\012]*/$1; charset=UTF-8/gmi ; # gzip the response body if we're allowed and able. &gzip_body if $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}=~ /\bgzip\b/i ; # Change Content-Length header, since we changed the content. # If header isn't there already, add it. $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*/ 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) /gmie or $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers, $body ; } } } close(S) ; untie(*S) if $scheme eq 'https' ; } # HTTP_GET: } # sub http_get() # gzip $body and add/update appropriate response headers in $headers. # Used in several places. sub gzip_body { eval { require IO::Compress::Gzip } ; if (!$@) { my $zout ; IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip(\$body, \$zout) or HTMLdie(["Couldn't gzip: %s", $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError]); $body= $zout ; $headers= "Content-Encoding: gzip\015\012" . $headers ; $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*/ 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) /gmie or $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; } } # gunzip $body and remove/update appropriate response headers in $headers. # Used in several places. sub gunzip_body { eval { require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip } ; &no_gzip_die if $@ ; my $zout ; # If we err and yet $zout isn't empty, then use $zout anyway. In other # words, only HTMLdie() if gunzip fails and $zout is empty. no warnings qw(once) ; (IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::gunzip(\$body => \$zout) or $zout ne '') or HTMLdie(["Couldn't gunzip: %s", $IO::Uncompress::Gunzip::GunzipError]) ; $body= $zout ; $headers=~ s/^Content-Encoding:.*?\012//gims ; $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*/ 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) /gmie or $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; } # This package defines a SSL filehandle, complete with all the functions # needed to tie a filehandle to. This lets us use the routine http_get() # above for SSL (https) communication too, which means we only have one # routine to maintain instead of two-- big win. # The idea was taken from Net::SSLeay::Handle, which is a great idea, but the # current implementation of that module isn't suitable for this application. # This implementation uses an input buffer, which lets us write a moderately # efficient READLINE() routine here. Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_until() would be # the natural function to use for that, but it reads and tests all input one # character at a time. # This is in a BEGIN block to make sure any initialization is done. "use" # would effectively do a BEGIN block too. # These are all socket functions used by http_get(): print(), read(), <>, # close(), fileno() for select(), eof(), binmode() BEGIN { package SSL_Handle ; use vars qw($SSL_CONTEXT $DEFAULT_READ_SIZE) ; $DEFAULT_READ_SIZE= 512 ; # Only used for <> style input, so doesn't need to be big. # Create an SSL socket with e.g. "tie(*S_SSL, 'SSL_Handle', \*S_PLAIN)", # where S_PLAIN is an existing open socket to be used by S_SSL. # S_PLAIN must remain in scope for the duration of the use of S_SSL, or # else you'll get OpenSSL errors like "bad write retry". # If $unbuffered is set, then the socket input will be read one character # at a time (probably slower). sub TIEHANDLE { my($class, $socket, $is_server, $unbuffered)= @_ ; my($ssl) ; create_SSL_CONTEXT($is_server) ; $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($SSL_CONTEXT) or &main::HTMLdie(["Can't create SSL connection: %s", $!]) ; Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno($socket)) or &main::HTMLdie(["Can't set_fd: %s", $!]) ; bless { SSL => $ssl, socket => $socket, readsize => ($unbuffered ? 0 : $DEFAULT_READ_SIZE), buf => '', eof => '', }, $class ; # returns reference } sub create_SSL_CONTEXT { my($is_server)= @_ ; # $SSL_CONTEXT only needs to be created once (e.g. with mod_perl or daemon). unless ($SSL_CONTEXT) { # load_error_strings() isn't worth the effort if running as a CGI script. Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings() if $main::RUN_METHOD ne 'cgi' ; Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms() ; Net::SSLeay::randomize() ; # Create the reusable SSL context $SSL_CONTEXT= Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or &main::HTMLdie(["Can't create SSL context: %s", $!]) ; # Need this to cope with bugs in some other SSL implementations. Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($SSL_CONTEXT, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL) ; # Makes life easier if using blocking IO. Flag 0x04 is SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY . Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_mode($SSL_CONTEXT, 4) ; } # Set SSL key and certificate for server socket handles. # jsm-- must make UI for keys.... if ($is_server) { Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file($SSL_CONTEXT, File::Spec->catfile($main::PROXY_DIR, $main::PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM) or Net::SSLeay::die_if_ssl_error("error with private key: $!") ; Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_file($SSL_CONTEXT, File::Spec->catfile($main::PROXY_DIR, $main::CERTIFICATE_FILE), &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM) or Net::SSLeay::die_if_ssl_error("error with certificate: $!") ; } } # For the print() function. Respect $, and $\ settings. sub PRINT { my($self)= shift ; my($written, $errs)= Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($self->{SSL}, join($, , @_) . $\ ) ; # jsm-- following line generates OpenSSL warnings... need to debug. # die "Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all error: $errs" if $errs ne '' ; return 1 ; # to keep consistent with standard print() } # For read() and sysread() functions. # Note that unlike standard read() or sysread(), this function can return # 0 even when not at EOF, and when select() on the underlying socket # indicates there is data to be read. :( This is because of SSL # buffering issues: OpenSSL processes data in chunks (records), so a # socket may have some data available but not enough for a full record, # i.e. enough to release decrypted data to the reader. # So how can an application distinguish between an empty read() and EOF? # Note that eof() is problematic too (see notes there). :( # jsm-- may be possible to handle this by looking for SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ # in the error code; http://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_get_error.html # has some info, then look in the source code of Net::SSLeay. sub READ { my($self)= shift ; return 0 if $self->{eof} ; # Can't use my(undef) in some old versions of Perl, so use $dummy. my($dummy, $len, $offset)= @_ ; # $_[0] is handled explicitly below my($read, $errs) ; # this could be cleaned up.... if ($len > length($self->{buf})) { if ( $offset || ($self->{buf} ne '') ) { $len-= length($self->{buf}) ; #$read= Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($self->{SSL}, $len) ; ($read, $errs)= &ssl_read_all_fixed($self->{SSL}, $len) ; &main::HTMLdie(["ssl_read_all_fixed() error: %s", $errs]) if $errs ne '' ; return undef unless defined($read) ; $self->{eof}= 1 if length($read) < $len ; my($buflen)= length($_[0]) ; $_[0].= "\0" x ($offset-$buflen) if $offset>$buflen ; substr($_[0], $offset)= $self->{buf} . $read ; $self->{buf}= '' ; return length($_[0])-$offset ; } else { # Streamlined block for the most common case. #$_[0]= Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_all($self->{SSL}, $len) ; ($_[0], $errs)= &ssl_read_all_fixed($self->{SSL}, $len) ; &main::HTMLdie(["ssl_read_all_fixed() error: %s", $errs]) if $errs ne '' ; return undef unless defined($_[0]) ; $self->{eof}= 1 if length($_[0]) < $len ; return length($_[0]) ; } } else { # Here the ?: operator returns an lvar. ($offset ? substr($_[0], $offset) : $_[0])= substr($self->{buf}, 0, $len) ; substr($self->{buf}, 0, $len)= '' ; return $len ; } } # For <> style input. # In Perl, $/ as the input delimiter can have two special values: undef # reads all input as one record, and "" means match on multiple blank # lines, like the regex "\n{2,}". Net::SSLeay doesn't support these, # but here we support the undef value (though not the "" value). # See the note with READ(), above, about possible SSL buffering issues. # It's not as big a problem here, since <> returns undef at EOF. Note # that ssl_read_all() blocks until all requested data is read. # Net::SSLeay::ssl_read_until() would normally be the natural function for # this, but it reads and tests all input one character at a time, which # is potentially very inefficient. Thus we implement this package with # an input buffer. sub READLINE { my($self)= shift ; my($read, $errs) ; if (defined($/)) { if (wantarray) { return () if $self->{eof} ; ($read, $errs)= &ssl_read_all_fixed($self->{SSL}) ; &main::HTMLdie(["ssl_read_all_fixed() error: %s", $errs]) if $errs ne '' ; # Prepend current buffer, and split to end items on $/ or EOS; # this regex prevents final '' element. $self->{eof}= 1 ; return ($self->{buf} . $read)=~ m#(.*?\Q$/\E|.+?\Z(?!\n))#sg ; } else { return '' if $self->{eof} ; my($pos, $read, $ret) ; while ( ($pos= index($self->{buf}, $/)) == -1 ) { $read= Net::SSLeay::read($self->{SSL}, $self->{readsize} || 1 ) ; #return undef if $errs = Net::SSLeay::print_errs('SSL_read') ; &main::HTMLdie(['Net::SSLeay::read error: %s', $errs]) if $errs= Net::SSLeay::print_errs('SSL_read') ; $self->{eof}= 1, return $self->{buf} if $read eq '' ; $self->{buf}.= $read ; } $pos+= length($/) ; $ret= substr($self->{buf}, 0, $pos) ; substr($self->{buf}, 0, $pos)= '' ; return $ret ; } } else { return '' if $self->{eof} ; ($read, $errs)= &ssl_read_all_fixed($self->{SSL}) ; &main::HTMLdie(['ssl_read_all_fixed() error: %s', $errs]) if $errs ne '' ; $self->{eof}= 1 ; return $self->{buf} . $read ; } } # Used when closing socket, or from UNTIE() or DESTROY() if needed. # Calling Net::SSLeay::free() twice on the same object causes a crash, # so be careful not to do that. sub CLOSE { my($self)= shift ; my($errs) ; $self->{eof}= 1 ; $self->{buf}= '' ; if (defined($self->{SSL})) { Net::SSLeay::free($self->{SSL}) ; delete($self->{SSL}) ; # to detect later if we've free'd it or not &main::HTMLdie(['Net::SSLeay::free error: %s', $errs]) if $errs= Net::SSLeay::print_errs('SSL_free') ; close($self->{socket}) ; } } # In case the SSL filehandle is not closed correctly, this will deallocate # as needed. Without this, memory could be eaten up under mod_perl. # Some versions of Perl seem to have trouble with the scoping of tied # variables and their objects, so define both UNTIE() and DESTROY() here. sub UNTIE { my($self)= shift ; $self->CLOSE ; } sub DESTROY { my($self)= shift ; $self->CLOSE ; } # FILENO we define to be the fileno() of the underlying socket. # This is our best guess as to what will work with select(), which is # the only thing fileno() is used for here. # See the note with READ(), above, about possible issues with select(). sub FILENO { my($self)= shift ; return fileno($self->{socket}) ; } # For EOF we first check the fields we set ({eof} and {buf}), then test the # eof() value of the underlying socket. # Note that there may still be data coming through the socket even # though a read() returns nothing; see the note with READ() above. # It may be more accurate here to try "Net::SSLeay::read($self->{SSL},1)" # into {buf} before using eof(). # This routine causes a weird problem: If Perl's eof() is used on a tied # SSL_Handle, it causes later read()'s on that filehandle to fail with # "SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number", which seems inappropriate. # So, avoid use of eof(). :( Maybe test a read result against ''. sub EOF { my($self)= shift ; return 1 if $self->{eof} ; # overrides anything left in {buf} return 0 if $self->{buf} ne '' ; return eof($self->{socket}) ; } # BINMODE we define to be the same as binmode() on the underlying socket. # Only ever relevant on non-Unix machines. sub BINMODE { my($self)= shift ; binmode($self->{socket}) ; } # In older versions of Net::SSLeay, there was a bug in ssl_read_all() # and ssl_read_until() where pages were truncated on any "0" character. # To work with those versions, here we use a fixed copy of ssl_read_all(). # Earlier versions of CGIProxy had older copies of the two routines but # fixed; now we just copy ssl_read_all() in from the new Net::SSLeay # module and tweak it as needed. (ssl_read_until() is no longer needed # now that this package uses an input buffer.) sub ssl_read_all_fixed { my ($ssl,$how_much) = @_; $how_much = 2000000000 unless $how_much; my ($got, $errs); my $reply = ''; while ($how_much > 0) { # read($ssl, 2000000000) would eat up memory. $got = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl, ($how_much>32768) ? 32768 : $how_much); last if $errs = Net::SSLeay::print_errs('SSL_read'); $how_much -= Net::SSLeay::blength($got); last if $got eq ''; # EOF $reply .= $got; } return wantarray ? ($reply, $errs) : $reply; } # end of package SSL_Handle } # ftp_get: sub ftp_get { my($is_dir, $rcode, @r, $dataport, $remote_addr, $ext, $content_type, %content_type, $content_length, $enc_URL, @welcome, @cwdmsg) ; local($/)= "\012" ; $port= 21 if $port eq '' ; # List of file extensions and associated MIME types, or at least the ones # a typical browser distinguishes from a nondescript file. # I'm open to suggestions for improving this. One option is to read the # file mime.types if it's available. %content_type= ('txt', 'text/plain', 'text', 'text/plain', 'htm', 'text/html', 'html', 'text/html', 'css', 'text/css', 'png', 'image/png', 'jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'jpe', 'image/jpeg', 'gif', 'image/gif', 'xbm', 'image/x-bitmap', 'mpg', 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg', 'video/mpeg', 'mpe', 'video/mpeg', 'qt', 'video/quicktime', 'mov', 'video/quicktime', 'aiff', 'audio/aiff', 'aif', 'audio/aiff', 'au', 'audio/basic', 'snd', 'audio/basic', 'wav', 'audio/x-wav', 'mp2', 'audio/x-mpeg', 'mp3', 'audio/mpeg', 'ram', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rm', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'ra', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'gz', 'application/x-gzip', 'zip', 'application/zip', ) ; $is_dir= $path=~ m#/$# ; $is_html= 0 if $is_dir ; # for our purposes, do not treat dirs as HTML # Set $content_type based on file extension. # Hmm, still unsure how best to handle unknown file types. This labels # them as text/plain, so that README's, etc. will display right. ($ext)= $path=~ /\.(\w+)$/ ; # works for FTP, not for URLs with query etc. $content_type= ($is_html || $is_dir) ? 'text/html; charset=utf-8' : $content_type{lc($ext)} || 'text/plain' ; # If we're removing scripts, then disallow script MIME types. if ($content_type=~ /^$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX$/io) { &script_content_die if $scripts_are_banned_here ; &script_content_die if !match_csp_source_list('script-src', $URL) ; } # Hack to help handle spaces in pathnames. :P # $path should be delivered to us here with spaces encoded as "%20". # But that's not what the FTP server wants (or what we should display), # so translate them back to spaces in a temporary copy of $path. # Hopefully the FTP server will allow spaces in the FTP commands below, # like "CWD path with spaces". local($path)= $path ; $path=~ s/%20/ /g ; # Create $status and $headers, and leave $body and $is_html as is. # Directories use an HTML response, though $is_html is false when $is_dir. $status= "$HTTP_1_X 200 OK\015\012" ; $headers= $session_cookies . $NO_CACHE_HEADERS . "Date: " . &rfc1123_date($now,0) . "\015\012" . ($content_type ? "Content-Type: $content_type\015\012" : '') . "\015\012" ; # Open the control connection to the FTP server &newsocketto('S', $host, $port) ; binmode S ; # see note with "binmode STDOUT", above # Luckily, RFC 959 (FTP) has a really good list of all possible response # codes to all possible commands, on pages 50-53. # Connection establishment ($rcode)= &ftp_command('', '120|220') ; &ftp_command('', '220') if $rcode==120 ; # Login ($rcode, @welcome)= &ftp_command("USER $username\015\012", '230|331') ; ($rcode, @welcome)= &ftp_command("PASS $password\015\012", '230|202') if $rcode==331 ; # Set transfer parameters &ftp_command("TYPE I\015\012", '200') ; # Socket module before 1.94 doesn't support IPv6. if ($Socket::VERSION>=1.94) { # If using passive FTP, send PASV or EPSV command and parse response. if ($USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE) { my($err, $addr)= getaddrinfo($host, $port, { socktype => SOCK_STREAM }) ; if ($addr->{family}==AF_INET6()) { ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("EPSV\015\012", '229') ; my(undef, $dataport)= (join('',@r))=~ /^[^\(]*\((.)\1\1(\d+)\1\)/ ; } elsif ($addr->{family}==AF_INET) { my(@p) ; ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("PASV\015\012", '227') ; # RFC 959 isn't clear on the response format, but here we assume that the # first six integers separated by commas are the host and port. @p= (join('',@r))=~ /(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/ ; $dataport= ($p[4]<<8) + $p[5] ; } else { &HTMLdie(["Address family %s not supported with FTP.", $addr->{family}]) ; } # Open the data socket to $dataport. This is conceptually paired # with the accept() for non-passive mode below, but we have to # open the socket here first to allow for 125/150 responses to # LIST and RETR commands in passive mode. &newsocketto('DATA_XFER', $host, $dataport) ; binmode DATA_XFER ; # see note with "binmode STDOUT", above # If not using passive FTP, listen on open port and send PORT or EPRT command. # See notes by newsocketto() about replacing pack('S n a4 x8') usage. } else { my($err, $addr)= getaddrinfo(undef, $port, { flags => AI_PASSIVE(), socktype => SOCK_STREAM }) ; # Create and listen on data socket socket(DATA_LISTEN, $addr->{family}, SOCK_STREAM, scalar getprotobyname('tcp')) || &HTMLdie(["Couldn't create FTP data socket: %s", $!]) ; # bind(DATA_LISTEN, pack('S n a4 x8', AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0") ) bind(DATA_LISTEN, $addr) || &HTMLdie(["Couldn't bind FTP data socket: %s", $!]) ; listen(DATA_LISTEN,1) || &HTMLdie(["Couldn't listen on FTP data socket: %s", $!]) ; select((select(DATA_LISTEN), $|=1)[0]) ; # unbuffer the socket # Tell FTP server which port to connect to if ($addr->{family}==AF_INET6()) { my($err, $num_addr, $num_port)= getnameinfo($addr->{addr}, NI_NUMERICHOST()|NI_NUMERICSERV()) ; &ftp_command( sprintf("EPRT |%s|%s|%s|\015\012", $addr->{family}, $num_addr, $num_port), '200') ; } elsif ($addr->{family}==AF_INET) { # $dataport= (unpack('S n a4 x8', getsockname(DATA_LISTEN)))[1] ; $dataport= (unpack_sockaddr_in(getsockname(DATA_LISTEN)))[0] ; &ftp_command(sprintf("PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\015\012", unpack('C4', substr(getsockname(S),4,4)), $dataport>>8, $dataport & 255), '200') ; } else { &HTMLdie(["Address family %s not supported with FTP.", $addr->{family}]) ; } } # IPv4 only. } else { # If using passive FTP, send PASV command and parse response. if ($USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE) { my(@p) ; ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("PASV\015\012", '227') ; # RFC 959 isn't clear on the response format, but here we assume that the # first six integers separated by commas are the host and port. @p= (join('',@r))=~ /(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/ ; $dataport= ($p[4]<<8) + $p[5] ; # Open the data socket to $dataport. This is conceptually paired # with the accept() for non-passive mode below, but we have to # open the socket here first to allow for 125/150 responses to # LIST and RETR commands in passive mode. &newsocketto('DATA_XFER', $host, $dataport) ; binmode DATA_XFER ; # see note with "binmode STDOUT", above # If not using passive FTP, listen on open port and send PORT or command. # See notes by newsocketto() about replacing pack('S n a4 x8') usage. } else { # Create and listen on data socket socket(DATA_LISTEN, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, scalar getprotobyname('tcp')) or &HTMLdie(["Can't create FTP data socket: %s", $!]) ; bind(DATA_LISTEN, pack_sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) or &HTMLdie("Can't bind FTP data socket: $!") ; listen(DATA_LISTEN, 1) or &HTMLdie("Can't listen on FTP data socket: $!") ; select((select(DATA_LISTEN), $|=1)[0]) ; # unbuffer the socket $dataport= (unpack_sockaddr_in(getsockname(DATA_LISTEN)))[0] ; &ftp_command(sprintf("PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\015\012", unpack('C4', substr(getsockname(S),4,4)), $dataport>>8, $dataport & 255), '200') ; } } # Do LIST for directories, RETR for files. # Unfortunately, the FTP spec in RFC 959 doesn't define a standard format # for the response to LIST, but most servers use the equivalent of # Unix's "ls -l". Response to the NLST command is designed to be # machine-readable, but it has nothing but file names. So we use # LIST and parse it as best we can later. if ($is_dir) { # If we don't CWD first, then symbolic links won't be followed. ($rcode, @cwdmsg)= &ftp_command("CWD $path\015\012", '250') ; ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("LIST\015\012", '125|150') ; # was: ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("LIST $path\015\012", '125|150') ; } else { ($rcode, @r)= &ftp_command("RETR $path\015\012", '125|150|550') ; # If 550 response, it may be a symlink to a directory. # Try to CWD to it; if successful, do a redirect, else die with the # original error response. Note that CWD is required by RFC 1123 # (section, which updates RFC 959. if ($rcode==550) { ($rcode)= &ftp_command("CWD $path\015\012", '') ; &ftp_error(550,@r) unless $rcode==250 ; ($enc_URL= $URL)=~ s/ /%20/g ; # URL-encode any spaces # Redirect the browser to the same URL with a trailing slash print $STDOUT "$HTTP_1_X 301 Moved Permanently\015\012", $session_cookies, $NO_CACHE_HEADERS, "Date: ", &rfc1123_date($now,0), "\015\012", "Location: ", $url_start, &wrap_proxy_encode($enc_URL . '/'), "\015\012\015\012" ; close(S) ; close(DATA_LISTEN) ; close(DATA_XFER) ; goto ONE_RUN_EXIT ; } } # If not using passive FTP, accept the connection. if (!$USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE) { ($remote_addr= accept(DATA_XFER, DATA_LISTEN)) || &HTMLdie(['Error accepting FTP data socket: %s', $!]) ; select((select(DATA_XFER), $|=1)[0]) ; # unbuffer the socket close(DATA_LISTEN) ; &HTMLdie("Intruder Alert! Someone other than the server is trying to send you data.") unless (substr($remote_addr,4,4) eq substr(getpeername(S),4,4)) ; } # Read the data into $body. # Streaming support added in 1.3. For notes about streaming, look near # the end of the http_get() routine. Basically, as long as a resource # isn't HTML (or a directory listing, in the case of FTP), we can pass # the data immediately to the client, since it won't be modified. # This first block is for the rare case when an FTP resource is a special # type that needs to be converted, e.g. a style sheet. The block is # copied in from http_get() and modified. It will be cleaner and # handled differently in a future version. if ( !$is_dir && !$is_html && ( ($expected_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) || ($content_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) ) ) { my($type) ; if ($expected_type=~ /^$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX$/io) { $type= $expected_type ; } else { $type= $content_type ; } undef $/ ; $body= ; $body= &proxify_block($body, $type) ; $headers= "Content-Length: " . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers, $body ; } elsif ($is_html or $is_dir) { undef $/ ; $body= ; $body= &proxify_html(\$body, 1) if $is_html ; # Quick check for "" in $body, and decode if it's there. if ($body=~ /^.{0,1024}?<\s*meta[^>]+\bcharset\s*=['"]?([^'"\s>]+)/si) { $meta_charset= $1 ; eval { $body= decode($meta_charset, $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die($meta_charset) if $@ ; } # Make a user-friendly directory listing. &ftp_dirfix(\@welcome, \@cwdmsg) if $is_dir ; # Must change to byte string before compressing or sending. eval { $body= encode('UTF-8', $body) } ; &malformed_unicode_die('UTF-8') if $@ ; $headers=~ s/^(Content-Type:[^\015\012;]*)[^\015\012]*/$1; charset=UTF-8/gmi ; # gzip the response body if we're allowed and able. &gzip_body if $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}=~ /\bgzip\b/i ; # Change Content-Length header, since we changed the content $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*/ 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) /gmie or $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers, $body ; } else { # Stick a Content-Length: header into the headers if appropriate (often # there's a "(xxx bytes)" string in a 125 or 150 response line). # Be careful about respecting previous value of $headers, which may # already end in a blank line. foreach (grep(/^(125|150)/, @r)) { if ( ($content_length)= /\((\d+)[ \t]+bytes\)/ ) { $headers= "Content-Length: $content_length\015\012" . $headers ; last ; } } # This is the primary change to support streaming media. my($buf) ; print $STDOUT $status, $headers ; print $STDOUT $buf while read(DATA_XFER, $buf, 16384) ; } close(DATA_XFER) ; # Get the final completion response &ftp_command('', '226|250') ; &ftp_command("QUIT\015\012") ; # don't care how they answer close(S) ; } # sub ftp_get() # Send $cmd and return response code followed by full lines of FTP response. # Die if response doesn't match the regex $ok_response. # Assumes the FTP control connection is in socket S. sub ftp_command { my($cmd, $ok_response)= @_ ; my(@r, $rcode) ; local($/)= "\012" ; print S $cmd ; $_= $r[0]= ; $rcode= substr($r[0],0,3) ; until (/^$rcode /) { # this catches single- and multi-line responses push(@r, $_=) ; } &ftp_error($rcode,@r) if $ok_response ne '' && $rcode!~ /$ok_response/ ; return $rcode, @r ; } # Convert a directory listing to user-friendly HTML. # The text in $body is the output of the FTP LIST command, which is *usually* # the equivalent of Unix's "ls -l" command. See notes in ftp_get() about # why we use LIST instead of NLST. # A couple of tangles here to handle spaces in filenames. We should probably # handle spaces in other protocols too, but URLs normally prohibit spaces-- # it's only relative paths within a scheme (like FTP) that would have them. sub ftp_dirfix { my($welcome_ref, $cwdmsg_ref)= @_ ; my($newbody, $parent_link, $max_namelen, @f, $is_dir, $is_link, $link, $name, $size, $size_type, $file_type, $welcome, $cwdmsg, $insertion, $enc_path) ; # Set minimum name column width; longer names will widen the column $max_namelen= 16 ; # each file should have name/, size, date my(@body)= split(/\015?\012/, $body) ; foreach (@body) { # Hack to handle leading spaces in filenames-- only allow a single # space after the 8th field before filename starts. # @f= split(" ", $_, 9) ; # Note special use of " " pattern. # next unless $#f>=8 ; @f= split(" ", $_, 8) ; # Note special use of " " pattern. next unless $#f>=7 ; @f[7,8]= $f[7]=~ /^(\S*) (.*)/ ; # handle leading spaces in filenames next if $f[8]=~ /^\.\.?$/ ; $file_type= '' ; $is_dir= $f[0]=~ /^d/i ; $is_link= $f[0]=~ /^l/i ; $file_type= $is_dir ? 'Directory' : $is_link ? 'Symbolic link' : '' ; $name= $f[8] ; $name=~ s/^(.*) ->.*$/$1/ if $is_link ; # remove symlink's " -> xxx" $name.= '/' if $is_dir ; $max_namelen= length($name) if length($name)>$max_namelen ; if ($is_dir || $is_link) { ($size, $size_type)= () ; } else { ($size, $size_type)= ($f[4], 'bytes') ; ($size, $size_type)= ($size>>10, 'Kb') if $size > 10240 ; } # Easy absolute URL calculation, because we know it's a relative path. ($enc_path= $base_path . $name)=~ s/ /%20/g ; # URL-encode any spaces $link= &HTMLescape( $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode($enc_path) ) ; $newbody.= sprintf(" %s%s %5s %-5s %3s %2s %5s %s\012", $link, $name, "\0".length($name), $size, $size_type, @f[5..7], $file_type) ; } # A little hack to get filenames to line up right-- replace embedded # "\0"-plus-length with correct number of spaces. $newbody=~ s/\0(\d+)/ ' ' x ($max_namelen-$1) /ge ; if ($path eq '/') { $parent_link= '' ; } else { ($enc_path= $base_path)=~ s#[^/]*/$## ; $enc_path=~ s/ /%20/g ; # URL-encode any spaces $link= &HTMLescape( $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode($enc_path) ) ; $parent_link= "Up to higher level directory" ; } if ($SHOW_FTP_WELCOME && $welcome_ref) { $welcome= &HTMLescape(join('', grep(s/^230-//, @$welcome_ref))) ; # Make links of any URLs in $welcome. Imperfect regex, but does OK. $welcome=~ s#\b([\w+.-]+://[^\s"']+[\w/])(\W)# '$1$2" #ge ; $welcome.= "
" if $welcome ne '' ; } else { $welcome= '' ; } # If CWD returned a message about this directory, display it. Make links # a la $welcome, above. if ($cwdmsg_ref) { $cwdmsg= &HTMLescape(join('', grep(s/^250-//, @$cwdmsg_ref))) ; $cwdmsg=~ s#\b([\w+.-]+://[^\s"']+[\w/])(\W)# '$1$2" #ge ; $cwdmsg.= "
" if $cwdmsg ne '' ; } # Create the top insertion if needed. $insertion= &full_insertion($URL,0) if $doing_insert_here ; get_translations($lang) if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; my $response= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? < FTP directory of %s %s

FTP server at %s

Current directory is %s


EOD $body= sprintf($response, $dir, $URL, $insertion, $host, $path, $welcome, $cwdmsg, $parent_link, $newbody) ; } # Return a generalized FTP error page. # For now, respond with 200. In the future, give more appropriate codes. sub ftp_error { my($rcode,@r)= @_ ; close(S) ; close(DATA_LISTEN) ; close(DATA_XFER) ; my($date_header)= &rfc1123_date($now, 0) ; get_translations($lang) if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; my $response= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? < FTP Error

FTP Error

The FTP server at %s returned the following error response:

    $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $host) . join('', @r, "
\n") . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT <&', \*SSL2CLIENT) or die "rewire STDOUT failed: $!\n" ; $STDOUT= \*SSL2CLIENT ; # Accept SSL connection. #Net::SSLeay::accept($ssl_obj->{SSL}) or Net::SSLeay::die_if_ssl_error("SSL accept() error: $!"); #$Net::SSLeay::trace= 1 ; my $rv ; while (1) { # jsm-- busy loop here-- fix. $rv= Net::SSLeay::accept($ssl_obj->{SSL}) ; last if $rv>0 ; my $err= Net::SSLeay::get_error($ssl_obj->{SSL}, $rv) ; next if $err==Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_READ() or $err==Net::SSLeay::ERROR_WANT_WRITE() ; return if $rv==0 and $err==Net::SSLeay::ERROR_SYSCALL() ; # EOF that violates protocol die "Net::SSLeay::accept() failed; err=[$err]\n" ; } # SSL connection is now set up. # Else we're using unencrypted pipes. } else { $STDIN= $SS ; $STDOUT= $out_fh || $SS ; } my $peer= getpeername($SS) ; my($err, $remote_address) ; if ($Socket::VERSION>=1.94) { ($err, $remote_address)= getnameinfo($peer, NI_NUMERICHOST(), NIx_NOSERV()) ; } else { my $peer_addr= unpack_sockaddr_in($peer) ; $remote_address= inet_ntoa($peer_addr) ; } local($/)= "\012" ; # Support HTTP/1.1 pipelining. while (1) { my $request_line= <$STDIN> ; return unless $request_line ne '' ; # If line starts with a digit, it's the remote IP address. # A valid HTTP request line doesn't start with a digit. # (This mechanism is currently unused.) chomp($remote_address= $request_line), next if $request_line=~ /^\d/ ; my($method, $request_uri, $client_http_version)= $request_line=~ /^(\w+)\s+(.*)\s+(HTTP\/[\d.]+)\015?\012\z/s ; $request_uri=~ s#(?:^[\w+.-]+:)?//(?:[^/]*)## ; # strip leading scheme and host:port if there # Read headers into @headers . my($header, @headers) ; while (($header= <$STDIN>)!~ /^\015?\012\z/) { $header=~ s/\015?\012\z// ; # remove trailing CRLF last unless $header ne '' ; # Unfold long headers as needed. if ($header=~ s/^\s+/ / and @headers) { $headers[$#headers].= $header ; } else { push(@headers, $header) ; } } # For now, don't return any favicon.ico . if ($request_uri eq '/favicon.ico') { my($date_header)= &rfc1123_date($now, 0) ; print $STDOUT "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\015\012Date: $date_header\015\012\015\012" ; next ; } # Set %ENV . %ENV= %ENV_UNCHANGING ; my($name, $value) ; foreach (@headers) { ($name, $value)= split(/:\s*/, $_, 2) ; $name=~ s/-/_/g ; $ENV{'HTTP_' . uc($name)}= $value ; } foreach (qw(CONTENT_LENGTH CONTENT_TYPE)) { $ENV{$_}= $ENV{"HTTP_$_"} ; delete $ENV{"HTTP_$_"} ; } my $auth= $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} ; delete $ENV{HTTP_AUTHORIZATION} ; # Set AUTH_TYPE, and authenticate! my($up64, $u, $p) ; if ($auth) { ($ENV{AUTH_TYPE}, $up64)= split(/\s+/, $auth) ; ($u, $p)= split(/:/, unbase64($up64)) if defined $up64 ; } else { $ENV{AUTH_TYPE}= '' ; } return_401_response($client_http_version), last unless &daemon_authenticate($ENV{AUTH_TYPE}, $u, $p) ; $ENV{PATH_INFO}= $request_uri ; # Skip PATH_TRANSLATED; it's messy and we don't use it. $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}= $remote_address ; # Skip REMOTE_HOST; it's expensive and we don't use it. $ENV{REMOTE_USER}= $u ; $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}= $method ; $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL}= $client_http_version ; # Run it! eval { one_run() } ; if ($@=~ /^exiting\b/) { close(S) ; untie(*S) ; eval { alarm(0) } ; # use eval{} to avoid failing where alarm() is missing last ; } # Return if not pipelining. last if $ENV{HTTP_CONNECTION} eq 'close' ; } return 1 ; } # These are the CGI environment variables that don't change from run to run. sub set_ENV_UNCHANGING { my($port)= @_ ; $ENV_UNCHANGING{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}= 'CGI/1.1' ; ($ENV_UNCHANGING{SERVER_NAME}= hostfqdn()) =~ s/\.$// ; # bug in hostfqdn() may leave trailing dot $ENV_UNCHANGING{SERVER_PORT}= $port ; $ENV_UNCHANGING{SERVER_SOFTWARE}= 'Embedded' ; $ENV_UNCHANGING{QUERY_STRING}= '' ; # it's in PATH_INFO instead. $ENV_UNCHANGING{SCRIPT_NAME}= '' ; } # Very simple for now, but may be expanded later. sub daemon_authenticate { my($authtype, $u, $p)= @_ ; return 1 unless $EMB_USERNAME ne '' or $EMB_PASSWORD ne '' ; return ($u eq $EMB_USERNAME and $p eq $EMB_PASSWORD) ; } # This should be passed as a parameter to spawn_generic_server() (which # handles all listening, forking, etc.) to spawn our RTMP proxy. This # routine should handle one RTMP connection and then exit. # This routine tries to handle each chunk and message as quickly as possible, # including handling partial messages as the parts arrive. # jsm-- structure of this isn't the cleanest. sub rtmp_proxy { my($SS, $listen_port)= @_ ; $RTMP_SERVER_PORT= $listen_port ; # hacky... # First, do the handshake with the client. # Store our epoch. my $t0_SS= [gettimeofday] ; my $t0_SC ; # Read C0 (RTMP version). my $c0= read_socket($SS, 1) ; # Send S0. print $SS "\x03" ; # Read C1 (timestamp, zero, and 1528 random bytes). my $c1= read_socket($SS, 1536) ; my $c1_read_t= int(tv_interval($t0_SS)*1000) ; # in milliseconds my $client_t0= unpack('N', substr($c1, 0, 4)) ; my $remote1528= substr($c1, 8) ; # Send S1. my $local1528= join('', map {chr(int(rand 256))} 1..1528) ; print $SS pack('N', int(tv_interval($t0_SS)*1000)), "\0\0\0\0", $local1528 ; # Read C2 (mostly echo of S1 ). my $c2= read_socket($SS, 1536) ; die "Bad RTMP handshake" unless substr($c2, 0, 4) eq "\0\0\0\0" and substr($c2, 8) eq $local1528 ; # Send S2 (mostly echo of C1). print $SS substr($c1, 0, 4), pack('N', $c1_read_t), substr($c1, 8) ; # RTMP handshake with client complete. # Use parent process to handle client-to-server communication, and child # to handle server-to-client communication. fork() is later, inside # the chunk-handling while loop. Not the most efficient and a bit hacky, # but works for now. my($SC, $SR, $SW) ; # client socket, reading socket, and writing socket. $SR= $SS ; # Next, read each chunk, proxify/unproxify messages if needed, and write # to other side. my $chunk_size= 128 ; # default my($win_ack_size, $peer_win_ack_size) ; # default??? my $received_bytes= 0 ; # for Acknowledgement messages my($cin, $b1, $b2, $b3, $b23, $fmt, $csid, $cmh, $ts, $ext_ts, $msg_len, $msg_type, $msg_stream_id, $is_parent) ; my($c, $m)= ({}, {}) ; # hashes of chunks and messages while (1) { # Read chunk basic header. $b1= ord(read_socket($SR, 1)) ; $cin= chr($b1) ; ($fmt, $csid)= ($b1>>6, $b1&0x3f) ; if ($csid==0) { $cin.= $b2= read_socket($SR, 1) ; $csid= ord($b2) + 64 ; } elsif ($csid==1) { $cin.= $b23= read_socket($SR, 2) ; my($b2, $b3)= unpack('C2', $b23) ; $csid= $b3*256 + $b2 + 64 ; } # Create chunk list if not already created. $c->{$csid}{chunks}= [] unless $c->{$csid}{chunks} ; # Read chunk message header (none for $fmt==3). if ($fmt==0) { $cin.= $cmh= read_socket($SR, 11) ; $ts= substr($cmh, 0, 3) ; @{$c->{$csid}}{qw(mlen mtype msid)}= (unpack('N', "\0".substr($cmh, 3, 3)), ord(substr($cmh, 6, 1)), unpack('V', substr($cmh, 7)) ) ; } elsif ($fmt==1) { $cin.= $cmh= read_socket($SR, 7) ; $ts= substr($cmh, 0, 3) ; @{$c->{$csid}}{qw(mlen mtype)}= (unpack('N', "\0".substr($cmh, 3, 3)), ord(substr($cmh, 6)) ) ; } elsif ($fmt==2) { $cin.= $ts= $cmh= read_socket($SR, 3) ; } my $msid= $c->{$csid}{msid} ; # To multiplex messages within one chunk stream, must save mleft for # each message stream. $c->{$csid}{mleft}{$msid}= $c->{$csid}{mlen} unless defined $m->{$msid}{type} ; # Read extended timestamp, if needed. if ($ts eq "\xff\xff\xff") { # Extended timestamp seems to be uint32, though is undocumented. $cin.= $ext_ts= read_socket($SR, 4) ; } # Done reading chunk header; next, read data into message buffer or # message payload. my $cpayload= read_socket($SR, $c->{$csid}{mleft}{$msid} <= $chunk_size ? $c->{$csid}{mleft}{$msid} : $chunk_size ) ; $cin.= $cpayload ; $c->{$csid}{mleft}{$msid}-= length($cpayload) ; $m->{$msid}{complete}= 1 if $c->{$csid}{mleft}{$msid}==0 ; # Send acknowledgement if needed. # jsm-- can we count on getting complete chunks? $received_bytes+= length($cin) ; if ($received_bytes>=$win_ack_size) { send_acknowledgement($SR, $received_bytes, $t0_SS) ; $received_bytes= 0 ; # jsm-- do we send total bytes or bytes since last ack? } # End processing and print chunk if passthru. print $SW ($cin), next if $m->{$msid}{passthru} ; if (!defined $m->{$msid}{type}) { $m->{$msid}{mbuf}.= $cpayload ; } else { $m->{$msid}{payload}.= $cpayload ; } # Save complete chunks, in case we just need a pass-through. push(@{$c->{$csid}{chunks}}, $cin) ; # Initialize $m element if we have full message header. if (!defined $m->{$msid}{type} and length($m->{$msid}{mbuf})>=11) { @{$m->{$msid}}{qw(type len ts msid payload)}= (unpack('C', substr($m->{$msid}{mbuf}, 0, 1)), unpack('N', "\0".substr($m->{$msid}{mbuf}, 1, 3)), unpack('N', substr($m->{$msid}{mbuf}, 4, 4)), unpack('N', "\0".substr($m->{$msid}{mbuf}, 8, 3)), substr($m->{$msid}{mbuf}, 11) ) ; delete $m->{$msid}{mbuf} ; } # Chunk stream ID==2 means a protocol control message. if ($csid==2) { # Require a complete message to process protocol control messages. if ($m->{$msid}{complete}) { die("Invalid message stream ID [$msid] in RTMP stream") unless $msid==0 ; my($mtype, $payload)= @{$m->{0}}{qw(type payload)} ; # Set chunk size if ($mtype==1) { $chunk_size= unpack('N', $payload) ; # Abort message } elsif ($mtype==2) { delete $m->{$c->{unpack('N', $payload)}{msid}} ; # jsm-- need to delete part of %$c too? # Acknowledgement } elsif ($mtype==3) { my $seqno= unpack('N', $payload) ; # User control message can pass through } elsif ($mtype==4) { if (defined $SW) { print $SW @{$c->{2}{chunks}} ; $c->{2}{chunks}= [] ; } # Window acknowledgement size # Done by server after successful connect request from client, # or by either after receiving Set Peer Bandwidth message. # Must handle this separately for client and server, since we change data length. # Pass through these messages, since window size should be similar # for both connections. } elsif ($mtype==5) { $win_ack_size= unpack('N', $payload) ; if (defined $SW) { print $SW @{$c->{2}{chunks}} ; $c->{2}{chunks}= [] ; } # Set peer bandwidth # Pass through these messages, since window size should be similar # for both connections. } elsif ($mtype==6) { my($new_peer_was, $limit_type)= (unpack('N', substr($payload, 0, 4)), unpack('C', substr($payload, 4)) ) ; if ($new_peer_was!=$peer_win_ack_size) { $peer_win_ack_size= $new_peer_was ; send_win_ack_size($SR, $peer_win_ack_size, $is_parent ? $t0_SC : $t0_SS) ; } if (defined $SW) { print $SW @{$c->{2}{chunks}} ; $c->{2}{chunks}= [] ; } } else { die("Illegal PCM message type [$mtype] in RTMP stream") ; } delete $m->{0} ; delete $c->{2} ; } # Otherwise, handle message piece depending on its type. All are just # pass-through except command messages, and possibly a submessage # within an aggregate message. } else { my $mtype= $m->{$msid}{type} ; # Command message using AMF0 or AMF3 if ($mtype==20 or $mtype==17) { if ($m->{$msid}{complete}) { ($host, $port)= ('', '') ; # hacky # Note use of $reverse parameter, true when client-to-server. my $newmpl= ($mtype==20) ? proxify_RTMP_command_AMF0(\$m->{$msid}{payload}, $is_parent) : proxify_RTMP_command_AMF3(\$m->{$msid}{payload}, $is_parent) ; if (defined $newmpl) { # If $host set and in parent process, then connect to # the destination server and do the handshake. # This is hacky, but we can only start the server connection # after we've started processing messages from the client. if ($host and !defined $SC) { $SC= rtmp_connect_to($host, $port) ; $t0_SC= [gettimeofday] ; $is_parent= fork() ; ($SR, $SW)= $is_parent ? ($SS, $SC) : ($SC, $SS) ; ($c, $m)= ({}, {}), next unless $is_parent ; # restart loop if new child } my($newcbh, $newcmh0, $i) ; my $newm= chr($mtype) . substr(pack('N', length($newmpl)), 1, 3) . pack('N', $m->{$msid}{ts}) . substr(pack('N', $msid), 1, 3) . $newmpl ; # Build chunk basic header. if ($csid<=63) { $newcbh= chr($csid) ; } elsif ($csid<=319) { $newcbh= "\0" . chr($csid-64) ; } else { $newcbh= "\x01" . chr(($csid-64) & 0xff) . chr(($csid-64)>>8) ; } # Build chunk message header, possibly including extended timestamp. $newcmh0= $ts . substr(pack('N', length($newm)), 1, 3) . chr($mtype) . pack('V', $msid) ; $newcmh0.= $ext_ts if $ts eq "\xff\xff\xff" ; # Print new chunk(s) from $newm, a 0-type followed by 3-types. print $SW $newcbh, $newcmh0, substr($newm, 0, $chunk_size) ; substr($newcbh, 0, 1)||= "\xc0" ; # set chunk fmt to 3 henceforth print $SW $newcbh, substr($newm, $_*$chunk_size, $chunk_size) for 1..int((length($newm)-1)/$chunk_size) ; # Perl doesn't like line below.... # for ($i= $chunk_size ; $i{$csid}{chunks}} ; $c->{$csid}{chunks}= [] ; } delete $m->{$msid} ; } # Aggregate message } elsif ($mtype==22) { # jsm-- must implement # Data message using AMF0 or AMF3, shared object message using # AMF0 or AMF3, audio message, or video message } elsif (chr($mtype)=~ /[\x12\x0f\x13\x10\x08\x09]/) { print $SW @{$c->{$csid}{chunks}} ; $c->{$csid}{chunks}= [] ; $m->{$msid}{passthru}= 1 ; } else { die("Illegal message type [$mtype] in RTMP stream") ; } } } exit(0) ; } # rtmp_proxy # Open an RTMP connection to the given host and port, and perform the handshake. # Returns the open socket. sub rtmp_connect_to { my($host, $port)= @_ ; $port= 1935 if $port eq '' ; my $S ; # filehandle for socket &newsocketto($S, $host, $port) ; # Send C0 and C1 chunks. print $S "\x03" ; # C0 is RTMP version # C1 is timestamp, zero, and 1528 bytes of random data. my $local1528= join('', map {chr(int(rand 256))} 1..1528) ; my $t0= [gettimeofday] ; print $S "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", $local1528 ; # Read S0 and S1 chunks. my $s0s1= read_socket($S, 1537) ; my $s0s1_time= pack('N', int(tv_interval($t0)*1000)) ; my $remote1528= substr($s0s1, 9) ; # Send C2 chunk. print $S substr($s0s1, 1, 4), $s0s1_time, $remote1528 ; # Read S2 chunk. my $s2= read_socket($S, 1536) ; die "Bad RTMP handshake" unless $local1528 eq substr($s2, 8) ; return $S ; } sub send_win_ack_size { my($S, $win_ack_size, $t0)= @_ ; my $ts= int(tv_interval($t0)*1000) ; my $ext_ts ; my $msg= "\x05\0\0\x04" . pack('N', $ts) . "\0\0\0" . pack('N', $win_ack_size) ; if ($ts>=0xffffff) { $ext_ts= pack('N', $ts-0xffffff) ; $ts= "\xff\xff\xff" ; } else { $ts= substr(pack('N', $ts), 1, 3) ; $ext_ts= '' ; } print $S "\x02" . $ts . "\0\0\x0f\x05\0\0\0\0" . $ext_ts . $msg ; # chunk header plus message } # Identical to send_win_ack_size() except for message type byte (in two places). sub send_acknowledgement { my($S, $seqno, $t0)= @_ ; my $ts= int(tv_interval($t0)*1000) ; my $ext_ts ; my $msg= "\x03\0\0\x04" . pack('N', $ts) . "\0\0\0" . pack('N', $seqno) ; if ($ts>=0xffffff) { $ext_ts= pack('N', $ts-0xffffff) ; $ts= "\xff\xff\xff" ; } else { $ts= substr(pack('N', $ts), 1, 3) ; $ext_ts= '' ; } print $S "\x02" . $ts . "\0\0\x0f\x03\0\0\0\0" . $ext_ts . $msg ; # chunk header plus message } # The next two routines follow the AMF0 and AMF3 specs at: # http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/download/attachments/1114283/amf0_spec_121207.pdf # http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/download/attachments/1114283/amf3_spec_05_05_08.pdf # Returns the proxified (or unproxified if $reverse) command object record, # or undef if unchanged. # Proxifying the app value is tricky, since it requires the value of tcUrl to # get the host and port. Save the original tcUrl, then proxify app at the # end, inserting it into @out. Hacky. sub proxify_RTMP_command_AMF0 { my($in, $reverse)= @_ ; my(@out, $len, $segstart, $tcUrl_orig, $appvalpos) ; # Proxify connect command, and nothing else. return unless $$in=~ /\G\x02\0\x07connect\0\x3f\xf0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x03/gc ; while ($$in=~ /G(..)/gcs && ($len= unpack('n', $1))) { my $name= get_next_substring($in, $len) ; # would normally UTF-decode name, but we're only worried about ASCII values if ($name=~ /^(?:app|swfUrl|tcUrl|pageUrl)$/) { push(@out, substr($in, $segstart, pos($$in)-$segstart)) ; $$in=~ /\G\x02(..)/gcs or die "connect.$name has wrong AMF0 type" ; my $value= get_next_substring($in, unpack('n', $1)) ; $tcUrl_orig= $value if $name eq 'tcUrl' ; $value= proxify_RTMP_value($name, $value, $reverse) ; $appvalpos= @out if $name eq 'app' ; push(@out, "\x02" . pack('n', length($value)) . $value) ; # must be one element $segstart= pos($$in) ; } else { skip_value_AMF0($in) ; } } # After all the others, proxify app value. Not needed when unproxifying. if (!$reverse and $tcUrl_orig ne '' and $appvalpos ne '') { my $papp= proxify_RTMP_value('app', undef, $reverse, $tcUrl_orig) ; splice(@out, $appvalpos, 1, "\x02" . pack('n', length($papp)) . $papp) ; } # As part of fork() hack in rtmp_proxy(), set $host and $port here. ($host, $port)= $tcUrl_orig=~ m#rtmp://([^/:])(?::([^/]))?#i if $reverse and $tcUrl_orig ne '' ; die "no AMF0 object end marker" unless $$in=~ /\G\x09$/ ; return unless @out ; # i.e. command is unchanged push(@out, substr($in, $segstart)) ; return join('', @out) ; } # Returns the proxified or unproxified if $reverse) command object record, # or undef if unchanged. # jsm-- this is mostly complete, but don't fully understand the AMF3 object # format. Should compare with actual AMF3 examples. sub proxify_RTMP_command_AMF3 { my($in, $reverse)= @_ ; my(@out, $segstart, @srefs, $tcUrl_orig, $appvalpos) ; # Proxify connect command, and nothing else. # jsm-- what if non-canonical U29 values are used? Or string reference? if ($$in=~ /\G\x06\x47connect\x04\x01\x0a([\x60-\x6f\xe0-\xef])/gc) { my($class_name, $byte1, $name, $value, $flag, $u28) ; $byte1= ord($1) ; # Traits # These apparently include a regular array of sealed trait member # names as well as an associative array of dynamic members. Store # it all in one hash, like the Array type. # jsm-- what is the difference between an object and a set of traits? my $is_dynamic= ($byte1 & 0x08)!=0 ; my $tcount= get_Uxx($in, 4, $byte1) ; for (1..$tcount) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; # skip string if it's not a reference # jsm-- could sealed traits hold values we want to proxify? } skip_value_AMF3($in) for 1..$tcount ; if ($is_dynamic) { do { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; $name= $flag ? get_next_substring($in, $u28) : $srefs[$u28] ; if ($name=~ /^(?:app|swfUrl|tcUrl|pageUrl)$/) { $$in=~ /\G\x06/ or die "connect.$name has wrong AMF3 type" ; push(@out, substr($in, $segstart, pos($$in)-$segstart)) ; ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; $value= $flag ? get_next_substring($in, $u28) : $srefs[$u28] ; $tcUrl_orig= $value if $name eq 'tcUrl' ; $value= proxify_RTMP_value($name, $value, $reverse) ; $appvalpos= @out if $name eq 'app' ; push(@out, U28(length($value)) . $value) ; # must be one element $segstart= pos($$in) ; } else { skip_value_AMF3($in) ; } } until $name eq '' ; } # After all the others, proxify app value. Not needed when unproxifying. if (!$reverse) { my $papp= proxify_RTMP_value('app', undef, $reverse, $tcUrl_orig) ; splice(@out, $appvalpos, 1, U28(length($papp)) . $papp) ; } return unless @out ; # i.e. command is unchanged push(@out, substr($in, $segstart)) ; return join('', @out) ; } else { return ; } } # Proxify (or unproxify, if $reverse) a value in an RTMP "connect" command object. # The format for a proxified "rtmp://host:port/app/instance" is hereby # "rtmp://proxy_host:proxy_port/host%3aport%2fapp/instance" . # The $tcUrl_orig parameter is part of a hack to proxify app . sub proxify_RTMP_value { my($name, $value, $reverse, $tcUrl_orig)= @_ ; if ($reverse) { if ($name eq 'app') { $value=~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge ; $value=~ m#^[^/]*/(.*)#s ; return $1 ; } elsif ($name eq 'swfUrl') { $value=~ s#^\Q$THIS_SCRIPT_URL/[^/]*/## ; # jsm-- doesn't work with @PROXY_GROUP return wrap_proxy_decode($value) ; } elsif ($name eq 'tcUrl') { my($app, $instance)= $value=~ m#^rtmp://[^/]*/([^/]*)/(.*)#is ; $app=~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge ; return "rtmp://$app/$instance" ; } elsif ($name eq 'pageUrl') { $value=~ s#^\Q$THIS_SCRIPT_URL/[^/]*/## ; # jsm-- doesn't work with @PROXY_GROUP return wrap_proxy_decode($value) ; } } else { if ($name eq 'app') { return $value unless $tcUrl_orig ; # skip proxifying until later-- part of hack my($papp)= $tcUrl_orig=~ m#rtmp://([^/]*/[^/]*)/#i ; die "invalid tcUrl value '$value' (doesn't support http:// URLs yet)" unless defined $papp ; $papp=~ s/([^\w.-])/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; return $papp ; } elsif ($name eq 'swfUrl') { return full_url($value) ; } elsif ($name eq 'tcUrl') { my($papp, $instance)= $value=~ m#^rtmp://([^/]*/[^/]*)/(.*)#is ; die "invalid tcUrl value '$value' (doesn't support http:// URLs yet)" unless defined $papp ; $papp=~ s/([^\w.-])/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; my $portst= $RTMP_SERVER_PORT==1935 ? '' : ':'.$RTMP_SERVER_PORT ; return "rtmp://$THIS_HOST$portst/$papp/$instance" ; } elsif ($name eq 'pageUrl') { return full_url($value) ; } } die "proxify_RTMP_value() called for '$name'" ; } # Convenience function to get substr() and advance pos(). sub get_next_substring { my($in, $len)= @_ ; my $ret= substr($$in, pos($$in), $len) ; pos($$in)+= $len ; return $ret ; } # Get a U29 value from $$in. U29 values are 1-4 bytes, have first bit set on # all bytes but the last, and each byte contributes 7 bits to the value, # except the possible fourth byte which contributes all 8 bits. sub get_U29 { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,3})(.)/gcs ; return ord($2) unless $1 ; # shortcut for most common case my($last, @in)= ($2, split(//, $1)) ; my $ret= 0 ; $ret= ($ret<<7) + (ord($_)&0x7f) foreach @in ; return +($ret<<8) + ord($last) ; } # Like get_U29, but skip the first $skip_bits of the first byte. # Include optional leading byte $byte1, if it's been read. sub get_Uxx { my($in, $skip_bits, $byte1)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs, $byte1= ord($1) unless defined $byte1 ; my $ret= $byte1 & ((1<<(7-$skip_bits))-1) ; return $ret unless $byte1 & 0x80 ; $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,2})(.)/gcs ; my($last, @in)= ($2, split(//, $1)) ; $ret= 0 ; $ret= ($ret<<7) + (ord($_)&0x7f) foreach @in ; return +($ret<<8) + ord($last) ; } # Get a U29 value from $$in, and split it into a 1-bit flag in front followed # by a U28. Returns (flag, U28). sub get_flag_U28 { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,3})(.)/gcs ; return (ord($2) & 0x40, ord($2) & 0x3f) unless $1 ; # most common case my($last, @in)= (ord($2), map {ord} split(//, $1)) ; my($flag, $ret)= ($in[0]&0x40, $in[0]&0x3f) ; shift(@in) ; $ret= ($ret<<7) + ($_&0x7f) foreach @in ; return ($flag, ($ret<<8) + $last) ; } sub U29 { my($value)= @_ ; return chr($value) if $value <= 0x7f ; return chr(($value>>7) | 0x80) . chr($value & 0x7f) if $value <= 0x3fff ; return chr(($value>>14) | 0x80) . chr((($value>>7) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr($value & 0x7f) if $value <= 0x1fffff ; return chr(($value>>22) | 0x80) . chr((($value>>15) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr((($value>>8) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr($value & 0xff) ; } # This assumes a 1st bit of 1 (e.g. indicating a string literal, not a reference). sub U28 { my($value)= @_ ; return chr($value | 0x40) if $value <= 0x3f ; return chr(($value>>7) | 0xc0) . chr($value & 0x7f) if $value <= 0x1fff ; return chr(($value>>14) | 0xc0) . chr((($value>>7) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr($value & 0x7f) if $value <= 0xfffff ; return chr(($value>>22) | 0xc0) . chr((($value>>15) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr((($value>>8) & 0x7f) | 0x80) . chr($value & 0xff) ; } # Skip past an AMF0 value in $in. No return value. sub skip_value_AMF0 { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my $marker= ord($1) ; # Number if ($marker==0) { pos($$in)+= 8 ; # String } elsif ($marker==2) { $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs ; pos($$in)+= unpack('n', $1) ; # Object } elsif ($marker==3) { while ($$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs) { pos($$in)+= unpack('n', $1) ; skip_value_AMF0($in) ; } die "no AMF0 object end marker" unless $$in=~ /\G\x09/gc ; # Reference } elsif ($marker==7) { pos($$in)+= 2 ; # ECMA array } elsif ($marker==8) { pos($$in)+= 4 ; while ($$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs) { pos($$in)+= unpack('n', $1) ; skip_value_AMF0($in) ; } die "no AMF0 object end marker" unless $$in=~ /\G\x09/gc ; # Object end # These should only happen as part of another value, so ignore here. #} elsif ($marker==9) { # Strict Array } elsif ($marker==0x0a) { $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; skip_value_AMF0($in) for 1..unpack('N', $1) ; # Date } elsif ($marker==0x0b) { pos($$in)+= 10 ; # Long String } elsif ($marker==0x0c) { $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; pos($$in)+= unpack('N', $1) ; # XML document } elsif ($marker==0x0f) { $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; pos($$in)+= unpack('N', $1) ; # Typed object } elsif ($marker==0x10) { $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs ; pos($$in)+= unpack('n', $1) ; while ($$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs) { pos($$in)+= unpack('n', $1) ; skip_value_AMF0($in) ; } die "no AMF0 object end marker" unless $$in=~ /\G\x09/gc ; # AVMplus object, i.e. use AMF3 } elsif ($marker==0x11) { skip_value_AMF3($in) ; # all other types are either 0-length or unsupported. } elsif ($marker>0x11) { die "unrecognized AVM0 marker: [$marker]" ; } } # Skip past an AMF3 value in $in. No return value. sub skip_value_AMF3 { my($in)= @_ ; my($flag, $u28) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my $marker= ord($1) ; # Integer if ($marker==4) { $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,3})(.)/gcs ; # Double } elsif ($marker==5) { pos($$in)+= 8 ; # String } elsif ($marker==6) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; # XMLDocument } elsif ($marker==7) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; # Date } elsif ($marker==8) { ($flag)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= 8 if $flag ; # Array } elsif ($marker==9) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; if ($flag) { # First, skip associative array. while (!($$in=~ /\G\x01/gc)) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; skip_value_AMF3($in) ; } # Then, skip normal array, sized by first $u28. skip_value_AMF3($in) for 1..$u28 ; } # Object } elsif ($marker==0x0a) { $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my $byte1= ord($1) ; pos($$in)-- ; # Object reference if (($byte1 & 0x40)==0) { $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,3})(.)/gcs ; # Trait reference } elsif (($byte1 & 0x20)==0) { $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,3})(.)/gcs ; # Traits # These apparently include a regular array of sealed trait member # names as well as an associative array of dynamic members. Store # it all in one hash, like the Array type. # jsm-- what is the difference between an object and a set of traits? } elsif (($byte1 & 0x10)==0) { my $is_dynamic= ($byte1 & 0x08)!=0 ; my $tcount= get_Uxx($in, 4) ; ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; for (1..$tcount) { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; } skip_value_AMF3($in) for 1..$tcount ; if ($is_dynamic) { do { ($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; skip_value_AMF3($in) unless $u28==0 ; } until $u28==0 ; # jsm-- is this right? Spec says 0x01.... } # Externalizable trait (not supported; handled by client/server agreement) } elsif (($byte1 & 0x10)!=0) { die "externalizable trait not supported" ; } # XML } elsif ($marker==0x0b) { my($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; # ByteArray } elsif ($marker==0x0c) { my($flag, $u28)= get_flag_U28($in) ; pos($$in)+= $u28 if $flag ; # all other types are either 0-length or unsupported. } elsif ($marker>0x11) { die "unrecognized AVM0 marker: [$marker]" ; } } # Fork off and start a generic listening TCP server, one that in turn forks # off client connections. # Invokes &$coderef($NEW_SOCKET_HANDLE) in each child process, after accept(). # Takes the listening socket, the lock filehandle, a code reference, a timeout, # and any additional arguments to the code reference as params. The timeout, # in seconds, applies to the daemon process; 0 means no timeout. # Returns daemon PID on success. # Be very careful to get rid of all instances that are started! # This routine used to include create_server_lock() and new_server_socket(), # but the port number returned from new_server_socket() is needed before # calling this. # This routine is liberal about die'ing. Consider using eval{} to trap those. # This is actually much more complicated than it needs to be for the HTTP # server, when run from the command line. We don't really need to # double-fork (and more) in that case, since the parent process is almost # immediately exiting. # jsm-- should we maintain a list of running daemons? sub spawn_generic_server { my($LISTEN, $LOCK_FH, $coderef, $timeout, @args)= @_ ; my $new_pid= double_fork_daemon($LOCK_FH, $LISTEN) ; return $new_pid if $new_pid ; my $port= (unpack_sockaddr_in(getsockname($LISTEN)))[0] ; # get the port bound to # Record port and PID in lockfile. select((select($LOCK_FH), $|=1)[0]) ; # make $LOCK_FH autoflush output seek($LOCK_FH, 0, 0) ; print $LOCK_FH "$port,$$\n" ; # Clear permissions mask, for easier file-handling. umask 0 ; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; # Daemon dies if not used for $timeout seconds. $SIG{ALRM}= sub {exit} ; eval { alarm($timeout) } ; # use eval{} to avoid failing where alarm() is missing # jsm-- should allow stopping process via x-proxy://admin/stop-daemon ? my $paddr ; while (1) { my($SS) ; $paddr= accept($SS, $LISTEN) ; next if !$paddr and $!==EINTR ; die "failed accept: $!" unless $paddr ; # Restart timer upon each incoming connection. eval { alarm($timeout) } ; # use eval{} to avoid failing where alarm() is missing my $pid= fork() ; die "failed fork: $!" unless defined($pid) ; close($SS), next if $pid ; # parent daemon process # After here is the per-connection process. # Processes handling connections don't have a timeout. eval { alarm(0) } ; # use eval{} to avoid failing where alarm() is missing # They also shouldn't hold the lock. close($LOCK_FH) ; exit(&$coderef($SS, $port, @args)) ; } # Kill zombie children spawned by the daemon's fork. sub REAPER { local $! ; 1 while waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)>0 and WIFEXITED($?) ; $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER; } } # Open and lock a file, creating it if needed. # Returns either: the lockfile handle, or (undef, port, pid) if the file # is already locked (indicating that the server is already running). # Uses lock on $lock_file to ensure one instance only. Thus, use the same # $lock_file for all calls that spawn the same daemon. $lock_file also stores # the port and PID of the final daemon process. sub create_server_lock { my($lock_file)= @_ ; my($LOCK) ; # First, open and get lock on $lock_file, to avoid duplicates daemons. die "illegal lock_file name: [$lock_file]" if $lock_file=~ /\.\./ or $lock_file=~ m#^/# or $lock_file=~ /[^\w.-]/ or $lock_file eq '.' or $lock_file eq '' ; -d $PROXY_DIR or mkdir($PROXY_DIR, 0755) or die "mkdir [$PROXY_DIR]: $!" ; open($LOCK, (-s "$PROXY_DIR/$lock_file" ? '+<' : '+>'), "$PROXY_DIR/$lock_file") || die "open: $!" ; if (!flock($LOCK, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) { # daemon already started my($port, $pid)= ((scalar <$LOCK>)=~ /(\d+)/g) ; close($LOCK) ; return (undef, $port, $pid) ; } return ($LOCK) ; } # Opens a generic server socket and starts listening. Use $port if possible, # else use any available port. Returns (listening socket, port used, err). # This routine is liberal about die'ing. Consider using eval{} to trap those, # or returning undef. sub new_server_socket { my($port)= @_ ; # Create and listen on server socket. # IPv6 support in Socket started with version 1.94 . my($LISTEN, $err, $addr) ; if ($Socket::VERSION>=1.94) { ($err, $addr)= getaddrinfo(undef, $port, { flags => AI_PASSIVE(), socktype => SOCK_STREAM }) ; socket($LISTEN, $addr->{family}, SOCK_STREAM, scalar getprotobyname('tcp')) or &HTMLdie("Can't create socket: $!") ; setsockopt($LISTEN, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or &HTMLdie("Can't setsockopt: $!") ; eval { # needed to avoid compile errors below with old Socket modules bind($LISTEN, $addr->{addr}) or bind($LISTEN, (($addr->{family}==AF_INET) ? pack_sockaddr_in(0, INADDR_ANY) : ($addr->{family}==AF_INET6()) ? pack_sockaddr_in6(0, IN6ADDR_ANY()) : undef)) or die "bind: $!" ; ($err, undef, $port)= getnameinfo(getsockname($LISTEN), NI_NUMERICSERV(), NIx_NOHOST()) ; } ; return (undef, undef, $@) if $@ ; # Older version of Socket, no IPv6. } else { eval { socket($LISTEN, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, scalar getprotobyname('tcp')) or &HTMLdie("Can't create socket: $!") ; setsockopt($LISTEN, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or &HTMLdie("Can't setsockopt: $!") ; bind($LISTEN, pack_sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) or bind($LISTEN, pack_sockaddr_in(0, INADDR_ANY)) or &HTMLdie("Can't bind server socket: $!") ; ($port)= unpack_sockaddr_in(getsockname($LISTEN)) ; } ; return (undef, undef, $@) if $@ ; } listen($LISTEN, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen: $!" ; return ($LISTEN, $port) ; } # Double-forks a daemon process. Returns the resulting PID in the parent, # or 0 in the resulting grandchild daemon. sub double_fork_daemon { my($LOCK_FH, $LISTEN)= @_ ; # Open pipe to communicate PID back to caller. my($PIPE_P, $PIPE_C) ; pipe($PIPE_P, $PIPE_C) ; # First fork... my $pid= fork() ; die "fork: $!" unless defined($pid) ; # First parent process returns. if ($pid) { close($PIPE_C) ; close($LISTEN) ; close($LOCK_FH) if $LOCK_FH ; my $finalpid= <$PIPE_P> ; close($PIPE_P) ; return $finalpid ; } # Child process continues. close($PIPE_P) ; # Close filehandles in child process. close(S) ; # in case it's open from somewhere # This is required for a daemon, to disconnect from controlling terminal # and current process group. setsid() || die "setsid: $!" unless $^O=~ /win/i ; # Fork again to guarantee no controlling terminal. $pid= fork() ; die "fork: $!" unless defined($pid) ; # Send the PID to the parent process. print $PIPE_C "$pid\n" if $pid; close($PIPE_C) ; # Exit second parent process. exit(0) if $pid ; # Second child process continues. This is the daemon process. return 0 ; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # _fix: modify response as appropriate for given protocol (scheme). # # http_fix: modify headers as needed, including cookie support. # Note that headers have already been unfolded, when they were read in. # Some HTTP headers are defined as comma-separated lists of values, and they # should be split before being processed. According to the HTTP spec in # RFC 2616, such headers are: # Accept|Accept-Charset|Accept-Encoding|Accept-Language|Accept-Ranges| # Allow|Cache-Control|Connection|Content-Encoding|Content-Language| # If-Match|If-None-Match|Pragma|Public|Transfer-Encoding|Upgrade|Vary| # Via|Warning|WWW-Authenticate # As it turns out, none need to be handled in new_header_value(). Thus, we # don't need to split any standard headers before processing. See section # 4.2 of RFC 2616, plus the header definitions, for more info. # Conceivably, Via: and Warning: could be exceptions to this, since they # do contain hostnames. But a) these are primarily for diagnostic info and # not used to connect to those hosts, and b) we couldn't distinguish the # hostnames from pseudonyms anyway. # Unfortunately, the non-standard Link: and URI: headers may be lists, and # we *do* have to process them. Because of their unusual format and rarity, # these are handled as lists directly in new_header_value(). sub http_fix { my($name, $value, $new_value) ; my $has_blank_line= $headers=~ s/\015?\012\015?\012\z/\015\012/ ; my(@headers)= $headers=~ /^([^\012]*\012?)/mg ; # split into lines foreach (@headers) { next unless ($name, $value)= /^([\w.-]+):\s*([^\015\012]*)/ ; $new_value= &new_header_value($name, $value) ; $_= defined($new_value) ? "$name: $new_value\015\012" : '' ; } # Add our CSP headers-- Content-Security-Policy: is the standard, but some # browsers use X-Content-Security-Policy: . # These wouldn't be safe, except that we enforce the directives elsewhere. # Note that browsers as of 12-2013 only support CSP 1.0, which doesn't allow # paths in source expressions, so we have to use the (imperfect) version # without paths. When browsers support CSP 1.1, we'll put the better # versions back in. # jsm-- should allow data: in various directives where incoming CSP allows it # unshift(@headers, "Content-Security-Policy: default-src $THIS_SCRIPT_URL/ 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; img-src $THIS_SCRIPT_URL/ data: ; form-action $THIS_SCRIPT_URL/ ; base-uri $THIS_SCRIPT_URL/\015\012") ; my $csp_source= $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER ? 'https://' . $THIS_HOST . ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==443 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT) : 'http://' . $THIS_HOST . ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==80 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT) ; my $csp_header_value= "default-src $csp_source 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; style-src $csp_source 'unsafe-inline' data: ; img-src $csp_source data: ; font-src $csp_source data:" ; unshift(@headers, "Content-Security-Policy: $csp_header_value\015\012") ; unshift(@headers, "X-Content-Security-Policy: $csp_header_value\015\012") ; # Don't support non-standard CSP headers (used in old browser versions) for now. # push(@headers, "X-Webkit-CSP: $csp_out\015\012") ; # To make traffic fingerprinting harder. shuffle(\@headers) ; $headers= join('', @headers, $has_blank_line ? "\015\012" : () ) ; } # Returns the value of an updated header, e.g. with URLs transformed to point # back through this proxy. Returns undef if the header should be removed. # This is used to translate both real headers and headers. # Special case for URI: and Link: -- these headers can be lists of values # (see the HTTP spec, and comments above in http_fix()). Thus, we must # process these headers as lists, i.e. transform each URL in the header. sub new_header_value { my($name, $value, $is_meta_tag)= @_ ; $name= lc($name) ; # sanity check return undef if $name eq '' ; # These headers consist simply of a URL. # Note that all these are absolute URIs, except possibly Content-Location:, # which may be relative to Content-Base or the request URI-- notably, NOT # relative to anything in the content, like a tag. return &full_url($value) if $name eq 'content-base' || $name eq 'content-location' ; # Location: header should carry forward the expected type, since some sites # (e.g.. hotmail) may 302 forward to another URL and use the wrong # Content-Type:, and that retrieved resource may still be treated by the # browser as of the expected type. Here we just carry forward the entire # flag segment. if ($name eq 'location') { local($url_start)= $script_url . '/' . $lang . '/' . $packed_flags . '/' ; return &full_url($value) ; } # Modify cookies to point back through the script, or they won't work. # If they're banned from this server, or if $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE or # $e_filter_ads is set and the current resource isn't text, then filter # them all out. # We guess whether the current resource is text or not by using both # the Content-Type: response header and the Accept: header in the # original request. Content-Type: can be something text, something # non-text, or it can be absent; Accept: can either accept something # text or not. Our test here is that the resource is non-text either # if Accept: accepts no text, or if Content-Type: indicates non-text. # Put another way, it's text if Accept: can accept text, and # Content-Type: is either a text type, or is absent. # This test handles some cases that failed with earlier simpler tests. # One site had a cookie in a 302 response for a text page that didn't # include a Content-Type: header. Another site was sneakier-- # http://zdnet.com returns an erroneous response that surgically # bypassed an earlier text/no-text test here: a redirection # response to an image contains cookies along with a meaningless # "Content-Type: text/plain" header. They only do this on images that # look like Web bugs. So basically that means we can't trust # Content-Type: alone, because a malicious server has full control over # that header, whereas the Accept: header comes from the client. if ($name eq 'set-cookie') { return undef if $cookies_are_banned_here ; if ($NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE || $e_filter_ads) { return undef if ($headers=~ m#^Content-Type:\s*(\S*)#mi && $1!~ m#^text/#i) || ! grep(m#^(text|\*)/#i, split(/\s*,\s*/, $env_accept)) ; } return &cookie_to_client($value, $path, $host) ; } # Extract $default_style_type as needed. # Strictly speaking, a MIME type is "token/token", where token is # ([^\x00-\x20\x7f-\xff()<>@,;:\\"/[\]?=]+) (RFCs 1521 and 822), # but this below covers all existing and likely future MIME types. if ($name eq 'content-style-type') { $default_style_type= lc($1) if $value=~ m#^\s*([/\w.+\$-]+)# ; return $value ; } # Extract $default_script_type as needed. # Same deal about "token/token" as above. if ($name eq 'content-script-type') { $default_script_type= lc($1) if $value=~ m#^\s*([/\w.+\$-]+)# ; return $value ; } # Handle P3P: header. P3P info may also exist in a tag (or # conceivably a Link: header), but those are already handled correctly # where tags (or Link: headers) are handled. if ($name eq 'p3p') { $value=~ s/\bpolicyref\s*=\s*['"]?([^'"\s]*)['"]?/ 'policyref="' . &full_url($1) . '"' /gie ; return $value ; } # And the non-standard Refresh: header... any others? $value=~ s/(;\s*URL\s*=)\s*((?>['"]?))(\S*)\2/ $1 . &full_url($3) /ie, return $value if $name eq 'refresh' ; # The deprecated URI: header may contain several URI's, inside <> brackets. $value=~ s/<(\s*[^>\015\012]*)>/ '<'.&full_url($1).'>' /gie, return $value if $name eq 'uri' ; # The non-standard Link: header is a little problematic. It's described # in the HTTP 1.1 spec, section, but it is not standard. Among # other things, it can be used to link to style sheets, but the mechanism # for indicating the style sheet type (=language, which could be a script # MIME type) is not defined. # The HTML 4.0 spec (section 14.6) gives a little more detail regarding # its use of the Link: header, but is still ambiguous-- e.g. their # examples don't specify the type, though elsewhere it's implied that's # required. # Generally speaking, we handle this like a tag. For notes about # this block, see the block above that handles tags. For a # description of the unusual format of this header, see the HTTP spec. # Note that this may be a list of values, and all URIs in it must be # handled. This gets a little messy, because we split on commas, but # don't split on commas that are inside <> brackets, because that's # the URL. if ($name eq 'link') { my($v, @new_values) ; my(@values)= $value=~ /(<[^>]*?>[^,]*)/g ; foreach $v (@values) { my($type)= $v=~ m#[^\w.\/?&-]type\s*=\s*["']?\s*([/\w.+\$-]+)#i ; $type= lc($type) ; my($rel) ; $rel= $+ if $v=~ /[^\w.\/?&-]rel\s*=\s*("([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|([^'"][^\s]*))/i ; $type= 'text/css' if $type eq '' and $rel=~ /\bstylesheet\b/i ; return undef if $scripts_are_banned_here && $type=~ /^$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX$/io ; local($url_start)= $url_start ; $url_start= url_start_by_flags($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $type) if $type ne '' ; if ($rel=~ /\bstylesheet\b/i) { $v=~ s/<(\s*[^>\015\012]*)>/ '<' . (match_csp_source_list('style-src', $1) ? &full_url($1) : '') . '>' /gie ; } elsif (lc($rel) eq 'icon') { $v=~ s/<(\s*[^>\015\012]*)>/ '<' . (match_csp_source_list('img-src', $1) ? &full_url($1) : '') . '>' /gie ; } else { $v=~ s/<(\s*[^>\015\012]*)>/ '<' . &full_url($1) . '>' /gie ; } push(@new_values, $v) ; } return join(', ', @new_values) ; } # Required to support elsewhere: # default-src # script-src # object-src # style-src # img-src # media-src # frame-src # font-src # connect-src # base-uri # form-action # sandbox # plugin-types # referrer # reflected-xss # report-uri if ($name eq 'content-security-policy' or $name eq 'x-content-security-policy') { return undef unless $csp_is_supported ; return undef if $is_meta_tag and $csp ; # reject if CSP already exists (CSP spec, section 3.1.3) return parse_csp_header($value) ; } if ($name eq 'content-security-policy-report-only') { return undef ; # we don't support this header yet return undef if $is_meta_tag and $csp_ro ; ($csp_ro, $value)= parse_csp_header($csp_ro, $value) ; # note this is no longer correct return $value ; } # For now, we don't support non-standard CSP headers, used in earlier browser versions. return undef if $name eq 'x-webkit-csp' ; # Ideally we'd support other values, but at least use this to prevent some # non-proxied pages. if ($name eq 'x-frame-options') { return 'SAMEORIGIN' ; } # We don't support SPDY or QUIC . return undef if $name eq 'alternate-protocol' ; # Support CORS headers. # This one is probably unnecessary, since browser won't do CORS requests, # it just requests the server-side script to do them. if ($name eq 'access-control-allow-origin') { my $hostst= $host=~ /:/ ? "[$host]" : $host ; return "$scheme://$hostst" . ($scheme eq 'http' ? ($port==80 ? '' : ":$port") : $scheme eq 'https' ? ($port==443 ? '' : ":$port") : ":$port") ; } # For all non-special headers, return $value return $value ; } # Takes a CSP header value and merges its values into the existing $csp. # Returns a CSP header value of the unchanging parts of the input, to be # appended to our standard CSP header. # This is done according to the CSP 1.1 spec as of 3-16-2013 (updated for spec # of 10-31-2013). # The CSP has about 15 possible directives, all of which are enforced in other # parts of this program. # The format of $csp is {directive}[list-of-instances][list-of-sources] sub parse_csp_header { my($value)= @_ ; my $directive ; # Build $new_policy from $value . my $new_policy= {} ; foreach $directive (split(/;/, $value)) { my($dname, $dvalue)= split(' ', $directive, 2) ; $dname= lc($dname) ; next if $dname eq 'report-uri' ; # for now, we don't support reporting next if $new_policy->{$dname} ; # as per section, rule 2.5 $new_policy->{$dname}= [ split(' ', $dvalue) ] ; } # A default-src directive applies to the policy it comes from, not to the # overall collection of policies. For example, one header with only # "default-src http://example.com" still applies as script-src for that # header, even when another header has "script-src http://another.com". # Thus, we expand all default-src directives before merging policies. # See the CSP spec, section 3.1.4 . if ($new_policy->{'default-src'}) { $new_policy->{$_}||= $new_policy->{'default-src'} foreach qw(script-src object-src style-src img-src media-src child-src font-src connect-src) ; delete $new_policy->{'default-src'} ; } # frame-src is odd-- it's deprecated in CSP 1.1 and replaced with child-src, # and if it's missing then use child-src (which may be taken from # default-src) in its place. $new_policy->{'frame-src'}||= $new_policy->{'child-src'} ; # Merge $new_policy into $csp . Note that each directive may happen # multiple times in multiple headers, but not within the same one. All # instances of a directive must be satisfied. foreach $directive (keys %$new_policy) { $csp->{$directive}= [] unless $csp->{$directive} ; push(@{$csp->{$directive}}, $new_policy->{$directive}) ; } # Return the unchanging parts of this header (the non-source-list directives). # All CSP source lists are collapsed to "$THIS_SCRIPT_URL/" in http_fix(), # and the other directive types are passed through unchanged here. return join('; ', map {"$_ @{$new_policy->{$_}}"} grep {$new_policy->{$_}} qw(sandbox plugin-types referrer reflected-xss) ) ; } # Returns true if the given URI satisfies the global $csp->{$directive_name}, # which is a list of directives, each of which is a list of "source expressions". # Each directive must be satisfied, meaning that at least one of its source # expressions must be satisfied. # For convenience elsewhere, returns true if $uri is undefined. # $pr_uri is the "protected resource's" URI, which is usually the global $URL . # This follows the CSP spec, section . sub match_csp_source_list { my($directive_name, $uri, $nonce, $pr_uri)= @_ ; my($match) ; return 1 unless $csp_is_supported ; return 1 unless defined($uri) and defined($csp->{$directive_name}) ; $pr_uri= $URL unless defined $pr_uri ; $nonce=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g if defined $nonce ; # For "'unsafe-inline'" or "'unsafe-eval'", verify it's in each directive. if ($uri eq "'unsafe-inline'" or $uri eq "'unsafe-eval'") { foreach my $directive (@{$csp->{$directive_name}}) { $match= 0 ; foreach my $source (@$directive) { $match= 1, last if $source eq $uri ; $match= 1, last if defined $nonce and $source eq "'nonce-$nonce'" ; } return 0 unless $match ; } return 1 ; } # Otherwise, parse $uri and set defaults. $uri= absolute_url($uri) ; # inefficient.... my($uscheme, $uauthority, $upath)= $uri=~ m#^([\w+.-]+:)//([^/?]*)([^?]*)# ; $uscheme= lc($uscheme) ; my($uhost, $uport)= $uauthority=~ /\[/ ? $uauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?\[([^\]]*)\]:?(.*)$/ # IPv6 : $uauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?([^:]*):?(.*)$/ ; $uhost= lc($uhost) ; $uport||= ($uscheme eq 'http:') ? 80 : ($uscheme eq 'https:') ? 443 : undef ; $upath=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ chr(hex($1)) /ge ; # also rule 3.2 $upath= "/$upath" if $upath!~ m#^/# ; # if path is '' or contains only query (rule 3.2) foreach my $directive (@{$csp->{$directive_name}}) { $match= 0 ; foreach my $source (@$directive) { return 0 if $source eq "'none'" ; $match= 1, last if defined $nonce and $source eq "'nonce-$nonce'" ; $match= 1, last if $source eq '*' ; # rule 2 # If matches scheme-source... if ($source=~ /^[\w+.-]+:$/) { $match= 1, last if $source eq $uscheme ; # rule 3.1 next ; # rule 3.2 # ... elsif matches host-source... } elsif ($source!~ /^'/) { next unless $uhost ; # rule 4.1 # Parse $uri and set defaults. my($sscheme, $sauthority, $spath)= $source=~ m#^(?:([\w+.-]+:)//)?([^/?]*)([^?]*)# ; $sscheme= lc($sscheme) ; next if $sscheme and $sscheme ne $uscheme ; # rule 4.3 if (!$sscheme) { next if $pr_uri=~ /^http:/i and $uscheme ne 'http:' and $uscheme ne 'https:' ; # rule 4.4.1 next if $pr_uri!~ /^http:/i and $pr_uri!~ /^$uscheme/i ; # rule 4.4.2 } my($shost, $sport)= $sauthority=~ /\[/ ? $sauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?\[([^\]]*)\]:?(.*)$/ # IPv6 : $sauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?([^:]*):?(.*)$/ ; $shost= lc($shost) ; my $hsuffix ; next if ($hsuffix)= $shost=~ /^\*(\..*)/ and $uhost!~ /\Q$hsuffix\E$/ ; # rule 4.5 next if $shost!~ /^\*(\..*)/ and $uhost ne $shost ; # rule 4.6, corrected next if $sport eq '' and $uport != (($uscheme eq 'http:') ? 80 : ($uscheme eq 'https:') ? 443 : -1) ; # rule 4.7 next if $sport ne '' and $sport ne '*' and $sport!=$uport ; # rule 4.8 $spath=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ chr(hex($1)) /ge ; # rule 4.9.1 next if $spath and $spath=~ m#/$# and !($upath=~ /^$spath/) ; # rule 4.9.2 next if $spath and $spath!~ m#/$# and $spath ne $upath ; # rule 4.9.3 $match= 1, last ; } elsif ($source eq "'self'") { my($pscheme, $pauthority, $ppath)= $pr_uri=~ m#^(?:([\w+.-]+:)//)?([^/?]*)([^?]*)# ; $pscheme= lc($pscheme) ; my($phost, $pport)= $pauthority=~ /\[/ ? $pauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?\[([^\]]*)\]:?(.*)$/ # IPv6 : $pauthority=~ /^(?:.*?@)?([^:]*):?(.*)$/ ; $phost= lc($phost) ; $pport||= ($pscheme eq 'http:') ? 80 : ($pscheme eq 'https:') ? 443 : undef ; $match= 1, last if $uscheme eq $pscheme and $uhost eq $phost and $uport==$pport ; # rule 5.1 # don't support blob: schemes yet (rule 5.2) } # rule 6 would be "next" here but is implied } # This directive wasn't satisfied. return 0 unless $match ; } # All the directives were satisfied. return 1 ; } sub csp_is_supported { return $1>=25 if $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}=~ /\bChrome\/(\d+)/ ; return $1>=23 if $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}=~ /\bFirefox\/(\d+)/ ; return 0 ; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special admin routines, when called via the scheme type "x-proxy://" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # I took the liberty of creating a general mechanism to let this proxy do # whatever tricks it needs to do, via the magic URL scheme "x-proxy://". # It was required to support HTTP Basic Authentication, and it's useful # for other things too. The mechanism uses a heirarchical URL space: a # function family is in the normal "hostname" location, then the functions # and subfunctions are where the path segments would be. A query string # is allowed on the end. # # Don't add functions to this that may compromise security, since anyone # can request a URL beginning with x-proxy://. For that matter, malicious # Web pages can automatically invoke these URLs, which could be annoying # if e.g. they clear your cookies without warning or other acts. # # Which URLs map to which functions should really be documented here. So, # # //auth/make_auth_cookie # receives the authorization form data, sends a formatted auth # cookie to the user, and redirects the user to the desired URL. # # //start # initiates a browsing session. # # //cookies/clear # clears all of a user's cookies. # # //cookies/manage # present the user with a page to manage her/his cookies # # //cookies/update # process whatever actions are requested from the //cookies/manage # page (currently only deletion of cookies). # # //cookies/set-cookie # set the cookie from the query string # # //frames/topframe # returns the special top frame with the entry form and/or the # other insertion. # # //frames/framethis # given a URL, returns a page that frames that URL in the lower # frame with the top frame above (not currently used). # # //scripts/jslib # returns the JavaScript library used when rewriting JavaScript. # Normally, this can be cached for efficiency. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A general-purpose routine to handle all x-proxy requests. # This is usually expected to exit when completed, so make sure any called # routines exit if needed. (By "exit", I mean "die 'exiting'".) However, # it is allowed to return from this routine to continue processing, as long # as $URL is set correctly. sub xproxy { my($xURL)= @_ ; $xURL=~ s/^x-proxy://i ; # $qs will contain the query string in $xURL, whether it was encoded with # the URL or came from QUERY_STRING. my($family, $function, $qs)= $xURL=~ m#^//(\w+)(/?[^?]*)\??(.*)#i ; if ($family eq 'auth') { # For //auth/make_auth_cookie, return an auth cookie and redirect user # to the desired URL. The URL is already encoded in $in{'l'}. if ($function eq '/make_auth_cookie') { my(%in)= &getformvars() ; # must use () or will pass current @_! my($location)= $url_start . $in{'l'} ; # was already encoded my($cookie)= &auth_cookie(@in{'u', 'p', 'r', 's'}) ; &redirect_to($location, "Set-Cookie: $cookie\015\012") ; } } elsif ($family eq 'start') { &startproxy ; } elsif ($family eq 'cookies') { # Store in the database a cookie sent encoded in the query string. if ($function eq '/set-cookie') { # This does checks, then stores cookie in database. my($origin, $enc_cookie)= split(/&/, $qs, 2) ; &cookie_to_client(cookie_decode($enc_cookie), $path, $origin) if $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES ; print $STDOUT "$HTTP_1_X 204 No Content\015\012", "Cache-Control: no-cache\015\012", "Pragma: no-cache\015\012\015\012" ; if ($RUN_METHOD eq 'embedded') { die 'exiting' ; } else { goto ONE_RUN_EXIT ; } # If pages could link to x-proxy:// URLs directly, this would be a # security hole in that malicious pages could clear or update one's # cookies. But full_url() prevents that. If that changes, then we # should consider requiring POST in /cookie/clear and /cookie/update # to minimize this risk. } elsif ($function eq '/clear') { my($location)= $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode('x-proxy://cookies/manage') ; $location.= '?' . $qs if $qs ne '' ; if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { &delete_all_cookies_from_db() ; &redirect_to($location) ; } else { &redirect_to($location, &cookie_clearer($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})) ; } } elsif ($function eq '/manage') { &manage_cookies($qs) ; # For //cookies/update, clear selected cookies and go to manage screen. } elsif ($function eq '/update') { my(%in)= &getformvars() ; # must use () or will pass current @_! my($location)= $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode('x-proxy://cookies/manage') ; # Add encoded "from" parameter to URL if available. if ($in{'from'} ne '') { my($from_param)= $in{'from'} ; $from_param=~ s/([^\w.-])/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; $location.= '?from=' . $from_param ; } # "delete=" input fields are in form &base64(&cookie_encode($name)). my(@cookies_to_delete)= map {&unbase64($_)} split(/\0/, $in{'delete'}) ; if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { &delete_cookies_from_db(@cookies_to_delete) ; &redirect_to($location) ; } else { &redirect_to($location, &cookie_clearer(@cookies_to_delete)) ; } } } elsif ($family eq 'frames') { my(%in)= &getformvars($qs) ; # Send the top proxy frame when a framed page is reframed. if ($function eq '/topframe') { &return_top_frame($in{'URL'}) ; # Not currently used } elsif ($function eq '/framethis') { &return_frame_doc($in{'URL'}, &HTMLescape(&wrap_proxy_decode($in{'URL'}))) ; } } elsif ($family eq 'scripts') { # Return the library needed for JavaScript rewriting. Normally, this # can be cached. if ($function eq '/jslib') { &return_jslib ; } } elsif ($family eq 'xhr') { # Kind of hacky, but we need to pass XHR origin somehow-- use an x-proxy: URL. # Format of URL is x-proxy://xhr/url-encoded-origin/scheme/rest-of-URL (undef, $xhr_origin, $URL)= split(/\//, $function, 3) ; $xhr_origin=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $URL=~ s#/#://# ; $URL.= "?$qs" if $qs ne '' ; # Decode and parse URL again. ($scheme, $authority, $path)= ($URL=~ m#^([\w+.-]+)://([^/?]*)(.*)$#i) ; $scheme= lc($scheme) ; $path= "/$path" if $path!~ m#^/# ; # if path is '' or contains only query return ; } elsif ($family eq 'navigator') { my($handler_url)= $function=~ m#^/handler/(.*)# ; $handler_url=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $qs=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; &HTMLdie("Attempted to use insecure handler with secure URL.") if $handler_url=~ /^http:/i and $qs=~ /^https:/i ; $handler_url=~ s/%s/$qs/ ; redirect_to(full_url($handler_url)) ; } warn "no such function as x-proxy://$family$function\n" ; &HTMLdie(['Sorry, no such function as //%s', &HTMLescape("$family$function.")], '', '404 Not Found') ; } sub return_flash_vars { my($s)= @_ ; my($len)= length($s) ; my($date_header)= &rfc1123_date($now, 0) ; warn "in return_flash_vars($s)" ; # this indicates success... :? print $STDOUT <>24 & 255, $host>>16 & 255, $host>>8 & 255, $host & 255) if $host=~ /^\d+$/ ; # Allow shorthand for hostnames-- if no "." is in it, then add "www"+"com" # or "ftp"+"com". Don't do it if the host already exists on the LAN. if ($scheme eq 'http') { $host= "www.$host.com" if $host!~ /\./ and $host!~ /\:/ and !gethostbyname($host) ; } elsif ($scheme eq 'ftp') { # If there's username/password embedded (which you REALLY shouldn't do), # then don't risk sending that to an unintended host. $host= "ftp.$host.com" if $auth eq '' and $host!~ /\./ and $host!~ /\:/ and !gethostbyname($host) ; } # Force $portst to ":" followed by digits, or ''. ($portst)= $portst=~ /^(:\d+)/ ; my $hostst= $host=~ /:/ ? "[$host]" : $host ; # Reassemble $authority after all changes are complete. $authority= $auth . $hostst . $portst ; # Prepend flag segment of PATH_INFO # This "erroneously" sets flags to "000000" when user config is not # allowed, but it doesn't really affect anything. $url_start=~ s#[^/]*/$## ; # remove old flag segment from $url_start $url_start.= &pack_flags(@in{'rc', 'rs', 'fa', 'br', 'if'}, $is_in_frame, '') . '/' ; &redirect_to( $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode("$scheme://$authority$path$query") . $fragment ) ; } # Create the flag segment of PATH_INFO from the given flags, not including # slashes. Result should be a valid path segment (i.e. alphanumeric and # certain punctuation OK, but no slashes or white space). # This routine defines the structure of the flag segment. # Note that an $expected_type of '' explicitly means that no type in particular # is expected, which will be the case for almost all resources. # Note that any unrecognized MIME type (i.e. no element in %MIME_TYPE_ID) # is treated the same as '', i.e. element #0 -> "0" . # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_pack_flags() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # (almost) a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub pack_flags { my($remove_cookies, $remove_scripts, $filter_ads, $hide_referer, $insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type)= @_ ; my $total= !!$remove_cookies *32 + !!$remove_scripts *16 + !!$filter_ads *8 + !!$hide_referer *4 + !!$insert_entry_form *2 + !!$is_in_frame ; my $ret= chr($total).chr($MIME_TYPE_ID{lc($expected_type)}) ; $ret=~ tr/\x00-\x3f/0-9A-Za-z\-_/ ; return $ret ; } # The reverse of pack_flags()-- given a flag segment from PATH_INFO, break # out all flag info. The return list should match the input list for # pack_flags(). # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_unpack_flags() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # (almost) a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub unpack_flags { my($flags)= @_ ; my($remove_cookies, $remove_scripts, $filter_ads, $hide_referer, $insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type) ; $flags=~ tr/0-9A-Za-z\-_/\x00-\x3f/ ; ($flags, $expected_type)= map {ord} split(//, $flags) ; $remove_cookies= ($flags & 32) ? 1 : 0 ; $remove_scripts= ($flags & 16) ? 1 : 0 ; $filter_ads= ($flags & 8) ? 1 : 0 ; $hide_referer= ($flags & 4) ? 1 : 0 ; $insert_entry_form= ($flags & 2) ? 1 : 0 ; $is_in_frame= ($flags & 1) ? 1 : 0 ; # Extract expected MIME type from final one-character flag $expected_type= $ALL_TYPES[$expected_type] ; return ($remove_cookies, $remove_scripts, $filter_ads, $hide_referer, $insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type) ; } sub url_start_by_flags { return "$script_url/$lang/" . &pack_flags(@_) . '/' ; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cookie routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # As of version 1.3, cookies are now a general mechanism for sending various # data to the proxy. So far that's only authentication info and actual # cookies, but more functions could be added. The new scheme essentially # divides up the cookie name space to accommodate many categories. # Explanation: Normally, a cookie is uniquely identified ("keyed") by the # domain, path, and name, but for us the domain and path will always be # that of the proxy script, so we need to embed all "key" information into # the cookie's name. Here, the general format for a cookie's name is # several fields, joined by ";". The first field is always a cookie type # identifier, like "AUTH" or "COOKIE", and the remaining fields vary # according to cookie type. This compound string is then URL-encoded as # necessary (cookie names and values can't contain semicolons, commas, or # white space). The cookie's value contains whatever you need to store, # also URL-encoded as necessary. # A general bug in cookie routines-- ports are not considered, which may # matter for both AUTH and COOKIE cookies. It only matters when two ports # on the same server are being used. # Returns all info we need from cookies. Right now, that means one composite # cookie with all cookies that match the domain and path (and no others!), # and an %auth hash to look up auth info by server and realm. Essentially, # this undoes the transformation done by the cookie creation routines. # @auth is used instead of %auth for slight speedup. # See notes where the various cookies are created for descriptions of their # format; currently, that's in cookie_to_client() and auth_cookie(). # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_cookie_from_client() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of part of this routine. sub parse_cookie { my($cookie, $target_path, $target_server, $target_port, $target_scheme)= @_ ; my($name, $value, $type, $subtype, @n, $cname, $path, $domain, $cvalue, $secure, @matches, %pathlen, $realm, $server, @auth) ; foreach ( split(/\s*;\s*/, $cookie) ) { ($name, $value)= split(/=/, $_, 2) ; # $value may contain "=" # Set $session_id and $session_id_persistent from S and S2 cookies. if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { $session_id= $value, next if $name eq 'S' ; $session_id_persistent= $value, next if $name eq 'S2' ; } $name= &cookie_decode($name) ; $value= &cookie_decode($value) ; ($type, @n)= split(/;/, $name) ; if ($type eq 'COOKIE') { ($cname, $path, $domain)= @n ; $domain= lc($domain) ; ($cvalue, $secure)= split(/;/, $value) ; next if $secure && ($target_scheme ne 'https') ; # According to the cookie spec, a cookie domain equal to a "." # plus the target domain should not match, but browsers treat # it as if it does, so we do the same here. if ( ($target_server=~ /\Q$domain\E$/i or (lc('.'.$target_server) eq lc($domain)) ) && $target_path=~ /^\Q$path\E/ ) { # Cookies are always supposed to have a name, but some servers # don't follow this, and at least one browser treats it as # cookie with only "value" instead of "name=value". So, # we follow that here, for these errant cookies. push(@matches, ($cname ne '' ? $cname.'='.$cvalue : $cvalue)) ; $pathlen{$matches[$#matches]}= length($path) ; } } elsif ($type eq 'AUTH') { # format of auth cookie's name is AUTH;$enc_realm;$enc_server ($realm, $server)= @n ; $realm=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $server=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; my($portst)= ($target_port eq '') ? '' : ":$target_port" ; push(@auth, $realm, $value) if $server eq "$target_server$portst" ; } } # More specific path mappings (i.e. longer paths) should be sent first. $cookie= join('; ', sort { $pathlen{$b} <=> $pathlen{$a} } @matches) ; return $cookie, @auth ; } # Old notes: # # Cookie support: The trick is how to send a cookie back to the client that # it will return for appropriate hosts. Given that the target URL may be # encoded, and the client can't always tell where the target URL is, the # only way to do that is to get *all* the cookies from the client and send # along the matching ones. If the client has a lot of cookies through the # proxy, this could conceivably be a problem. Oh well, it works for the # limited amount I've tested. # Here, we transform the cookie from the server into something the client # will always send back to us, and embed the real server/path info in the # name of the name-value pair, since the cookie is uniquely identified by # the domain, path, and name. Upon return from the client, we split the # name back into its original fields. # One way to get around *some* of the all-cookies-all-the-time problem, # *sometimes*, may be possible to program with the following approach: # First, the target URL must be "encoded" (in proxy_encode()) in a way # that it resembles a path. For example, the default "://" --> "/" # encoding does this. Then, let the cookies go back to the client with # the target paths still intact. This would only work when the cookie # domain is the default, i.e. the source host. Check other possibilities # carefully, too, but I think you could get it to work somehow. # Question-- is the port supposed to be used in the domain field? # Everything here assumes not, which is conceivably a security risk. # Transform one cookie into something the client will send back through # the script, but still has all the needed info. Returns a transformed # cookie, or undef if the cookie is invalid (e.g. comes from # the wrong host). # A cookie is uniquely identified by the domain, path, and name, so this # transformation embeds the path and domain info into the "name". # If $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES is true, then store cookie in database instead, # and return undef to clear any Set-Cookie: header. # This doesn't handle multiple comma-separated cookies-- possible, but # which seems a slight contradiction between the HTTP spec (section 4.2 # of both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 specs) and the cookie spec at # http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html. # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_cookie_to_client() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub cookie_to_client { my($cookie, $source_path, $origin)= @_ ; my($name, $value, $expires_clause, $path, $domain, $secure_clause, $httponly_clause) ; my($new_name, $new_value, $new_cookie) ; my($origin_host)= $origin=~ /\[/ ? $origin=~ m#^(?:\w+://)?\[([^\]]+)\]# # IPv6 : $origin=~ m#^(?:\w+://)?([^/:]+)# ; # Start last four regexes with ";" to avoid extracting from name=value. # Cookie values aren't supposed to have commas, per the spec, but at least # one site (go.com, using the Barista server) violates this. So for now, # allow commas in $value. # Cookie values aren't supposed to have spaces, either, but some sites # have spaces in cookie values. Thus, we allow spaces too. :P #($name, $value)= $cookie=~ /^\s*([^=;,\s]*)\s*=?\s*([^;,\s]*)/ ; ($name, $value)= $cookie=~ /^\s*([^=;,\s]*)\s*=?\s*([^;]*)/ ; ($expires_clause)= $cookie=~ /;\s*(expires\s*=[^;]*)/i ; ($path)= $cookie=~ /;\s*path\s*=\s*([^;,\s]*)/i ; # clash w/ ;-params? ($domain)= $cookie=~ /;\s*domain\s*=\s*([^;,\s]*)/i ; ($secure_clause)= $cookie=~ /;\s*(secure\b)/i ; ($httponly_clause)= $cookie=~ /;\s*(HttpOnly\b)/i ; # Path defaults to either the path of the URL that sent the cookie, or '/'. # See comments above $COOKIE_PATH_FOLLOWS_SPEC for more details. $path= $COOKIE_PATH_FOLLOWS_SPEC ? $source_path : '/' if $path eq '' ; # Domain must be checked for validity: defaults to the server that sent # the cookie; otherwise, must match end of that server name, and must # contain at least two dots if in one of these seven top-level domains, # three dots otherwise. # As it turns out, hostnames ending in extraneous dots, like # "slashdot.org.." resolve to the hostname without the dots. So we # need to guard against malicious cookie servers getting around the # two/three-dot requirement this way. # Unfortunately, the three-dot rule is not always followed; consider # for example the domain "google.de". Probably because of such domains, # browsers seem to only require two dots. Thus, do the same here, # unless $RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE is set. # Browsers also allow domains such as "example.com", i.e. missing the # leading dot. :P So, prepend a dot in such situations; only do this # if the 3-dot rule is already relaxed. if ($domain eq '') { $domain= $origin_host ; } else { $domain=~ s/\.*$//g ; # removes trailing dots! $domain=~ tr/././s ; # ... and double dots for good measure. # Allow $domain to match domain-minus-leading-dot (erroneously), # because that's how browsers do it. return undef if ($origin_host!~ /\Q$domain\E$/) and ('.'.$origin_host ne $domain) ; if ($RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE) { return(undef) unless ( ( ($domain=~ tr/././) >= 3 ) or ( ($domain=~ tr/././) >= 2 and $domain=~ /\.(com|edu|net|org|gov|mil|int)$/i ) ) ; } else { if (($domain=~ tr/././) < 2) { return undef if $domain=~ /^\./ ; $domain= '.' . $domain ; return undef if ($domain=~ tr/././) < 2 ; } } } # Change $expires_clause to make it a session cookie if so configured. # Don't do so if the cookie expires in the past, which means a deleted cookie. if ($SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY and $expires_clause ne '') { my($expires_date)= $expires_clause=~ /^expires\s*=\s*(.*)$/i ; $expires_clause= '' if &date_is_after($expires_date, $now) ; } # If we're using a server-side database to store cookies, then store it and # return undef to clear the existing Set-Cookie: header. if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { store_cookie_in_db($name, $value, $expires_clause, $path, $domain, $secure_clause, $httponly_clause) ; return undef ; } # This is hereby the transformed format: name is COOKIE;$name;$path;$domain # (the three values won't already have semicolons in them); value is # $value;$secure_clause . Both name and value are then cookie_encode()'d. # The name contains everything that identifies the cookie, and the value # contains all info we might care about later. $new_name= &cookie_encode("COOKIE;$name;$path;$domain") ; # New value is "$value;$secure_clause", then cookie_encode()'d. $new_value= &cookie_encode("$value;$secure_clause") ; # Create the new cookie from its components, removing the empty ones. # The new domain is this proxy server, which is the default if it is not # specified. $new_cookie= join('; ', grep(length, $new_name . '=' . $new_value, $expires_clause, 'path=' . $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME . '/', ($RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER ? ('secure') : () ), $httponly_clause )) ; return $new_cookie ; } # Returns a cookie that contains authentication information for a particular # realm and server. The format of the cookie is: The name is # AUTH;$URL_encoded_realm;$URL_encoded_server, and the value is the # base64-encoded "$username:$password" needed for the Authorization: header. # On top of that, both name and value are cookie_encode()'d. # Leave the "expires" clause out, which means the cookie lasts as long as # the session, which is what we want. # Note that auth cookies are NOT stored in a server-side database, for security # reasons. Chances are there will never be enough auth cookies to overflow # the HTTP requests. sub auth_cookie { my($username, $password, $realm, $server)= @_ ; $realm=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; $server=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; return join('', &cookie_encode("AUTH;$realm;$server"), '=', &cookie_encode(&base64("$username:$password")), '; path=' . $ENV_SCRIPT_NAME . '/', ($RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER ? '; secure' : '' ), '; HttpOnly') ; } # Generates a set of cookies that will delete the cookies contained in the # given cookie strings (e.g. from HTTP_COOKIE). This is done by giving # each cookie an expiration time in the past, and setting their values # to "" for good measure. # The input @cookies can each be a list of cookies separated by ";" . The # cookies themselves can be either "name=value" or just "name". # The return value is one long string of multiple "Set-Cookie:" headers. # Slight quirk in Netscape and other browsers-- if cookie expiration is # set to the epoch time of "01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT" (meaning second #0), # the cookie is treated as a session cookie instead of a deleted cookie. # Using second #1, i.e. "01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT", causes the cookies to # be correctly deleted. sub cookie_clearer { my(@cookies)= @_ ; # may be one or more lists of cookies my($ret, $cname) ; foreach (@cookies) { foreach $cname ( split(/\s*;\s*/) ) { $cname=~ s/=.*// ; # change "name=value" to "name" $ret.= "Set-Cookie: $cname=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; " . "path=$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME/\015\012" ; } } return $ret ; } # Reads $session_id and $session_id_persistent from HTTP_COOKIE . sub get_session_cookies { my($name, $value) ; foreach ( split(/\s*;\s*/, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}) ) { ($name, $value)= split(/=/, $_) ; $session_id= $value, next if $name eq 'S' ; $session_id_persistent= $value, next if $name eq 'S2' ; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following subroutine looks messy, but can be used to open any # TCP/IP socket in any Perl program. Except for the &HTMLdie() part. # Typeglobbing has trouble with mod_perl and tied filehandles, so pass socket # handle as a string instead (e.g. 'S'), or as a variable. # Older versions created the packet structure with the old "pack('S n a4 x8')" # method. However, some OS's (such as BSDI) vary from this, and it wouldn't # work with IPv6 either. So now we use the more general functions, like # pack_sockaddr_in() from Socket.pm. (IPv6 support may require other # changes too.) sub newsocketto { my($S, $host, $port)= @_ ; my($is_connected) ; if ($SOCKS_PROXY) { ($host, $port)= $SOCKS_PROXY=~ /\[/ ? $SOCKS_PROXY=~ /^\[([^\]]*)\]:?(.*)/ : split(/:/, $SOCKS_PROXY) ; $port||= 1080 ; } # If $host is long integer like 3467251275, break it into a.b.c.d format. # This is for big-endian; reverse the list for little-endian. $host= join('.', $host>>24 & 255, $host>>16 & 255, $host>>8 & 255, $host & 255) if $host=~ /^\d+$/ ; # IPv6 support requires Socket version 1.94 or later. if ($Socket::VERSION>=1.94) { # Create the remote host data structure, from host name or IP address. # Imperfect regex for numeric IP address, but should work.... my($err, @addr)= $host=~ /^[\dA-Fa-f:]*[\d.]*$/ ? getaddrinfo($host, $port, { flags => AI_NUMERICHOST(), socktype => SOCK_STREAM }) : getaddrinfo($host, $port, { socktype => SOCK_STREAM }) ; &HTMLdie(["Couldn't find address for %s: %s", $host, $!]) if $err==EAI_NONAME() ; &HTMLdie(["Error looking up address for %s: %s", $host, $!]) if $err ; no strict 'refs' ; # needed to use $S as filehandle foreach my $addr (@addr) { # If the target IP address is a banned host or network, die appropriately. # This assumes that IP address structs have the most significant byte first. # This is a quick addition that will be fleshed out in a later version. # This may not work with IPv6, depending on what inet_aton() returns then. if ($addr->{family}==AF_INET) { for (@BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS) { &banned_server_die() if $addr->{addr}=~ /^$_/ ; # No URL forces a die } } else { warn "\@BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS not supported for IPv6 yet.\n" if @BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS ; } # Create the socket and connect to the remote host socket($S, $addr->{family}, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2]) or next ; if (connect($S, $addr->{addr})) { $is_connected= 1 ; last ; } } &HTMLdie(["Couldn't connect to %s:%s: %s", $host, $port, $!]) unless $is_connected ; # IPv4 only. } else { &HTMLdie("Can't access IPv6 addresses. To support IPv6, install version 1.94 or later of the CPAN Socket module, perhaps by running \"cpan Socket\" from the server command line.") if $host=~ /:/ ; # Create the remote host data structure, from host name or IP address. # Note that inet_aton() handles both alpha names and IP addresses. my $hostaddr= inet_aton($host) or &HTMLdie(["Couldn't find address for %s: %s", $host, $!]) ; my $remotehost= pack_sockaddr_in($port, $hostaddr) ; for (@BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS) { &banned_server_die() if $hostaddr=~ /^$_/ ; # No URL forces a die } # Create the socket and connect to the remote host no strict 'refs' ; # needed to use $S as filehandle socket($S, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2]) or &HTMLdie(["Couldn't create socket: %s", $!]) ; connect($S, $remotehost) or &HTMLdie(["Couldn't connect to %s:%s: %s", $host, $port, $!]) ; } select((select($S), $|=1)[0]) ; # unbuffer the socket # Use original $host and $port by passing @_ . init_socks_connection(@_) if $SOCKS_PROXY ; } # Initiate a SOCKS 5 connection on $S-- see RFC 1928. # This will need to be updated to support IPv6. sub init_socks_connection { my($S, $host, $port)= @_ ; &HTMLdie("Hostname too long for SOCKS request: [$host]") if length($host)>255 ; &HTMLdie("\$SOCKS_USERNAME and \$SOCKS_PASSWORD may only be up to 255 characters each.") if length($SOCKS_USERNAME)>255 or length($SOCKS_PASSWORD)>255 ; # We can use either of two authentication methods: username/password or none. # Neither is secure on the link between CGIProxy and the SOCKS proxy! my $auth_selection= ($SOCKS_USERNAME ne '') ? "\x05\x02\x00\x02" : "\x05\x01\x00" ; no strict 'refs' ; # needed to use $S as filehandle print $S $auth_selection ; my $auth_method= substr(read_socket($S, 2), 1) ; if ($auth_method eq "\x00") { # No subnegotiation needed } elsif ($auth_method eq "\x02") { # Username/Password Authentication-- see RFC 1929. printf $S "\x01%s%s%s%s", chr(length($SOCKS_USERNAME)), $SOCKS_USERNAME, chr(length($SOCKS_PASSWORD)), $SOCKS_PASSWORD ; &HTMLdie("Failed authentication to SOCKS server.") if substr(read_socket($S, 2), 1) ne "\x00" ; } elsif ($auth_method eq "\xff") { &HTMLdie("Couldn't negotiate authentication method with SOCKS server-- perhaps set \$SOCKS_USERNAME and \$SOCKS_PASSWORD?") ; } else { &HTMLdie("Bad authorization method chosen by SOCKS proxy.") ; } # Make SOCKS request-- currently we only use CONNECT command. # We use the address type of DOMAINNAME to prevent local DNS lookup, which # could expose the user. printf $S "\x05\x01\x00\x03%s%s%s", chr(length($host)), $host, pack('n', $port) ; # Read first part of reply. my(undef, $rep, undef, $atyp)= split(//, read_socket($S, 4)) ; # Depending on the address type, read BND.ADDR and BND.PORT . if ($atyp eq "\x01") { read_socket($S, 6) ; } elsif ($atyp eq "\x03") { my $len= ord(read_socket($S, 1)) ; read_socket($S, $len+2) ; } elsif ($atyp eq "\x04") { read_socket($S, 18) ; } else { &HTMLdie("Bad ATYP in response from SOCKS proxy.") ; } if ($rep ne "\x00") { # Quick and dirty error handling; error strings are from RFC. my $errmsg= (undef, 'general SOCKS server failure', 'connection not allowed by ruleset', 'Network unreachable', 'Host unreachable', 'Connection refused', 'TTL expired', 'Command not supported', 'Address type not supported')[ord($rep)] ; &HTMLdie(['SOCKS request to proxy failed: %s', $errmsg]) ; } } # Read a specific number of bytes from a socket, looping if necessary. # Returns all bytes read (possibly less than $length), or undef on error. # Typeglobbing *STDIN into *S doesn't seem to work with mod_perl 1.21, so # pass socket handle as a string instead (e.g. 'STDIN'), or as a variable. # Using *S, the read() below immediately fails under mod_perl. sub read_socket { # local(*S, $length)= @_ ; my($S, $length)= @_ ; my($ret, $numread, $thisread) ; #$numread= 0 ; no strict 'refs' ; # needed to use $S as filehandle while ( ($numread<$length) # && ($thisread= read(S, $ret, $length-$numread, $numread) ) ) && ($thisread= read($S, $ret, $length-$numread, $numread) ) ) { $numread+= $thisread ; } return undef unless defined($thisread) ; return $ret ; } # Read a chunked body and footers from a socket; assumes that the # Transfer-Encoding: is indeed chunked. # Returns the body and footers (which should then be appended to any # previous headers), or undef on error. # For details of chunked encoding, see the HTTP 1.1 spec, e.g. RFC 2616 # section 3.6.1 . sub get_chunked_body { my($S)= @_ ; my($body, $footers, $chunk_size, $chunk) ; local($_) ; local($/)= "\012" ; # Read one chunk at a time and append to $body. # Note that hex() will automatically ignore a semicolon and beyond. no strict 'refs' ; # needed to use $S as filehandle $body= '' ; # to distinguish it from undef no warnings 'digit' ; # to let hex() operate without warnings while ($chunk_size= hex(scalar <$S>) ) { $body.= $chunk= &read_socket($S, $chunk_size) ; return undef unless length($chunk) == $chunk_size ; # implies defined() $_= <$S> ; # clear CRLF after chunk } # After all chunks, read any footers, NOT including the final blank line. while (<$S>) { last if /^(\015\012|\012)/ || $_ eq '' ; # lines end w/ LF or CRLF $footers.= $_ ; } $footers=~ s/(\015\012|\012)[ \t]+/ /g ; # unwrap long footer lines return wantarray ? ($body, $footers) : $body ; } # This is a minimal routine that reads URL-encoded variables from a string, # presumably from something like QUERY_STRING. If no string is passed, # it will read from either QUERY_STRING or STDIN, depending on # REQUEST_METHOD. STDIN can't be read more than once for POST requests. # It returns a hash. In the event of multiple variables with the same name, # it concatenates the values into one hash element, delimiting with "\0". # Returns undef on error. sub getformvars { my($in)= @_ ; my(%in, $name, $value) ; # If no string is passed, read it from the usual channels. unless (defined($in)) { if ( ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') || ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'HEAD') ) { $in= $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ; } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { return undef unless lc($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}) eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; return undef unless defined($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) ; $in= &read_socket($STDIN, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) ; # should we return undef if not all bytes were read? } else { return undef ; # unsupported REQUEST_METHOD } } foreach (split(/[&;]/, $in)) { s/\+/ /g ; ($name, $value)= split('=', $_, 2) ; $name=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $value=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $in{$name}.= "\0" if defined($in{$name}) ; # concatenate multiple vars $in{$name}.= $value ; } return %in ; } # For a given timestamp, returns a date in one of the following two forms, # depending on the setting of $use_dash: # "Wdy, DD Mon YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" # "Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT" # The first form is used in HTTP dates, and the second in Netscape's cookie # spec (although cookies sometimes use the first form, which seems to be # handled OK by most recipients). # The first form is basically the date format in RFC 822 as updated in RFC # 1123, except GMT is always used here. sub rfc1123_date { my($time, $use_dash)= @_ ; my($s) = $use_dash ? '-' : ' ' ; my(@t)= gmtime($time) ; return sprintf("%s, %02d$s%s$s%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $WEEKDAY[$t[6]], $t[3], $MONTH[$t[4]], $t[5]+1900, $t[2], $t[1], $t[0] ) ; } # Returns true if $date1 is later than $date2. Both parameters can be in # either rfc1123_date() format or the total-seconds format from time(). # rfc1123_date() format is "Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT", possibly using # spaces instead of dashes. # Returns undef if either date is invalid. # A more general function would be un_rfc1123_date(), to take an RFC 1123 date # and return total seconds. sub date_is_after { my($date1, $date2)= @_ ; my(@d1, @d2) ; # Trivial case when both are numeric. return ($date1>$date2) if $date1=~ /^\d+$/ && $date2=~ /^\d+$/ ; # Get date components, depending on formats if ($date1=~ /^\d+$/) { @d1= (gmtime($date1))[3,4,5,2,1,0] ; } else { @d1= $date1=~ /^\w+,\s*(\d+)[ -](\w+)[ -](\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ; return undef unless @d1 ; $d1[1]= $UN_MONTH{lc($d1[1])} ; $d1[2]-= 1900 ; } if ($date2=~ /^\d+$/) { @d2= (gmtime($date2))[3,4,5,2,1,0] ; } else { @d2= $date2=~ /^\w+,\s*(\d+)[ -](\w+)[ -](\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ; return undef unless @d2 ; $d2[1]= $UN_MONTH{lc($d2[1])} ; $d2[2]-= 1900 ; } # Compare year, month, day, hour, minute, second in order. return ( ( $d1[2]<=>$d2[2] or $d1[1]<=>$d2[1] or $d1[0]<=>$d2[0] or $d1[3]<=>$d2[3] or $d1[4]<=>$d2[4] or $d1[5]<=>$d2[5] ) > 0 ) ; } # Escape any &"<> chars to &xxx; and return resulting string. # Also converts chars>127 to "&#nnn;" entities. # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_html_escape() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub HTMLescape { my($s)= @_ ; $s=~ s/&/&/g ; # must be before all others $s=~ s/([^\x00-\x7f])/'&#' . ord($1) . ';'/ge ; $s=~ s/"/"/g ; $s=~ s//>/g ; return $s ; } # Unescape any &xxx; codes back to &"<> and return resulting string. # Simplified version here; only includes &"<> and "&#nnn"-type entities. # Some people accidentally leave off final ";", and some browsers support that # if the word ends there, so make the final ";" optional. # NOTE: IF YOU MODIFY THIS ROUTINE, then be sure to review and possibly # modify the corresponding routine _proxy_jslib_html_unescape() in the # JavaScript library, far below in the routine return_jslib(). It is # a Perl-to-JavaScript translation of this routine. sub HTMLunescape { my($s)= @_ ; $s=~ s/"\b;?/"/g ; $s=~ s/<\b;?//g ; $s=~ s/&#(x)?(\w+);?/ $1 ? chr(hex($2)) : chr($2) /ge ; $s=~ s/&\b;?/&/g ; # must be after all others return $s ; } # Base64-encode a string, except not inserting line breaks. sub base64 { my($s)= @_ ; my($ret, $p, @c, $t) ; # Base64 padding is done with "=", but that's in the first 64 characters. # So, use "@" as a placeholder for it until the tr/// statement. # For each 3 bytes, build a 24-bit integer and split it into 6-bit chunks. # Insert one or two padding chars if final substring is less than 3 bytes. while ($p>18, ($t>>12)%64, (@c>1) ? ($t>>6) %64 : 64, (@c>2) ? $t %64 : 64 ) ; # "@" is chr(64) } # Translate from bottom 64 chars into base64 chars, plus @ to = conversion. $ret=~ tr#\x00-\x3f@#A-Za-z0-9+/=# ; return $ret ; } # Opposite of base64() . sub unbase64 { my($s)= @_ ; my($ret, $p, @c, $t, $pad) ; $pad++ if $s=~ /=$/ ; $pad++ if $s=~ /==$/ ; $s=~ tr#A-Za-z0-9+/##cd ; # remove non-allowed characters $s=~ tr#A-Za-z0-9+/#\x00-\x3f# ; # for speed, translate to \x00-\x3f # For each 4 chars, build a 24-bit integer and split it into 8-bit bytes. # Remove one or two chars from result if input had padding chars. while ($p>16, ($t>>8) % 256, $t % 256 ) ; } chop($ret) if $pad>=1 ; chop($ret) if $pad>=2 ; return $ret ; } # Convert a string from UTF-16 encoding to UTF-8. sub un_utf16 { my($s)= @_ ; Encode::from_to($$s, "utf-16", "utf-8") ; # converts in-place } # Read an entire file into a string and return it; return undef on error. # Does NOT check for any security holes in $fname! # This assumes UTF-8 file contents. sub readfile { my($fname)= @_ ; my($ret) ; local(*F, $/) ; open(F, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $fname) || return undef ; undef $/ ; $ret= ; close(F) ; return $ret ; } sub random_string { my($len)= @_ ; my @chars= (0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z') ; return join('', map { $chars[rand(scalar @chars)] } 1..$len) ; } # Takes a list reference and shuffles list in place. sub shuffle { my($a)= @_ ; my $i= @$a ; # length my $j ; $j= rand($i--), @$a[$i,$j]= @$a[$j,$i] while $i>0 ; } # Simple, general-purpose HTTP client. The HTTP client in http_get() is too # specialized and non-modular to use for anything but the primary resource. # This leaves the connection open, i.e. a persistent connection, because that's # needed for the purpose this routine was written for (the external tests). # This routine expects a pointer to a hash containing "host", "port", "socket", # and "open" elements, plus a $request_uri string. In the hash, iff "open" # is false, then a new socket is opened, in the interest of persistent # connections. "host", "port", and "socket" (a string name of a filehandle) # are assumed to be unchanging. # Note that this HTTP client is missing many features, such as proxy support, # SSL support, and authentication. Eventually, http_get() may be restructured # to be more modular and support what we need here. # This is partially copied from http_get(). For more commenting, see that # routine, in the similar sections as below. sub http_get2 { my($c, $request_uri)= @_ ; my($s, $status, $status_code, $headers, $body, $footers, $rin, $win, $num_tries) ; local($/)= "\012" ; no strict 'refs' ; # needed for symbolic references # Using "$c->{'socket'}" causes syntax errors in some places, so alias it to $s. $s= $c->{'socket'} ; # For some reason, under mod_perl, occasionally the socket response is # empty. It may have something to do with the scope of the filehandles. # Work around it with this hack-- if such occurs, retry the routine up # to three times. RESTART: { # Create a new socket if a persistent one isn't lingering from last time. # Ideally we'd test eof() on the socket at the end of this routine, but # that may only fail after many seconds. So, here we assume the socket # is still usable if it's not '' and if we can write to it. vec($win= '', fileno($s), 1)= 1 if defined(fileno($s)) ; if (!$c->{'open'} || !select(undef, $win, undef, 0)) { &newsocketto($c->{'socket'}, $c->{host}, $c->{port}) ; $s= $c->{'socket'} ; $c->{'open'}= 1 ; } # Print the simple request. print $s 'GET ', $request_uri, " HTTP/1.1\015\012", 'Host: ', $c->{host}, (($c->{port}==80) ? '' : ":$c->{port}"), "\015\012", "\015\012" ; vec($rin= '', fileno($s), 1)= 1 ; select($rin, undef, undef, 60) || &HTMLdie(['No response from %s:%s', $c->{host}, $c->{port}]) ; $status= <$s> ; # hack hack.... unless ($status=~ m#^HTTP/#) { $c->{open}= 0 ; redo RESTART if ++$num_tries<3 ; &HTMLdie(['Invalid response from %s: [%s]', $c->{host}, $status]) ; } } # Loop to get $status and $headers until we get a non-100 response. # See comments in http_get(), above the similar block. do { ($status_code)= $status=~ m#^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)# ; $headers= '' ; do { $headers.= $_= <$s> ; # $headers includes last blank line } until (/^(\015\012|\012)$/) || $_ eq '' ; #lines end w/ LF or CRLF $status= <$s> if $status_code == 100 ; # re-read for next iteration } until $status_code != 100 ; # Unfold long header lines, a la RFC 822 section 3.1.1 $headers=~ s/(\015\012|\012)[ \t]+/ /g ; # Read socket body depending on how length is determined; see RFC 2616 (the # HTTP 1.1 spec), section 4.4. if ($headers=~ /^Transfer-Encoding:[ \t]*chunked\b/mi) { ($body, $footers)= &get_chunked_body($s) ; &HTMLdie(['Error reading chunked response from %s .', &HTMLescape($c->{host})]) unless defined($body) ; $headers=~ s/^Transfer-Encoding:[^\012]*\012?//mig ; $headers= 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012" . $headers ; $headers=~ s/^(\015\012|\012)/$footers$1/m ; } elsif ($headers=~ /^Content-Length:[ \t]*(\d+)/mi) { $body= &read_socket($s, $1) ; } else { undef $/ ; $body= <$s> ; # ergo won't be persistent connection close($s) ; $c->{'open'}= 0 ; } # If server doesn't support persistent connections, then close the socket. # We would test eof($s) here, but that causes a long wait. if ($headers=~ /^Connection:.*\bclose\b/mi || $status=~ m#^HTTP/1\.0#) { close($s) ; $c->{'open'}= 0 ; } return $body ; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the complete HTML to be inserted at the top of a page, which may # consist of the URL entry form and/or a custom insertion in $INSERT_HTML # or $INSERT_FILE. # [Actually, this is only the insertion in the -- the URL form and # possibly the user's insertion-- not the JS insertion in the .] # As an important side effect, both %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION and %in_mini_start_form # are set in set_custom_insertion() and mini_start_form(), respectively. # These are used later to handle certain JavaScript. # Note that any insertion should not have any relative URLs in it, because # there's no good base URL to resolve them with. See the comments where # $INSERT_HTML and $INSERT_FILE are set. # Use the global, persistent variable $CUSTOM_INSERTION to hold the custom # insertion from $INSERT_HTML or $INSERT_FILE. Set it the first time it's # needed (every time for a CGI script, once for a mod_perl script). This # minimizes how often an inserted file is opened and read. # $INSERT_HTML takes precedence over $INSERT_FILE. # The inserted entry form is never anonymized. sub full_insertion { my($URL, $in_top_frame)= @_ ; my($ret, $form, $insertion) ; #### !!!! ACMDL-MOD $e_insert_entry_form = 0; $form= &mini_start_form($URL, $in_top_frame) if $e_insert_entry_form ; if (($INSERT_HTML ne '') || ($INSERT_FILE ne '')) { &set_custom_insertion if $CUSTOM_INSERTION eq '' ; # The insertion should not have relative URLs, but in case it does # provide a base URL of this script for lack of anything better. # It's erroneous, but it avoids unpredictable behavior. $url_start # is also required for proxify_html(), but it has already been set. # We can't do this only once to initialize, we must do this for each # run, because user config flags might change from run to run. # NOTE! If we don't use 0 in &proxify_html() here we'll recurse! if ($ANONYMIZE_INSERTION) { local($base_url)= $script_url ; &fix_base_vars ; $insertion= &proxify_html(\$CUSTOM_INSERTION,0) ; } else { $insertion= $CUSTOM_INSERTION ; } } $ret= $FORM_AFTER_INSERTION ? $insertion . $form : $form . $insertion ; my(%inc_by)= %in_mini_start_form ; foreach (keys %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION) { $inc_by{$_}+= $IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION{$_} ; } $ret.= "\n" if %inc_by ; $ret= "\n
\n" ; return $ret ; } # Returns the HTML needed for JavaScript support, the insertion into the # of the document. sub js_insertion { my($base_url_jsq, $default_script_type_jsq, $default_style_type_jsq, $p_cookies_are_banned_here, $p_doing_insert_here, $p_session_cookies_only, $p_cookie_path_follows_spec, $p_respect_three_dot_rule, $p_allow_unproxified_scripts, $p_use_db_for_cookies, $p_proxify_comments, $p_alert_on_csp_violation, $cookies_from_db_jsq, $p_csp, $p_timeout_multiplier) ; # Create JS double-quoted string of base URL and other vars. ($base_url_jsq= $base_url )=~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g ; ($default_script_type_jsq= $default_script_type)=~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g ; ($default_style_type_jsq= $default_style_type )=~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g ; ($cookies_from_db_jsq= $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES ? get_cookies_from_db($path, $host, $port, $scheme, 1) : '')=~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g ; $p_cookies_are_banned_here= $cookies_are_banned_here ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_doing_insert_here= $doing_insert_here ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_session_cookies_only= $SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_cookie_path_follows_spec= $COOKIE_PATH_FOLLOWS_SPEC ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_respect_three_dot_rule= $RESPECT_THREE_DOT_RULE ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_allow_unproxified_scripts= $ALLOW_UNPROXIFIED_SCRIPTS ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_use_db_for_cookies= $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_proxify_comments= $PROXIFY_COMMENTS ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_alert_on_csp_violation= $ALERT_ON_CSP_VIOLATION ? 'true' : 'false' ; $p_timeout_multiplier= $TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER_BY_HOST{$host} || 1 ; eval { # this is only place JSON is used require JSON ; $p_csp= $csp ? JSON::encode_json($csp) : '{}' ; $p_csp=~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g ; } ; if ($@) { $p_csp= '{}' ; warn "missing JSON module, so CSP (a security feature) is not supported at $URL\n" . "To install JSON module, run \"./nph-proxy.cgi install-modules\" or \"cpan JSON\".\n" if keys %$csp ; } my $hostst= $host=~ /:/ ? "[$host]" : $host ; # Use class instead of id, in case we're chaining proxies. return '\n" . qq(\n) ; } # Set $CUSTOM_INSERTION from the correct source. Also set %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION # according to its contents. This is needed for JavaScript handling, to # handle arrays like document.forms[] etc. that reference page elements in # order. Insertions at the top of the page throw these arrays off, so we # must compensate by incrementing those subscripts by the number of forms, # links, etc. in the top insertion. The counts in %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION are # used for the custom insertion; elements in the inserted entry form are # handled elsewhere. # The relevant arrays in the document object are applets[], embeds[], forms[], # ids[], layers[], anchors[], images[], and links[]. The first five # correspond directly to HTML tag names; the last three must be handled # individually. The patterns below to detect and aren't # exact, but should work in almost all cases. The pattern to detect tags # isn't even perfect-- it fails on script blocks, etc. However, errors would # be rare and fairly harmless, and this whole situation is pretty rare anyway. sub set_custom_insertion { return if $CUSTOM_INSERTION ne '' ; return unless ($INSERT_HTML ne '') || ($INSERT_FILE ne '') ; # Read $CUSTOM_INSERTION from the appropriate source. $CUSTOM_INSERTION= ($INSERT_HTML ne '') ? $INSERT_HTML : &readfile($INSERT_FILE) ; # Now, set counts in %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION. %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION= () ; foreach (qw(applet embed form id layer)) { $IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION{$_.'s'}++ while $CUSTOM_INSERTION=~ /<\s*$_\b/gi ; } $IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION{anchors}++ while $CUSTOM_INSERTION=~ /<\s*a\b[^>]*\bname\s*=/gi ; $IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION{links}++ while $CUSTOM_INSERTION=~ /<\s*a\b[^>]*\bhref\s*=/gi ; $IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION{images}++ while $CUSTOM_INSERTION=~ /<\s*img\b/gi ; } # Print the footer common to most error responses sub footer { # Assume translations already loaded. my $restart= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? 'Restart' : $MSG{$lang}{Restart} ; my $download= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? 'download' : $MSG{$lang}{download} ; my $safety= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? 'safety' : $MSG{$lang}{safety} ; # Set $left and $right alignment, depending on $dir . my($left, $right)= $dir ? ('right', 'left') : ('left', 'right') ; # Detect whether this proxy can visit secure servers. if (!defined $SSL_SUPPORTED) { eval { require Net::SSLeay } ; $SSL_SUPPORTED= $@ ? 0 : 1 ; } my $link_scheme= $SSL_SUPPORTED ? 'https' : 'http' ; my($rightlink)= $NO_LINK_TO_START ? '' : qq($restart) ; my $proxified_homepage= &HTMLescape(full_url("$link_scheme://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/")) ; my $download_link= &HTMLescape(full_url("$link_scheme://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/releases/cgiproxy.latest.tar.gz")) ; my $safety_link= &HTMLescape(full_url("$link_scheme://jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/security.html")) ; return <
CGIProxy $PROXY_VERSION - $download - $safety $rightlink

EOF } # Return the contents of the top frame, i.e. the one with whatever insertion # we have-- the entry form and/or the inserted HTML or file. sub return_top_frame { my($enc_URL)= @_ ; my($body, $insertion) ; my($date_header)= &rfc1123_date($now, 0) ; # Redirect any links to the top frame. Make sure any called routines know # this by setting $base_unframes. Also use $url_start_noframe to make # sure any links with a "target" attribute that are followed from an # anonymized insertion have the frame flag unset, and therefore have # their own correct insertion. local($base_unframes)= 1 ; local($url_start)= $url_start_noframe ; $body= &full_insertion(&wrap_proxy_decode($enc_URL), 1) ; my $response= < $body EOR eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT <

EOF $flags= sprintf($flags, $rc_on, $rs_on, $fa_on, $br_on, $if_on) ; } # "flags" means either flag icons, or boolean software flags.... :P # Set the HTML table with the flag icons. Messy. my $flags_HTML= flags_HTML() ; my $safe_THIS_SCRIPT_URL= &HTMLescape($THIS_SCRIPT_URL) ; $flags_HTML= join('     ', map { sprintf($flags_HTML->{$_}, $safe_THIS_SCRIPT_URL) } sort keys %$flags_HTML) ; my $response= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? < %s Start Using CGIProxy %s



Start browsing through this CGI-based proxy by entering a URL below. Only HTTP and FTP URLs are supported. Not all functions will work (e.g. some Java applets), but most pages will be fine. %s

Manage cookies

EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $jslib_block, $onload, $flags_HTML, $msg, $action, $method, $onsubmit, $safe_URL, $flags, $begin_browsing, $cookies_url) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT <[ $up ]) : '' ; # Alter various HTML depending on whether we're in the top frame or not. ($table_open, $table_close)= $in_top_frame ? ('', '') : ('
', '
') ; # Set global hash %in_mini_start_form according to how many each of applets, # embeds, form, ids, layers, anchors, images, and links there are in this # form. It's used for handling certain JavaScript, later. # This isn't a persistent variable because it could vary from run to run. %in_mini_start_form= ('forms', 1, 'links', (($up_path ne '') ? 2 : 1)) ; # Encode the URL before submitting, if so configured. Start it with "\x01" # or "\x7f" (depending on the browser) to indicate that it's encoded. # Possible clash when a page has another element named "URL"; revisit if needed. if ($ENCODE_URL_INPUT) { my $encode_prefix= $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}=~ /Chrome|Safari/ ? "\\x7f" : "\\x01" ; $onsubmit= qq( onsubmit="if (!this.URL.value.match(/^$encode_prefix/)) this.URL.value= '$encode_prefix'+_proxy_jslib_wrap_proxy_encode(this.URL.value) ; return true") ; $onfocus= qq( onfocus="if (this.value.match(/^$encode_prefix/)) this.value= _proxy_jslib_wrap_proxy_decode(this.value.replace(/\\$encode_prefix/, ''))") ; } else { $onsubmit= $onfocus= '' ; } my $go= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? "Go" : $MSG{$lang}{Go} ; # Display one of two forms, depending on whether user config is allowed. if ($ALLOW_USER_CONFIG) { my($rc_on)= $e_remove_cookies ? ' checked=""' : '' ; my($rs_on)= $e_remove_scripts ? ' checked=""' : '' ; my($fa_on)= $e_filter_ads ? ' checked=""' : '' ; my($br_on)= $e_hide_referer ? ' checked=""' : '' ; my($if_on)= $e_insert_entry_form ? ' checked=""' : '' ; # jsm-- remove for production release, plus in form below. my($safe_URL2) ; ($safe_URL2= $URL)=~ s/([^\w.-])/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; $safe_URL2= "https://jmarshall.com/bugs/report.cgi?URL=$safe_URL2&version=$PROXY_VERSION&rm=$RUN_METHOD" ; $safe_URL2= &HTMLescape(&full_url($safe_URL2)) ; my $ret= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? <
%s   Location via proxy: %s  
[Report a bug]   [Manage cookies]                 %s
EOF return sprintf($ret, $action, $method, $dir, $onsubmit, $table_open, $safe_URL, $onfocus, $go, $up_link, $safe_URL2, $cookies_url, $rc_on, $rs_on, $fa_on, $br_on, $if_on, $table_close) ; # If user config isn't allowed, then show a different form. } else { my $ret= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? <
%s Location via proxy: %s   [Manage cookies] %s
EOF return sprintf($ret, $action, $method, $dir, $onsubmit, $table_open, $safe_URL, $onfocus, $go, $up_link, $cookies_url, $table_close) ; } } # Display cookies to the user and let user selectively delete them. # No expiration date is displayed because to make that available would # require embedding it in every cookie. sub manage_cookies { my($qs)= @_ ; my($return_url, $action, $clear_cookies_url, $cookie_rows, $auth_rows, $cookie_header_row, $from_tag) ; my(@cookies, @auths, $name, $value, $type, @n, $delete_cb, $cname, $path, $domain, $cvalue, $secure, $realm, $server, $username) ; my($date_header)= &rfc1123_date($now, 0) ; my(%in)= &getformvars($qs) ; get_translations($lang) if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; my $delete_selected_cookies= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? 'Delete selected cookies' : $MSG{$lang}{'Delete selected cookies'} ; # $in{'from'} is already proxy_encoded $return_url= &HTMLescape( $url_start . $in{'from'} ) ; $action= &HTMLescape( $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode('x-proxy://cookies/update') ) ; # Create "clear cookies" link, preserving any query string. $clear_cookies_url= $url_start . &wrap_proxy_encode('x-proxy://cookies/clear') ; $clear_cookies_url.= '?' . $qs if $qs ne '' ; $clear_cookies_url= &HTMLescape($clear_cookies_url) ; # probably never necessary # Include from-URL in form if it's available. $from_tag= '' if $in{'from'} ne ''; # First, create $cookie_rows and $auth_rows from $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}. # Note that the "delete" checkboxes use the encoded name as their identifier. # With minor rewriting, this could sort cookies e.g. by server. Is that # preferred? Note that the order of cookies in $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} has # meaning. foreach ( split(/\s*;\s*/, $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}) ) { ($name, $value)= split(/=/, $_, 2) ; # $value may contain "=" $delete_cb= '' ; $name= &cookie_decode($name) ; $value= &cookie_decode($value) ; ($type, @n)= split(/;/, $name) ; if ($type eq 'COOKIE') { next if $USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES ; ($cname, $path, $domain)= @n ; ($cvalue, $secure)= split(/;/, $value) ; push(@cookies, {delete_cb => $delete_cb, domain => $domain, path => $path, name => $cname, value => $cvalue, secure => $secure}) ; } elsif ($type eq 'AUTH') { # format of auth cookie's name is AUTH;$enc_realm;$enc_server ($realm, $server)= @n ; $realm=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; $server=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; ($username)= split(/:/, &unbase64($value)) ; push(@auths, {delete_cb => $delete_cb, server => $server, username => $username, realm => $realm}) ; } } # Grab cookies from the database if using it for cookies. if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { @cookies= get_all_cookies_from_db() ; $_->{delete_cb}= '{domain};$_->{path};$_->{name}") . '">' foreach @cookies ; } @cookies= sort {$a->{domain} cmp $b->{domain} or $a->{path} cmp $b->{path} or $a->{name} cmp $b->{name}} @cookies ; @auths= sort {$a->{server} cmp $b->{server} or $a->{realm} cmp $b->{realm} or $a->{username} cmp $b->{username}} @auths ; # Set $cookie_rows and $auth_rows, with defaults as needed. if ($USE_DB_FOR_COOKIES) { $cookie_header_row= sprintf( ($lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? <Delete this cookie? For server names ending in: ... and a path starting with: Expires (GMT/UTC) Secure? HTTP only? Cookie name Value EOH $cookie_rows= join('', map {sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", $_->{delete_cb}, &HTMLescape($_->{domain}), &HTMLescape($_->{path}), &HTMLescape($_->{expires}) || '(session)', $_->{secure} ? 'Yes' : 'No', $_->{httponly} ? 'Yes' : 'No', &HTMLescape($_->{name}), ($RTL_LANG{$lang} ? 'right' : 'left'), &HTMLescape($_->{value}) )} @cookies) ; # If $cookie_rows is empty, set appropriate message. if ($cookie_rows eq '') { $cookie_rows= 'You are not currently sending any cookies through this proxy.' ; $cookie_rows= $MSG{$lang}{$cookie_rows} if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; $cookie_rows= " 
 \n" ; } } else { $cookie_header_row= sprintf( ($lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? <Delete this cookie? For server names ending in: ... and a path starting with: Secure? Cookie name Value EOH $cookie_rows= join('', map {sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", $_->{delete_cb}, &HTMLescape($_->{domain}), &HTMLescape($_->{path}), $_->{secure} ? 'Yes' : 'No', &HTMLescape($_->{name}), ($RTL_LANG{$lang} ? 'right' : 'left'), &HTMLescape($_->{value}) )} @cookies) ; # If $cookie_rows is empty, set appropriate message. if ($cookie_rows eq '') { $cookie_rows= 'You are not currently sending any cookies through this proxy.' ; $cookie_rows= $MSG{$lang}{$cookie_rows} if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; $cookie_rows= " 
 \n" } } $auth_rows= join('', map {sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", $_->{delete_cb}, &HTMLescape($_->{server}), &HTMLescape($_->{realm}), &HTMLescape($_->{username}) )} @auths) ; if ($auth_rows eq '') { $auth_rows= 'You are not currently authenticated to any sites through this proxy.' ; $auth_rows= $MSG{$lang}{$auth_rows} if $lang ne 'en' and $lang ne '' ; $auth_rows= " 
 \n" ; } my $response= $lang eq 'en' || $lang eq '' ? < CGIProxy Cookie Management

Return to browsing

Delete all cookies

Here are the cookies you're using through CGIProxy:


%s %s

Authentication cookies:

Delete this cookie? Server User Realm

EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $return_url, $clear_cookies_url, $action, $from_tag, $delete_selected_cookies, $cookie_header_row, $cookie_rows, $auth_rows, $delete_selected_cookies) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Enter username and password for %s at %s

Authorization Required

Enter username and password for %s at %s:

This requires cookie support turned on in your browser.

Note: Anytime you use a proxy, you're trusting the owner of that proxy with all information you enter, including your name and password here. This is true for any proxy, not just this one. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $realm, $server, $msg, $action, $server, $realm, $URL, $realm, $server) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < WARNING: Entering non-anonymous area!

WARNING: Entering non-anonymous area!

This proxy only supports HTTP and FTP. Any browsing to another URL will be directly from your browser, and no longer anonymous.

Follow the link below to exit your anonymous browsing session, and continue to the URL non-anonymously.

EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $URL, $URL) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < WARNING: SSL not supported, entering non-anonymous area!

WARNING: SSL not supported, entering non-anonymous area!

This proxy as installed does not support SSL, i.e. URLs that start with "https://". To support SSL, the proxy administrator needs to install the Net::SSLeay Perl module, perhaps by running "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules", and then this proxy will automatically support SSL (the CGIProxy site has more info). In the meantime, any browsing to an "https://" URL will be directly from your browser, and no longer anonymous.

Follow the link below to exit your anonymous browsing session, and continue to the URL non-anonymously.

EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $homepage, $URL, $URL) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Compressed content not supported, but was sent by server.

Compressed content not supported, but was sent by server.

The server at %s:%s replied with compressed content, even though it was told not to. That server is either misconfigured, or has a bug.

To support compressed content, the proxy administrator needs to install the IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package-- perhaps by running "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- and then this proxy will automatically support it. (Note that the IO::Compress::Gzip package is already included in Perl 5.9.4 or later.) EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $hostst, $port) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < The proxy can't access that server, sorry.

The proxy can't access that server, sorry.

The owner of this proxy has restricted which servers it can access, presumably for security or bandwidth reasons. The server you just tried to access is not on the list of allowed servers. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < You are not allowed to use this proxy, sorry.

You are not allowed to use this proxy, sorry.

The owner of this proxy has restricted which users are allowed to use it. Based on your IP address, you are not an authorized user. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Proxy cannot loop back through itself

Proxy cannot loop back through itself

The URL you tried to access would cause this proxy to access itself, which is redundant and probably a waste of resources. The owner of this proxy has configured it to disallow such looping.

Rather than telling the proxy to access the proxy to access the desired resource, try telling the proxy to access the resource directly. The link below may do this.

EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $URL, $URL) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Retrieval of secure URLs through a non-secure proxy is forbidden.

Retrieval of secure URLs through a non-secure proxy is forbidden.

This proxy is running on a non-secure server, which means that retrieval of pages from secure servers is not permitted. The danger is that the user and the end server may believe they have a secure connection between them, while in fact the link between the user and this proxy is insecure and eavesdropping may occur. That's why we have secure servers, after all.

This proxy must run on a secure server before being allowed to retrieve pages from other secure servers. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Script content blocked

Script content blocked

The resource you requested (or were redirected to without your knowledge) is apparently an executable script. Such resources have been blocked by this proxy, presumably for your own protection.

Even if you're sure you want the script, you can't get it through this proxy the way it's configured. If permitted, try browsing through this proxy without removing scripts. Otherwise, you'll need to reconfigure the proxy or find another way to get the resource. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Proxy cannot forward non-text files

Proxy cannot forward non-text files

Due to bandwidth limitations, the owner of this particular proxy is forwarding only text files. For best results, turn off automatic image loading if your browser lets you.

If you need access to images or other binary data, route your browser through another proxy (or install one yourself-- it's easy). EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $homepage) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Page uses UTF-16 encoding, which is unsupported by this version of Perl

Page uses UTF-16 encoding, which is unsupported by this version of Perl

The page you requested appears to be in Unicode's UTF-16 format. This is not supported by the version of Perl running on this server (more exactly, the "Encode" Perl module could not be found).

To support UTF-16, please upgrade to Perl version 5.8.0 or later. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < Page has malformed Unicode

Page has malformed Unicode

This page says it's using the charset "%s", but the content could not be correctly decoded as that charset. Please notify the owner of the page in question. EOR $response= sprintf($response, $dir, $charset) . footer() ; eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < $title $title

$msg EOR eval { $response= encode('utf-8', $response) } ; my $cl= length($response) ; print $STDOUT < blocks, which # browsers try to work around. :P For now, remove one-line HTML # comments and declarations from the start of a script block. 1 while ($$inr=~ s/^\s*(?:\s*)+// or $$inr=~ s/^\s*(?:\s*)+// ) ; # MSIE fails when uncommented "-->" is encountered in the middle of a # script, like when we insert "_proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers()" at # the end. Thus, remove leading "". # Also remove the remainder of the first line after the "\s*$/$1/s ; my $inp= ref($inr) eq 'ARRAY' ? $inr : parse_js($inr) ; return undef unless defined $inp ; # Slight hack-- !$flush_after goes to $is_sublist, which determines # whether the call to _proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers() is appended. # Related hack-- shift leading whitespace element from @$inp if we're # not going to do it in proxify_parsed_js() . shift(@$inp) if !$flush_after ; my $out= proxify_parsed_js($inp, !$flush_after) ; return unless defined $out ; return unparse_js($out) ; } # Takes a parsed JS list structure, and returns a similar structure. # Note that result structure may not be fully parsed-- it's just meant to be # concatenated into a string. # Also note that the input structure may be modified-- make deep copy first if # this is unwanted. sub proxify_parsed_js { my($in, $is_sublist, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func)= @_ ; # note that @$in may be modified $with_level||= 0 ; $in_new_statement||= 0 ; my($i, $j, $token, $prefix, $o, $p, $new_val, $rval, $start, $end, $with_obj, $code, $block, $expr, $varname, $next_statement, $next_is_paren, $constructor, $sub_expr, $temp) ; my $ret= [] ; my $term_so_far= [] ; if (!$is_sublist) { # $does_write has to be communicated out of nested calls, so it's a global. # Kind of hacky. $does_write= 0 ; # Copy through initial skippable text. push(@$ret, shift(@$in)) ; } # Main loop through the list @$in of input elements. ELEMENT: for ($i= 0 ; ; $i+= 2) { # Test here in case we get here via redo last if $i>$#$in ; # For a sublist, recurse. if (ref($in->[$i])) { push(@$ret, proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func)) ; } else { $token= $in->[$i] ; # Handle cases depending on value of $token. # Numeric literal, string literal, or regex literal. if ($token=~ m#^(?:['"\d]|\.\d|/..)#) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [$token, $in->[$i+1]] ; } elsif ($token eq '(') { $does_write= 1 ; # any function call could do a write() push(@$term_so_far, '(', $in->[$i+1], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+2], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), ')', $in->[$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; redo ELEMENT ; # For "[", get inside brackets, proxify, and pass parenthesized as # second parameter to _proxy_jslib_handle(). Or, start new term # if it looks like an array literal instead. } elsif ($token eq '[') { if (@{$in->[$i+2]}==2 and $in->[$i+2][0]=~ /^\d+$/) { push(@$term_so_far, '[', @$in[$i+1..$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; redo ELEMENT ; } else { $sub_expr= proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+2], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; $next_is_paren= $in->[$i+6] eq '(' ? 1 : 0 ; $i+= 6 ; if (@$term_so_far) { if ($prefix ne '') { $term_so_far= [ " _proxy_jslib_assign('$prefix', (", $term_so_far, '), (', $sub_expr, '), "", "")' ] ; $prefix= '' ; } elsif ($in->[$i]=~ /^(?:\+\+|--)$/ and !($in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR)) { $term_so_far= [ ' _proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', (', $term_so_far, '), (', $sub_expr, "), '$in->[$i]', '')" ] ; $i+= 2 ; } elsif ($in->[$i]=~ /^(?:>>>=|<<=|>>=|[+*\/%&|^-]?=)$/) { $end= find_expression_end($in, $i+2) ; $term_so_far= [ ' _proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', (', $term_so_far, '), (', $sub_expr, "), '$in->[$i]', (", $in->[$i+1], proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+2..$end-2] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), '))', $in->[$end-1] ] ; $i= $end ; } else { $term_so_far= [ '_proxy_jslib_handle((', $term_so_far, '), (', $sub_expr, '), "", ', $next_is_paren, ", $in_new_statement)", $in->[$i-1] ] ; } } else { $term_so_far= [ '[', $sub_expr, ']', $in->[$i-1] ] ; } redo ELEMENT ; } # For "{", if it looks like an object literal, start new term. How do # we distinguish {foo:bar} between an object literal and a block starting # with a label? Guess: If the previous token was a punctuator but # not ")", or was one of these keywords, or if there's no previous # token, then assume it's an object literal. Not perfect. # Ugh. } elsif ($token eq '{' and !@$term_so_far and (!@{$in->[$i+2]} or ($in->[$i+2][2] eq ':' and $in->[$i+2][0]=~ /^(?:$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START|['"\d]|\.\d)/o) ) and ($i<2 or $in->[$i-2]=~ /^(?!\))$RE_JS_PUNCTUATOR$/o or $in->[$i-2]=~ /^(?:case|delete|in|instanceof|new|return|throw|typeof)$/) ) { $term_so_far= [ '{', $in->[$i+1] ] ; $block= $in->[$i+2] ; if (@$block) { # {} block is not empty $end= find_expression_end($block, 4) ; push(@$term_so_far, @$block[0..3], proxify_parsed_js([ @$block[4..$end-2] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), $block->[$end-1]) ; while ($block->[$end] eq ',') { push(@$term_so_far, ',', $block->[$end+1]) ; # Illegal, but some sites end object literal with extra ",". last if $end+2 >= @$block ; return undef unless $block->[$end+4] eq ':' and $block->[$end+2]=~ /^(?:$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START|['"\d]|\.\d)/o ; $block->[$end+2]=~ s/^_proxy(\d*)_/'_proxy'.($1+1).'_'/e ; push(@$term_so_far, @$block[$end+2..$end+5]) ; $end+= 6 ; $start= $end ; $end= find_expression_end($block, $end) ; push(@$term_so_far, proxify_parsed_js([ @$block[$start..$end-2] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), $block->[$end-1]) ; } } push(@$term_so_far, '}', $in->[$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif ($token eq '.') { # Block below handling many properties relies on "." and its # following skippable text being the last two items in @$term_so_far . push(@$term_so_far, '.', $in->[$i+1]) ; # These reserved words must have their following parenthesized # expression read, or else it could be confused with the start of a # term. "catch" and "function" also use parentheses, but those are # argument lists and shouldn't be proxified; they're handled below. # "with" blocks are more problematic and are also handled below. } elsif ($token eq 'if' or $token eq 'while' or $token eq 'switch') { return undef unless $in->[$i+2] eq '(' and $in->[$i+6] eq ')' ; push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, @$in[$i+1..$i+3], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), ')', $in->[$i+7]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 8 ; redo ELEMENT ; # Comments above "if|switch|while" apply to "for" too. # Must handle e.g. "for (a[b] in c)..." -- very messy. } elsif ($token eq 'for') { return undef unless $in->[$i+2] eq '(' and $in->[$i+6] eq ')' ; push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; # Normal, non-weird for(;;) loop. if (grep { $_ eq ';' } @{$in->[$i+4]}) { push(@$ret, '(', $in->[$i+3], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), ')', $in->[$i+7]) ; $i+= 8 ; # for(expr in b) } else { # Normal, non-weird for(a in b) or for(var a in b) loop. if ($in->[$i+4][0] eq 'var' or ($in->[$i+4][2] eq 'in' and $in->[$i+4][0]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o)) { push(@$ret, '(', $in->[$i+3], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), ')', $in->[$i+7]) ; $i+= 8 ; # This is rare case of for(expr in ...) where expr isn't a simple identifier. } else { ($o, $p, $j)= get_next_js_term($in->[$i+4], 0) ; return undef unless $p ne '' and $in->[$i+4][$j] eq 'in' ; $temp= $in->[$i+4] ; # for avoiding syntax error $rval= proxify_parsed_js([ @$temp[$j+2..$#$temp] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; $temp= '_proxy_jslib_temp' . $temp_counter++ ; # Handle either following block or following statement. # Note that @$ret is no longer a well-structured parsed JS # list, not by far, but all we need to do is concatenate # it at the end. if ($in->[$i+8] eq '{') { return undef unless $in->[$i+12] eq '}' ; my $block= proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+10], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; unshift(@$block, '_proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', (', proxify_parsed_js($o, 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), '), (', proxify_parsed_js([$p], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), '=', $temp) ;" ) ; push(@$ret, "(var $temp in ", $rval, ') {', $block, '}') ; $i+= 14 ; } else { # Find end of statement, accounting for semicolon insertion. $end= find_expression_end($in, $i+8, 1) ; $next_statement= proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+8..$end-1] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; push(@$ret, "(var $temp in ", $rval, ') { _proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', (', proxify_parsed_js($o, 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), '), (', proxify_parsed_js([$p], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), '=', $temp) ;", $next_statement, ' ; }' ) ; $i= $end ; } } } redo ELEMENT ; # Parentheses' contents after "catch" and "function" shouldn't be proxified. # Contrary to the spec, MSIE allows function identifiers to be object # properties in dot notation, so allow "identifier(.identifier)*" . } elsif ($token eq 'function') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 2 ; if ($in->[$i] ne '(') { return undef unless $in->[$i]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o ; $in->[$i]=~ s/^_proxy(\d*)_/ '_proxy' . ($1+1) . '_' /e ; push(@$ret, @$in[$i..$i+1]) ; $i+= 2 ; while ($in->[$i] eq '.') { return undef unless $in->[$i+2]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o ; $in->[$i+2]=~ s/^_proxy(\d*)_/ '_proxy' . ($1+1) . '_' /e ; push(@$ret, @$in[$i..$i+3]) ; $i+= 4 ; } } return undef unless $in->[$i] eq '(' and $in->[$i+6] eq '{' ; push(@$ret, @$in[$i..$i+7], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+8], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, 1), '}', $in->[$i+11]) ; $i+= 12 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif ($token eq 'catch') { return undef unless $in->[$i+2] eq '(' ; push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, @$in[$i+1..$i+7]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 8 ; redo ELEMENT ; # Handle "var" specially to avoid failing on e.g. "var open= 1 ;" . # "var ... in ..." clauses are handled by matching either "=" or "in" # after the identifier name. } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:var|let)$/) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 2 ; while (1) { return undef unless $in->[$i]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o ; $end= $i+2 ; # Ugly hack to handle e.g. "var foo= function() {...}\n stmt2" . my $done ; if (($in->[$i+2] eq '=' or $in->[$i+2] eq 'in') and $in->[$i+4] eq 'function') { $end+= 2 while $end<@$in and $in->[$end] ne '(' ; # get to "(" $end+= 12 ; # token after closing "}" $done= 1 unless $in->[$end] eq '(' or $in->[$end] eq '[' ; } if (!$done) { $end= find_expression_end($in, $end) ; } $varname= $in->[$i] ; $varname=~ s/^_proxy(\d*)_/ '_proxy' . ($1+1) . '_' /e ; push(@$ret, $varname, $in->[$i+1]) ; if ($in->[$i+2] eq '=' or $in->[$i+2] eq 'in') { push(@$ret, @$in[$i+2..$i+3], proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+4..$end-1] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement) ) ; } $i= $end, last unless $in->[$end] eq ',' ; push(@$ret, ',', $in->[$end+1]) ; $i= $end+2 ; } redo ELEMENT ; # "new" needs special handling because its expression may be # treated differently than normal expressions, regarding parentheses # and what the object is that "new" takes as its constructor-- it # seems to take the leading part of the expression *without* the # parentheses and argument list. This causes problems with our # transformation to "_proxy_jslib_handle()" etc., so use # _proxy_jslib_new() to tell "new" exactly what to use for it. } elsif ($token eq 'new') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; my $oclass ; # We would pass "new identifier;" unchanged for efficiency, but # we need to handle things like "a= XMLHttpRequest; b= new a;" , # so we proxify all "new" statements except "new function..." . # Make exception for "new function() {...}" . if ($in->[$i+2] eq 'function') { return undef unless $in->[$i+4] eq '(' and $in->[$i+8] eq ')' and $in->[$i+10] eq '{' ; $term_so_far= [ @$in[$i..$i+11], proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+12], 1, $with_level, 0, 1), '}', $in->[$i+15] ] ; $i+= 16 ; redo ELEMENT ; # Transform "new" statement to call to _proxy_jslib_new() . # Unfortunately, we have to specially handle all "new expr(...)", # since any expr could evaluate to a type that needs to be # proxified, e.g. "a= Function ; new a(...) ;" . Or even just # something like "new window.self.Function(...)" . # Also note that a class in one window is not equal to the same # class in another window, so we must compare the string constructor # name in _proxy_jslib_new() . # As an optimization, $oclass is set iff $constructor is a single identifier. } else { # First, extract $constructor from @$in . if ($next_is_paren= $in->[$i+2] eq '(') { $constructor= $in->[$i+4] ; $i+= 8 ; } elsif ($in->[$i+2]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o) { $constructor= [ @$in[$i+2..$i+3] ] ; $oclass= $in->[$i+2] ; $i+= 4 ; } elsif ($in->[$i+2] eq '[') { $constructor= [ @$in[$i+2..$i+7] ] ; $i+= 8 ; } else { return undef ; } while (1) { if ($in->[$i] eq '.') { return undef unless $in->[$i+2]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o ; push(@$constructor, @$in[$i..$i+3]) ; $i+= 4 ; $oclass= '' ; } elsif ($in->[$i] eq '[') { push(@$constructor, @$in[$i..$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; $oclass= '' ; } else { last ; } } $constructor= proxify_parsed_js($constructor, 1, $with_level, !$next_is_paren) ; # If followed by arguments, use different call to _proxy_jslib_new() . if ($in->[$i] ne '(') { push(@$term_so_far, '_proxy_jslib_new(', $constructor, ", '$oclass')", $in->[$i-1]) ; } elsif (!@{$in->[$i+2]}) { # parens but no arguments-- remove parens push(@$term_so_far, '_proxy_jslib_new(', $constructor, ", '$oclass')", $in->[$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; } else { # followed by argument list push(@$term_so_far, '_proxy_jslib_new((', $constructor, "), '$oclass', ", proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+2], 1, $with_level, 0), ')', $in->[$i+5]) ; $i+= 6 ; } redo ELEMENT ; } # Only bother with this if call to _proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers() must # be inserted, i.e. if not in a function. } elsif (!$in_func and $token eq 'return') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; # Allow commas, but not semicolons. $end= find_expression_end($in, $i+2, 1) ; $expr= proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+2..$end-1] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; $expr= unparse_js($expr) ; $expr= 'void 0' if $expr eq '' ; push(@$ret, 'return ((_proxy_jslib_ret= (', $expr, ')), _proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers(), _proxy_jslib_ret)') ; $i= $end ; redo ELEMENT ; # Must handle possible label after these. } elsif ($token eq 'break' or $token eq 'continue') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 2 ; push(@$ret, @$in[$i..$i+1]), $i+= 2 if $in->[$i]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o and !($in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR) ; redo ELEMENT ; # ++, --, and delete . # Use this simplification: ++/-- is post- if there's a term so far # and not a newline since the last token, and pre- otherwise. # Pre- operators become the "prefix" parameter in the call to # _proxy_jslib_assign(); with post- operators, $prefix and # $term_so_far are pushed onto @out, then the operator itself. # Note that $term_so_far may have already been transformed during # the processing of a previous token. # Handle case when parentheses surround the term, e.g. "delete(a.b)" . } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:\+\+|--|delete)$/) { if ($token eq '--' and $in->[$i+2] eq '>' and $in->[$i+1] eq '') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, '-->', $in->[$i+3]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 4 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif (@$term_so_far and !($i>0 and $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR)) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; } else { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; ($o, $p, $j)= get_next_js_term($in, $i+2) ; return undef unless $p ne '' ; if (@$o) { push(@$ret, " _proxy_jslib_assign('$token', (", proxify_parsed_js($o, 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), (", proxify_parsed_js([$p], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), '')", $in->[$j-1] ) ; } else { # Note that $p is guaranteed to be a quoted identifier here. $p=~ s/^'|'$//g ; if ($token eq 'delete') { push(@$ret, "delete $p", $in->[$j-1]) ; } elsif ($p eq 'location') { push(@$ret, "(location= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('$token', 'location', '', '', (typeof location=='undefined' ? void 0 : location)))", $in->[$i+1], $in->[$j-1]) ; } else { push(@$ret, $token, $in->[$i+1], $p, $in->[$j-1]) ; } } $i= $j ; redo ELEMENT ; } # eval() is a special case. It should normally be followed by a # parenthesis, in which case we transform "eval(expr)" into # "eval(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js(expr))". # If it's not followed by a parenthesis, then that means the code # is probably trying to assign something to the eval function itself. # By spec, this may be treated as an error. We handle it in the # next block using _proxy_jslib_handle(), though imperfectly (e.g. # when eval is replaced by a function, local variables are no longer # in scope). # When its argument is not a primitive string, eval() returns its # argument unchanged, which mucks this code up a bit. As an imperfect # solution, this is handled in _proxy_jslib_proxify_js(), by having it # return its argument unchanged if it's not a string. } elsif ($token eq 'eval' and $in->[$i+2] eq '(') { # Last item is skippable. my $has_dot= (@$term_so_far>=2 and $term_so_far->[$#$term_so_far-1] eq '.') ; $term_so_far= [ ($has_dot ? ( '(_proxy_jslib_eval_ok ? ', $term_so_far, 'eval(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js((', proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), 0, $with_level) ) : _proxy_jslib_throw_csp_error('disallowed eval') )" ) : ( $term_so_far, '(_proxy_jslib_eval_ok ? eval(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js((', proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), "), 0, $with_level) ) : _proxy_jslib_throw_csp_error('disallowed eval') )" ) ), $in->[$i+7] ] ; return undef unless $in->[$i+6] eq ')' ; $i+= 8 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:LoadMovie|String|URL|action|addImport|appendChild|assign|background|backgroundImage|baseURI|body|cite|close|codeBase|content|cookie|createElement|cssText|currentSrc|cursor|data|domain|eval|execCommand|execScript|formAction|frames|getAttribute|getElementById|getElementsByTagName|getPropertyValue|host|hostname|href|innerHTML|insertAdjacentHTML|insertBefore|insertRule|listStyleImage|load|localStorage|location|longDesc|lowsrc|navigate|navigator|newURL|nodeValue|oldURL|open|opener|origin|outerHTML|outerText|parent|parentNode|pathname|port|postMessage|poster|profile|protocol|pushState|querySelector|querySelectorAll|referrer|removeChild|replaceChild|replaceState|responseURL|search|send|sessionStorage|setAttribute|setAttributeNode|setInterval|setNamedItem|setProperty|setRequestHeader|setStringValue|setTimeout|showModalDialog|showModelessDialog|src|srcset|text|textContent|toString|top|url|useMap|value|withCredentials|write|writeln)$/) { $does_write||= $token=~ /^(?:write|writeln|eval)$/ ; # Handle automatic semicolon insertion. if ($i>=2 and $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR and !ref($in->[$i-2]) and $in->[$i-2]=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\+\+|--)$| ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|typeof|void|function|var)$) (?:[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..|\pL)#x ) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; } # Remove "." and possible trailing white space from $term_so_far. my $had_dot= (@$term_so_far>=2 and $term_so_far->[$#$term_so_far-1] eq '.') ; # last item is skippable $#$term_so_far-= 2 if $had_dot ; # Transform to either _proxy_jslib_handle() or _proxy_jslib_assign() call. # Avoid modifying label names. if (!$had_dot and !@$term_so_far and $in->[$i+2] eq ':' and ($i<2 or ($in->[$i-2] eq ';' or $in->[$i-2] eq '}' or $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR)) and $token!~ /^(?:location|open|setInterval|setTimeout|frames|parent|top|opener|execScript|navigate|navigator|showModalDialog|showModelessDialog|parentWindow|String)$/) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1], ':', $in->[$i+3]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; $i+= 4 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif (!$had_dot and !@$term_so_far and $i>=2 and ($in->[$i-2] eq 'break' or $in->[$i-2] eq 'continue') and $in->[$i-1]!~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR and $token!~ /^(?:location|open|setInterval|setTimeout|frames|parent|top|opener|execScript|navigate|navigator|showModalDialog|showModelessDialog|parentWindow|String)$/ ) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; # Avoid modifying property names in object literals, which # are preceded by "{" or "," and followed by ":" . } elsif ($i>2 and ($in->[$i-2] eq '{' or $in->[$i-2] eq ',') and $in->[$i+2] eq ':') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1], ':', $in->[$i+3]) ; $i+= 4 ; redo ELEMENT ; # Avoid proxifying "String" if it's not followed by "(", to allow # static method calls to pass unchanged. } elsif ($token eq 'String' and $in->[$i+2] ne '(') { push(@$term_so_far, '.', '') if $had_dot ; push(@$term_so_far, 'String', $in->[$i+1]) ; } elsif ($prefix ne '') { if (!@$term_so_far) { push(@$ret, ($with_level ? " $token= _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '$prefix', '$token', '', '', $token)" : " $token= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('$prefix', '$token', '', '', (typeof $token=='undefined' ? void 0 : $token))" ) ) ; } else { $term_so_far= [" _proxy_jslib_assign('$prefix', ", $term_so_far, ", '$token', '', '')"] ; } $prefix= '' ; } elsif (($in->[$i+2] eq '++' or $in->[$i+2] eq '--') and !($in->[$i+1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR)) { if (!@$term_so_far) { push(@$ret, ($with_level ? " $token= _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '', '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', '', $token)" : " $token= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('', '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', '', (typeof $token=='undefined' ? void 0 : $token))") ) ; } else { $term_so_far= [' _proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', ', $term_so_far, ", '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', '')"] ; } $i+= 4 ; redo ELEMENT ; } elsif ($in->[$i+2]=~ /^(?:>>>=|<<=|>>=|[+*\/%&|^-]?=)$/) { # Find end of expression, accounting for semicolon insertion. $end= find_expression_end($in, $i+4) ; $new_val= proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+4..$end-2] ], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; if (!@$term_so_far) { push(@$ret, $with_level ? (" $token= _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '', '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', (", $new_val, "), $token)", $in->[$end-1]) : (" $token= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('', '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', (", $new_val, "), (typeof $token=='undefined' ? void 0 : $token))" ), $in->[$end-1] ) ; } else { $term_so_far= [' _proxy_jslib_assign(\'\', ', $term_so_far, ", '$token', '$in->[$i+2]', (", $in->[$i+3], $new_val, "))", $in->[$end-1]] ; } $i= $end ; redo ELEMENT ; # Pass object and name of property. Only pass property's value # if object is null, in which case it is needed for return value. } else { $next_is_paren= $in->[$i+2] eq '(' ? 1 : 0 ; if (!@$term_so_far) { $term_so_far= [ ($with_level ? " _proxy_jslib_with_handle(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '$token', $token, $next_is_paren, $in_new_statement)" : " _proxy_jslib_handle(null, '$token', $token, $next_is_paren, $in_new_statement)" ), $in->[$i+1]] ; } else { $term_so_far= [ ' _proxy_jslib_handle(', $term_so_far, ", '$token', void 0, $next_is_paren, $in_new_statement)", $in->[$i+1]] ; } } # These eight arrays of the document object must have all subscripts # incremented by the number of each type of element in the inserted # HTML, so that the subscripts still refer to the intended page # elements. # Here we assume the referring object is a document and don't check. # Also, it may refer to other documents' elements, but those also # will probably need their subscripts incremented, so it's OK. # This is normally only needed for sloppy JS. Better HTML/JS uses named # elements, but some pages just use integer subscripts. # This errs when a non-numeric subscript is used that evaluates to a # number. It doesn't open a privacy hole. If needed, we can revisit # this. } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:anchors|applets|embeds|forms|ids|images|layers|links)$/) { if (@$term_so_far and $in->[$i+2] eq '[' and @{$in->[$i+4]}==2 and $in->[$i+4][0]=~ /^\d+$/) { push(@$term_so_far, $token, @$in[$i+1..$i+3], "_proxy_jslib_increments['$token']+(", '', proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement, $in_func), '', ')]', '') ; $i+= 8 ; redo ELEMENT ; } else { push(@$term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; } # This is all reserved words except "this", "super", "true", "false", # and "null", which may be part of an object expression. (Also # missing are the nine reserved words handled directly above.) } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:abstract|boolean|byte|case|char|class|const|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|final|finally|float|goto|implements|in|instanceof|int|interface|long|native|package|private|protected|return|short|static|synchronized|throw|throws|transient|try|typeof|void|volatile)$/) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1] || ' ') ; # guarantee whitespace after $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; # Supporting the deprecated with() statement is messy. It requires # maintaining a list of "with objects" in _proxy_jslib_with_objs; each # with() statement appends its object to the end of that array, then # truncates the array when it's done. That _proxy_jslib_with_objs is # declared and initialized if needed before the outermost with() # statement. Additionally, we must surround it all with "{}" in # case it's in e.g. an if/else statement. # Putting that all together means we change "with (with_obj) code" to: # "{ var _proxy_jslib_with_objs= [] ; # with (_proxy_jslib_with_objs[_proxy_jslib_with_objs.length]= (" # . &proxify_js($with_obj, 0, $with_level) . ")) " # . &proxify_js($code, 0, $with_level+1) # . "_proxy_jslib_with_objs.length-- ;}" # Note that objects in proxy_jslib_with_objs increase in precedence, # so that array is traversed backwards in the related JS routines # _proxy_jslib_with_handle() and _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(). } elsif ($token eq 'with') { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; return undef unless $in->[$i+2] eq '(' and $in->[$i+6]= ')' ; $with_obj= proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+4], 1, $with_level, $in_new_statement) ; if ($in->[$i+8] eq '{') { $code= proxify_parsed_js($in->[$i+10], 1, $with_level+1, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; push(@$ret, '{', ($with_level ? 'with' : 'var _proxy_jslib_with_objs= [] ; with'), $in->[$i+1], '(_proxy_jslib_with_objs[_proxy_jslib_with_objs.length]= (', $with_obj, '))', $in->[$in+7], '{', $in->[$i+9], $code, $in->[$i+11], '}; _proxy_jslib_with_objs.length-- ;}', $in->[$i+13]) ; $i+= 14 ; } else { $end= find_expression_end($in, $i+8, 1) ; $code= proxify_parsed_js([ @$in[$i+8..$end-1] ], 1, $with_level+1, $in_new_statement, $in_func) ; push(@$ret, '{', ($with_level ? 'with' : 'var _proxy_jslib_with_objs= [] ; with'), $in->[$i+1], '(_proxy_jslib_with_objs[_proxy_jslib_with_objs.length]= (', $with_obj, '))', $in->[$in+7], '{', $code, '}; _proxy_jslib_with_objs.length-- ;}') ; $i= $end ; } redo ELEMENT ; # This handles identifiers and a certain few reserved words, above. # Most reserved words must be handled separately from identifiers, or # else there may be syntatic ambiguities, e.g. "if (foo) (...)". } elsif ($token=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o) { $token=~ s/^_proxy(\d*)_/'_proxy'.($1+1).'_'/e ; if ($i>=2 and $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR #and $in->[$i-2]=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\+\+|--)$| and $in->[$i-2]=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\}|\+\+|--)$| ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|typeof|void|function|var)$) (?:[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..|\pL)#x ) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [ $token, $in->[$i+1] ] ; } else { push(@$term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; } # All other punctuators end a term. } elsif ($token=~ /^(?:$RE_JS_PUNCTUATOR|$RE_JS_DIV_PUNCTUATOR)$/o) { push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far, $token, $in->[$i+1]) ; $prefix= '' ; $term_so_far= [] ; } else { &HTMLdie(["Shouldn't get here, token= [%s]", $token]) if defined $token ; } } } push(@$ret, $prefix, $term_so_far) ; # If there's been a write or writeln, then insert a call to flush the # output buffer. A similar call is inserted into every appropriate # "return" statement; see handling of that above. push(@$ret, " ;\n_proxy_jslib_flush_write_buffers() ;") if !$is_sublist and $does_write ; return $ret ; } # Given a parsed JS structure and a starting index, find the end of the # next valid JS expression or statement. sub find_expression_end { my($in, $i, $comma_ok)= @_ ; while ($i<@$in and $in->[$i] ne ';' and ($comma_ok or $in->[$i] ne ',')) { if ($in->[$i] eq 'function') { $i+= 2 while $i<@$in and $in->[$i] ne '(' ; # get to "(" $i+= 12 ; # token after closing "}" $i+= 6 while $in->[$i] eq '(' or $in->[$i] eq '[' ; last if $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR ; # jsm-- not sure about this-- must test! next ; } # Handle automatic semicolon insertion. last if $in->[$i-1]=~ $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR and $in->[$i-2]=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\+\+|--)$| ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|typeof|void|function|var)$) (?:[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..|\pL)#x ; $i+= 2 ; } return $i ; } # Concatenates a parsed JS structure into a string. # Clobbers its input. Make a deep copy first if this is unwanted. sub unparse_js { grep { ref and $_= unparse_js($_) } @{$_[0]} ; return join('', @{$_[0]}) ; } # Given a parsed JS structure and starting index, return the next JavaScript # term in it, split up into the leading object and the final property (either # the entire contents between "[]" or a quoted identifier). # The return value is a 3-item list consisting of the object as a JS structure, # the final property as a string, and the index in the parsed structure of # the item after the object and property. # On error, return undef. # Note that if $o is empty, then $p is guaranteed to be a quoted identifier. sub get_next_js_term { my($in, $i, $must_consume_all)= @_ ; my(@o, $p, @ofrag) ; if ($in->[$i] eq '(') { my($o2, $p2, $i2)= get_next_js_term($in->[$i+2], 0, 1) ; return undef if $must_consume_all and $i2 != @{$in->[$i+2]} ; return ($o2, $p2, $i+6) ; } elsif ($in->[$i]=~ /^[\[\{]$/) { @ofrag= @$in[$i..$i+5] ; $i+= 6 ; } elsif (!ref($in->[$i]) and $in->[$i]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o) { $p= "'$in->[$i]'" ; @ofrag= @$in[$i, $i+1] ; $i+= 2 ; } else { return undef ; } while ($i<@$in and $in->[$i]=~ /^[\.\(\[]$/) { push(@o, @ofrag) ; if ($in->[$i] eq '.') { return undef unless !ref($in->[$i+2]) and $in->[$i+2]=~ /^$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_START/o ; $p= "'$in->[$i+2]'" ; @ofrag= @$in[$i..$i+3] ; $i+= 4 ; } elsif ($in->[$i] eq '[') { return undef unless $in->[$i+4] eq ']' ; $p= $in->[$i+2] ; @ofrag= @$in[$i..$i+5] ; $i+= 6 ; } elsif ($in->[$i] eq '(') { return undef unless $in->[$i+4] eq ')' ; $p= '' ; @ofrag= @$in[$i..$i+5] ; $i+= 6 ; } } return (\@o, $p, $i) ; } # This parses a string of JavaScript into a structure. If a closing # parenthesis is found, parsing stops and the result is returned. # $in is a reference to a JS string scalar. # The result is a reference to a list consisting of alternating tokens and # skippable text (i.e. whitespace and comments), where an item after one of # ([{ is instead a reference to a similar sub-list. There is an initial # skippable value before the first token, but only if not $is_substring. # For example, "if (a>b) { max= a }" parses into: # [ "", "if", " ", "(", "" # [ "a", "", ">", "", "b", "" ], "" # ")", " ", "{", " ", # [ "max", "", "=", " ", "a", " " ], "", # "}", "" # ] # # Ensuring pairs of values this way lets us quickly step through the tokens. # Note that most large JS libraries will have most skippable text removed. sub parse_js { my($in, $is_substring, $after_qm)= @_ ; my($ret, $div_ok, $token, $closequote1, $closequote2) ; # Initialize $ret-- if top level, include possible initial skippable text. $ret= $is_substring ? [] : [scalar ($$in=~ /\G($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco, $1)] ; while ($div_ok ? $$in=~ /\G$RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_DIV/gco : $$in=~ /\G$RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_REG_EXP/gco) { ($token, $closequote1, $closequote2)= ($1, $2, $3) ; # To work around Perl's long-string-literal bug, read in rest of # string literal if needed. if (!$closequote1 and !$closequote2 and $token=~ /^['"]/) { eval { return undef unless &get_string_literal_remainder($in, \$token) } ; return undef if $@ ; } # Return $ret on )]} -- note that closing bracket is at end of returned # list, with no skippable item after. push(@$ret, $token), return $ret if $token eq ')' or $token eq ']' or $token eq '}' or ($after_qm and $token eq ':') ; # Add token and skippable text to @$ret . $$in=~ /\G($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco ; push(@$ret, $token, $1) ; # For ([{ , recurse for next item, then pop off closing bracket after. if ($token eq '(' or $token eq '[' or $token eq '{') { my $inside= parse_js($in, 1) ; return undef unless defined $inside ; # found syntax error $$in=~ /\G($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco ; push(@$ret, $inside, '', pop(@$inside), $1) ; # Let's pretend $div_ok=0 after all {} -- probably close enough to always $div_ok= $token ne '{' ; # we're after closing bracket (unnecessary but faster) # For "?", recurse for next item, then pop off closing ":" after. # We do this to handle cases like "a[b]= c ? d[e]=f : g" . } elsif ($token eq '?') { my $inside= parse_js($in, 1, 1) ; return undef unless defined $inside ; # found syntax error $$in=~ /\G($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco ; push(@$ret, $inside, '', pop(@$inside), $1) ; $div_ok= 0 ; # we're after closing ':' (unnecessary but faster) # For any of these keywords, explicitly read following parens and contents # and set $div_ok=0 . } elsif ($token eq 'if' or $token eq 'while' or $token eq 'for' or $token eq 'switch') { return undef unless $$in=~ /\G\(($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco ; push(@$ret, '(', $1) ; my $inside= parse_js($in, 1) ; return undef unless defined $inside ; # found syntax error $$in=~ /\G($RE_JS_SKIP*)/gco ; push(@$ret, $inside, '', pop(@$inside), $1) ; $div_ok= 0 ; # exception to close-parenthesis meaning div_ok==1 } else { $div_ok= ($token eq '++' or $token eq '--' # we already know it's not one of )]} or ($token ne 'case' and $token ne 'delete' and $token ne 'do' and $token ne 'else' and $token ne 'in' and $token ne 'instanceof' and $token ne 'new' and $token ne 'return' and $token ne 'throw' and $token ne 'typeof' and $token ne 'void' and $token=~ m#^(?:[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..|\pL)#) ) ; } # $div_ok= $token=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\}|\+\+|--)$| # ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|return|throw|typeof|void)$) # (?:\pL|[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..)#x # unless defined $div_ok ; } return $is_substring ? undef : $ret ; } # [ get_next_js_expr() is a remnant from a previous JavaScript-handling scheme. # It's still used in places for small bits of JS code, so its inefficiency isn't # really a problem. It may be phased out.] # Given a pointer to a string, return the longest complete JavaScript expression # starting at the string match pointer (pos), and update that string pointer. # If $allow_multiple is set, then read multiple expressions/statements as # possible, only ending on an unmatched closing parenthesis (or error). # Otherwise, also end on a top-level comma or semicolon. # We handle a special case here, where we're parsing a "new" statement, as # indicated by $is_new. In this case, we don't include an argument list in # the returned expression, to match what "new" takes as its constructor. # The method here is to read in one token at a time, and compare it to various # possible tokens that could end the expression. For this to work, we need # to keep a stack of various parenthesis characters which may nest; the # expression may only end when the parenthesis stack is empty. Note that # the "?:" characters are treated like parentheses, to handle conditional # expressions. The ":" needs special treatment, because it may also be used # in switch statements, labelled statements, and object literals. # In this routine, all opening parentheses "([{" are treated the same; likewise # for all closing parentheses ")]}". This is a shortcut that works for all # valid JavaScript, but errs on e.g. "( { ) }". A browser wouldn't run that # anyway, so this shortcut seems safe. # This routine is inefficient in that it tokenizes the JavaScript but doesn't # save that effort, thus the expression will require tokenizing again later. # This could be avoided if we had a good way of matching sequences of tokens # (a la regexes) in proxify_js(). sub get_next_js_expr { my($s, $allow_multiple, $is_new)= @_ ; my(@out, @p, $element, $token, $div_ok, $last_token, $pos, $expr_block_state, $closequote1, $closequote2, $conditional_state, $conditional_stack_size) ; while (1) { # Note that these patterns contain an embedded set of parentheses that # only match if the input element is a token. # Correction: Because of Perl's long-string-literal bug, there are two # additional sets of embedded parentheses, which may match /'/ or /"/ . last unless ($div_ok ? $$s=~ /\G($RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_DIV)/gco : $$s=~ /\G($RE_JS_INPUT_ELEMENT_REG_EXP)/gco) ; ($element, $token, $closequote1, $closequote2)= ($1, $2, $3, $4) ; # To work around Perl's long-string-literal bug, read in rest of # string literal if needed. if ($token=~ /^['"]/ && !$closequote1 && !$closequote2) { last unless &get_string_literal_remainder($s, \$token) ; $element= $token ; } # Track state of expression block so far, needed for handling automatic # semicolon insertion (only relevant when not $allow_multiple). # Possible values for $expr_block_state: # 0 -- before main expression block # 1 -- "function" encountered, block not started # 2 -- inside main expression block (function block or object literal) # 3 -- after expression block $expr_block_state= 1 if !$allow_multiple and !@p and $element eq 'function' ; # If $element is either ";" or "," , then end the expression if the # parenthesis stack is empty. Otherwise, continue. if ($element eq ';' or $element eq ',') { pos($$s)-= 1, return join('', @out) if !$allow_multiple and !@p ; # If it's a line terminator, then handle automatic semicolon insertion: # if not allowing multiple statements, if the parenthesis stack is # empty, if the previous token is not acceptable before an identifier # or keyword, and if the next input is an identifier or keyword, then # act as if a semicolon had been encountered, similar to above. # I'm not sure this is rigorous, but it should work for virtually all # real-life situations. Let me know if you find any privacy holes, # or any actual sites it doesn't work with. # Testing the next input for an identifier requires saving and restoring # pos($$s). # Tokens "not acceptable before an identifier or keyword" are identifiers # and most keywords, numeric/string/regex literals, and the punctuators # ")", "]", "++", and "--". As it turns out, this is much the same # regex as used in the setting of $div_ok above and below; the only # difference is four keywords. # For more details, see the ECMAScript spec, section 7.9 . } elsif ($element=~ /^$RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR$/o) { if (!$allow_multiple and !@p) { $pos= pos($$s) ; pos($$s)= $pos-length($element), return join('', @out) if $last_token=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\+\+|--)$| ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|typeof|void|function|var)$) (?:\pL|[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..)#x and $$s=~ /\G$RE_JS_SKIP*$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_NAME/gco ; # Also end on inserted semicolon if just finished a {} block that's an # expression, like a function expression or an object literal, and if # the following token is not acceptable after such an expression. # Tokens acceptable after a noun-like block include all punctuators # except "{", and the keyword "instanceof" (not that all of those make # sense). Be sure not to consume the matching token, by using "(?=...)" . pos($$s)= $pos-length($element), return join('', @out) if $expr_block_state==3 and $$s!~ /\G$RE_JS_SKIP*(?!\{)(?=$RE_JS_PUNCTUATOR|instanceof)/gco ; } # If $element is an opening "parenthesis" (including "?"), then push it # onto the parenthesis stack and continue. } elsif ($element=~ /^[(\[\{\?]$/) { # If we're parsing a "new" statement, then break on top-level "(". pos($$s) -= 1, return join( '', @out ) if $is_new and !@p and $element eq '(' ; $conditional_state= 2 if $conditional_state==1 and $element eq '(' ; # For "{", if it's either a function start or an object literal, # then set $expr_block_state=2 . if (!$allow_multiple and !@p and $element eq '{') { $pos= pos($$s) ; $expr_block_state= 2 if $expr_block_state==1 or $$s=~ /\G$RE_JS_SKIP*((?:$RE_JS_IDENTIFIER_NAME|$RE_JS_STRING_LITERAL|$RE_JS_NUMERIC_LITERAL)$RE_JS_SKIP*:|\})/gco ; pos($$s)= $pos ; } push(@p, $element) ; # If $element is a closing "parenthesis" (including ":"), then end the # expression if the parenthesis stack is empty. Otherwise, pop the # parenthesis stack and continue. # If $element is ":", then only pop the parenthesis stack if the top # item is a "?". This prevents popping when the ":" is not part of # a "?"...":" conditional (like in a switch statement, labelled # statement, or object literal). This is why we store the stack # instead of using a simple counter. } elsif ($element=~ /^[)\]}:]$/) { pos($$s)-= 1, return join('', @out) unless @p ; pop(@p) unless ($element eq ':' and $p[$#p] ne '?') ; $conditional_state= 3 if $conditional_state==2 and $element eq ')' and @p==$conditional_stack_size ; # Update $expr_block_state if we just closed an expression block. $expr_block_state= 3 if !$allow_multiple and !@p and $element eq '}' and $expr_block_state==2 ; } elsif ($element eq 'if' or $element eq 'while' or $element eq 'for' or $element eq 'switch') { $conditional_state= 1 ; $conditional_stack_size= @p ; } # Whatever we got, add it to the output. push(@out, $element) ; # If a token was gotten, then set $div_ok according to the token. # See the comments in proxify_js() for details. if (defined($token)) { $div_ok= $token=~ m#^(?:\)|\]|\}|\+\+|--)$| ^(?!(?:case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|return|throw|typeof|void)$) (?:\pL|[\$_\\0-9'"]|\.\d|/..)#x ; $div_ok= 0, $conditional_state= 0 if $conditional_state==3 ; $last_token= $token ; } } # If we got here, then $$s has no more tokens. Either there's a syntax # error, or the end of the string has been reached. We'll *guess* that # we have a valid expression if the parenthesis stack is empty, and # return it; otherwise, return undef. Either way, the pos($$s) doesn't # change. return @p ? undef : join('', @out) ; } # Given two string pointers, this reads the remainder of a string literal # from the first string onto the end of the second string. # Returns true if string is successfully read, or else throws an # "end_of_input\n" error (to be caught by calling eval{} block). # This is needed to work around Perl's long-string-literal bug, as well as # when "...)" construct) where possible for # speed; also, in some cases it prevents splitting tokens inappropriately. # No-backtracking patterns work here because the parsing and tokenizing is # pretty deterministic (i.e. unambiguous context of each input, which means # no backtracking is needed when parsing). If we go with a more top-down # non-deterministic approach, we'd probably use fewer if any no-backtracking # patterns (though we'd still need to prevent splitting tokens). # When these patterns are used elsewhere, don't forget they're no-backtracking! sub set_RE_JS { # If we decide to support UTF-8, this allows multi-platform compatibility. #eval '/\x{2028}/' ; #my($utf8_OK)= $@ eq '' ; $RE_JS_WHITE_SPACE= qr/[\x09\x0b\x0c \xa0]|\p{Zs}/ ; $RE_JS_LINE_TERMINATOR= qr/[\012\015]/ ; # Note that a single-line comment must not have a backtracking pattern, to # force it to grab all characters up to a line terminator; multi-line # comment must not backtrack either, to prevent it from grabbing beyond # the first "*/". So entire pattern is enclosed in (?>...) . # Technically, a "/*...*/" -style comment that contains a line terminator # should be replaced by a line terminator during parsing, rather than # be discarded entirely. This may become relevant in the future if we # parse syntax more rigorously, handle automatic semicolon insertion, etc. # Browsers also treat "" if (token=='--' && (next_token=='>')) { i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; out.push(term_so_far, '-->') ; term_so_far= '' ; } else if (term_so_far!='' && !newline_since_last_token) { out.push(term_so_far, token) ; term_so_far= '' ; } else { out.push(term_so_far) ; term_so_far= '' ; var start_parens= 0; while (jsin[i_next_token]=='(') { start_parens++; i_jsin= i_next_token+1; while (jsin[i_jsin].skip) i_jsin++; i_next_token= i_jsin; } o_p= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_term(jsin, i_jsin, end) ; if (o_p==void 0) break ; ostart= o_p[0] ; oend= o_p[1] ; pstart= o_p[2] ; pend= o_p[3] ; i_next_token= pend ; while (jsin[i_next_token].skip) i_next_token++ ; while (start_parens) { if (jsin[i_next_token]!=')') break OUTER ; new_last_token= ')' ; start_parens-- ; i_next_token++ ; while (jsin[i_next_token].skip) i_next_token++ ; } if (oend>ostart) { if (pstart>=pend) { p= '' ; out.concat(token, jsin.slice(i_jsin_start, i_next_token)); } else if (jsin[pstart]=='[') { p= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, pstart+1, pend-1, 0, with_level) ; out.push(" _proxy_jslib_assign('" + token + "', (" + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, ostart, oend, 0, with_level) + "), (" + p + "), '')" ) ; } else { out.push(" _proxy_jslib_assign('" + token + "', (" + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, ostart, oend, 0, with_level) + "), '" + jsin[pstart] + "', '')" ) ; // should be single identifier } } else { if (jsin[pstart]=='[') { p= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, pstart+1, pend-1, 0, with_level) ; out.push(" _proxy_jslib_assign('" + token + "', (" + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, ostart, oend, 0, with_level) + "), (" + p + "), '')" ) ; } else { p= jsin[pstart] ; // should be single identifier if (token=='delete') out.push('delete ' + p); else if (p!='location') out.push(token, p) ; else out.push("(" + p + "= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('" + token + "', '" + p + "', '', '', " + "(typeof " + p + "=='undefined' ? void 0 : " + p + ")))") ; } } i_jsin= i_next_token ; } } else if (token=='eval' && (next_token=='(')) { estart= i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; term_so_far= term_so_far.match(RE.DOTSKIPEND) ? '(_proxy_jslib_eval_ok ? ' + term_so_far + 'eval(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js((' + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level) + '), 0, ' + with_level + ') ) : _proxy_jslib_throw_csp_error("bad eval") )' : term_so_far + '(_proxy_jslib_eval_ok ? eval(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js((' + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level) + '), 0, ' + with_level + ') ) : _proxy_jslib_throw_csp_error("bad eval") )' ; // Testing a hash of booleans here doesn't seem to be any faster than // using this long regex, unfortunately. For example: // } else if (RE.SET_TRAPPED_PROPERTIES[token]) { } else if (/^(open|write|writeln|load|eval|setInterval|setTimeout|toString|String|src|currentSrc|href|background|lowsrc|action|formAction|location|poster|data|URL|url|newURL|oldURL|referrer|baseURI|useMap|longDesc|cite|codeBase|profile|cssText|insertRule|setStringValue|setProperty|backgroundImage|content|cursor|listStyleImage|host|hostname|pathname|port|protocol|search|setNamedItem|innerHTML|outerHTML|outerText|body|parentNode|insertAdjacentHTML|setAttribute|setAttributeNode|getAttribute|nodeValue|value|cookie|domain|frames|parent|top|opener|execScript|execCommand|navigate|navigator|showModalDialog|showModelessDialog|addImport|LoadMovie|close|getElementById|getElementsByTagName|appendChild|replaceChild|insertBefore|removeChild|createElement|text|textContent|origin|postMessage|pushState|replaceState|localStorage|sessionStorage|querySelector|querySelectorAll|send|setRequestHeader|withCredentials|responseURL|getPropertyValue|assign)$/.test(token)) { _proxy_jslib_does_write= _proxy_jslib_does_write || (token=='write') || (token=='writeln') || (token=='eval') ; if ( newline_since_last_token && /^(\)|\]|\+\+|\-\-)$|^([a-zA-Z\$\_\\\d'"]|\.\d|\/..)/.test(last_token) && ! /^(case|delete|do|else|in|instanceof|new|typeof|void|function|var)$/.test(last_token) ) { out.push(term_so_far) ; term_so_far= '' ; } var has_dot= term_so_far.match(RE.DOTSKIPEND) ; term_so_far= term_so_far.replace(RE.DOTSKIPEND, '') ; var next_is_paren= (next_token=='(') ? 1 : 0 ; if (/^[\{\,]/.test(last_token) && (next_token==':')) { out.push(term_so_far, token) ; for (i= i_jsin ; i<=i_next_token ; i++) out.push(jsin[i]) ; i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; term_so_far= '' ; new_last_token= ':' ; } else if (token=='String' && !next_is_paren) { if (has_dot) term_so_far+= '.' ; term_so_far+= token; div_ok= 1; } else if ((i_lt==void 0) && (next_token=='++' || next_token=='--')) { op= next_token ; i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; if (term_so_far=='') { out.push(' ', (with_level ? (token+"= _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '', '"+token+"', '"+op+"', '', "+token+")") : (token+"= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('', '"+token+"', '"+op+"', '', (typeof "+token+"=='undefined' ? void 0 : " + token+"))") ) ) ; } else { term_so_far= " _proxy_jslib_assign('', "+term_so_far+", '"+token+"', '"+op+"', '')" ; } new_last_token= ')' ; } else if (next_token && next_token.match(RE.ASSIGNOP)) { op= next_token ; estart= i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 0) ; if (i_jsin==void 0) break ; new_val= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level) ; if (term_so_far=='') { out.push(' ', (with_level ? (token+"= _proxy_jslib_with_assign_rval(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '', '"+token+"', '"+op+"', ("+new_val+"), "+token+")") : (token+"= _proxy_jslib_assign_rval('', '"+token+"', '"+op+"', ("+new_val+"), (typeof "+token+"=='undefined' ? void 0 : " + token+"))") ) ) } else { term_so_far= " _proxy_jslib_assign('', "+term_so_far+", '"+token+"', '"+op+"', ("+new_val+"))" ; } new_last_token= ')' ; } else { if (term_so_far=='') { term_so_far= (with_level ? (" _proxy_jslib_with_handle(_proxy_jslib_with_objs, '"+token+"', "+token+", "+next_is_paren+", "+in_new_statement+")") : (" _proxy_jslib_handle(null, '"+token+"', "+token+", "+next_is_paren+", "+in_new_statement+")") ) ; } else { term_so_far= " _proxy_jslib_handle("+term_so_far+", '"+token+"', '', "+next_is_paren+", "+in_new_statement+")" ; } new_last_token= ')' ; } // Skip these for the JS version-- they require %IN_CUSTOM_INSERTION // etc. and would be rare anyway. Revisit later if needed. //} else if (/^(applets|embeds|forms|ids|layers|anchors|images|links)$/.test(token)) { } else if (/^(if|while|for|switch)$/.test(token)) { if (next_token!='(') break ; out.push(term_so_far, token, '(') ; term_so_far= '' ; estart= i_jsin= ++i_next_token ; if (token!='for') { eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level), ')') ; // Must handle e.g. "for (a[b] in c)..." -- very messy. } else { while (jsin[i_next_token].skip) i_next_token++ ; if (jsin[i_next_token].match(RE.IdentifierName)) { while (jsin[++i_next_token].skip) ; if (jsin[i_next_token]=='in') { // normal for(a in b) eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level), ')') ; } else { // possible for(expr in b), or for(;;) o_p= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_term(jsin, i_jsin, end) ; if (o_p!=void 0) { i_next_token= o_p[3] ; while (jsin[i_next_token].skip) i_next_token++ ; } if (o_p!=void 0 && jsin[i_next_token]=='in') { // for(expr in b) eend= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, ++i_next_token, end, 0) ; if (jsin[eend]!=')') break ; var rval= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, i_next_token, eend, 0, with_level) ; var temp_varname= '_proxy_jslib_temp' + _proxy_jslib_temp_counter++ ; var p_param= jsin[o_p[2]]=='[' ? _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, o_p[2]+1, o_p[3]-1, 0, with_level) : "'" + jsin[o_p[2]] + "'" ; out.push('var ', temp_varname, ' in ', rval, ') {', '_proxy_jslib_assign("", (', _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, o_p[0], o_p[1], 0, with_level), '), (', p_param, '), "=", ', temp_varname, ') ;') ; i_jsin= eend+1 ; // past ')' while (jsin[i_jsin].skip) i_jsin++ ; if (jsin[i_jsin]!='{') { var stmt_start= i_jsin ; var stmt_end= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, stmt_start, end, 0) ; while (jsin[stmt_end]==',') stmt_end= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, stmt_end+1, end, 0) ; out.push(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, stmt_start, stmt_end, 0, with_level), '; }') ; i_jsin= stmt_end ; } else i_jsin++ ; } else { // for(;;) eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level), ')') ; } } } else { // another for(;;), not starting with identifier eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push(_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level), ')') ; } } } else if (token=='catch') { out.push(term_so_far, token) ; term_so_far= '' ; if (next_token!='(') break ; estart= i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push('(') ; for (i= estart ; i=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; out.push('(') ; for (i= estart ; i=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!='{') break ; in_braces++ ; in_func= true ; } else if (token=='with') { out.push(term_so_far) ; term_so_far= '' ; skip1= '' ; for (i= i_jsin ; i=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; skip2= '' ; while (i_jsin=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!='}') break ; } else { estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 0) ; code= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level+1) ; while (jsin[i_jsin]==',') { estart= ++i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 0) ; code+= ',' + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level+1) ; } } out.push('{', with_level ? '' : 'var _proxy_jslib_with_objs= [] ;') ; out.push('with', skip1, '(_proxy_jslib_with_objs[_proxy_jslib_with_objs.length]= (', with_obj, '))', skip2, code) ; out.push('; _proxy_jslib_with_objs.length-- ;}') ; new_last_token= ';' ; } else if (token=='var' || token=='let') { out.push(term_so_far, token) ; term_so_far= '' ; while (1) { estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 0) ; i= estart ; while (i=end || jsin[i_jsin]!=',') break ; i_jsin++ ; out.push(',') ; } } else if (token=='new') { out.push(term_so_far) ; term_so_far= '' ; var test_jsin, oclass= '' ; if (next_token=='function') { term_so_far= 'new function' ; i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; while (i_jsin=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!='(') break ; estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; term_so_far+= '(' ; for (i= estart ; i=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!='{') break ; estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!='}') break ; fn_body= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level, 0) ; term_so_far+= '{'+fn_body+'}' ; new_last_token= '}' ; } else { if (next_token=='(') { estart= i_jsin= i_next_token+1 ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if ((eend==estart+1) && jsin[estart].match(RE.IdentifierName)) oclass= jsin[estart] ; if (i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; } else { estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_constructor(jsin, i_jsin, end) ; if ((eend==estart+1) && jsin[estart].match(RE.IdentifierName)) oclass= jsin[estart] ; } new_expr= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level, 1) ; while (i_jsin=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') break ; term_so_far+= '(' + _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level) + ')' ; new_last_token= ')' ; } else if (token=='[') { estart= i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=']') break ; if (eend-estart<=1 && ! /\D/.test(jsin[estart])) { term_so_far+= '['+(eend!=estart ?jsin[estart] :'')+']' ; new_last_token= ']' ; } else { sub_expr= _proxy_jslib_proxify_js_tokens(jsin, estart, eend, 0, with_level) ; if (term_so_far) { new_last_token= ')' ; // locate next token in jsin, and whether we skip a line terminator i_next_token= i_lt= i_jsin ; while (i_next_token=end || ( !jsin[i_jsin].match(RE.IDENTIFIER) && !jsin[i_jsin].match(/^[\[\{\(]$/) ) ) return void 0 ; if (jsin[i_jsin]=='[') { i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin+1, end, 1) ; if (jsin[i_jsin]!=']') return void 0 ; oend= pstart= pend= ++i_jsin ; } else if (jsin[i_jsin]=='{') { i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin+1, end, 1) ; if (jsin[i_jsin]!='}') return void 0 ; oend= pstart= pend= ++i_jsin ; } else if (jsin[i_jsin]=='(') { i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin+1, end, 1) ; if (jsin[i_jsin]!=')') return void 0 ; oend= pstart= pend= ++i_jsin ; } else { oend= pstart= i_jsin ; pend= ++i_jsin ; } while (i_jsin=end || !jsin[i_jsin].match(RE.IDENTIFIER)) return void 0 ; pstart= i_jsin++ ; pend= i_jsin ; } else if (jsin[i_jsin]=='[') { oend= pstart= i_jsin ; i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin+1, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=']') return void 0 ; pend= i_jsin ; } else if (jsin[i_jsin]=='(') { i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin+1, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=')') return void 0 ; oend= pstart= pend= i_jsin ; } while (i_jsin=end || !jsin[i_jsin].match(RE.IDENTIFIER)) return void 0 ; i_jsin++ ; while (i_jsin=end || !jsin[i_jsin].match(RE.IDENTIFIER)) return void 0 ; i_jsin++ ; } else if (jsin[i_jsin]=='[') { estart= ++i_jsin ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, end, 1) ; if (i_jsin==void 0 || i_jsin>=end || jsin[i_jsin++]!=']') return void 0 ; } while (i_jsin0 && !(element==':' && p[p.length-1]!='?')) p.length-- ; //if (element=='}' && p.length==0 && !allow_multiple) return i_jsin+1 ; if (!allow_multiple && p.length==0 && element=='}' && expr_block_state==2) expr_block_state= 3 ; break ; } if (!element.skip) { last_token= element ; } i_jsin++ ; } return p.length==0 ? i_jsin : void 0 ; } // This takes a string as input, and returns two strings as output. function _proxy_jslib_separate_last_js_statement(s) { var rest, last, jsin, i, i_jsin, estart, eend, rest_end= 0 ; var RE= _proxy_jslib_RE ; jsin= _proxy_jslib_tokenize_js(s) ; estart= i_jsin= 0 ; eend= i_jsin= _proxy_jslib_get_next_js_expr(jsin, i_jsin, jsin.length, 0) ; while (eend>estart || eend\\>\\>\\=|\\<\\<\\=|\\>\\>\\=|[\\+\\*\\/\\%\\&\\|\\^\\-]?\\=)$') ; RE.NEXTISINCDEC= new RegExp('^('+RE.SKIP_NO_LT+')*(\\+\\+|\\-\\-)') ; RE.SKIPTOPAREN= new RegExp('^(('+RE.SKIP+')*\\()') ; RE.SKIPTOCOLON= new RegExp('^(('+RE.SKIP+')*\\:)') ; RE.SKIPTOCOMMASKIP= new RegExp('^(('+RE.SKIP+')*\\,('+RE.SKIP+')*)') ; RE.PUNCDIVPUNC= new RegExp('^('+RE.Punctuator+'|'+RE.DivPunctuator+')$') ; RE.IDENTIFIER= new RegExp('^'+RE.IdentifierName+'$') ; RE.STRINGLITERAL= new RegExp('^'+RE.StringLiteral+'$') ; RE.NUMERICLITERAL= new RegExp('^(?:'+RE.NumericLiteral+')$') ; RE.SKIPTOOFRAG= new RegExp('^('+RE.SKIP+')*([\\.\\[\\(])') ; RE.STATEMENTTERMINATOR= new RegExp('^(;|'+RE.LineTerminator+')') ; _proxy_jslib_RE= RE ; } } //---- utilities ------------------------------------------------------- // A replacement for instanceof, since instanceof doesn't always work in all browsers. // Use instanceof when possible; otherwise, take a heuristic guess at the type // based on existing properties of the object. // Properties are carefully selected to test correctly in both Mozilla and MSIE; // objects and properties vary slightly by browser. // Unfortunately, Mozilla can't use instanceof with Link, Layer, or Form objects, // so the catch block will usually be called for that reason when using Mozilla. // Note that Mozilla has a bug such that it dies when HTMLAreaElement.pathname // is accessed. Thus, we avoid checking for the pathname property. function _proxy_jslib_instanceof(o, classname) { if ((o==null) || ((typeof(o)!='object') && (typeof(o)!='function'))) return false ; try { switch(classname) { case 'Storage': return ('getItem' in o) && ('setItem' in o) && ('removeItem' in o) ; case 'Document': return ("elementFromPoint" in o) && ("createElement" in o) && ("getElementById" in o) ; case 'DocumentFragment': return ("querySelector" in o) && ("querySelectorAll" in o) && ("childNodes" in o) ; case 'HTMLElement': return ("insertAdjacentHTML" in o) && ("outerHTML" in o) ; case 'Element': return ("childElementCount" in o) && ("firstElementChild" in o) && ("nextElementSibling" in o) ; case 'Node': return ("nodeName" in o) && ("nodeType" in o) && ("nodeValue" in o) ; case 'MessageEvent': return ("stopImmediatePropagation" in o) && ("origin" in o) && ("ports" in o) ; case 'Location': return ("reload" in o) && ("protocol" in o) && ("search" in o) ; case 'Link': return ("protocol" in o) && ("target" in o) && ("blur" in o) ; case 'Window': return ("navigator" in o) && ("clearInterval" in o) && ("moveBy" in o) && (o.self===o.window) ; case 'CSS2Properties': return ("azimuth" in o) && ("backgroundAttachment" in o) && ("pageBreakInside" in o) ; case 'CSSStyleDeclaration': return (("getPropertyCSSValue" in o) || ("getPropertyValue" in o)) // MSIE uses getPropertyValue :P && ("getPropertyPriority" in o) && ("removeProperty" in o) ; case 'CSSStyleSheet': return ('cssRules' in o) && ('ownerRule' in o) && ('deleteRule' in o) ; case 'Layer': return ("background" in o) && ("parentLayer" in o) && ("moveAbove" in o) ; case 'History': return ("pushState" in o) && ("replaceState" in o) && ("forward" in o) ; case 'XMLHttpRequest': case 'AnonXMLHttpRequest': return ("getResponseHeader" in o) && ("getAllResponseHeaders" in o) && ("responseText" in o) && ('statusText' in o) ; // some props don't work default: return window[classname] && (o instanceof window[classname]) ; } } catch(e) { // These are all the classes that have trouble with instanceof for some reason. switch(classname) { case 'Form': return ("action" in o) && ("encoding" in o) && ("submit" in o) ; case 'CSSPrimitiveValue': return ("primitiveType" in o) && ("getRectValue" in o) && ("getCounterValue" in o) ; case 'FlashPlayer': return ("GotoFrame" in o) && ("LoadMovie" in o) && ("SetZoomRect" in o) ; case 'NamedNodeMap': return ("getNamedItem" in o) && ("removeNamedItem" in o) && ("setNamedItem" in o) ; case 'Range': return ("cloneRange" in o) && ("compareBoundaryPoints" in o) && ("surroundContents" in o) ; case 'Attr': return ("ownerElement" in o) && ("specified" in o) ; case 'EventSource': // EventSource only has two properties, and they are also in WebSocket. So // test those two, and verify o is not a WebSocket. return ("readyState" in o) && ("url" in o) && !("bufferedAmount" in o) ; case 'HashChangeEvent': return ("oldURL" in o) && ("newURL" in o) ; case 'MediaElement': return ("autoplay" in o) && ("defaultPlaybackRate" in o) && ("initialTime" in o) ; default: alert('error in _proxy_jslib_instanceof(): classname=[' + classname + ']; error=[' + e + ']') ; } } } function _proxy_jslib_same_origin(u1, u2) { var pu1= _proxy_jslib_parse_url(_proxy_jslib_absolute_url(u1)) ; var pu2= _proxy_jslib_parse_url(_proxy_jslib_absolute_url(u2)) ; pu1[5]= pu1[5] || (pu1[1]=='http:' ? 80 : pu1[1]=='https:' ? 443 : '') ; pu2[5]= pu2[5] || (pu2[1]=='http:' ? 80 : pu2[1]=='https:' ? 443 : '') ; return pu1[1]==pu2[1] && pu1[4]==pu2[4] && pu1[5]==pu2[5] ; } // using JS (not RFC) terminology, this returns: // full_match, protocol (with colon), authentication, host, hostname, port, pathname, search, hash // for IPv6, host includes "[]", while hostname has them removed function _proxy_jslib_parse_url(in_URL) { var u ; // Some sites use non-String objects for URLs. in_URL= in_URL.toString() ; // this is how Chrome breaks it up, anyway.... if (in_URL.toLowerCase()=='about:blank') return [ 'about:blank', 'about:', '', '', '', '', 'blank', '', '' ] ; if (u= in_URL.match(/^(javascript\:|livescript\:)([\s\S]*)$/i)) return [ in_URL, u[1].toLowerCase(), u[2] ] ; if (in_URL.match(/^\s*\#/)) return [ in_URL, '', '', '' ,'', '', '', '', in_URL ] ; u= in_URL.match(/^([\w\+\.\-]+\:)?\/\/([^\/\?\#\@]*\@)?((\[[^\]]*\]|[^\:\/\?\#]*)(\:[^\/\?\#]*)?)([^\?\#]*)([^#]*)(.*)$/) ; if (u==null) return ; // if pattern doesn't match for (var i= 0 ; i with PROXY_GROUP; not setting all variables correctly.") ; if (path_cmp==null) return void 0 ; return [_proxy_jslib_PROXY_GROUP[i], path_cmp[1], path_cmp[2], _proxy_jslib_wrap_proxy_decode(path_cmp[3])+path_cmp[4]] ; } } return void 0 ; } var m1, m2, data_type, data_clauses, data_content, data_charset, data_base64 ; if (m1= in_URL.match(/^data:([\w\.\+\$\-]+\/[\w\.\+\$\-]+)?;?([^\,]*)\,?(.*)/i)) { data_type= m1[1].toLowerCase() ; if (data_type=='text/html' || data_type=='text/css' || data_type.match(/script/i)) { data_clauses= m1[2].split(/;/) ; data_content= m1[3] ; for (var i= 0 ; i; not setting all variables correctly.") ; if (cmp==null || path_cmp==null) return void 0 ; return [cmp[1]+"://"+cmp[2]+path_cmp[1], path_cmp[2], path_cmp[3], _proxy_jslib_wrap_proxy_decode(path_cmp[4])+cmp[4]] ; } function _proxy_jslib_pack_flags(flags) { var total= 0 ; for (var i= 0 ; i<6 ; i++) { total= (total<<1) + !!flags[i] } return ''+_proxy_jslib_ARRAY64[total]+_proxy_jslib_ARRAY64[_proxy_jslib_MIME_TYPE_ID[flags[6]]] ; } function _proxy_jslib_unpack_flags(flagst) { var ret= [] ; var chars= flagst.split('') ; var total= _proxy_jslib_UNARRAY64[chars[0]] ; for (var i= 0 ; i<6 ; i++) { ret[5-i]= (total>>i) & 1 } ret[6]= _proxy_jslib_ALL_TYPES[_proxy_jslib_UNARRAY64[chars[1]]] ; return ret ; } function _proxy_jslib_url_start_by_flags(flags) { return _proxy_jslib_SCRIPT_URL + '/' + _proxy_jslib_lang + '/' + _proxy_jslib_pack_flags(flags) + '/' ; } function _proxy_jslib_html_escape(s) { if (s==void 0) return '' ; s= s.replace(/\&/g, '&') ; s= s.replace(/([^\x00-\x7f])/g, function (a) { return '&#' + a.charCodeAt(0) + ';' ; } ) ; return s.replace(/\"/g, '"') .replace(/\/g, '>') ; } function _proxy_jslib_html_unescape(s) { if (s==void 0) return '' ; s= s.replace(/\&\#(x)?(\w+);?/g, function (a, p1, p2) { return p1 ? String.fromCharCode(eval('0x'+p2)) : String.fromCharCode(p2) } ) ; return s.replace(/\"\b\;?/g, '"') .replace(/\<\b\;?/g, '<') .replace(/\>\b\;?/g, '>') .replace(/\&\b\;?/g, '&') ; } // The replace() method in Netscape is broken, :( :( so we have to implement // our own. The bug is that if a function is used as the replacement pattern // (needed for anything complex), then *any* replace() or match() (and others?) // within that function (or in called functions) will cause its $' to // be used in place of the calling replace()'s $' . :P // Call this function with a string, a NON-GLOBAL (!) pattern with possible // parentheses, and a callback function that takes one argument that is the // array resulting from s.match(pattern), and returns a replacement string. // Because of how this is implemented, ^ in pattern works much like Perl's \G. // Because this is slower than String.replace(), avoid using this when not // needed, e.g. when the replacement function has no replace() or match(). function _proxy_jslib_global_replace(s, pattern, replace_function) { if (s==null) return s ; var out= '' ; var m1 ; while ((m1=s.match(pattern))!=null) { out+= s.substr(0,m1.index) + replace_function(m1) ; s= s.substr(m1.index+m1[0].length) ; } return out+s ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF } # end setting of $JSLIB_BODY unless ($JSLIB_BODY_GZ) { eval { require IO::Compress::Gzip } ; if (!$@) { IO::Compress::Gzip::gzip(\$JSLIB_BODY => \$JSLIB_BODY_GZ) or HTMLdie(["Couldn't gzip jslib: %s", $IO::Compress::Gzip::GzipError]) ; } } # Send gzipped version if allowed. my $content_encoding_header= ($JSLIB_BODY_GZ and $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}=~ /\bgzip\b/i) ? "Content-Encoding: gzip\015\012" : '' ; print $STDOUT "$HTTP_1_X 200 OK\015\012", "Expires: $expires_header\015\012", "Date: $date_header\015\012", "Content-Type: application/x-javascript\015\012", "Content-Length: ", length($content_encoding_header ? $JSLIB_BODY_GZ : $JSLIB_BODY), "\015\012", $content_encoding_header, "\015\012", ($content_encoding_header ? $JSLIB_BODY_GZ : $JSLIB_BODY) ; goto ONE_RUN_EXIT ; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # support for proxifying ShockWave Flash (SWF) files #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a SWF resource in $in, return the proxified version of it. # The format of SWF files used here is described in the document "SWF and FLV # File Format Specification, Version 9" from Adobe, and is downloadable from # their site. # jsm-- handle FileAttributes tag? sub proxify_swf { my($in)= @_ ; my(@out, $tag, $tags) ; my($DONT_COMPRESS)= 0 ; # set to 1 for testing # Hack to pretend it's an SWF 8 file, so we can call ExternalInterface. substr($in, 3, 1)= "\x08" if substr($in, 3, 1) eq "\x07" ; my($swf_version, $swf_header_start, $swf_header_end, $rest)= &get_swf_header_and_tags($in) ; $tags= &proxify_swf_taglist(\$rest, $swf_version) ; # Set length field substr($swf_header_start, 4, 4)= pack('V', length($swf_header_start)+length($swf_header_end)+length($tags)) ; substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1)= 'F' if $DONT_COMPRESS ; # Until LZMA compression fully works here, only compress with deflate. if (substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1) eq 'Z') { substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1)= 'C' ; substr($swf_header_start, 8)= '' ; } # Compress if needed if (substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1) eq 'C') { $rest= $swf_header_end . $tags ; eval { require IO::Compress::Deflate } ; if (!$@) { my $zout ; no warnings qw(once) ; IO::Compress::Deflate::deflate(\$rest, \$zout) or &HTMLdie(["Couldn't deflate: %s", $IO::Compress::Deflate::DeflateError]) ; $rest= $zout ; } else { substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1)= 'F' ; # use uncompressed instead } return $swf_header_start . $rest ; } elsif (substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1) eq 'Z') { $rest= $swf_header_end . $tags ; eval { require IO::Compress::Lzma } ; if (!$@) { my($lz, $lzma_status)= Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawEncoder->new(ForZip => 1, Filter => Lzma::Filter::Lzma1()) ; &HTMLdie("Can't Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawEncoder->new(): $lzma_status") unless $lzma_status==Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_OK() ; my $zout ; $lzma_status= $lz->code($rest, $zout) ; &HTMLdie("Problem compressing into LZMA: $lzma_status") unless $lzma_status==Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_OK() ; $lzma_status= $lz->flush($zout) ; &HTMLdie("Problem with LZMA stream: $lzma_status") unless $lzma_status==Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_STREAM_END() ; my $swf_compressed_size= pack('V', length($zout)-5) ; return $swf_header_start . $swf_compressed_size . $zout ; } else { substr($swf_header_start, 0, 1)= 'F' ; # use uncompressed instead substr($swf_header_start, 8)= '' ; } } return $swf_header_start . $swf_header_end . $tags ; } # Given an input buffer $$in, read and process tags one at a time. # Returns a joined string of proxified tags. sub proxify_swf_taglist { my($in, $swf_version)= @_ ; my (@out, $tag) ; # Process one tag at a time while ($$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs) { # Handle short or long RECORDHEADER my($tag_code_and_length_code)= $1 ; my($tag_code_and_length_int)= unpack('v', $tag_code_and_length_code) ; my($tag_code)= $tag_code_and_length_int >> 6 ; my($tag_length)= $tag_code_and_length_int & 0x3f ; if ($tag_length==0x3f) { $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; $tag_length= $1 ; $tag_code_and_length_code.= $tag_length ; $tag_length= unpack('V', $tag_length) ; } #warn "tag code, length=[$tag_code][$tag_length]\n" ; # Handle ImportAssets and ImportAssets2 tags if ($tag_code==57 or $tag_code==71) { $$in=~ /\G(.*?)\0/gcs ; my($swf_URL)= $1 ; my($rest_len)= $tag_length - length($swf_URL) - 1 ; my($tag_rest)= substr($$in, pos($$in), $rest_len) ; pos($$in)+= $rest_len ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag($tag_code, &full_url($swf_URL)."\0".$tag_rest) ; # Handle DoAction tag } elsif ($tag_code==12) { $tag= &pack_swf_tag(12, &proxify_swf_action_list($in, $tag_length)) ; #warn "in DoAction; out=[".swf2perl($tag)."]\n" ; # Handle DoInitAction tag } elsif ($tag_code==59) { my($sprite_id)= substr($$in, pos($$in), 2) ; pos($$in)+= 2 ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(59, $sprite_id.&proxify_swf_action_list($in, $tag_length-2)) ; # Handle DefineSprite tag, which may contain other tags. } elsif ($tag_code==39) { # jsm-- this could be sped up if needed... $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; my($tag_start)= $1 ; my($rest_len)= $tag_length-4 ; my($taglist)= substr($$in, pos($$in), $rest_len) ; pos($$in)+= $rest_len ; my($tag_content)= &proxify_swf_taglist(\$taglist, $swf_version) ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(39, $tag_start . $tag_content) ; # Handle PlaceObject2 tag, which may contain actions } elsif ($tag_code==26) { $$in=~ /\G(.)../gcs ; my($flags)= ord($1) ; if (!($flags & 0x80)) { my($tag_content)= substr($$in, pos($$in)-3, $tag_length) ; pos($$in)+= $tag_length-3 ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(26, $tag_content) ; } else { my(@out) ; # local copy push(@out, substr($$in, pos($$in)-3, 3)) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 2) ; push(@out, &get_matrix($in)) if ($flags & 4) ; push(@out, &get_cxformwithalpha($in)) if ($flags & 8) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 16) ; $$in=~ /\G(.*?\0)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 32) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 64) ; push(@out, &get_clip_actions($in, $swf_version)) ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(26, join('', @out)) ; } # Handle PlaceObject3 tag, which may contain actions. } elsif ($tag_code==70) { $$in=~ /\G(..)(..)/gcs ; my($flags, $depth)= (unpack('S', $1), $2) ; if (!($flags & 0x8000)) { my($tag_content)= substr($$in, pos($$in)-4, $tag_length) ; pos($$in)+= $tag_length-4 ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(70, $tag_content) ; } else { my(@out) ; # local copy push(@out, substr($$in, pos($$in)-4, 4)) ; $$in=~ /\G(.*?\0)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 8) or (($flags & 16) and ($flags & 0x200)) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 0x200) ; push(@out, &get_matrix($in)) if ($flags & 0x400) ; push(@out, &get_cxformwithalpha($in)) if ($flags & 0x800) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 0x1000) ; $$in=~ /\G(.*?\0)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 0x2000) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 0x4000) ; push(@out, &get_filterlist($in)) if ($flags & 1) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if ($flags & 2) ; push(@out, &get_clip_actions($in, $swf_version)) ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(70, join('', @out)) ; } # Handle DefineButton tag, which may contain actions } elsif ($tag_code==7) { $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs ; my($tag_start)= $1 ; my($buttonrecords)= &get_button_records($in) ; my($actions)= &proxify_swf_action_list($in, $tag_length-length($buttonrecords)-3) ; $tag= &pack_swf_tag(7, $tag_start.$buttonrecords.$actions) ; # Handle DefineButton2 tag, which may contain actions } elsif ($tag_code==34) { my(@out) ; $$in=~ /\G(...)(..)/gcs ; my($tag_start, $action_offset)= ($1, unpack('v', $2)) ; push(@out, $1, $2) ; if ($action_offset) { push(@out, substr($$in, pos($$in), $action_offset-2)) ; pos($$in)+= $action_offset-2 ; push(@out, &get_buttoncondactions($in)) ; } else { push(@out, substr($$in, pos($$in), $tag_length-5)) ; pos($$in)+= $tag_length-5 ; } $tag= &pack_swf_tag(34, join('', @out)) ; # Handle DoABC tag, including spawning an RTMP proxy } elsif ($tag_code==82) { $tag= &pack_swf_tag(82, &proxify_swf_abcFile($in, $tag_length)) ; if ($ALLOW_RTMP_PROXY and !$RTMP_SERVER_PORT) { my($LOCK_FH, $port)= create_server_lock('rtmp.run') ; if ($LOCK_FH) { my($RTMP_LISTEN, $err) ; ($RTMP_LISTEN, $RTMP_SERVER_PORT, $err)= new_server_socket(1935) ; die "Error opening listening socket: $err\n" if $err ; spawn_generic_server($RTMP_LISTEN, $LOCK_FH, \&rtmp_proxy, 600) ; } else { $RTMP_SERVER_PORT= $port ; } } #die "DoABC tag not supported yet" ; } else { $tag= $tag_code_and_length_code . substr($$in, pos($$in), $tag_length) ; pos($$in)+= $tag_length ; } push(@out, $tag) ; last if $tag_code==0 ; } return join('', @out) ; } # Given a tag code and content, repackage a tag with correct length and format. sub pack_swf_tag { my($tag_code, $tag_content)= @_ ; my($len)= length($tag_content) ; if ($len<=62) { return pack('v', ($tag_code<<6) + $len) . $tag_content ; } else { return pack('vV', ($tag_code<<6) + 0x3f, $len) . $tag_content ; } } # Reads zero or more BUTTONRECORDs from the input buffer, including the end flag, # and returns them as one string. sub get_button_records { my($in, $expected_len, $in_define_button2)= @_ ; my($end_pos)= pos($$in)+$expected_len-1 ; my(@out) ; while (defined($expected_len) ? (pos($$in)<$end_pos) : 1) { $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my($flags, $tag_start)= (ord($1), $1) ; pos($$in)--, last if !defined($expected_len) and $flags==0 ; $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; $tag_start.= $1 ; push(@out, $tag_start) ; push(@out, &get_matrix($in)) ; push(@out, &get_cxformwithalpha($in)) if $in_define_button2 ; push(@out, &get_filterlist($in)) if $in_define_button2 && ($flags & 16) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs, push(@out, $1) if $in_define_button2 && ($flags & 32) ; } $$in=~ /\G\0/gcs or die "ERROR: missing end of button records" ; return join('', @out)."\0" ; } sub get_buttoncondactions { my($in)= @_ ; my(@out) ; while ($$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs) { my($action_size)= unpack('v', $1) ; $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs ; my($flags)= $1 ; my($actions)= &proxify_swf_action_list($in, ($action_size>0) ? $action_size-4 : undef) ; $action_size= 4+length($actions) if $action_size>0 ; push(@out, pack('v', $action_size), $flags, $actions) ; last if $action_size==0 ; } return join('', @out) ; } sub get_filterlist { my($in)= @_ ; my(@out) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my($num_filters)= ord($1) ; for (1..$num_filters) { push(@out, &get_filter($in)) ; } return chr($num_filters).join('', @out) ; } sub get_filter { my($in)= @_ ; my($ret, $size) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; $ret= $1 ; my($filter_id)= $1 ; if ($filter_id==0) { # DropShadowFilter $size= 23 ; } elsif ($filter_id==1) { # BlurFilter $size= 9 ; } elsif ($filter_id==2) { # GlowFilter $size= 15 ; } elsif ($filter_id==3) { # BevelFilter $size= 27 ; } elsif ($filter_id==4) { # GradientGlowFilter $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; $ret.= $1 ; my($num_colors)= ord($1) ; $size= $num_colors*5 + 19 ; } elsif ($filter_id==5) { # ConvolutionFilter $$in=~ /\G(.)(.)/gcs ; $ret.= $1.$2 ; my($matrixx, $matrixy)= (ord($1), ord($2)) ; $size= $matrixx*$matrixy*4 + 15 ; } elsif ($filter_id==6) { # ColorMatrixFilter $size= 80 ; } elsif ($filter_id==7) { # GradientBevelFilter $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; $ret.= $1 ; my($num_colors)= ord($1) ; $size= $num_colors*5 + 19 ; } else { die "ERROR: unsupported filter type $filter_id\n" ; } $ret.= substr($$in, pos($$in), $size) ; pos($$in)+= $size ; return $ret ; } # Reads a CXFORMWITHALPHA record from the input buffer and returns it. sub get_cxformwithalpha { my($in)= @_ ; my($byte1)= ord(substr($$in, pos($$in), 1)) ; my($has_adds)= !!($byte1 & 128) ; my($has_mults)= !!($byte1 & 64) ; my($nbits)= ($byte1>>2) & 0x0f ; my($record_size)= (6 + $has_adds*4*$nbits + $has_mults*4*$nbits +7)>>3 ; my($ret)= substr($$in, pos($$in), $record_size) ; pos($$in)+= $record_size ; return $ret ; } # Reads a MATRIX record from the input buffer, and returns it. # Unfortunately, vec() uses bits in wrong order to use here, so we use the # function v() to reverse the bits. # jsm-- is there an efficient way to write this routine?? sub get_matrix { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; my($in_bitbuf)= $1 ; my($bitpos) ; # first byte is 0-7 if (vec($in_bitbuf, v(0), 1)) { # HasScale field $bitpos= 1 ; my($nbits)= ord($in_bitbuf & "\x7f")>>2 ; my($nbytes)= (($nbits*2)-2+7)>>3 ; $in_bitbuf.= substr($$in, pos($$in), $nbytes) ; pos($$in)+= $nbytes ; $bitpos+= 5+$nbits*2 ; } else { $bitpos= 1 ; } if (vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos), 1)) { # HasRotate field $bitpos++ ; # Next 5 bits contain field length if ($bitpos+5>8*length($in_bitbuf)) { $in_bitbuf.= substr($$in, pos($$in), 1) ; pos($$in)++ ; } # there's got to be a better way.... my($nbits)= vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos), 1) *16 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+1), 1)*8 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+2), 1)*4 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+3), 1)*2 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+4), 1)*1 ; $bitpos+= 5 ; my($nbytes)= ($nbits*2-(length($in_bitbuf)*8-$bitpos)+7)>>3 ; $in_bitbuf.= substr($$in, pos($$in), $nbytes) ; pos($$in)+= $nbytes ; $bitpos+= $nbits*2 ; } else { $bitpos++ ; } # Next 5 bits contain field length if ($bitpos+5>8*length($in_bitbuf)) { $in_bitbuf.= substr($$in, pos($$in), 1) ; pos($$in)++ ; } my($nbits)= vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos), 1) *16 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+1), 1)*8 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+2), 1)*4 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+3), 1)*2 + vec($in_bitbuf, v($bitpos+4), 1)*1 ; $bitpos+= 5 ; my($nbytes)= ($nbits*2-(length($in_bitbuf)*8-$bitpos)+7)>>3 ; $in_bitbuf.= substr($$in, pos($$in), $nbytes) ; pos($$in)+= $nbytes ; return $in_bitbuf ; # Map bit positions into vec() offsets, i.e. reverse positions within byte. sub v { my($vec)= @_ ; return (($vec>>3)<<3) + 7-($vec & 7) ; } } # Reads SWF input, and returns the SWF header start, the SWF header end, and # the list of tags. The SWF header end and the tags may be compressed, # together. sub get_swf_header_and_tags { my($in)= @_ ; # Grab initial, non-compressed 8 bytes from $in my($header_start)= substr($in, 0, 8) ; my($sig_byte, $swf_version, $swf_length)= $header_start=~ /^([CFZ])WS(.)(....)$/s ; return undef unless $sig_byte ; $swf_version= ord($swf_version) ; $swf_length= unpack('V', $swf_length) ; # Decompress remainder of input if needed. if ($sig_byte eq 'C') { substr($in, 0, 8)= '' ; eval { require IO::Uncompress::Inflate } ; &no_gzip_die if $@ ; my $zout ; no warnings qw(once) ; IO::Uncompress::Inflate::inflate(\$in, \$zout) or &HTMLdie(["Couldn't inflate: %s", $IO::Uncompress::Inflate::InflateError]) ; $in= $zout ; &HTMLdie(["SWF length of %s is not expected %s", (length($in)+8), $swf_length]) unless $swf_length==(length($in)+8) ; } elsif ($sig_byte eq 'Z') { # Thanks very much to Paul Marquess for help with the LMZA decoding # of SWF files. my $swf_compressed_length= unpack('V', substr($in, 8, 4)) ; my $lzma_properties= substr($in, 12, 5) ; substr($in, 0, 17)= '' ; eval { require IO::Uncompress::UnLzma ; require Compress::Raw::Lzma ; } ; &no_gzip_die if $@ ; my($inflater, $lzma_status)= Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawDecoder->new(AppendOutput => 1, Properties => $lzma_properties, ConsumeInput => 0) ; &HTMLdie("Can't Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawDecoder->new(): $lzma_status") unless $lzma_status==Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_OK() ; my $zout ; do { $lzma_status= $inflater->code($in, $zout) ; } until $lzma_status!=Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_OK() ; &HTMLdie("Problem with LZMA stream: $lzma_status") unless $lzma_status==Compress::Raw::Lzma::LZMA_STREAM_END() ; $in= $zout ; &HTMLdie(["SWF length of %s is not expected %s", length($in), $swf_length]) unless $swf_length==length($in) ; } else { &HTMLdie(["SWF length of %s is not expected %s", (length($in)+8), $swf_length]) unless $swf_length==(length($in)+8) ; } # Calculate length of FrameSize (RECT structure) in header my($nbits)= ord($in)>>3 ; my($totalbits)= (5+$nbits*4) ; my($nbytes)= ($totalbits + 7)>>3 ; # Grab final parts of SWF header my($header_end)= substr($in, 0, $nbytes+4) ; substr($in, 0, $nbytes+4)= '' ; return ($swf_version, $header_start, $header_end, $in) ; } # Get and proxify a CLIPACTIONS record from the input buffer. sub get_clip_actions { my($in, $swf_version)= @_ ; my($eventflags_re)= ($swf_version<=5) ? (qr/\G(..)/s) : (qr/\G(....)/s) ; my(@out) ; $$in=~ /\G\0\0/gc or die "ERROR: didn't get clipaction header\n" ; $$in=~ /$eventflags_re/gc ; # AllEventFlags field push(@out, "\0\0", $1) ; while ($$in=~ /$eventflags_re/gc) { my($event_flags)= $1 ; # EventFlags field push(@out, $event_flags) ; last if $event_flags eq "\0\0" or $event_flags eq "\0\0\0\0" ; $$in=~ /\G(....)/gcs ; my($action_record_size)= unpack('V', $1) ; # If ClipEventKeyPress event is set, then process KeyCode my($key_code) ; if ($swf_version>=6 and ord(substr($event_flags, 2, 1)) & 2) { $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; $key_code= $1 ; } my($actions)= &proxify_swf_action_list($in, $action_record_size) ; $action_record_size= pack('V', length($key_code)+length($actions)) ; push(@out, $action_record_size, $key_code, $actions) ; } return join('', @out) ; } # Given an input buffer, read an action list, proxify it, and return it. sub proxify_swf_action_list { my($in, $action_record_size)= @_ ; my(@out, $out_bytes, $out, $action, $needs_swflib, @jumps, @insertions, @code_blocks) ; my($insert_proxify_top_url)= "\x96\$\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_top_url\0=" ; my($insert_proxify_top_url_len)= length($insert_proxify_top_url) ; my($insert_proxify_2nd_url)= "\x96\$\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_2nd_url\0=" ; my($insert_proxify_2nd_url_len)= length($insert_proxify_2nd_url) ; my($insert_pre_method)= "\x96\x1f\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_pre_method\0=" ; my($insert_pre_method_len)= length($insert_pre_method) ; my($insert_pre_function)= "\x96!\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_pre_function\0=" ; my($insert_pre_function_len)= length($insert_pre_function) ; my($start_pos)= pos($$in) ; while ($$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs) { my($action_code)= ord($1) ; last if $action_code==0 ; my($action_length, $action_content) ; if ($action_code>=0x80) { $$in=~ /\G(..)/gcs ; $action_length= unpack('v', $1) ; $action_content= substr($$in, pos($$in), $action_length) ; pos($$in)+= $action_length ; } # ActionGetURL if ($action_code==0x83) { $action_content=~ /\G(.*?)(\0.*)$/gcs ; my($action_URL, $action_rest)= ($1, $2) ; # Don't proxify "javascript:" URLs. if ($action_URL!~ /^\s*(?:javascript|livescript)\b/i) { my($old_len)= length($action_content) ; $action_content= &full_url($action_URL) . $action_rest ; my($size_diff)= length($action_content) - $old_len ; &update_previous_jumps(\@jumps, $out_bytes, $size_diff) ; &update_previous_code_blocks(\@code_blocks, $out_bytes, $size_diff) ; push(@insertions, { 'location' => $out_bytes , 'size' => $size_diff } ) ; } $action= "\x83" . pack('v', length($action_content)) . $action_content ; # ActionGetURL2 } elsif ($action_code==0x9a) { $needs_swflib= 1 ; &update_previous_jumps(\@jumps, $out_bytes, $insert_proxify_2nd_url_len) ; &update_previous_code_blocks(\@code_blocks, $out_bytes, $insert_proxify_2nd_url_len) ; push(@insertions, { 'location' => $out_bytes, 'size' => $insert_proxify_2nd_url_len } ) ; push(@out, $insert_proxify_2nd_url) ; $out_bytes+= $insert_proxify_2nd_url_len ; $action= "\x9a" . pack('v', length($action_content)) . $action_content ; # ActionCallMethod } elsif ($action_code==0x52) { $needs_swflib= 1 ; &update_previous_jumps(\@jumps, $out_bytes, $insert_pre_method_len) ; &update_previous_code_blocks(\@code_blocks, $out_bytes, $insert_pre_method_len) ; push(@insertions, { 'location' => $out_bytes, 'size' => $insert_pre_method_len } ) ; push(@out, $insert_pre_method) ; $out_bytes+= $insert_pre_method_len ; $action= "\x52" ; # ActionCallFunction } elsif ($action_code==0x3d) { $needs_swflib= 1 ; &update_previous_jumps(\@jumps, $out_bytes, $insert_pre_function_len) ; &update_previous_code_blocks(\@code_blocks, $out_bytes, $insert_pre_function_len) ; push(@insertions, { 'location' => $out_bytes, 'size' => $insert_pre_function_len } ) ; push(@out, $insert_pre_function) ; $out_bytes+= $insert_pre_function_len ; $action= "\x3d" ; # ActionJump and ActionIf } elsif ($action_code==0x99 or $action_code==0x9d) { $action= chr($action_code) . "\x02\0\0\0" ; # unpack little-endian unsigned short and convert to signed short my($offset)= unpack('s', pack('S', unpack('v', $action_content))) ; my($jump)= { 'location' => $out_bytes, 'target' => $out_bytes+$offset+5 } ; &handle_previous_insertions(\@insertions, $jump) ; push(@jumps, $jump) ; # ActionDefineFunction and ActionDefineFunction2 } elsif ($action_code==0x9b or $action_code==0x8e) { my($codesize_loc)= $out_bytes+3+$action_length-2 ; my($codesize)= unpack('v', substr($action_content, -2)) ; push(@code_blocks, { 'code_start' => $out_bytes+3+$action_length, 'codesize_loc' => $codesize_loc, 'codesize' => $codesize } ) ; $action= chr($action_code) . pack('v', length($action_content)) . $action_content ; # ActionTry } elsif ($action_code==0x8f) { $action_content=~ /\G(.)(......)/gcs ; my($flags)= ord($1) ; my($try_size, $catch_size, $finally_size)= unpack('vvv', $2) ; my($catch_nr) ; if ($flags & 4) { $action_content=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; $catch_nr= $1 ; } else { $action_content=~ /\G(.*?\0)/gcs ; $catch_nr= $1 ; } push(@code_blocks, { 'code_start' => $out_bytes + $action_length, 'codesize_loc' => $out_bytes+4, 'codesize' => $try_size } ) ; push(@code_blocks, { 'code_start' => $out_bytes + $action_length + $try_size, 'codesize_loc' => $out_bytes+6, 'codesize' => $catch_size } ) ; push(@code_blocks, { 'code_start' => $out_bytes + $action_length + $try_size + $catch_size, 'codesize_loc' => $out_bytes+8, 'codesize' => $finally_size } ) ; $action= "\x8f" . pack('v', length($action_content)) . $action_content ; # ActionWith # Note that we don't "handle" it other than updating the block size. } elsif ($action_code==0x94) { my($codesize_loc)= $out_bytes+3 ; my($codesize)= unpack('v', $action_content) ; push(@code_blocks, { 'code_start' => $out_bytes+5, 'codesize_loc' => $codesize_loc, 'codesize' => $codesize } ) ; $action= "\x94\x02\0" . $action_content ; } else { $action= chr($action_code) . (($action_code>=0x80) ? (pack('v', length($action_content)) . $action_content) : '') ; } push(@out, $action) ; $out_bytes+= length($action) ; } $out= join('', @out) ; die "ERROR: out_bytes not set correctly\n" if $out_bytes!=length($out) ; die "ERROR: read wrong number of bytes (expected $action_record_size, got ".(pos($$in)-$start_pos).")\n" if defined($action_record_size) and pos($$in)-$start_pos!=$action_record_size ; &rewrite_jumps(\$out, \@jumps) ; &rewrite_codesizes(\$out, \@code_blocks) ; # For now, insert $swflib at start of every tag that needs it. Can # functions in one tag be called from functions in another? if ($needs_swflib) { $swflib||= &return_swflib() ; $out= $swflib . $out ; } return $out."\0" ; #------------------------------------- # Update targets of already-encountered jumps, if appropriate. sub update_previous_jumps { my($jumps, $insert_pos, $offset)= @_ ; foreach (@$jumps) { $_->{target}+= $offset if $_->{target} > $insert_pos ; } } # Update codeSize fields in DefineFunction2 actions sub update_previous_code_blocks { my($code_blocks, $insert_pos, $offset)= @_ ; foreach (@$code_blocks) { $_->{codesize}+= $offset if ($_->{code_start} <= $insert_pos) && ($_->{code_start}+$_->{codesize} > $insert_pos) ; } } # Update the current jump's target, based on previous insertions. sub handle_previous_insertions { my($insertions, $jump)= @_ ; foreach (reverse @$insertions) { $jump->{target}-= $_->{size} if $_->{location}+$_->{size} >= $jump->{target} ; } } # Rewrite offsets of all jumps in @out. sub rewrite_jumps { my($out, $jumps)= @_ ; foreach (@$jumps) { die "ERROR: jump is not a jump\n" if substr($$out, $_->{location}, 1)!~ /^[\x99\x9d]/ ; # pack signed short back into little-endian unsigned short substr($$out, $_->{location}+3, 2)= pack('v', unpack('S', pack('s', $_->{target} - $_->{location} - 5))) ; # jump actions are 5 bytes } } # Rewrite codeSize fields in DefineFunction2 actions sub rewrite_codesizes { my($out, $code_blocks)= @_ ; foreach (@$code_blocks) { substr($$out, $_->{codesize_loc}, 2)= pack('v', $_->{codesize}) ; } } } # This is the ActionScript VM bytecode of the library needed to proxify SWF. # files. See the file "swflib.asm" for the commented assembler code. sub return_swflib { return "\x8e\x1f\0_proxy_swflib_alert_top\0\0\0\0*\x002\0L\x96\cY\0\0javascript:alert(\"top=[\0MG\x96\cE\0\0]\")\0G\x96\cB\0\0\0\x9a\cA\0\0>\x8e\$\0_proxy_swflib_set_classlists\0\0\0\0*\0\x7f\cB\x96\cF\0\0load\0\x96 \0\0XML\0\0LoadVars\0\0StyleSheet\0\cG\cC\0\0\0B\x96\cJ\0\0download\0\x96\cT\0\0FileReference\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cH\0\0upload\0\x96\cT\0\0FileReference\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cF\0\0send\0\x96\cT\0\0XML\0\0LoadVars\0\cG\cB\0\0\0B\x96\cM\0\0sendAndLoad\0\x96\cT\0\0XML\0\0LoadVars\0\cG\cB\0\0\0B\x96\cH\0\0getURL\0\x96\cP\0\0MovieClip\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cK\0\0loadMovie\0\x96\cP\0\0MovieClip\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cO\0\0loadVariables\0\x96\cP\0\0MovieClip\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cJ\0\0loadClip\0\x96\cV\0\0MovieClipLoader\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cI\0\0connect\0\x96\cT\0\0NetConnection\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cF\0\0play\0\x96\cP\0\0NetStream\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cP\0\0loadPolicyFile\0\x96\cO\0\0Security\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cK\0\0loadSound\0\x96\cL\0\0Sound\0\cG\cA\0\0\0B\x96\cE\0\cG\cM\0\0\0C\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_classlists\0M\x1d\x96\cJ\0\0getURL\0\cE\cA\x96\cM\0\0loadMovie\0\cE\cA\x96\cP\0\0loadMovieNum\0\cE\cA\x96\cQ\0\0loadVariables\0\cE\cA\x96\cT\0\0loadVariablesNum\0\cE\cA\x96\cE\0\cG\cE\0\0\0C\x96\x1c\0\0_proxy_swflib_functionlist\0M\x1d>\x96#\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_set_classlists\0=\x8e \0_proxy_swflib_pre_method\0\0\0\0*\0\cO\cB\x96\x1b\0\0_proxy_swflib_method_name\0M\x1d\x96\cV\0\0_proxy_swflib_object\0M\x1d\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_num_params\0M\x1d\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_classlists\0\x1c\x96\x1b\0\0_proxy_swflib_method_name\0\x1cNL\x96\cA\0\cCI\x9d\cB\0\cS\cALD\x96\cJ\0\0function\0I\x9d\cB\0\xfe\0L\x96\cY\0\0_proxy_swflib_classlist\0M\x1d\x96\cH\0\0length\0NQ\x96\cQ\0\0_proxy_swflib_j\0M\x1d\x96\cV\0\0_proxy_swflib_object\0\x1c\x96\cY\0\0_proxy_swflib_classlist\0\x1c\x96\cQ\0\0_proxy_swflib_j\0\x1cN\x1cT\cR\x9d\cB\x000\0\x96\cE\0\cG\0\0\0\0\x96\x1f\0\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_top_url\0=\x99\cB\x008\0\x96\cQ\0\0_proxy_swflib_j\0L\x1cQ\x1d\x96\cQ\0\0_proxy_swflib_j\0\x1c\x9d\cB\0I\xff\x99\cB\0\cA\0\cW\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_num_params\0\x1c\x96\cV\0\0_proxy_swflib_object\0\x1c\x96\x1b\0\0_proxy_swflib_method_name\0\x1c>\x8e\"\0_proxy_swflib_pre_function\0\0\0\0*\0\xf4\0\x96\x1d\0\0_proxy_swflib_function_name\0M\x1d\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_num_params\0M\x1d\x96\x1c\0\0_proxy_swflib_functionlist\0\x1c\x96\x1d\0\0_proxy_swflib_function_name\0\x1cN\cR\x9d\cB\0+\0\x96\cE\0\cG\0\0\0\0\x96\x1f\0\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_top_url\0=\x96\cZ\0\0_proxy_swflib_num_params\0\x1c\x96\x1d\0\0_proxy_swflib_function_name\0\x1c>\x8e%\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_top_url\0\0\0\0*\0|\0L\x96\cA\0\cBI\x9d\cB\0p\0\x96\x1c\0\0_proxy_jslib_full_url\0\cG\cB\0\0\0\x96\cG\0\0flash\0\x1c\x96\cJ\0\0external\0N\x96\cS\0\0ExternalInterface\0N\x96\cF\0\0call\0RL\x96\cF\0\0null\0I\cR\x9d\cB\0\cF\0\cW\x96\cB\0\0\0>\x8e%\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_2nd_url\0\0\0\0*\0^\0\x96\cV\0\0_proxy_swflib_target\0M\x1d\x96\$\0\cG\0\0\0\0\0_proxy_swflib_proxify_top_url\0=\x96\cV\0\0_proxy_swflib_target\0\x1c>" ; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Below is for handling SWF 9+ actions ("abcFile"). For full details, # see the spec at: # http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/actionscript/articles/avm2overview.pdf #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub proxify_swf_abcFile { my($in, $record_length)= @_ ; # First, get fields of DoABC tag. $$in=~ /\G(....)(.*?\0)/gcs ; my($flags, $name)= ($1, $2) ; # Now, start the ABCData field. $$in=~ /\G(..)(..)/gcs ; my($major_ver, $minor_ver)= ($1, $2) ; my($cpool_info, $string_count, $ns_count, $multiname_count, $mn_specials)= &proxify_swf_cpool_info($in) ; my $method_infos= &get_swf_method_infos($in) ; my $metadata_infos= &get_swf_metadata_infos($in) ; my $instance_class_infos= &get_swf_instance_class_infos($in) ; my $script_infos= &get_swf_script_infos($in) ; my $method_body_infos= &proxify_swf_method_body_infos($in, $string_count, $ns_count, $multiname_count, $mn_specials) ; return join('', $flags, $name, $major_ver, $minor_ver, $cpool_info, $method_infos, $metadata_infos, $instance_class_infos, $script_infos, $method_body_infos) ; } # Add our 20 strings, 5 namespaces, and 9 multinames to the constant pool. # Note that there's a bug in Flash where the 0 namespace isn't handled # correctly. The workaround is to use the empty string as the namespace, # meaning we need to add an empty string and a namespace that uses it. # $n_specials is used to remember where certain strings are, to detect # multinames that use them, so that we can proxify NetConnection.connect() # calls, NetStream.play() calls, etc. sub proxify_swf_cpool_info { my($in)= @_ ; my(@out, $s) ; my $n_specials= { connect => [], play => [], URLRequest => [], loaderURL => [], loadPolicyFile => [], url => [], call => [], apply => [] } ; my $mn_specials= { connect => [], play => [], URLRequest => [], loaderURL => [], loadPolicyFile => [], url => [], call => [], apply => [] } ; # get all constants, then just push substr($$in, ...) . # First, pass through initial parts that don't change. my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my $int_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$int_count-1) ; my $uint_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$uint_count-1) ; my $double_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; # Unmentioned in the spec, double_count can be 0. pos($$in)+= 8*($double_count-1) if $double_count ; push(@out, substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos)) ; # Copy through strings, adding the 20 strings we need. my $string_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+20)) ; $start_pos= pos($$in) ; foreach (1..$string_count-1) { $s= &get_swf_string($in) ; push(@{$n_specials->{$s}}, $_) if defined $n_specials->{$s} ; } push(@out, substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos)) ; push(@out, "\x09flash.net\x0aURLRequest\x03url\x0eflash.external\x11ExternalInterface\x15_proxy_jslib_full_url\x04call\0\x0dNetConnection\x09NetStream\x1d_proxy_jslib_full_url_connect\x1a_proxy_jslib_full_url_play\x09alert_obj\x1d_proxy_jslib_reverse_full_url\x0dflash.display\x0aLoaderInfo\x1f_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_array_0\x21_proxy_jslib_proxify_js_array_1_0\x21http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin\x05shift") ; # Copy through namespace info, adding the 5 we need. my $ns_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+5)) ; $start_pos= pos($$in) ; pos($$in)++, &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$ns_count-1) ; push(@out, substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos)) ; push(@out, "\x16" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count) # flash.net . "\x16" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+3) # flash.external . "\x16" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+7) # "" . "\x16" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+14) # flash.display . "\x08" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+18)) ; # http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin # Namespace sets are unchanging. $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my $ns_set_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &get_swf_ns_set($in) foreach (1..$ns_set_count-1) ; push(@out, substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos)) ; # Copy through multinames, adding the 9 multinames we need. # Note that $string_count is the last string ID plus one. my $multiname_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+9)) ; $start_pos= pos($$in) ; # Note that $mn_specials is modified in get_swf_multiname(). &get_swf_multiname($in, $_, $n_specials, $mn_specials) foreach (1..$multiname_count-1) ; push(@out, substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos)) ; push(@out, "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count) # flash.net . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+1) # URLRequest . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+2) # "" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+2) # url . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+1) # flash.external . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+4) # ExternalInterface . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+2) # "" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+6) # call . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count) # flash.net . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+8) # NetConnection . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count) # flash.net . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+9) # NetStream . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+3) # flash.display . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+15) # LoaderInfo . "\x11" # (empty RTQNameL) . "\x07" . &set_swf_u30_32($ns_count+4) # http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+19)) ; # shift return (join('', @out), $string_count, $ns_count, $multiname_count, $mn_specials) ; } sub get_swf_method_infos { my($in)= @_ ; my($param_count, $flags) ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; for (1..$count) { $param_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$param_count) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs && ($flags= ord($1)) ; &get_swf_option_info($in) if $flags & 0x08 ; if ($flags & 0x80) { &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$param_count) ; } } return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } sub get_swf_metadata_infos { my($in)= @_ ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my $mi_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; for (1..$mi_count) { &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; my $item_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) for (1..2*$item_count) ; # item_info is 2 u30's } return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } sub get_swf_instance_class_infos { my($in)= @_ ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my($flags, $intrf_count, $trait_count) ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; for (1..$count) { # instance_info &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs && ($flags= ord($1)) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) if $flags & 0x08 ; $intrf_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) for (1..$intrf_count) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $trait_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &get_swf_traits_info($in) for (1..$trait_count) ; } for (1..$count) { # class_info &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $trait_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &get_swf_traits_info($in) for (1..$trait_count) ; } return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } sub get_swf_script_infos { my($in)= @_ ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my($trait_count) ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; for (1..$count) { # script_info &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $trait_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &get_swf_traits_info($in) for (1..$trait_count) ; } return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } # Here is where the AVM2 bytecode is proxified. sub proxify_swf_method_body_infos { my($in, $string_count, $ns_count, $multiname_count, $mn_specials)= @_ ; my(@out, $pos, $code_length, $code, $insertions, $pre_coerce_ins_part1, $pre_coerce_ins_part2, $exception_count, $trait_count) ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($count)) ; # These are what need to be inserted into the bytecode at various points. # Since length may vary, must calculate length of the code after the jump(s). my($post_construct_ins, $pre_connect_ins, $pre_play_ins, $post_loaderURL_ins, $pre_set_url_ins, $replace_get_url_ins_format1, $replace_get_url_ins_format2, $proxify_top_url_ins, $after_jump, $after_jump2, $block, $pre_call_ins_format, $pre_call_ins_loop, $pre_apply_ins) ; my $alert_ins= "\x2a\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+12) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02\x29" ; $proxify_top_url_ins= "\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+5) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $after_jump= "\x2a\x2a\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+5) . "\x2b\x66" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+1) . "\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02\x61" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+1) ; $post_construct_ins= "\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count) . "\x12" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump ; $after_jump= "\x2b\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+10) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $pre_connect_ins= "\x2b\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+4) . "\x11" . &set_swf_s24(5) . "\x2b\x10" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump ; $after_jump= "\x2b\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+11) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $pre_play_ins= "\x2b\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+5) . "\x11" . &set_swf_s24(5) . "\x2b\x10" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump ; $post_loaderURL_ins= "\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+13) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $after_jump= "\x2b\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+5) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $pre_set_url_ins= "\x2b\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count) . "\x11" . &set_swf_s24(5) . "\x2b\x10" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump ; # Used for getproperty something::url -- messy, since need to use original # multiname, whose length is unpredictable. # First format string has three %s: (length of getproperty instruction)+4, $param_st, # (length of $replace_get_url_ins_format2) . # Second format string has one %s, set to $param_st . $block= "\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+6) ; $block=~ s/%/%%/g ; # since this will be used in sprintf() $replace_get_url_ins_format1= $block . "\x11%s\x66%s\x10%s" ; $block= "\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+13) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02" ; $block=~ s/%/%%/g ; # since this will be used in sprintf() $replace_get_url_ins_format2= "\x66%s$block" ; # this is now previous $after_jump, with %s for PARAM_ST # Calculate unchanging parts outside of loop. $pre_coerce_ins_part1= "\x2a\xb2" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count) . "\x11" ; $pre_coerce_ins_part2= "\x2a\x2a\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+5) . "\x2b\x66" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+1) . "\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02\x61" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+1) . "\x10" ; # call is messy-- will use $pre_call_ins_format as a sprintf() format, and # $pre_call_ins_loop will be inserted arg_count times at the second %s. $after_jump= "\x2b\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+16) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02\x2b" ; $pre_call_ins_format= "\x56%s" ; $block= "\x2b\x2a\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x14" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump . "\x2b" ; $block=~ s/%/%%/g ; # since this will be used in sprintf() $pre_call_ins_format.= "$block%s\x29" ; $pre_call_ins_loop= "\x2a\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+8) . "\x00\x2b" ; $after_jump= "\x2b\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x2b\x2c" . &set_swf_u30_32($string_count+17) . "\x2b\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x02\x2b" ; $pre_apply_ins= "\x56\x02\x2b\x2a\x60" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+2) . "\x66" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+3) . "\x14" . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump . "\x2b\x2a\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+8) . "\x00\x2b\x2a\x46" . &set_swf_u30_32($multiname_count+8) . "\x00\x2b\x29" ; # Handle one method body at a time for my $mb (0..$count-1) { $pos= pos($$in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; push(@out, substr($$in, $pos, pos($$in)-$pos)) ; # The max_stack setting for each method has to be increased by 5. my $max_stack= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($max_stack+5)) ; $pos= pos($$in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) for 1..3 ; push(@out, substr($$in, $pos, pos($$in)-$pos)) ; # proxify the code segment! $code_length= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; $code= substr($$in, pos($$in), $code_length) ; pos($$in)+= $code_length ; ($code, $insertions)= &proxify_swf_avm2_code($code, $proxify_top_url_ins, $post_construct_ins, $pre_connect_ins, $pre_play_ins, $post_loaderURL_ins, $pre_set_url_ins, $replace_get_url_ins_format1, $replace_get_url_ins_format2, $pre_coerce_ins_part1, $pre_coerce_ins_part2, $mn_specials, $mb, $alert_ins, $pre_call_ins_format, $pre_call_ins_loop, $pre_apply_ins) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32(length($code)), $code) ; # Exceptions each have three references to code positions that must be updated. $exception_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@out, &set_swf_u30_32($exception_count)) ; push(@out, &proxify_exception_info($in, $insertions)) for (1..$exception_count) ; $pos= pos($$in) ; $trait_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &get_swf_traits_info($in) for (1..$trait_count) ; push(@out, substr($$in, $pos, pos($$in)-$pos)) ; } return join('', @out) ; } sub proxify_exception_info { my($in, $insertions)= @_ ; my($from, $to, $target)= (&get_swf_u30_32($in), &get_swf_u30_32($in), &get_swf_u30_32($in)) ; foreach my $i (@$insertions) { $from+= $i->{len} if $from > $i->{pos} ; $to+= $i->{len} if $to >= $i->{pos} ; $target+= $i->{len} if $target > $i->{pos} ; } my $ret= &set_swf_u30_32($from) . &set_swf_u30_32($to) . &set_swf_u30_32($target) ; my $pos= pos($$in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; return $ret . substr($$in, $pos, pos($$in)-$pos) ; } # Here's where the code modification happens. Inserts $post_construct_ins after # every construct or constructprop, $pre_connect_ins before a callpropvoid # that calls "connect", and $pre_play_ins before a callpropvoid that calls # "play". After making all insertions, updates all jumps. # $mn_specials is the list of which multinames refer to a name "connect", "play", # or one of several other strings we must catch. sub proxify_swf_avm2_code { my($code, $proxify_top_url_ins, $post_construct_ins, $pre_connect_ins, $pre_play_ins, $post_loaderURL_ins, $pre_set_url_ins, $replace_get_url_ins_format1, $replace_get_url_ins_format2, $pre_coerce_ins_part1, $pre_coerce_ins_part2, $mn_specials, $mb, $alert_ins, $pre_call_ins_format, $pre_call_ins_loop, $pre_apply_ins)= @_ ; my(@out, $out_len, $old_out_len, $old_code_pos, $op, @params, $param_st, $pos, $out, $target, @insertions, @jumps, $pre_coerce_ins, $after_jump) ; &set_AVM2_BYTECODES() unless $AVM2_BYTECODES ; my $post_construct_ins_len= length($post_construct_ins) ; my $pre_connect_ins_len= length($pre_connect_ins) ; my $pre_play_ins_len= length($pre_play_ins) ; my $post_loaderURL_ins_len= length($post_loaderURL_ins) ; my $proxify_top_url_ins_len= length($proxify_top_url_ins) ; my $pre_apply_ins_len= length($pre_apply_ins) ; use vars qw($test) ; # Loop through $code, one instruction at a time. # jsm-- must account for $code > \xff ? while ($code=~ /\G(.)/gcs) { $op= $1 ; $old_code_pos= pos($code)-1 ; $old_out_len= $out_len ; &HTMLdie(['Bad opcode: [%s] at position %s in method body %s.', swf2perl($op), $old_code_pos, $mb]) unless defined $AVM2_BYTECODES->[ord($op)] ; # jsm # Read in any parameters for this instruction. @params= () ; if ($AVM2_BYTECODES->[ord($op)]{params}) { $pos= pos($code) ; foreach my $f (@{ $AVM2_BYTECODES->[ord($op)]{params} }) { push(@params, $f->(\$code)) ; } $param_st= substr($code, $pos, pos($code)-$pos) ; } else { $param_st= '' ; } # Because some insertions are before the instruction and some are # after, we must push the instruction inside the conditional. # Insert a code bit after every contruct. if ($op eq "\x42") { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $post_construct_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $post_construct_ins) ; $out_len+= $post_construct_ins_len ; # Insert a code bit after every constructprop, but only if the index # parameter references a "URLRequest" string. # jsm-- should handle runtime multinames too.... } elsif ($op eq "\x4a") { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; foreach (@{$mn_specials->{URLRequest}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $post_construct_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $post_construct_ins) ; $out_len+= $post_construct_ins_len ; last ; } } # Insert a code bit before every coerce, but only if the index parameter # references a "URLRequest" string. # Gets a bit messy avoiding double-proxifying here. # jsm-- should handle runtime multinames too.... } elsif ($op eq "\x80") { # Next two lines would be after block below if it worked, but # for now we'll just use $post_construct_ins instead of $pre_coerce_ins . push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; foreach (@{$mn_specials->{URLRequest}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { # jsm-- this could result in double-proxifying of URLs. The # commented-out section below could solve that, but has some # bug that doesn't proxify every URL in a SWF. So for now, # keep the privacy hole closed and risk double-proxifying some # URLs. The downside is that either @BANNED_NETWORKS can't # include localhost, or that we disable double-proxified URLs # in _proxy_jslib_full_url(), meaning that chained accesses # through the same script won't proxify Flash correctly. ## This is the part of this insertion that varies-- also messy. #$after_jump= "\x80" . $param_st . $pre_coerce_ins_part2 . &set_swf_s24(1+length($param_st)) ; #$pre_coerce_ins= $pre_coerce_ins_part1 . &set_swf_s24(length($after_jump)) . $after_jump ; #$pre_coerce_ins= "\x2a\x12" . &set_swf_s24(length($pre_coerce_ins)) . $pre_coerce_ins ; #push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => length($pre_coerce_ins)}) ; #push(@out, $pre_coerce_ins) ; #$out_len+= length($pre_coerce_ins) ; push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $post_construct_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $post_construct_ins) ; $out_len+= $post_construct_ins_len ; last ; } } # Insert a code bit before every callpropvoid, but only if the index # parameter references a "connect" or "play". We do the same for # callproperty-- even though the compiler doesn't use it for # NetConnection.connect() and NetStream.play(), privacy could be # compromised if a malicious server uses callproperty. # Also, do this for callsuper and callsupervoid. } elsif ($op eq "\x4f" or $op eq "\x46" or $op eq "\x45" or $op eq "\x4e") { my $done ; foreach (@{$mn_specials->{'connect'}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { # connect() can have more than one param, but we wouldn't handle # that correctly with what we have. if ($params[1]==1) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $pre_connect_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $pre_connect_ins) ; $out_len+= $pre_connect_ins_len ; } $done= 1 ; last ; } } if (!$done) { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{play}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { # To avoid some false positives, require that the second param is 1. if ($params[1]==1) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $pre_play_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $pre_play_ins) ; $out_len+= $pre_play_ins_len ; } $done= 1 ; last ; } } } if (!$done) { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{call}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { my $ins= sprintf($pre_call_ins_format, &set_swf_u30_32($params[1]), $pre_call_ins_loop x $params[1]) ; push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => length($ins)}) ; push(@out, $ins) ; $out_len+= length($ins) ; $done= 1 ; last ; } } } if (!$done) { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{apply}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { # To avoid some false positives, require that the second param is 2. if ($params[1]==2) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $pre_apply_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $pre_apply_ins) ; $out_len+= $pre_apply_ins_len ; } $done= 1 ; last ; } } } if (!$done) { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{loadPolicyFile}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $proxify_top_url_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $proxify_top_url_ins) ; $out_len+= $proxify_top_url_ins_len ; last ; } } } push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; # Record every jump, to be updated later. # All jump opcodes are in the range \x0c-\x1a except for lookupswitch (\x1b). # $jumps[]{pos} is the position of the offset parameter of the jump # action, which is 3 bytes earlier than the current $out_len. # Note that {pos} is based on $out_len (i.e. post-processing position), # while {target} and {base} are based on pos($code) (i.e. # pre-processing position). } elsif ($op=~ /^[\x0c-\x1a]$/) { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; push(@jumps, {pos => $out_len-3, target => pos($code)+$params[0], base => pos($code)}) ; # Handle lookupswitch, which needs special care. } elsif ($op eq "\x1b") { $old_out_len= $out_len ; push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; # First, add the default jump. push(@jumps, {pos => $old_out_len+length($op), target => $old_code_pos+$params[0][0], base => $old_code_pos, is_ls => 1}) ; # Then, add all the case jumps, which come after a u30 that we must skip. my $case_pos= $out_len - 3*($params[0][1]+1) ; for (2..$params[0][1]+2) { push(@jumps, {pos => $case_pos, target => $old_code_pos+$params[0][$_], base => $old_code_pos, is_ls => 1}) ; $case_pos+= 3 ; } # Insert a code bit before every getproperty, but only if the index # parameter references a "loaderURL" (for flash.display.LoaderInfo.loaderURL) # or a "url". If "url", does a replacement rather than a prepending. } elsif ($op eq "\x66") { my $done ; foreach (@{$mn_specials->{loaderURL}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => $post_loaderURL_ins_len}) ; push(@out, $post_loaderURL_ins) ; $out_len+= $post_loaderURL_ins_len ; $done= 1 ; last ; } } if (!$done) { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{url}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { # First format string has three %s: (length of getproperty instruction)+4, $param_st, # (length of $replace_get_url_ins_format2) . # Second format string has one %s, set to $param_st . my $inst_len= length($op . $param_st) ; my $ins2= sprintf($replace_get_url_ins_format2, $param_st) ; my $ins= sprintf($replace_get_url_ins_format1, &set_swf_s24($inst_len+4), $param_st, &set_swf_s24(length($ins2))) . $ins2 ; push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => length($ins)-$inst_len}) ; push(@out, $ins) ; $out_len+= length($ins) ; $done= 1 ; last ; } } } if (!$done) { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; } # Insert a code bit before every setproperty, but only if the index # parameter references a "url". } elsif ($op eq "\x61") { foreach (@{$mn_specials->{url}}) { if ($params[0]==$_) { push(@insertions, {pos => $out_len, len => length($pre_set_url_ins)}) ; push(@out, $pre_set_url_ins) ; $out_len+= length($pre_set_url_ins) ; last ; } } push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; } else { push(@out, $op, $param_st) ; $out_len+= length($op)+length($param_st) ; } } $out= join('', @out) ; if (@insertions) { # Update all jump targets in place in $out. # For lookupswitch jumps, increase the base address when $j->{base}==$i->{pos} , # but for normal jumps don't. foreach my $j (@jumps) { foreach my $i (@insertions) { $j->{target}+= $i->{len} if $j->{target} > $i->{pos} ; $j->{base}+= $i->{len} if $j->{is_ls} ? ($j->{base} >= $i->{pos}) : ($j->{base} > $i->{pos}) ; } substr($out, $j->{pos}, 3)= &set_swf_s24($j->{target} - $j->{base}) ; } } return ($out, \@insertions) ; } # Skip past variable-length integer, when we don't need the value. sub skip_swf_u30_u32_s32 { ${$_[0]}=~ /\G[\x80-\xff]{0,4}[\0-\x7f]/gcs ; return ; } # u30 and u32 are var-length integers-- 1-5 bytes, each byte contributes 7 low # bits, ends when top bit is not set. # Perl's pack('w') template packs a variable-length integer much like SWF's # u30/32, but with the byte order reversed. So here we reverse the string, # then set the high bit of the first byte and clear the high bit of the last # byte. Then we can use pack/unpack. sub get_swf_u30_32 { my($in)= @_ ; return ord($1) if $$in=~ /\G([\0-\x7f])/gc ; # shortcut for common case $$in=~ /\G([\x80-\xff]{0,4}[\0-\x7f])/gc ; my $ret= reverse $1 ; substr($ret, 0, 1)|= "\x80" ; substr($ret, -1, 1)&= "\x7f" ; return unpack('w', $ret) ; # my($total, $i) ; # my(@bytes)= split(//, $1) ; # $total+= (ord($_) & 0x7f) << (7 * $i++) foreach (@bytes) ; # return $total ; } sub set_swf_u30_32 { my($val)= @_ ; return chr($val) if $val <= 0x7f ; # shortcut for common case my $ret= reverse pack('w', $val) ; substr($ret, 0, 1)|= "\x80" ; substr($ret, -1, 1)&= "\x7f" ; return $ret ; } sub get_swf_u8 { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs ; return ord($1) ; } sub get_swf_s24 { my($in)= @_ ; $$in=~ /\G(.)(.)(.)/gcs ; my $val= ord($1) + (ord($2)<<8) + (ord($3)<<16) ; # Set sign if needed. $val= -(~$val & 0xffffff) - 1 if $val & 0x800000 ; return $val ; } sub set_swf_s24 { my($val)= @_ ; # Note that 'V' template is for unsigned, but pack() seems to accept # negative input. return substr(pack('V', $val), 0, 3) ; } # Strings are in UTF-8 with preceding u30 size in bytes. # In UTF-8, bytes not starting with "10" start a character, and bytes # starting with "10" are continuation bytes in the same character. sub get_swf_string { my($in)= @_ ; my($size)= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; my $ret= substr($$in, pos($$in), $size) ; pos($$in)+= $size ; return $ret ; } # One u30 count followed by u30[count] . sub get_swf_ns_set { my($in)= @_ ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$count) ; return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } # Format varies depending on first byte. # We need to remember which ones use the name "connect", "play", "URLRequest", # "loaderURL", "loadPolicyFile", "url", "call", or "apply", # in order to proxify elsewhere correctly. For now, only worry about type 7 # for this, since that's how those commands are compiled to bytecode. A # malicious server could use a different type to get through this and learn # a user's IP address. # This routine modifies $mn_specials in place. # Ideally we wouldn't handle "apply" and "call" when they're not methods of # Function, but that could be easily hidden, so we handle them all. sub get_swf_multiname { my($in, $mn_id, $n_specials, $mn_specials)= @_ ; my $start_pos= pos($$in) ; my($kind, $count) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs && ($kind= ord($1)) ; if ($kind==0x07) { # QName &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; my $name_id= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; foreach my $p (qw(connect play URLRequest loaderURL loadPolicyFile url call apply)) { ($name_id==$_) && push(@{$mn_specials->{$p}}, $mn_id) foreach (@{$n_specials->{$p}}) ; } } elsif ($kind==0x0d) { # QName, for attributes &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } elsif ($kind==0x0f or $kind==0x10) { # RTQName &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } elsif ($kind==0x11 or $kind==0x12) { # RTQNameL } elsif ($kind==0x13 or $kind==0x14) { # NameL } elsif ($kind==0x09 or $kind==0x0e) { # Multiname my $name_id= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; foreach my $p (qw(connect play URLRequest loaderURL loadPolicyFile url call apply)) { ($name_id==$_) && push(@{$mn_specials->{$p}}, $mn_id) foreach (@{$n_specials->{$p}}) ; } } elsif ($kind==0x1b or $kind==0x1c) { # MultinameL &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } elsif ($kind==0x1d) { # ??? &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) foreach (1..$count) ; } return substr($$in, $start_pos, pos($$in)-$start_pos) ; } sub get_swf_option_info { my($in)= @_ ; my $count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; for (1..$count) { # option_detail &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; pos($$in)++ ; } } sub get_swf_traits_info { my($in)= @_ ; my($kind, $flags, $vindex, $metadata_count) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $$in=~ /\G(.)/gcs && (($kind, $flags)= (ord($1) & 0x0f, ord($1)>>4)) ; if ($kind==0 or $kind==6) { # Trait_Slot or Trait_Const &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; $vindex= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; pos($$in)++ if $vindex ; } elsif ($kind==4) { # Trait_Class &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } elsif ($kind==5) { # Trait_Function &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } elsif ($kind==1 or $kind==2 or $kind==3) { # Trait_Method, Trait_Getter, or Trait_Setter &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) ; } if ($flags & 0x04) { # metadata $metadata_count= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; &skip_swf_u30_u32_s32($in) for (1..$metadata_count) ; } } sub get_swf_lookupswitch { my($in)= @_ ; my(@ret) ; push(@ret, &get_swf_s24($in)) ; my($count)= &get_swf_u30_32($in) ; push(@ret, $count) ; push(@ret, &get_swf_s24($in)) for (1..$count+1) ; return \@ret ; } #==================================================================== sub swf2perl { my($in)= @_ ; my($out) ; while ($in=~ /\G(.)/gcs) { my($chr)= $1 ; my($ord)= ord($chr) ; my($digit_follows) ; if ($in=~ /\G\d/gcs) { $digit_follows= 1 ; pos($in)-- ; } if ($ord==36 or $ord==64 or $ord==92 or $ord==34) { $out.= "\\".chr($ord) ; } elsif ($ord>=32 and $ord<=126) { $out.= chr($ord) ; } elsif ($ord>=1 and $ord<=26) { $out.= "\\c".chr($ord+64) ; } elsif ($ord==0 and !$digit_follows) { $out.= "\\0" ; } else { $out.= "\\x".sprintf(($ord>255 ? "{%04x}" : "%02x"), $ord) ; } } return $out ; } #==================================================================== sub set_AVM2_BYTECODES { my $AVM2_hash= { "\xa0" => {name => 'add'}, "\xc5" => {name => 'add_i'}, "\x53" => {name => 'applytype', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x86" => {name => 'astype', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x87" => {name => 'astypelate'}, "\xa8" => {name => 'bitand'}, "\x97" => {name => 'bitnot'}, "\xa9" => {name => 'bitor'}, "\xaa" => {name => 'bitxor'}, "\x41" => {name => 'call', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x43" => {name => 'callmethod', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32, \&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x46" => {name => 'callproperty', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32, \&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x4c" => {name => 'callproplex', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32, \&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x4f" => {name => 'callpropvoid', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32, \&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x44" => {name => 'callstatic', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32, \&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x45" => {name => 'callsuper', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32, \&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x4e" => {name => 'callsupervoid', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32, \&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x78" => {name => 'checkfilter'}, "\x80" => {name => 'coerce', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x82" => {name => 'coerce_a'}, "\x85" => {name => 'coerce_s'}, "\x42" => {name => 'construct', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x4a" => {name => 'constructprop', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32, \&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x49" => {name => 'constructsuper', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x76" => {name => 'convert_b'}, "\x75" => {name => 'convert_d'}, "\x73" => {name => 'convert_i'}, "\x77" => {name => 'convert_o'}, "\x70" => {name => 'convert_s'}, "\x74" => {name => 'convert_u'}, "\xef" => {name => 'debug', params => [\&get_swf_u8, \&get_swf_u30_32, \&get_swf_u8, \&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\xf1" => {name => 'debugfile', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\xf0" => {name => 'debugline', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x94" => {name => 'declocal'}, "\xc3" => {name => 'declocal_i'}, "\x93" => {name => 'decrement'}, "\xc1" => {name => 'decrement_i'}, "\x6a" => {name => 'deleteproperty', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xa3" => {name => 'divide'}, "\x2a" => {name => 'dup'}, "\x06" => {name => 'dxns', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x07" => {name => 'dxnslate'}, "\xab" => {name => 'equals'}, "\x72" => {name => 'esc_xattr'}, "\x71" => {name => 'esc_xelem'}, "\x5e" => {name => 'findproperty', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x5d" => {name => 'findpropstrict', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x59" => {name => 'getdescendants', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x64" => {name => 'getglobalscope'}, "\x6e" => {name => 'getglobalslot', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x60" => {name => 'getlex', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x62" => {name => 'getlocal', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xd0" => {name => 'getlocal_0'}, "\xd1" => {name => 'getlocal_1'}, "\xd2" => {name => 'getlocal_2'}, "\xd3" => {name => 'getlocal_3'}, "\x66" => {name => 'getproperty', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x65" => {name => 'getscopeobject', params => [\&get_swf_u8]}, "\x6c" => {name => 'getslot', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x04" => {name => 'getsuper', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xb0" => {name => 'greaterequals'}, # note error in spec "\xaf" => {name => 'greaterthan'}, "\x1f" => {name => 'hasnext'}, "\x32" => {name => 'hasnext2', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32, \&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, # just a guess... :P "\x13" => {name => 'ifeq', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x12" => {name => 'iffalse', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x18" => {name => 'ifge', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x17" => {name => 'ifgt', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x16" => {name => 'ifle', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x15" => {name => 'iflt', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x14" => {name => 'ifne', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x0f" => {name => 'ifnge', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x0e" => {name => 'ifngt', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x0d" => {name => 'ifnle', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x0c" => {name => 'ifnlt', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x19" => {name => 'ifstricteq', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x1a" => {name => 'ifstrictne', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x11" => {name => 'iftrue', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\xb4" => {name => 'in'}, "\x92" => {name => 'inclocal', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xc2" => {name => 'inclocal_i', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x91" => {name => 'increment'}, "\xc0" => {name => 'increment_i'}, "\x68" => {name => 'initproperty', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xb1" => {name => 'instanceof'}, "\xb2" => {name => 'istype', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xb3" => {name => 'istypelate'}, "\x10" => {name => 'jump', params => [\&get_swf_s24]}, "\x08" => {name => 'kill', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x09" => {name => 'label'}, "\xae" => {name => 'lessequals'}, "\xad" => {name => 'lessthan'}, "\x38" => {name => 'lf32'}, "\x39" => {name => 'lf64'}, "\x35" => {name => 'li8'}, "\x36" => {name => 'li16'}, "\x37" => {name => 'li32'}, "\x1b" => {name => 'lookupswitch', params => [\&get_swf_lookupswitch]}, "\xa5" => {name => 'lshift'}, "\xa4" => {name => 'modulo'}, "\xa2" => {name => 'multiply'}, "\xc7" => {name => 'multiply_i'}, "\x90" => {name => 'negate'}, "\xc4" => {name => 'negate_i'}, "\x57" => {name => 'newactivation'}, "\x56" => {name => 'newarray', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x5a" => {name => 'newcatch', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x58" => {name => 'newclass', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x40" => {name => 'newfunction', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x55" => {name => 'newobject', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x1e" => {name => 'nextname'}, "\x23" => {name => 'nextvalue'}, "\x02" => {name => 'nop'}, "\x96" => {name => 'not'}, "\x29" => {name => 'pop'}, "\x1d" => {name => 'popscope'}, "\x24" => {name => 'pushbyte', params => [\&get_swf_u8]}, "\x2f" => {name => 'pushdouble', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x27" => {name => 'pushfalse'}, "\x2d" => {name => 'pushint', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x31" => {name => 'pushnamespace', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x28" => {name => 'pushnan'}, "\x20" => {name => 'pushnull'}, "\x30" => {name => 'pushscope'}, "\x25" => {name => 'pushshort', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x2c" => {name => 'pushstring', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x26" => {name => 'pushtrue'}, "\x2e" => {name => 'pushuint', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x21" => {name => 'pushundefined'}, "\x1c" => {name => 'pushwith'}, "\x48" => {name => 'returnvalue'}, "\x47" => {name => 'returnvoid'}, "\xa6" => {name => 'rshift'}, "\x6f" => {name => 'setglobalslot', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x63" => {name => 'setlocal', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\xd4" => {name => 'setlocal_0'}, "\xd5" => {name => 'setlocal_1'}, "\xd6" => {name => 'setlocal_2'}, "\xd7" => {name => 'setlocal_3'}, "\x61" => {name => 'setproperty', params => [\&get_swf_u30_32]}, "\x6d" => {name => 'setslot', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x05" => {name => 'setsuper', params => [\&skip_swf_u30_u32_s32]}, "\x3d" => {name => 'sf32'}, "\x3e" => {name => 'sf64'}, "\x3a" => {name => 'si8'}, "\x3b" => {name => 'si16'}, "\x3c" => {name => 'si32'}, "\xac" => {name => 'strictequals'}, "\xa1" => {name => 'subtract'}, "\xc6" => {name => 'subtract_i'}, "\x2b" => {name => 'swap'}, "\x50" => {name => 'sxi_1'}, "\x51" => {name => 'sxi_8'}, "\x52" => {name => 'sxi_16'}, "\x03" => {name => 'throw'}, "\x95" => {name => 'typeof'}, "\xa7" => {name => 'urshift'}, } ; @$AVM2_BYTECODES[map {ord} keys %$AVM2_hash]= (values %$AVM2_hash) ; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPAN-related code #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Try to install CPAN modules. sub install_modules { my(@modules)= @_ ; my($installed_local_lib, %env) ; if (!@modules) { # This is the default-- the complete set of modules. @modules= qw(Net::SSLeay JSON IO::Compress::Gzip IO::Compress::Deflate IO::Compress::Lzma) ; push(@modules, 'DBI', "DBD::$DB_DRIVER") if $DB_DRIVER ne '' ; } my $needs_local_lib ; foreach (@modules) { eval "require $_" ; $needs_local_lib= 1, last if $@ ; } require CPAN ; # big module; don't require until needed require CPAN::FirstTime ; # local::lib lets us install modules under $HOME/perl5/ when we don't have # root permissions. eval { require local::lib } unless $>==0 ; if ($@ and $needs_local_lib) { # To bootstrap local::lib, we're supposed to use the manual command # "perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap" when building. Unfortunately, the # CPAN module doesn't provide a way to pass a flag to that step of # the process. So here we emulate what happens in CPAN::FirstTime::init() , # which bootstraps the local::lib installation in the cpan utility. my $dist ; if ($dist= CPAN::Shell->expand('Module', 'local::lib')->distribution) { $dist->{prefs}{pl}{commandline}= $LOCAL_LIB_DIR ne '' ? "$^X Makefile.PL '--bootstrap=$LOCAL_LIB_DIR'" : "$^X Makefile.PL --bootstrap" ; require lib ; lib->import(CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_inc_path()) ; eval { $dist->install } ; } if (!$dist or $@) { die "Can't install local::lib: $@\n" ; } else { require local::lib ; $installed_local_lib= 1 ; # Set environment variables, so subsequent installs work with local::lib . # Next line is copied from CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_config(), except the # middle parameter of 0 has been added. I think it's a bug in # CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_config(), as it disagrees with the code # in local::lib->build_environment_vars_for() . my %env = local::lib->build_environment_vars_for(CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_path(), 0, 1) ; @ENV{keys %env}= (values %env) ; } } # Clear these environment variables if root; otherwise, will install under # user's $HOME. @ENV{qw(PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT PERL5LIB)}= ('') x 4 if $>==0 ; my @failed ; foreach (@modules) { my $rv= require_with_install($_) ; if ($rv==2) { print "$_ installation succeeded\n" } elsif ($rv!=1) { print "FAILED: [$_] [$rv]\n" ; push(@failed, $_) } } print("Failed to install: [@failed]\n") if @failed ; if ($installed_local_lib) { my $env= local::lib->environment_vars_string_for(CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_path()) ; if ($^O=~ /win/i) { print < ; if ($resp=~ /^y/i) { $startup_file= File::Spec->catfile(CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_home(), $startup_file) ; open(STARTUP, '>>', $startup_file) or die "Can't open $startup_file: $!\n" ; print STARTUP $env ; close(STARTUP) ; } } until $resp=~ /^[yn]/i ; } my $local_lib_dir= CPAN::FirstTime::_local_lib_path() ; print <install($module) ; # install() doesn't always return true upon success, so test it. eval "require $module" ; if ($@) { return undef unless $die_on_failure ; &HTMLdie([<connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB_NAME", '', '', { AutoCommit => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) ; &HTMLdie("Can't connect to SQLite database: $DBI::errstr") unless $DBH ; chmod($RUN_AS_USER==(stat($DB_NAME))[4] ? 0600 : 0666, $DB_NAME) or &HTMLdie(["Can't chmod %s: %s", $DB_NAME, $DBI::errstr]) ; } else { $DBH||= DBI->connect("dbi:$DB_DRIVER:database=$DB_NAME;$DB_HOSTPORT", $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, { AutoCommit => 1 }) ; if (!$DBH) { # jsm-- handle other common error cases! # No $DB_NAME database yet; try to connect to engine with no database requested. $DBH= DBI->connect("dbi:$DB_DRIVER:$DB_HOSTPORT", $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, { AutoCommit => 1 }) or &HTMLdie(["Can't connect to database engine: %s", $DBI::errstr]) ; defined $DBH->do("create database $DB_NAME ;") # jsm-- but what if it's there already? or &HTMLdie(["Can't create database '%s' (try doing it manually): %s", $DB_NAME, $DBI::errstr]) ; # Clobbering old $DBH makes it disconnect. $DBH= DBI->connect("dbi:$DB_DRIVER:database=$DB_NAME;$DB_HOSTPORT", $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, { AutoCommit => 1 }) or &HTMLdie(["Can't connect to new '%s' database: %s", $DB_NAME, $DBI::errstr]) ; } } # Now $DBH has working handle to $DB_NAME database. # Only add tables if they're not there already. return if $DBH->tables(undef, undef, 'session', 'TABLE') ; # Not all database drivers can handle multiple statements, so do one at a time. # Oracle has index key size limit as low as 758 bytes, while the limit for # MySQL/MariaDB is 767. Given that UTF-8 characters can be up to 3 bytes, # this means a limit of 252 characters in an index. SQLite has no limit, # but doesn't support the "column(n)" notation for indices, so we use $index_size . # jsm-- for sites with heavy usage, may need to avoid DELETE CASCADE. my $index_size= $DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite' ? '' : '(252)' ; my $datetime_type= $DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite' ? 'INTEGER' : 'datetime' ; my(@stmts)= split(/;/, <do($_) && &HTMLdie(["Can't create database tables: %s", $DBI::errstr]) for @stmts ; } # Store a cookie in the database, under session $session_id . # Only create global database and statement handles as needed. # Currently returns 1 upon success, dies otherwise. sub store_cookie_in_db { my($name, $value, $expires_clause, $path, $domain, $secure_clause, $httponly_clause)= @_ ; my($expires)= $expires_clause=~ /^expires\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i ; my $secure= $secure_clause ne '' ? 1 : 0 ; my $httponly= $httponly_clause ne '' ? 1 : 0 ; connect_to_db() ; # Delete cookie if expired. if (defined($expires) and date_is_after($now, $expires)) { delete_cookies_from_db(cookie_encode("$domain;$path;$name")) ; # hacky! inefficient! :P return 1 ; # rv==0 means cookie didn't exist; rv==1 means success; return success either way } # Convert $expires to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Assumes GMT, as required by cookie spec. if (defined $expires) { my @t= $expires=~ /^\w+,\s*(\d+)[ -](\w+)[ -](\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ; $t[1]= $UN_MONTH{lc($t[1])} ; $t[2]+= 2000 if length($t[2])==2 ; $expires= defined $t[5] ? sprintf('%04s-%02s-%02s %02s:%02s:%02s', @t[2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5]) : undef ; } # Try to update existing cookie. $STH_UPD_COOKIE||= $DBH->prepare('UPDATE cookie SET value=?, expires=?, secure=?, httponly=? ' . 'WHERE session=? AND name=? AND domain=? AND path=?') ; &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_UPD_COOKIE', $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $STH_UPD_COOKIE ; my $rv= $STH_UPD_COOKIE->execute($value, $expires, $secure, $httponly, (defined($expires) ? $session_id_persistent : $session_id), $name, $domain, $path) ; return 1 if $rv==1 ; # success # Cookie doesn't exist yet; try an INSERT. $STH_INS_COOKIE||= $DBH->prepare('INSERT INTO cookie (session, name, value, expires, domain, path, secure, httponly) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)') ; &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_INS_COOKIE', $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $STH_INS_COOKIE ; $rv= $STH_INS_COOKIE->execute((defined($expires) ? $session_id_persistent : $session_id), $name, $value, $expires, $domain, $path, $secure, $httponly) ; return 1 if $rv==1 ; # success &HTMLdie(["Can't store cookie in database: %s", $DBI::errstr]) ; } # Get matching cookies from the database. # Returns "name1=value1; name2=value2; ..." . # If $for_js is set, then only return those cookies with httponly=0 . sub get_cookies_from_db { my($path, $host, $port, $scheme, $for_js)= @_ ; connect_to_db() ; if (!$STH_SEL_COOKIE) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_SEL_COOKIE= $DBH->prepare(<datetime('now') OR expires IS NULL) AND (?='https' OR secure=0) ORDER BY LENGTH(path) DESC ; EOS } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'mysql') { # MySQL doesn't (can't) support the standard "||" concatenation operator, # but provides CONCAT() . $STH_SEL_COOKIE= $DBH->prepare(<UTC_TIMESTAMP() OR expires IS NULL) AND (?='https' OR secure=0) ORDER BY LENGTH(path) DESC ; EOS } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'Oracle') { $STH_SEL_COOKIE= $DBH->prepare(<SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) OR expires IS NULL) AND (?='https' OR secure=0) ORDER BY LENGTH(path) DESC ; EOS } &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_SEL_COOKIE', $DBH->errstr]) unless defined $STH_SEL_COOKIE ; } # Grab all results and push into @cookie array, avoiding duplicates. my $rv= $STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute($session_id, $session_id_persistent, $host, $host, $path, $scheme) ; &HTMLdie(["Can't STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s", $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $rv ; $rv= $STH_SEL_COOKIE->fetchall_arrayref ; @$rv= grep {!$_->[2]} @$rv if $for_js ; # exclude cookies where httponly=1 # Originally, there couldn't be more than one cookie with the same name # sent in the same request. Now, browsers support this and some websites # rely on it, so we send back all cookies. We still put cookies with # longer paths first, by the ORDER BY clauses above. #my(@cookies, %done) ; #!$done{$_->[0]} && (push(@cookies, "$_->[0]=$_->[1]"), $done{$_->[0]}++) foreach @$rv ; #return join('; ', @cookies) ; return join('; ', map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } @$rv) ; } # Get all cookies for a user from the database, returning them in an array of # hashes. This is used for cookie management. sub get_all_cookies_from_db { connect_to_db() ; if (!$STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES= $DBH->prepare(<datetime('now') OR expires IS NULL) ; EOS } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'mysql') { $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES= $DBH->prepare(<UTC_TIMESTAMP() OR expires IS NULL) ; EOS } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'Oracle') { $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES= $DBH->prepare(<SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) OR expires IS NULL) ; EOS } &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES', $DBH->errstr]) unless defined $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES ; } # Build @cookies from results. my $rv= $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES->execute($session_id, $session_id_persistent) ; $rv= $STH_SEL_ALL_COOKIES->fetchall_arrayref({}) ; return @$rv ; } sub delete_cookies_from_db { connect_to_db() ; if (!$STH_DEL_COOKIE) { $STH_DEL_COOKIE= $DBH->prepare('DELETE FROM cookie WHERE (session=? OR session=?) AND domain=? AND path=? AND name=?;') ; &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_DEL_COOKIE', $DBH->errstr]) unless defined $STH_DEL_COOKIE ; } foreach (@_) { # Each cookie in @_ is encoded "domain;path;name" when using database for cookies. $_= cookie_decode($_) ; my $rv= $STH_DEL_COOKIE->execute($session_id, $session_id_persistent, split(/;/)) ; &HTMLdie(["Can't delete cookie (%s): %s", $_, $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $rv ; } } sub delete_all_cookies_from_db { connect_to_db() ; if (!$STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES) { $STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES= $DBH->prepare('DELETE FROM cookie WHERE (session=? OR session=?) ;') ; &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES', $DBH->errstr]) unless defined $STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES ; } my $rv= $STH_DEL_ALL_COOKIES->execute($session_id, $session_id_persistent) ; &HTMLdie($DBI::errstr) unless defined $rv ; } # Update the session record with the current time. sub update_session_record { my($session_id)= @_ ; if (!$STH_UPD_SESSION) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_UPD_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('UPDATE session SET last_used=datetime(\'now\') WHERE id=?') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'mysql') { $STH_UPD_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('UPDATE session SET last_used=UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id=?') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'Oracle') { $STH_UPD_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('UPDATE session SET last_used=SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) WHERE id=?') ; } &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_UPD_SESSION', $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $STH_UPD_SESSION ; } my $rv= $STH_UPD_SESSION->execute($session_id) ; return $rv==1 ; } # Create a new session record. sub create_session_record { my($session_id)= @_ ; if (!$STH_INS_SESSION) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_INS_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('INSERT INTO session (id, ip_address, last_used) VALUES (?, ?, datetime(\'now\'))') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'mysql') { $STH_INS_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('INSERT INTO session (id, ip_address, last_used) VALUES (?, ?, UTC_TIMESTAMP())') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'Oracle') { $STH_INS_SESSION= $DBH->prepare('INSERT INTO session (id, ip_address, last_used) VALUES (?, ?, SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP))') ; } &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_INS_SESSION', $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $STH_INS_SESSION ; } my $rv= $STH_INS_SESSION->execute($session_id, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) ; return 1 if $rv==1 ; # success &HTMLdie(["Can't create session record: %s", $DBI::errstr]) ; } # Remove all expired records from the database. # This should be run as a cron job. sub purge_db { connect_to_db() ; # First, purge sessions not used in the last hour (should we make time configurable?). if (!$STH_PURGE_SESSIONS) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_PURGE_SESSIONS= $DBH->prepare('DELETE FROM session WHERE last_usedprepare('DELETE FROM session WHERE last_usedprepare('DELETE FROM session WHERE last_usederrstr]) unless defined $STH_PURGE_SESSIONS ; } my $rv= $STH_PURGE_SESSIONS->execute() ; &HTMLdie(["Can't purge sessions: %s", $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $rv ; # Next, purge cookies that either a) have expired, or b) aren't associated # with an existing session. if (!$STH_PURGE_COOKIES) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_PURGE_COOKIES= $DBH->prepare('DELETE FROM cookie WHERE expiresprepare('DELETE FROM cookie WHERE expiresprepare('DELETE FROM cookie WHERE expireserrstr]) unless defined $STH_PURGE_COOKIES ; } $rv= $STH_PURGE_COOKIES->execute() ; &HTMLdie(["Can't purge cookies: %s", $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $rv ; } # Verify that IP address hasn't changed and that session hasn't expired. sub verify_session { my($session_id)= @_ ; if (!$STH_SEL_IP) { if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $STH_SEL_IP= $DBH->prepare('SELECT ip_address FROM session WHERE id=? AND last_used>datetime(\'now\', \'-1 hour\')') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'mysql') { $STH_SEL_IP= $DBH->prepare('SELECT ip_address FROM session WHERE id=? AND last_used>TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR,-1,UTC_TIMESTAMP())') ; } elsif ($DB_DRIVER eq 'Oracle') { $STH_SEL_IP= $DBH->prepare('SELECT ip_address FROM session WHERE id=? AND last_used>SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP)-1/24') ; } } &HTMLdie(["Can't prepare %s: %s", 'STH_SEL_IP', $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $STH_SEL_IP ; my $rv= $STH_SEL_IP->execute($session_id) ; my @rv= $STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array ; return (@rv and $rv[0] eq $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) ; } # Connect to database if needed and set $DBH . # Reuse $DBH if it exists instead of reconnecting. sub connect_to_db { require DBI ; # print STDOUT "**** DB_DRIVER=$DB_DRIVER\n"; # print STDOUT "**** DB_NAME=$DB_NAME\n"; if (!$DBH) { &HTMLdie(["Sorry, can't support %s database yet.", $DB_DRIVER]) unless $DB_DRIVER=~ /^(?:SQLite|mysql|Oracle)$/ ; if ($DB_DRIVER eq 'SQLite') { $DBH= DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB_NAME", '', '', { AutoCommit => 1, sqlite_unicode => 1 }) ; &HTMLdie(["Can't connect to database: %s", $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $DBH ; $DBH->do('PRAGMA foreign_keys=1') ; # no error code $DBH->do('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL') ; # no error code } else { $DBH= DBI->connect("dbi:$DB_DRIVER:database=$DB_NAME;$DB_HOSTPORT", $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, { AutoCommit => 1 }) ; &HTMLdie(["Can't connect to database: %s", $DBI::errstr]) unless defined $DBH ; } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message translations #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This routine was generated by the messages2perl program. # Many thanks to our translators: # Russian: cZar (czar@riseup.net) and Carolyn Anhalt # Farsi: (anonymous) # Turkish: Buket Yilmaz # French: (anonymous) # Arabic: (anonymous) # Indonesian: Asbackhz Ganteng # Chinese: Mengyuan (Annie) Da annie1993nw@163.com # German: Sven Dreyer # Italian: Song Sonky sonky@sonky.com # Javanese: Sadewo Kurowo # Sundanese: Herdih Herdiana # Spanish: Francisco Javier Basaguren # Polish: Robert Myjak # Dutch: Wouter Joris sub get_translations { use utf8 ; my($lang)= @_ ; # All message keys are one line, and don't include "\n". @MSG_KEYS= split(/\n/, <<'EOM') unless @MSG_KEYS ; Authorization failed. Try again. Bad opcode: [%s] at position %s in method body %s. Begin browsing CGIProxy Error Can't SSL connect: %s Can't STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s Can't STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s Can't connect to database engine: %s Can't connect to database: %s Can't connect to new '%s' database: %s Can't create SSL connection: %s Can't create SSL context: %s Can't create database '%s' (try doing it manually): %s Can't create database tables: %s Can't delete cookie (%s): %s Can't prepare %s: %s Can't purge cookies: %s Can't purge sessions: %s Can't set_fd: %s Can't store cookie in database: %s Can't update session record: %s Connecting from wrong IP address. Couldn't bind FTP data socket: %s Couldn't connect to %s:%s: %s Couldn't create FTP data socket: %s Couldn't create socket: %s Couldn't deflate: %s Couldn't find address for %s: %s Couldn't gunzip: %s Couldn't gzip: %s Couldn't inflate: %s Couldn't install Perl's %s module. Try installing it manually, perhaps by running "cpan %s" from the command line. Couldn't listen on FTP data socket: %s Delete selected cookies Enter the URL you wish to visit in the box below. Error accepting FTP data socket: %s Error by target server: no WWW-Authenticate header. Error reading chunked response from %s . Go Intruder Alert! Someone other than the server is trying to send you data. Invalid response from %s: [%s] Manage cookies Net::SSLeay::free error: %s Net::SSLeay::read error: %s No response from %s:%s No response from SSL proxy Restart SSL proxy error; response was:

Seemed to install %s OK, but can't load it. Shouldn't get here, token= [%s] Sorry, can't support %s database yet. Sorry, no such function as //%s Sorry, only HTTP and FTP are currently supported. Sorry, this proxy can't handle a request larger than %s bytes at a password-protected URL. Try reducing your submission size, or submit it to an unprotected URL. The URL must contain a valid host name. The URL you entered has an invalid host name. The target URL cannot contain an empty host name. Too many MIME types to register. UP You are not currently authenticated to any sites through this proxy. You are not currently sending any cookies through this proxy. banned_server_die.response banned_user_die.response chunked read() error: %s download ftp_dirfix.response ftp_error.response get_auth_from_user.response insecure_die.response loop_disallowed_die.response malformed_unicode_die.response manage_cookies.cookie_header_row1 manage_cookies.cookie_header_row2 manage_cookies.response mini_start_form.ret1 mini_start_form.ret2 no_Encode_die.response no_SSL_warning.response no_gzip_die.response non_text_die.response read() error: %s safety script_content_die.response show_start_form.flags show_start_form.response ssl_read_all_fixed() error: %s unsupported_warning.response EOM # Now, set needed set of messages. if ($lang eq 'ar') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'فشل التصريح، حاول مرة اخرى', 'خطا في رمز : %s عند %s في موقع: %s', 'ابدء التصفح', 'CGIProxy خطا', 'لا يمكن الاتصال بطبقة التوصيل الآمنة بسبب: %s', 'نأسف، لا يمكن ‪%‬s‪:‬ STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute', '%s: STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array() لا يمكن', 'لا يمكن الاتصال بقاعدة البيانات‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن الاتصال بقاعدة بيانات جديدة%s:', 'لا يمكن الاتصال بقاعدة بيانات جديدة‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن انشاء اتصال طبقة SSL :%s', 'لا يمكن انشاء سياق طبقة التوصيل الآمن: %s', 'لا يمكن انشاء قاعدة البيانات ‪%‬s (حاول انشاءها يدويا)‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن انشاء جداول قاعدة بيانات ‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن الغاء الكوكيز‪%‬s‪:‬ ‪%‬s', 'لا يمكن الاعداد ‪%‬s‪:‬ ‪%‬s', 'لا يمكن تنظيف الكوكيز‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن تنظيف الجلسة‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن انشاء %s fd', 'لا يمكن تخزين الكوكيز في قاعدة البيانات‪%‬s‪:‬', 'لا يمكن تحديث جلسة السجل‪%‬s‪:‬', 'الاتصال من رقم انترنت خاطئ', 'لا يمكن ربط مخرج البيانات في بروتوكول تحويل الملفات‪%‬s‪:‬', '%s:%s: %s لا يمكن الاتصال', 'لا يمكن انشاء مخرج البيانات في بروتوكول تحويل الملفات‪%‬s‪:‬', '%s: لا يمكن انشاء الوصله', 'لا يمكن ضغط الملف: %s', '%s: %s لا يمكن ايجاد العنوان', 'لا يمكن فك الملف المضغوط: %s', 'لا يمكن ضغط الملف: %s', 'لا يمكن فك الملف المضغوط: %s', 'لا يمكن تنصيب Perl\'s %s تلقائيا. حاول تنصيبه يدويا، ربما بفتح قاعدة ‪%‬s cpan من قائمة الاوامر', '%s: لا يمكن الاستماع الى مخرج البيانات في بروتوكول تحويل الملفات', 'امحي الكوكيز المحددة', 'اكتب العنوان الالكتروني المراد زيارته في الصندوق ادناه', '%s: طأ، لا يمكن قبول مخرج البيانات في بروتوكول تحويل الملفات', 'حدث خطأ من الجهاز. لا يوجد WWW-Authenticate header', 'خطأ في قراءة الرد المقسم من: %s', 'انطلق', 'تنبيه متطفل: احد الاشخاص المتصلين بالمزود يحاول ارسال ملفات لك.', '[%s]: %s الاجابة غير صالحه', 'ضبط الكوكيز', '%s :Net::SSLeay::free خطا من', '%s ‫:‬Net::SSLeay::read خطا من', 'عدم استجابه من : %s. %s', 'عدم استجابة وكيل SSL', 'العودة للبداية', 'عدم استجابة الوكيل لخطأ في طبقة التوصيل الآمنة كان: %s', 'تم تنصيب ‪%‬s ولكن لا يمكن تحميله', '[%s] غير المفروض ان تصل هذه المرحله', 'نأسف، لا يمكن استخدام قاعدة البيانات ‪%‬s‪:‬', 'نأسف، لا يوجد برنامج بهذا الاسم‪%‬s‪:‬', 'نأسف، هذه الخدمة متوفره فقط في بروتوكولات نقل الملفات ومواقع التصفح الالكتروني (FTP and HTTP)', 'نأسف، الوكيل لا يقبل لاكثر من ( %s ) في حماية كلمة المرور ، حاول اختصارها او ارسلها مع خدمه بدون حماية', 'العنوان الالكتروني يجب ان يتضمن نطاق صالح', 'العنوان الالكتروني المدخل غير صالح', 'لا يجب ان يكون عنوان الانترنت خال', 'عدد انواع السجلات كبير ولا يمكن تسجيله', 'فوق', 'ليس مصرح لك الدخول لكافة المواقع من خلال هذا الوكيل', 'لا يمكنك ارسال ملفات الكوكيز من خلال هذا الوكيل', ' الوكيل لا يمكن الوصول إلى ذلك الخادم، آسف

الوكيل لا يمكن الوصول إلى ذلك الخادم، آسف

صاحب هذا الموقع يسمح لمواقع معينة فقطو والموقع الذي حاولت الوصول اليه ليس من هذه المواقع ', ' > نأسف أنت غير مصرح لك الدخول الى الخادم البديل

> نأسف أنت غير مصرح لك الدخول الى الخادم البديل

صاحب هذا الموقع يسمح لعنوان (رقم انترنت) معاينة فقط وليس مسمحو لك الدخول ', 'خطأ قراءة المقسم: %s', 'تحميل', ' %s بروتكول ناقل الملفات %s

%s حهاز ناقل الملفات

%s الملف الحالي


', ' FTP خطا بروتكول ناقل الملفات

FTP خطا بروتكول ناقل الملفات

رد بالخطا التالي %s (FTP) بروتكول ناقل الملفات

%s في %s ادخل اسم الحساب وكلمة  المررور ل

يجب الدخول بكلمة المرور

%s في %s ادخل الحساب وكلمة المرور ل

يتطلب تفعيل الكوكيز في المتصفح

تحذير : في كل مره تستخدم الخادم البديل، دليل على ثقتك وموافقتك للمالك والخادم البديل مع كافة البيانات المدخلة منكم متضمنا الاسم وكلمة المرور. بأن هذه البيانات صحيحه وليست لاستخدامها هذه المرة فقط؟ ', ' يحظر استرجاع عناوين المواقع الآمن عبر وكيل غير آمن

يحظر استرجاع عناوين المواقع الآمن عبر وكيل غير آمن

وهذا الوكيل يعمل على ملقم غير آمن، وهو ما يعني أن استرجاع صفحات من خوادم آمنة لا يسمح. ويكمن الخطر في أن المستخدم والخادم نهاية قد يعتقدون أن لديهم اتصال آمن بينهما، بينما في حقيقة الارتباط بين المستخدم وهذا الوكيل هو عدم الشعور بالأمان و قد يحدث التنصت. هذا هو السبب لدينا خوادم آمنة، بعد كل شيء

يجب تشغيل هذا الوكيل على خادم آمن قبل أن يسمح لاسترداد صفحات من خوادم آمنة أخرى ', ' الخادم البديل لا يستطيع اعادة الحلقة من تلقاء نفسه

الخادم البديل لا يستطيع اعادة الحلقة من تلقاء نفسه

سيكون العنوان الذي حاولت الوصول يسبب هذا الوكيل للوصول نفسها، التي لا لزوم لها، وربما مضيعة للموارد. صاحب هذا وقد تكوين الوكيل لعدم السماح مثل حلقات

بدلا من قول وكيل للوصول إلى وكيل للوصول إلى المطلوب الموارد، حاول قول الوكيل للوصول إلى المورد مباشرة. الرابط التالي

', ' الصفحة تمت يونيكود تالف

الصفحة تمت يونيكود تالف

وتقول هذه الصفحة انها تستخدم مجموعة الأحرف " %s"، ولكن المضمون لا يمكن يمكن فك شفرتها بشكل صحيح كما أن محارف. الرجاء إبلاغ صاحب الصفحة في سؤال ', 'امحي الكوكيز :للموقع الذي ينتهي بـ والعنوان الذي يبدأ بـ تاريخ الانتهاء مؤمن HTTP تصفح الكتروني فقط اسم الكوكيز القيمة ', 'امحي الكوكيز :للموقع الذي ينتهي بـ والعنوان الذي يبدأ بـ مؤمن اسم الكوكيز القيمة ', ' CGIProxy ضبط الكوكيز للـ

ارجع الى التصفح

امحي الكوكيز

CGIProxy هذه الكوكيز التي تستخدمها مع


%s %s

كوكيز للتأمين

امحي الكوكيز الموقع المستخدم المجال

', '
%s اسم المدخل: %s  
[تقرير عن الخطأ)]   [ضبط الكوكيز]                 %s
', '
%s اسم المدخل: %s   [ضبط الكوكيز] %s
', ' UTF-16 الصفحة التي طلبت على ما يبدو في تنسيق في

UTF-16 الصفحة التي طلبت على ما يبدو في تنسيق في

UTF-16 الصفحة التي طلبت على ما يبدو في تنسيق في هذا هو غير معتمدة من قبل إصدار بيرل يعمل على هذا الخادم (أكثر بالضبط، ل "شفر" تعذر العثور بيرل وحدة)

لدعم UTF-16، الرجاء الترقية إلى الإصدار 5.8.0 بيرل أو اعلى ', ' تحذير: تدخل العنوان تظهر فيه هويتك لا يمكن الاتصال بطبقة التوصيل الآمنة SSL

تحذير: تدخل العنوان تظهر فيه هويتك لا يمكن الاتصال بطبقة التوصيل الآمنة SSL

الخادم البديل المنصب لا يدعم SSL مثال: مواقع محدد المعلومات والتي تبدأ بـ https:// لدعم SSL يحتاج مدير الخادم البديل لتنصيب Net::SSLeay (ربما بتشغيل ( "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" ) ) وبعد ذلك سوف يقوم الخادم البديل بتدعيمه تلقائيا ( CGIProxy موقع). لديه معلومات اخرى:، بنفس الوقت، أي تصفح لاي موقع يحمل https:// فان موقع محدد المعلومات سوف ينقله من خلال متصفحك، ولا يسمح لاي مجهول بعد، اتبع الرابط التالي للخروج من صفة المجهول في عملية التصفح، واستمر موقع محدد المعلومات بطريقة غير مجهولة (شرعية)

', ' الملفات المضغوطه ليست مقبوله، لكن الموقع بعث ملف مضغوط

الملفات المضغوطه ليست مقبوله، لكن الموقع بعث ملف مضغوط

الموقع ( %s:%s ) ارسل ملف مضغوط. يحتمل ان الموقع يوجد فيه مشكله. لاجل قبول ملفات مضغوجه، يجب على مدير الموقع أن يركب البرامج ( IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package run "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules‬" ) لاحظ ان ( IO::Compress::Gzip ) موجود في البرنامج بيرل 5.9.4 او رقم اعلى) ', ' (non-text files)الوكيل لا يمكن إحالة ملفات غير نصية

(non-text files)الوكيل لا يمكن إحالة ملفات غير نصية</h1> <p>نظرا لحدود السرعة، صاحب هذا الموقع لا يسمح تنزيل ملفات غير نصيه، لأحسن نتيجه، الغي تنزيل الصور اذا ممكن <p>إذا كنت بحاجة إلى الوصول إلى صور أو بيانات ثنائية أخرى، المسار متصفحك من خلال وكيل آخر (أو تثبيت أحد نفسك <a href="%s">هذا سهل</a>). ', 'خطأ بالقراءة: %s', 'أمن', '<html%s> <head><title>برامج سكريبت ممنوع أن ينفذ

برامج سكريبت ممنوع أن ينفذ

المصدر الذي طلبته (او الذي تم تحويلك اليه دون علمك) يبدو أنه برنامج نصي قابل للتنفيذ. وقد تم حظر هذه الموارد من قبل هذا وكيل، ويفترض للحماية الخاصة بك‪.‬

حتى لو كنت متأكد من أنك تريد السيناريو، لا يمكنك الحصول عليه من خلال هذا الوكيل الطريقة التي تكوينه. إذا سمحت، حاول التصفح من خلال هذا الوكيل دون إزالة البرامج النصية. خلاف ذلك، سوف تحتاج إلى إعادة تكوين وكيل أو العثور على طريقة أخرى للحصول على الموارد‪.‬ ', '

', ' %s CGIProxy ابدا استخدام %s



البدء بالتصفح من خلال بيانات الخادم البديل CGI بادخال موقع محدد المعلومات بالاسفل مخصص لمواقع التصفح الالكتروني وبروتوكولات ناقل الملفات فقط. كافة الوظائف غير فعاله. (مثال: بعض اوامر الجافا) ولكن معظم الصفحات فعاله.


ضبط الكوكيز

', '%s :ssl_read_all_fixed() خطا من', ' تحذير: تدخل العنوان تظهر فيه هويتك

تحذير: تدخل العنوان تظهر فيه هويتك

.نأسف، هذه الخدمة متوفره فقط في بروتوكولات نقل الملفات ومواقع التصفح الالكتروني (FTP and HTTP). أي تصفح لغير هذه المواقع سوف يتحول الى متصفحك، ولن يسمح لك الدخول مجدد

تتبع الرابط التالي للخروج من مرحلة التصفح المجاني واستمر في التصفح غير المجاني

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'de') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Autorisierung fehlgeschlagen. Versuche es erneut.', 'Fehlerhafter opcode: [%s] bei Position %s in Methode %s.', 'Mit dem Surfen beginnen', 'CGIProxy Fehler', 'Kann nicht mit SSL verbinden: %s', 'Kann STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute nicht durchführen: %s', 'Kann STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array() nicht durchführen: %s', 'Kann nicht zu Datenbank-Engine verbinden: %s', 'Kann nicht zur Datenbank verbinden: %s', 'Kann nicht zu neuer Datenbank \'%s\' verbinden: %s', 'Kann keine SSL-Verbindung aufbauen: %s', 'Kann SSL-Kontext nicht herstellen: %s', 'Kann Datenbank \'%s\' nicht erstellen (versuche es bitte manuell): %s', 'Kann Datenbanktabellen nicht erstellen: %s', 'Kann Cookie (%s) nicht löschen: %s', 'Kann %s nicht vorbereiten: %s', 'Kann Cookies nicht löschen: %s', 'Kann Sitzungen nicht löschen: %s', 'Kann set_fd nicht durchführen: %s', 'Kann Cookie nicht in Datenbank speichern: %s', 'Kann Sitzungseintrag nicht aktualisieren: %s', 'Verbindung von falscher IP-Adresse.', 'Konnte nicht an FTP-Datenverbindung binden: %s', 'Konnte nicht zu %s:%s verbinden: %s', 'Konnte FTP-Datenverbindung nicht herstellen: %s', 'Konnte Socket nicht erstellen: %s', 'Konnte deflate nicht durchführen: %s', 'Konnte keine Adresse für %s finden: %s', 'Konnte gunzip nicht durchführen: %s', 'Konnte gzip nicht durchführen: %s', 'Konnte inflate nicht durchführen: %s', 'Konnte das Perl-Modul %s nicht installieren. Versuche es bitte manuell, vielleicht durch die Eingabe von "cpan %s" an der Kommandozeile.', 'Konnte nicht an FTP-Datenverbindung lauschen: %s', 'Ausgewählte Cookies löschen', 'Gib die URL die Du besuchen möchtest in das Feld hierunter ein.', 'Fehler bei der Benutzung der FTP-Datenverbindung: %s', 'Fehler vom Zielserver: kein WWW-Authenticate-Header.', 'Fehler beim Lesen von zerstückelter Antwort von %s .', 'Los', 'Alarm, Eindringling! Jemand anderes als der Server versucht, Dir Daten zu senden.', 'Ungültige Antwort von %s: [%s]', 'Cookies verwalten', 'Net::SSLeay::free-Fehler: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read-Fehler: %s', 'Keine Antwort von %s:%s', 'Keine Antwort vom SSL-Proxy', 'Neu starten', 'SSL-Proxy-Fehler; Antwort war:

', 'Die Installation von %s scheint OK, aber kann es nicht laden.', 'Hierhin sollten wir nicht kommen, Token= [%s]', 'Entschuldigung, Datenbank %s wird noch nicht unterstützt.', 'Entschuldigung, keine Funktion namens //%s', 'Entschuldigung, nur HTTP und FTP werden momentan unterstützt.', 'Entschuldigung, dieser Proxy kann keine Anfrage größer als %s Bytes zu einer passwortgeschützten URL verarbeiten. Bitte versuche, die Übertragungsgröße zu reduzieren oder eine nicht passwortgeschützte URL zu verwenden.', 'Die URL muss einen gültigen Hostnamen enthalten.', 'Die URL die du eingegeben hast hat einen ungültigen Hostnamen.', 'Die Ziel-URL darf keinen leeren Hostnamen enthalten.', 'Zu viele MIME-Typen, um sie zu registrieren.', 'HOCH', 'Du bist momentan bei keiner Seite durch diesen Proxy authentifiziert.', 'Du sendest momentan keine Cookies durch diesen Proxy.', ' Der Proxy kann auf diesen Server nicht zugreifen, Entschuldigung.

Der Proxy kann auf diesen Server nicht zugreifen, Entschuldigung.

Der Betreiber dieses Proxies hat eingeschränkt, auf welche Server er zugreifen darf, vermutlich aus Sicherheits- oder Bandbreitengründen. Der Server auf den Du gerade versucht hast zuzugreifen ist nicht auf der Liste der erlaubten Server. ', ' Du darfst diesen Proxy nicht nutzen, Entschuldigung.

Du darfst diesen Proxy nicht nutzen, Entschuldigung.

Der Betreiber dieses Proxies hat eingeschränkt, welche Nutzer ihn nutzen dürfen. Basierend auf Deiner IP-Adresse bist du kein berechtigter Nutzer. ', 'zerstückelter read()-Fehler: %s', 'Herunterladen', ' FTP-Verzeichnis von %s %s

FTP-Server unter %s

Aktuelles Verzeichnis ist %s


', ' FTP-Fehler


Der FTP-Server unter %s gab die folgende Fehlermeldung zurück:

Gib Benutzername und Passwort für %s bei %s ein

Autorisierung erforderlich

Gib Benutzername und Passwort für %s bei %s ein:

Dies benötigt eine eingeschaltete Cookie-Unterstützung in Deinem Browser.

Hinweis: Jedesmal, wenn Du einen Proxy benutzt, vertraust du dem Betreiber des Proxies bezüglich aller Informationen, die du eintippst, inklusive Deinem Namen und Passwort hier. Das gilt für jeden Proxy, nicht nur für diesen hier. ', ' Aufruf sicherer URLs durch unsicheren Proxy ist verboten.

Aufruf sicherer URLs durch unsicheren Proxy ist verboten.

Dieser Proxy läuft auf einem unsicheren Server, was bedeutet, dass der Aufruf von Seiten von sicheren Servern nicht erlaubt ist. Es besteht die Gefahr, dass der Nutzer und der entfernte Server glauben, dass eine sichere Verbindung zwischen ihnen besteht, während tatsächlich die Verbindung zwischen dem Nutzer und diesem Proxy unsicher ist und abgehört werden könnte. Das ist ja gerade der Grund für sichere Server.

Dieser Proxy muss selbst auf einem sicheren Server laufen, bevor Seiten von anderen sicheren Servern abgerufen werden dürfen. ', ' Der Proxy darf sich nicht selbst nutzen

Der Proxy darf sich nicht selbst nutzen

Die URL, die Du eingegeben hast, würde dazu führen, dass der Proxy auf sich selbst zugreift, was überflüssig und wahrscheinlich Ressourcenverschwendung ist. Der Betreiber dieses Proxies hat ihn konfiguriert, dies zu unterbinden.

Anstatt dem Proxy zu sagen, dass er sich selbst aufrufen soll, um dann die gewünschte Resource aufzurufen, versuche bitte den Proxy zu sagen, dass er die Ressource direkt aufrufen soll. Der Link unten könnte dies tun.

', ' Seite enthält fehlgeformtes Unicode

Seite enthält fehlgeformtes Unicode

Die Seite behauptet, den Zeichensatz "%s" zu verwenden, aber den Inhalt konnte nicht korrekt mit diesem Zeichensatz dekodiert werden. Bitte benachrichtige den Betrieber der fraglichen Seite. ', 'Diesen Cookie löschen? Für Servernamen endend mit: ... und einen Pfax startend mit: Läuft ab (GMT/UTC) Sicher? Nur HTTP? Cookie-Name Wert ', 'Diesen Cookie löschen? Für Servernamen endend mit: ... und einen Pfax startend mit: Sicher? Cookie-Name Wert ', ' CGIProxy Cookie-Verwaltung

Zurück zum Surfen

Alle Cookies löschen

Hier sind die Cookies die Du durch CGIProxy verwendest:


%s %s


Diesen Cookie löschen? Server Benutzername Realm

', '
%s   Adresse via Proxy: %s  
[Einen Fehler melden]   [Cookies verwalten]                 %s
', '
%s Adresse via Proxy: %s   [Cookies verwalten] %s
', ' Seite nutzt UTF-16 Kodierung, was von dieser Perl-Version nicht unterstützt wird

Seite nutzt UTF-16 Kodierung, was von dieser Perl-Version nicht unterstützt wird

Die von Dir angeforderte Seite scheint im Unicode UTF-16 Format vorzuliegen. Das wird von der auf diesem Server laufenden Version von Perl nicht unterstützt (genauer gesagt, das Perl-Modul "Encode" konnte nicht gefunden werden).

Um UTF-16 zu unterstützen, aktualisiere bitte Perl auf 5.8.0 oder neuer. ', ' WARNUNG: SSL nicht unterstützt, Du betrittst den nicht-anonymen Bereich!

WARNUNG: SSL nicht unterstützt, Du betrittst den nicht-anonymen Bereich!

Dieser Proxy unterstützt so wie er installiert ist kein SSL, das heißt keine URLs die mit "https://" beginnen. Um SSL zu unterstützen, muss der Proxy-Administrator das Net::SSLeay Perl-Modul installieren (vielleicht durch Eingabe von "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), und dann wird dieser Proxy automatisch SSL unterstützen (die CGIProxy-Seite hat mehr Informationen). Bis dahin wird jedes Surfen zu einer "https://"-URL direkt von Deinem Browser durchgeführt und dementsprechend nicht mehr anonym sein.

Folge dem Link unten um Deine anonyme Surf-Sitzung zu beenden und der URL nicht-anonym zu folgen.

', ' Komprimierter Inhalt nicht unterstützt, wurde aber vom Server geschickt.

Komprimierter Inhalt nicht unterstützt, wurde aber vom Server geschickt.

Der Server unter %s:%s antwortete mit komprimiertem Inhalt, sogar obwohl wir ihm sagen, dass er das nicht soll. Der Server ist entweder fehlkonfiguriert oder hat einen Bug.

Um komprimiertem Inhalt zu unterstützen, muss der Proxy-Administrator das Perl-Paket IO::Compress::Gzip Perl installieren-- vielleicht durch Eingabe von "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- und dann wird dieser Proxy es automatisch unterstützen. (Hinweis, das Paket IO::Compress::Gzip ist bereits in Perl 5.9.4 und später enthalten.) ', ' Proxy kann keine Nicht-Text-Dateien durchleiten

Proxy kann keine Nicht-Text-Dateien durchleiten

Aufgrund von Bandbreitenbeschränkungen leitet der Betreiber dieses Proxies nur Textdateien durch. Für beste Ergebnisse schalte bitte das automatische Laden von Bildern in deinem Browser ab, falls dein Browser dich das tun lässt.

Wenn Du Zugriff auf Bilder oder Binärdaten brauchst, nutze in Deinem Browser einen anderen Proxy (oder installiere selbst einen-- es ist einfach). ', 'read()-Fehler: %s', 'Sicherheit', ' Script-Inhalte blockiert

Script-Inhalte blockiert

Die Ressource die Du angefragt hast (oder zu der Du ohne Dein Wissen umgeleitet wurdest) scheint ein ausführbares Script zu sein. Solche Ressourcen wurden durch diesen Proxy blockiert, mutmaßlich zu Deinem eigenen Schutz.

Sogar wenn Du sicher bist, dass du das Script willst, kannst du es nicht durch diesen Proxy bekommen so wie er jetzt konfiguriert ist. Wenn gewünscht, versuche durch diesen Proxy zu surfen ohne Scripte zu entfernen. Ansonsten wirst Du den Proxy umkonfigurieren müssen oder einen anderen Weg finden, die Ressource zu erhalten. ', '

', ' %s Starte mit der Nutzung von CGIProxy %s



Starte das Surfen durch diesen CGI-basierten Proxy, indem du hierunter eine URL eintippst. Nur HTTP- und FTP-URLs werden unterstützt. Nicht alle Funktionen werden funktionieren. (z.B. manche Java-Applets), aber die meisten Seiten werden funktionieren.


Cookies verwalten

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed()-Fehler: %s', ' WARNUNG: Du betrittst den nicht-anonymen Bereich!

WARNUNG: Du betrittst den nicht-anonymen Bereich!

Dieser Proxy unterstützt nur HTTP und FTP. Jedes Surfen zu einer anderen URL wird direkt von Deinem Browser durchgeführt und dementsprechend nicht mehr anonym sein.

Folge dem Link unten um Deine anonyme Surf-Sitzung zu beenden und der URL nicht-anonym zu folgen.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'es') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Autorización fallida. Intente denuevo.', 'Mal opcode: [%s] en posición %s en el metodo de cuerpo %s.', 'Iniciar navegación', 'Error CGIProxy', 'No se puede conectar SSL: %s', 'No se puede STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s', 'No se puede STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'No se puede conectar al motor de la base de datos: %s', 'No se pudo conectar a la base de datos: %s', 'No se puede conectar a \'%s\' base de datos nueva: %s', 'No se pude crear la conexión SSL: %s', 'No se pudo crear el contexto SSL: %s', 'No se puede crear la base de datos \'%s\' (intenta hacerlo de forma manual): %s', 'No se pueden crear las tablas en la base de datos: %s', 'No se puede borrar la cookie (%s): %s', 'No se puede preparar %s: %s', 'No se pueden purgar las cookies: %s', 'No se pueden purgar las sesiones: %s', 'No se pudo set_fd: %s', 'No se pueden guardar la cookie en la base de datos: %s', 'No se puede actualizar el registro de la sesión: %s', 'Conectandose desde una dirección IP Erronea.', 'No se pudo enlazar al enchufe de datos FTP: %s', 'No se pudo conectar a %s:%s: %s', 'No se pudo crear enchufe de datos FTP: %s', 'No se pudo crear enchufe: %s', 'No se puede desinflar: %s', 'No se pudo encontrar la dirección para %s: %s', 'No se pudo descomprimir gunzip: %s', 'No se pudo comprimir gzip : %s', 'No se puede inflar: %s', 'No se pudo instalar el modulo Perl\'s %s. Intenta instalarlo manualmente, o ejecutando "cpan %s" desde la linea de comandos.', 'No se puede escuchar en el enchufe de datos FTP: %s', 'Borrar cookies seleccionados', 'Ingresar el URL al cual usted desea visitar en el siguiente cuadro.', 'Error aceptando enchufe de datos FTP: %s', 'Error por server destino: no WWW-Authenticate header.', 'Error leyendo respuesta de %s.', 'Ir', 'Alerta de Intruso! Alguien diferente de el server esta tratando de enviar tu información.', 'Respuesta invalida desde %s: [%s]', 'Manejo de cookies', 'Net::SSLeay::free error: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read error: %s', 'No hay respuesta desde %s:%s', 'No hay respuesta del proxy SSL', 'Reiniciar', 'Error del proxy SSL; la respuesta fue:

', 'Parece que se instalo %s OK, pero no se puede cargar.', 'No se puede llegar aqui, token= [%s]', 'Perdón, no soportamos %s base de datos todavía.', 'Disculpe, no existe función como //%s', 'Perdón, solo estan soportados HTTP y FTP.', 'Disculpe, este proxy no puede manejar un pedido mayor a %s bytes en un URL con protección de password. Intente reducir el tamaño del pedido, o solicitarlo a un URL sin protección.', 'El URL debe contener un host name valido.', 'El URL insertado tiene un host name invalido.', 'La URL destino no puede contener un nombre de servidor vacío.', 'Demasiados Tipos MIME para registrar.', 'Subir', 'Usted no esta autentificado a ningun sitio a traves de este proxy.', 'Usted no esta enviando ningun cookie a traves de este proxy.', ' Este proxy no puede accesar al server, perdón.

Este proxy no puede accesar al server, perdón.

El dueño de este proxy tiene restricciones a que servidores puede accesar, posiblemente por rasones de seguridad o ancho de banda. Este servidor que esta intentando accesar no esta en la lista de servidores permitidos. ', ' Usted no tiene permiso para utilizar este proxy, perdón.

Usted no tiene permiso para utilizar este proxy, perdón.

El dueño de este proxy tiene restringido que usuarios puedes utilizarlo. Basado en la dirección IP, usted no es un usuario autorizado. ', 'fragmentada read() error: %s', 'descargar', ' Directorio FTP de %s %s

Servidor FTP en %s

El directorio actual es %s


', ' Error FTP

Error FTP

El servidor FTP en %s envió el siguiente mensaje de error:

Ingresar usuario y password para %s en %s

Autorización requerida

Ingresar usuario y password para %s at %s:

Se requiere soporte para cookies habilitado en tu navegador.

Note: Siempre que utilize un proxy, usted esta confiando en el dueño de ese proxy con toda la información que esta ingresando, incluyendo aqui su usuario y password. Esto es verdad para cualquier proxy, no solo este. ', ' La recuperación de las URL segura a través de un proxy no seguro está prohibido.

La recuperación de las URL segura a través de un proxy no seguro está prohibido.

Este proxy esta corriendo en un servidor no seguro, lo cual significa que la recuperación de páginas de un servidor seguro no esta permitido. El peligro es que el usuario y el servidor final pueden creer que estan en una conexion segura entre ellos, y realmente el enlace entre el usuario y el proxy es inseguro y el espionaje puede ocurrir. Esto es porque tenemos servers seguros, después de todo.

Este proxy debe correr en un servidor seguro antes de permitir recuperar paginas de otros servidores seguros. ', ' Proxy no puede regresar a si mismo

Proxy no puede regresar a si mismo

El URL que esta intentando accesar provocará que este proxy accese a si mismo, lo cual es redundante y probablemente un desperdicio de recursos. El dueño de este proxy ha configurado deshabilitar este regreso.

En lugar de decirle al proxy que accese el proxy para accesar el recurso deseado, intente decirle al proxy a donde desea accesar de forma directa. El enlace siguiente lo puede hacer.

', ' La página tiene Unicode mal formado

La página tiene Unicode mal formado

Esta página menciona que utiliza un charset "%s", pero el contenido no puede ser decodificado de forma correcta con ese charset. Por favor notifique al dueño de esa página en cuestión. ', 'Borrar esta cookie? Para nombres de servidor termina en: ... y la ruta empezando en: Expira Seguro? HTTP solamente? Nombre del Cookie Value ', 'Borrar esta cookie? Para nombres de servidor termina en: ... y la ruta empezando en: Seguro? Nombre del Cookie Value ', ' CGIProxy Manejador de cookies

Regresar a navegar

Borrar todos los cookies

Estos son los cookies que esta utilizando a traves de CGIProxy:


%s %s

cookies autenticación:

Borrar este cookie? Servidor Usuario Dominio

', '
%s   Ubicación vía proxy: %s  
[Informar de un error]   [Manejo de cookies]                 %s
', '
%s Ubicación vía proxy: %s   [Manejar cookies] %s
', ' La página usa codificación UTF-16, la cual no esta soportada por esta versión de Perl

La página usa codificación UTF-16, la cual no esta soportada por esta versión de Perl

La página que solicitó parece estar codificada en formato Unicode UTF-16. Este no esta soportado por la version de Perl ejecutandose en este servidor. (exactamente, el modulo "Encode" Perl no es encontrado).

Para soportar UTF-16, por favor actualizar a Perl version 5.8.0 o posterior. ', ' CUIDADO: SSL no soportado, entrando a área no-anonima!

CUIDADO: SSL no soportado, entrando a área no-anonima!

Este proxy como esta instalado no soporta SSL, i.e. URLs que empiezan con "https://". Para soportar SSL, el administrador del proxy necesita instalar el Net::SSLeay modulo Perl (talves corriendo "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), y después este proxy automáticamente soportará SSL (el sitio CGIProxy tendrá mayor información). Mientras tanto, cualquier navegación a un "https://" URL será directa desde el navegador, y no será anonima.

Accesa al siguiente enlace para salir de la sesión anonima, y continue al URL de forma no-anonima.

', ' Contenido comprimido no soportado,pero fue enviado por el servidor.

Contenido comprimido no soportado,pero fue enviado por el servidor.

El servidor en %s:%s respondio con contenido comprimido, aun cuando se especificó que no. Ese servidor esta o mal configurado, o tiene un bug.

Para soportar contenido comprimido, el administrador del proxy necesita instalar the IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package-- talves al correr "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- y entonces este proxy automáticamente lo soportará. (Notar que IO::Compress::Gzip paquete esta actualmente incluido en Perl 5.9.4 o posterior.) ', ' Proxy no puede reenviar archivos no de texto

Proxy no puede reenviar archivos no de texto

Debido a limitaciones de ancho de banda, el dueño de este proxy en particular esta enviando solo archivos de texto. Para mejores resultados, apagar la carga automática de imagenes si su navegador lo permite.

SI usted necesita accesar a imagenes o otros datos binarios, If you need access to images or other binary data, enrute su navegador a otro proxy (o instale uno usted mismo -- es fácil). ', 'error de read(): %s', 'seguridad', ' Contenido del Script bloqueado

Contenido del Script bloqueado

El recurso solicitado (o donde fue redireccionado sin su conocimiento) es aparentemente ejecutando un script. Estos recursos han sido bloqueados por este proxy, probablemente por su propia protección.

Aun cuando usted este seguro que quiere ejecutar el script, no puede a traves de este proxy por como esta configurado. Si se permite, intente navegar a traves de este proxy sin remover los scripts. De otra forma, necesita reconfigurar el proxy o encontrar otra forma de obtener este recurso. ', '

', ' %s Inicio utilizando CGIProxy %s


Inicia navegando a traves de este CGIProxy ingresando la URL abajo. Solo URLs de HTTP y FTP estan soportadas. No todas las funciones son válidas (como algunas Java applets), pero la mayoría de las paginas se mostrarán correctamente.


Manejar cookies

', 'Error ssl_read_all_fixed(): %s', ' CUIDADO: Accesando area no-anonima!

CUIDADO: Accesando area no-anonima!

Este proxy solo soporta HTTP and FTP. Cualquier navegacion a otro URL será directamente desde su navegador, y ya no será anonimo.

Accesa al siguiente enlace para salir de la sesión anonima, y continue al URL de forma no-anonima.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'fa') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'مجوز رد شده است. مجددا تلاش کنید.', 'Opcode مشکل‌دار: [%s] در حالت %s در روش بدنه %s.', 'شروع وب‌گردی', 'خطای CGIProxy', 'SSL نمی‌تواند متصل شود: %s', 'نمی‌تواند STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s', 'نمی‌تواند STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'نمی‌تواند به موتور پایگاه داده وصل شود: %s', 'نمی‌تواند به پایگاه ‌داده متصل شود: %s', 'نمی‌تواند به پایگاه‌ داده‌های جدید \'%s\' وصل شود: %s', 'نمی‌تواند یک اتصال SSL بسازد: %s', 'نمی‌تواند مفاد SSL را ایجاد کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند پایگاه داده \'%s\' را ایجاد کند (این کار را دستی انجام دهید): %s', 'نمی‌تواند جدول پایگاه داده را ایجاد کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند کوکی (%s) را حذف کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند %s را آماده کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند کوکی‌ها را پالایش کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند سشن‌ها را پالایش کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند set_fd: %s', 'نمی‌تواند کوکی‌ها را در پایگاه داده نگهداری کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند سشن‌ها را بروز کند: %s', 'در حال اتصال از یک آی‌پی اشتباه.', 'نمی‌تواند اطلاعات سوکت‌های FTP را جدا کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند متصل شود به %s:%s: %s', 'نمی‌تواند سوکت اطلاعات FTP را ایجاد کند: %s', 'نمی‌تواند سوکتی ایجاد کند: %s', 'Couldn\'t deflate: %s', 'نمی‌تواند آدرسی برای %s پیدا کند: %s', 'gunzip نمی‌تواند: %s', 'gzip نمی‌تواند: %s', 'Couldn\'t inflate: %s', 'نمی‌تواند ماژول‌های %s پرل را نصب کند. سعی کنید آن را به صورت دستی نصب کنید، در حالت اجرای "cpan %s" از طریق کامندلاین.', 'نمی‌تواند اطلاعات سوکت‌های FTP را شناسایی کند: %s', 'پاک کردن کوکی‌های انتخاب شده', 'آدرس URL مورد نظرتان را برای بازدید در جعبه زیر وارد کنید.', 'خطای قبول کردن اطلاعات سوکت‌های FTP: %s', 'خطا از سرور مقصد: no WWW-Authenticate header.', 'خطا در خواندن بخشی از پاسخ‌های دریافت شده از %s.', 'ﺏﺭﻭ', 'پیام اخطار! کسی در حال تلاش است تا بیش از سرور برای شما اطلاعات ارسال کند.', 'پاسخ نامعتبر از %s: [%s]', 'مدیریت کوکی‌ها', 'خطای Net::SSLeay::free: %s', 'خطای Net::SSLeay::read: %s', 'هیچ‌ پاسخی از %s:%s دریافت نشد.', 'هیچ پاسخی از SSL پروکسی دریافت نشد.', 'راه‌اندازی مجدد', 'خطای SSL پروکسی؛ پیام خطا:

', 'به نظر می‌رسد نصب %s کامل شده است، اما نمی‌تواند آن را بارگذاری کند.', 'Shouldn\'t get here, token= [%s]', 'با عرض پوزش، %s نمی‌تواند این پایگاه داده را پشتیبانی کند.', 'با عرض پوزش، هیچ تابعی مانند //%s', 'با عرض پوزش، در حال حاضر فقط HTTP و FTP را پشتیبانی می‌کنیم.', 'متاسفانه این پروکسی نمی‌تواند درخواست بیشتر از %s بایت در یک URL محافظت شده با رمز عبور مدیریت کند. حجم ثبت شده‌یتان را کاهش دهید یا آن را از طریق URL محافظت نشده ثبت کنید.', 'آدرس اینترنتی بایستی دارای Host Name معتبر باشد.', 'آدرس اینترنتی که شما وارد کرده‌اید نامعبتر است.', 'URL مقصد نمی‌تواند شامل یک نام هاست خالی باشد.', 'Too many MIME types to register.', 'UP', 'شما هم اکنون مجاز به دسترسی به هیچ یک از وب‌سایت‌ها از طریق این پروکسی نیستید.', 'شما هم اکنون از طریق این پروکسی هیچ کوکی‌ای به این سرور ارسال نکرده‌اید.', ' این پراکسی نمی‌تواند به سرور مورد نظر دسترسی داشته باشد.

این پراکسی نمی‌تواند به سرور مورد نظر دسترسی داشته باشد.

مدیر این پراکسی سطح دسترسی به تعدادی از سرور را محدود کرده است و این کار برای امنیت یا ذخیره کردن پهنای باند صورت گرفته شده است. سروری که شما در حال تلاش برای متصل شدن به آن هستید، در لیست سرورهای دسترسی مجاز نیست. ', ' با پوزش، شما مجاز به استفاده از این پراکسی نیستید.

با پوزش، شما مجاز به استفاده از این پراکسی نیستید.

مدیر این پراکسی تعدادی کاربر را محدود به استفاده از این پراکسی کرده است. بر پایه اطلاعات آی‌پی‌تان، شما در لیست کاربران مجاز قرار ندارید. ', 'خطای بخشی از read(): %s', 'دانلود', ' دایرکتوری FTP %s %s

FTP سرور در %s

دایرکتوری فعلی %s


', ' FTP خطای

FTP خطای

سرور FTP در %s این پیام‌های خطا را پاسخ داده است:

نام کاربری و رمز عبور خود را برای %s در %s وارد کنید.

نیازمند اجازه

نام کاربری و رمز عبور را برای %s در %s: وارد کنید.
نام کاربری:
رمز عبور:    

نیاز است که پشتیبانی از کوکی در مرورگر شما روشن باشد.

نکته: هر زمانی که شما از یک پروکسی استفاده می‌کنید، شما به دارنده‌ی آن پرورکسی اطمینان کرده‌اید و اطلاعات خود مانند نام و رمز عبور را در آن وارد کرده‌اید. این مورد برای تمام پروکسی صادق نه، نه تنها این مورد. ', ' بازیابی داده‌های یک آدرس اینترنتی امن از طریق یک پراکسی ناامن مجاز نیست.

بازیابی داده‌های یک آدرس اینترنتی امن از طریق یک پراکسی ناامن مجاز نیست.

این پراکسی در حال اجرا بر روی یک سرور ناامن است، به این معناست که بازیابی داده‌ها از یک سرور امن مجاز نیست. این خطر وجود دارد که کاربر و سرور گمان کنند که یک کانکشن امن بین این دو برقرار شده است، در حالی که در واقع ارتباط بین کاربر و این پروکسی ناامن است و شنود ممکن است رخ دهد. به همین دلیل ما یک سرور امن در نظر گرفتیم.

این پراکسی بایستی بر روی یک سرور امن راه‌اندازی شود قبل از آنکه برای بازیابی صفحات در سرور امنی دیگر مجاز شود.. ', ' پروکسی نمی‌تواند از طریق خودش لوپ بک کند.

پروکسی نمی‌تواند از طریق خودش لوپ بک کند.

آدرسی که شما در تلاش برای دسترسی به آن بوده‌اید احتمالا باعث دسترسی پروکسی به خودش شده است، که باعث اتلاف شدن منابع می‌شود. مدیر این پروکسی تنظیماتی برای ممنوع کردن اینگونه لوپ‌ها انجام داده است.

به جای آنکه به پروکسی بگویید که به پروکسی برای منبع مطلوبی دسترسی پیدا کند، تلاش کنید که به پروکسی بگویید که به منبع به صورت مستقیم دسترسی پیدا کند. آدرس زیر ممکن است این مورد را انجام دهد.

', ' صفحه دارای یونیکد ناقص است

صفحه دارای یونیکد ناقص است

این صفحه در حال استفاده از چارست "%s" است، اما امکان دی‌کد کردن محتوا در آن چارست وجود ندارد. لطفا با مدیر صفحه این مورد را درمیان بگذارید. ', 'حذف این کوکی؟ برای نام‌های این سرور به پایان برس در: ... و یک مسیر شروع کن با: منقضی امن؟ فقط HTTP؟ نام کوکی مقدار ', 'پاک کردن این کوکی؟ برای نام‌های این سرور به پایان برس در: ... و یک مسیر شروع کن با: امن؟ نام کوکی مقدار ', ' CGIProxy مدیریت کوکی

برگشت به وب‌گردی

پاک کردن تمامی کوکی‌ها

اینجا کوکی‌هایی که از طریق CGIProxy ایجاد شده‌اند را می‌بینید:


%s %s

تایید کوکی‌ها:

پاک کردن این کوکی؟ سرور کاربر منطقه

', '
%s   پراکسی طریق از آدرس: %s  
[گزارش باگ]   [مدیریت کوکی‌ها]                 %s
', '
%s پﺭﺍکﺱی ﻁﺭیﻕ ﺍﺯ ﺁﺩﺮﺳ: %s   [مدیریت کوکی‌ها] %s
', ' صفحات از کدگذاری UTF-16 استفاده می‌کنند که پرل از این نسخه پشتیبانی نمی‌کند

صفحات از کدگذاری UTF-16 استفاده می‌کنند که پرل از این نسخه پشتیبانی نمی‌کند

به نظر می‌رسد فرمت صفحه‌ای که درخواست کرده‌اید یونیکد UTF-16 است. این مورد با نسخه پرلی که بر روی این سرور اجرا شده است کار نمی‌کند. (به صورت دقیق‌تر، ماژول پرل "Encode" قابل پیدا کردن نیست).

برای پشتیبانی از UTF-16، لطفا پرل خود را به نسخه ۵.۸.۰ یا بالاتر بروز کنید. ', ' هشدار: از SSL پشتیبانی نمی‌شود، شما در حال ورود به منطقه غیر-ناشناس هستید!

هشدار: از SSL پشتیبانی نمی‌شود، شما در حال ورود به منطقه غیر-ناشناس هستید!

این پروکسی از SSL پشتیبانی نمی‌کند، به عنوان مثال آدرس‌هایی که با "https://" شروع شوند. برای پشتیبانی از SSL، مدیریت پروکسی نیاز دارد که ماژول پرل Net::SSLeay را نصب کند. (با اجرای "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules")، و سپس پرورکسی به صورت خودکار از SSL پشتیبانی خواهد کرد (برای اطلاعات بیشتر). تا آن زمان، هرگونه وبگردی از طریق آدرس "https://" در مرورگر شما به صورت ناشناس نخواهد بود.

سایت CGIProxy

لینک زیر را دنبال کنید تا از حالت ناشناس خارج شوید, and ادامه وبگردی بصورت غیر-ناشناس انجام می‌شود.

', ' .داده‌های فشرده شده پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند،اگرچه از سوی سرور ارسال شده‌اند

داده‌های فشرده شده پشتیبانی نمی‌شوند، اگرچه از سوی سرور ارسال شده‌اند

سرور در %s:%s با داده‌های فشرده شده پاسخ داده است، اگرچه گفتیم که این کار نباید انجام شود. سرور مورد نظر احتمالا درست کانفیگ نشده است یا دارای باگ است.

برای پشتیبانی از داده‌های فشرده شده، مدیریت پراکسی نیاز است پکیج پرل IO::Compress::Gzip --را با اجرای "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- نصب کند و سپس این پراکسی به صورت خودکار آن را پشتیبانی خواهد کرد. (دقت کنید که پکیج IO::Compress::Gzip در نسخه پرل ۵.۹.۴ و بالاتر وجود دارد.) ', ' این پراکسی نمی‌تواند فایل‌های غیرمتنی را فوروارد کند

این پراکسی نمی‌تواند فایل‌های غیرمتنی را فوروارد کند

بدلیل داشتن یک پهنای باند محدود ، مدیر این پراکسی تصمیم گرفته است که فقط اجازه فوروارد شدن فایل‌های متنی را صادر کند. اگر مرورگر به شما اجازه می‌دهد، برای نتایج بهتر، بهتر است که, Automatic Image Loading را خاموش کنید.

نیاز دارید که به تصاویر و فایل‌های باینری دسترسی داشته باشید، مرورگر خود را از طریق یک پراکسی جدید روت کنید (یا یکی برای خودتان ایجاد کنید-- خیلی راحت است). ', 'خطای read(): %s', 'ایمنی', ' اسکریپت‌ها مسدود شده‌اند

اسکریپت‌ها مسدود شده‌اند

منبعی که شما در حال درخواست آن هستید (یا بدون اینکه شما متوجه شوید به آن مراجعه کرده‌اید) احتمالا قابلیت اجرای اسکریپت‌ها را دارد. اینگونه منابع توسط این پراکسی مسدود می‌شوند تا از شما محافظت شود.

حتی اگر شما بدانید و بخواهید این اسکریپت‌ها را اجرا کنید، اجازه چنین کاری را از طریق این پراکسی ندارید. اگر مجاز باشد، وبگردی از این این پراکسی بدون حذف اسکریپت‌ها را سعی کنید. در غیر این صورت شما باید تنظیمات پراکسی را دوباره تغییر دهید تا به منابعی که می‌خواهید دسترسی پیدا کنید. ', '

', ' %s شروع کار با CGIProxy %s



وب‌گردی را از طریق CGIPROXY با وارد کردن آدرس اینترنتی در جعبه پایین شروع کنید. فقط آدرس‌های اینترنتی HTTP و FTP پشتیبانی می‌شوند. تمامی امکانات صفحه اجرا نخواهند شد (همانند: بعضی از جاوا اپلت‌ها)، اما بیشتر صفحه‌ها مشکلی نخواند داشت.


مدیریت کوکی‌ها

', 'خطای ssl_read_all_fixed(): %s', ' !هشدار: وارد شدن منطقه غیر-ناشناس

هشدار: شما در حال ورود به منطقه غیر-ناشناس هستید!

این پراکسی فقط از FTP و HTTP پشتیبانی می‌کند. هر وبگردی دیگری بصورت مستقیم از مرورگر شما انجام می‌شود و دیگر شما ناشناس نخواهید بود

.لینک زیر را دنبال کنید تا شما از حالت ناشناس خارج شوید، و به وبگردی در حالت عادی برگردید که دیگر ناشناس نخواهید بود

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'fr') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Échec de l\'autorisation . Essayez à nouveau.', 'Mauvais opcode: [%s] à la position %s en mode body %s.', 'commencez à naviguer', 'CGIProxy erreur', 'Ne peut pas effecuer la connexion SSL: %s', 'Impossible de STH_SEL_COOKIE ->exécuter: %s', 'Impossible de STH_SEL_IP ->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Impossible de se connecter au moteur de base de données: %s', 'Impossible de se connecter aux bases de données: %s', 'Impossible de se connecter à la nouvelle base de données \'%s\': %s', 'Impossible de créer une connexion SSL: %s', 'Impossible de créer le contexte SSL: %s', 'Impossible de créer la base \'%s\' ( essayez de le faire manuellement ): %s', 'Impossible de créer les tables de base de données: %s', 'Impossible de supprimer le cookie ( %s): %s', 'Vous ne pouvez pas préparer %s: %s', 'Impossible de purger les cookies: %s', 'Impossible de purger les sessions: %s', 'Ne peut pas set_fd: %s', 'Impossible de stocker dans la base de cookies: %s', 'Impossible de modifier le dossier de session: %s', 'Connection à la mauvaise adresse IP.', 'Impossible de lier l’interface de connexion de données FTP: %s', 'Impossible de se connecter à %s:%s: %s', 'Impossible de créer une interface de connexion pour les données FTP: %s', 'Impossible de créer une interface de connexion: %s', 'Impossible de compresser: %s', 'Impossible de trouver l\'adresse %s: %s', 'Gzip impossible: %s', 'Ne peut pas gzip: %s', 'Impossible de decompresser: %s', 'Impossible d\'installer le module de Perl % . Essayez d\'installer manuellement, peut-être en exécutant "cpan %s" à partir de la ligne de commande.', 'Impossible d\' écouter l’interface de connexion de données FTP: %s', 'Supprimer les cookies sélectionnés', 'Entrez l\'URL que vous souhaitez visiter dans la case ci-dessous.', 'Erreur accepter l’interface de connexion de données FTP: %s', 'Erreur de serveur cible: aucune en-tête WWW-Authenticate.', 'Erreur de lecture de la réponse sectionnée à partir de %s .', 'aller', 'Alerte d’Intrusion ! Quelqu\'un d\'autre que le serveur essaie de vous envoyer des données.', 'Réponse invalide de %s: [%s]', 'Gérer les cookies', 'Net::SSLeay::free erreur: %s', 'Erreur de Net::SSLeay::read: %s', 'Pas de réponse de %s:%s', 'Aucune réponse du proxy SSL', 'redémarrer', 'Erreur de proxy SSL, la réponse était:

', 'Semblait installer %s OK , mais ne peut pas le charger.', 'Ne devrait pas arriver ici, token = [%s]', 'Désolé, ne peut pas soutenir encore la base de données% de.', 'Désolé , aucune fonction //%s', 'Désolé, seulement HTTP et FTP sont pris en charge actuellement.', 'Désolé, ce proxy ne peut accepter une requête supérieure à %s octets lorsque l’URL est protégée par un mot de passe. Essayez de réduire la taille de votre fichier ou soumettez avec une URL non protégée.', 'L\'URL doit contenir un nom d\'hôte valide.', 'L\'URL que vous avez entré a un nom d\'hôte invalide.', 'L\'URL cible ne peut pas contenir un nom d\'hôte vide.', 'Trop de types MIME pour pouvoir vous inscrire.', 'UP', 'Vous n\'êtes pas authentifié actuellement à tous les sites à travers ce proxy.', 'Vous n\'êtes pas en train d\'envoyer des cookies à travers ce proxy.', ' Le mandataire ne peut pas accéder à ce serveur, désolé.

Le mandataire ne peut pas accéder à ce serveur, désolé.

Le propriétaire de ce proxy a restreint l’accès aux serveurs , sans doute pour des raisons de sécurité ou de bande passante . Le serveur auquel vous venez d\'essayer d\'accéder n\'est pas sur la liste des serveurs autorisés . ', ' Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser ce proxy, désolé.

Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser ce proxy, désolé.

Le propriétaire de ce proxy a limité les utilisateurs qui sont autorisés à l\'utiliser. Au regard de votre adresse IP, vous n\'êtes pas un utilisateur autorisé. ', '"chunked" read() erreur: %s', 'télécharger', ' répertoire FTP de %s %s

serveur FTP à%s

le répertoire courant est %s


', ' FTP Erreur

FTP Erreur

Le serveur FTP de %s a retourné la réponse d\'erreur suivante:

Entrer un nom d\'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour %s à %s:

Autorisation derequise

    Entrez un nom d\'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour %s à %s:
Nom d\'utilisateur:
Mot de passe:

Cela nécessite l\'utilisation d’un cookie activé dans votre navigateur.

Remarque: Chaque fois que vous utilisez un proxy , vous faites confiance au propriétaire de ce proxy avec toutes les informations que vous entrez, y compris votre nom et votre mot de passe ci-dessous . Cela est vrai pour tout proxy, et pas seulement celui-ci. ', ' La récupération des URL sécurisées via un proxy non sécurisé est interdite.

La récupération des URL sécurisées via un proxy non sécurisé est interdite.

Ce proxy est exécuté sur un serveur non sécurisé, ce qui signifie que la récupération des pages de serveurs sécurisés n’est pas autorisée. Le danger est que l\'utilisateur et le serveur à chaque bout peuvent croire qu\'ils ont une connexion sécurisée entre eux, alors qu\'en fait le lien entre l\'utilisateur et ce proxy est précaire et qu’une écoute peut se produire. C\'est pourquoi nous avons des serveurs sécurisés, après tout.

Ce Proxy doit être exécuté sur un serveur sécurisé avant d\'être autorisé à récupérer pages provenant d\'autres serveurs sécurisés. ', ' Le proxy ne peut effectuer une boucle par lui-même

Proxy peut pas effectuer de boucle sur lui-même

L\'URL à laquelle que vous avez essayé d\'accéder ferait effectuer une boucle sur lui-même à proxy, ce qui est redondant et probablement un gaspillage de ressources. Le propriétaire de ce proxy l’a configuré pour refuser cette boucle.

Plutôt que demander au proxy d’accéder au proxy pour accéder à votre choix ressource, essayez de dire au proxy d’accéder directement à cette ressource. Le lien dessous mai permet de le faire.

', ' l’Unicode de page est déformé

l’Unicode de la page est déformé

Cette page indique que vous utilisez le jeu de caractères "%s", le contenu ne peut pas être correctement décodé avec ce jeu de caractères. S\'il vous plaît, informez et avisez le propriétaire de la page en question. ', 'Supprimer ce cookie ?     Pour les noms de serveurs se terminant par:     ... et un chemin commençant par:     Expire     sécurisé?     HTTP seulement?     Le nom de cookie     Valeur ', 'Supprimer ce cookie?     Pour les noms de serveurs se terminant par:     ... et un chemin commençant par:     sécurisé?     Le nom de cookie     Valeur ', ' CGIProxy gestion des cookies

Retour à la navigation

Supprimer tous les cookies

Voici les cookies que vous utilisez par CGIProxy:


%s %s

Cookies d\'authentification:

Supprimer ce cookie?serveurutilisateurRealm

', '
%s Localisation via proxy: %s
[Signaler un bug] [Gérer les cookies ] %s
', '
%s Localisation via proxy: %s [Gérer les cookies] %s
', ' Cette page utilise l\'encodage UTF-16, qui n\'est pas supporté par cette version       de Perl

Cette page utilise UTF-16 , qui n\'est pas supporté par cette version de Perl

La page que vous avez demandé semble être au format Unicode UTF-16. Il n’est pas pris en charge par la version de Perl en cours d\'exécution sur ce serveur (plus exactement, le module «Encode» de Perl n\'a pas pu être trouvé).

Support de l\'UTF-16 , veuillez passer à la version Perl 5.8.0 ou à une version ultérieure. ', ' ATTENTION: SSL n\'est pas pris en charge, vous entrez dans la zone non anonyme

ATTENTION: SSL n\'est pas pris en charge, vous entrez dans la zone non anonyme

Ce proxy installé ne supporte pas SSL , ex. les URL qui commencent par «https://» . À l\'appui de SSL , l\'administrateur proxy doit installer le module Perl Net::SSLeay (peut-être en cours d\'exécution "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), et puis cette proxy soutiendra automatiquement SSL (le CGIProxy sitea plus d\'infos). Dans l\'intervalle, toute navigation vers une URL «https://» se fera directement à partir de votre navigateur, et ne sera plus anonyme.

Suivez le lien ci-dessous pour quitter votre session de navigation anonyme et continuer à l\'URL non anonyme.

', ' Contenu compressé non pris en charge, ce dernier a été envoyé par le serveur. contenu

compressé non pris en charge, mais a été envoyé par le serveur.

Le serveur à %s:%s a répondu avec un contenu compressé, même si elle a dit de ne pas le faire. Ce serveur est soit mal configuré soit il a un bug.

Pour soutenir un contenu compressé , l\'administrateur mandataire doit installer IO::Compress::Gzip package Perl - peut-être en cours d\'exécution "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" - et puis ce proxy soutiendra automatiquement. (Notez que l\' package IO::Compress::Gzip est déjà inclus dans Perl 5.9.4 ou version ultérieure. ) ', ' proxy ne peut pas avancer les fichiers non texte

Le Proxy ne peut pas transférer les fichiers non texte

En raison de limitations de bande passante, le propriétaire de ce proxy particulier envoit uniquement des fichiers texte. Pour de meilleurs résultats, désactivez le chargement automatique d’images si votre navigateur vous le permet.

Si vous avez besoin d’un accès à des images ou d\'autres données binaires, dirigez votre navigateur vers un autre proxy ( ou installez-en un vous-même c’est facile). ', 'read() erreur: %s', 'sécurité', ' contenu du script bloqué Contenu du script


La ressource que vous avez demandé (ou vers laquelle vous avez été redirigé à votre insu) est apparemment un script exécutable. Ces ressources ont été bloquées par ce proxy, vraisemblablement pour votre propre protection.

Même si vous êtes sûr que vous voulez ce script, vous ne pourrez l’obtenir à travers ce proxy au regard de sa configuration. Si il est autorisé, essayez de naviguer à travers ce proxy sans enlever son exécution. Sinon, vous devrez reconfigurer le proxy ou trouver un autre moyen d\'obtenir la ressource. ', '

', ' %s commencer à utiliser le Proxy CGI %s



Commencer à naviguer à travers ce proxy basé sur CGI en entrant une URL ci-dessous. Seulement HTTP et les URL FTP sont pris en charge. Toutes les fonctions ne seront pas stables (par exemple, certains applets Java), mais la plupart des pages seront Ok .


Gérer les cookies

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() Erreur: %s', ' ATTENTION: vous entrez dans la zone non anonyme

ATTENTION: vous entrez dans la zone non anonyme

Ce proxy ne prend en charge HTTP et FTP. Toute consultation d\' une autre URL directement à partir de votre navigateur ne sera pas anonyme .

Suivez le lien ci-dessous pour quitter votre session de navigation anonyme et continuer à l\'URL non anonyme.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'id') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Otorisasi gagal. Coba lagi.', 'Opcode buruk: [%s] pada posisi %s dalam metode tubuh %s.', 'Mulai browsing', 'Kesalahan CGIProxy', 'Tidak dapat terhubung dengan SSL: %s', 'Tidak bisa STH_SEL_COOKIE->melaksanakan: %s', 'Tidak bisa STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Tidak dapat tersambung ke mesin database: %s', 'Tidak dapat terhubung ke database: %s', 'Tidak dapat tersambung ke baru \'%s\' database: %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat koneksi SSL: %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat konteks SSL: %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat database \'%s\' (coba lakukan secara manual): %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat tabel database: %s', 'Tidak dapat menghapus cookie (%s): %s', 'Tidak dapat mempersiapkan %s: %s', 'Tidak dapat membersihkan cookie: %s', 'Tidak bisa membersihkan sesi: %s', 'Tidak bisa set_fd: %s', 'Tidak dapat menyimpan cookie dalam database: %s', 'Tidak dapat memperbarui catatan sesi: %s', 'Menghubungkan dari alamat IP yang salah.', 'Tidak bisa mengikat socket Data FTP: %s', 'Tidak dapat terhubung ke %s:%s: %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat socket Data FTP: %s', 'Tidak dapat membuat socket: %s', 'Tidak bisa mengempis: %s', 'Tidak dapat menemukan alamat untuk %s: %s', 'Tidak bisa gunzip: %s', 'Tidak bisa gzip: %s', 'Tidak bisa mengembang: %s', 'Tidak bisa menginstal Perl %s modul. Mencoba menginstal secara manual, mungkin dengan menjalankan "cpan %s" dari baris perintah.', 'Tidak bisa mendengarkan data socket FTP: %s', 'Menghapus cookie yang dipilih', 'Masukkan URL yang ingin Anda kunjungi di dalam kotak di bawa ini.', 'Kesalahan menerima Data socket FTP: %s', 'Kesalahan dengan server target: ada WWW-Otentikasi sundulan.', 'Kesalahan membaca respon dari chunked %s .', 'Pergi', 'Intruder Alert! Orang lain selain server sedang mencoba untuk mengirimkan data.', 'Respon tidak valid dari %s: [%s]', 'Pengaturan cookie', 'Net::SSLeay::free salah: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read salah: %s', 'Tidak ada jawaban dari %s:%s', 'Tidak ada jawaban dari proksi SSL', 'Muat Ulang', 'Kesalahan Proxy SSL; respon adalah:

', 'Tampaknya menginstal %s OK, tetapi tidak dapat memuat.', 'Sebaiknya tidak sampai di sini, token= [%s]', 'Maaf, tidak dapat mendukung %s database belum.', 'Maaf, tidak ada fungsi seperti //%s', 'Maaf, hanya HTTP dan FTP saat ini didukung.', 'Maaf, proksi ini tidak dapat menangani permintaan lebih besar daripada %s byte pada URL yang dilindungi sandi. Cobalah mengurangi ukuran kiriman Anda, atau mengirimkannya ke URL dilindungi.', 'URL harus berisi nama host yang valid.', 'URL yang Anda masukkan memiliki nama host tidak valid.', 'Target URL tidak dapat berisi nama host kosong.', 'Terlalu banyak jenis MIME untuk mendaftar.', 'UP', 'Anda saat ini tidak dikonfirmasi ke situs manapun melalui proxy ini.', 'Saat ini Anda tidak mengirimkan cookie melalui proxy ini.', ' Proxy tidak dapat mengakses server itu, maaf.

Proxy tidak dapat mengakses server itu, maaf.

Pemilik proxy ini telah membatasi server yang dapat di akses, mungkin untuk alasan keamanan atau bandwidth. Server Anda hanya mencoba untuk mengakses tidak pada daftar server yang diperbolehkan. ', ' Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan proxy ini, maaf.

Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan proxy ini, maaf.

Pemilik proxy ini telah membatasi pengguna yang diizinkan untuk menggunakannya. Berdasarkan alamat IP Anda, Anda bukan pengguna yang berwenang. ', 'Membaca chunked() salah: %s', 'unduh', ' Direktori FTP %s %s

FTP server di %s

Direktori saat ini %s


', ' Kesalahan FTP

Kesalahan FTP

Server FTP di %s kembali respon kesalahan berikut:

Masukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk %s di %s

Otorisasi yg diharuskan

Masukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk %s di %s:
Nama pengguna:
Kata sandi:    

Hal ini memerlukan dukungan cookie diaktifkan pada browser anda.

Catatan: Setiap kali Anda menggunakan proxy, Anda mempercayai pemilik thatproxy dengan semua informasi yang Anda masukkan, termasuk nama dan password di sini. Hal ini berlaku untuk apa saja wakil, bukan hanya satu ini. ', ' Pengambilan URL yang aman melalui proxy non-aman dilarang.

Pengambilan URL yang aman melalui proxy non-aman dilarang.

Proxy ini berjalan pada server non-aman, yang berarti bahwa pengambilan halaman dari server aman tidak diijinkan. Bahayanya adalah bahwa pengguna dan server akhir mungkin percaya bahwa mereka memiliki koneksi yang aman antara mereka, padahal hubungan antara pengguna dan Proxy ini tidak aman dan menguping dapat terjadi. Itulah mengapa kita memiliki server yang aman, setelah semua.

Proxy ini harus dijalankan pada server yang aman sebelum diizinkan untuk mengambil halaman dari server aman lainnya. ', ' Proxy tidak bisa loop kembali melalui itu sendiri

Proxy tidak bisa loop kembali melalui itu sendiri

URL yang Anda mencoba mengakses akan menyebabkan proksi ini untuk mengakses sendiri, yang berlebihan dan mungkin membuang-buang sumber daya. Pemilik dari ini telah mengkonfigurasi untuk melarang perulangan tersebut.

Daripada mengatakan proxy untuk mengakses proxy untuk mengakses sumber daya yang diinginkan, cobalah mengatakan proxy untuk mengakses sumber daya langsung. Link di bawah ini dapat melakukan hal ini.

', ' Menampilkan Unicode cacat

Menampilkan Unicode cacat

Halaman ini mengatakan itu menggunakan charset "%s", tetapi isinya tidak bisa benar diterjemahkan sebagai charset. Harap memberitahu pemilik halaman tersebut. ', 'Hapus cookie ini? Untuk nama server yang berakhiran: ... dan jalur dimulai dengan: Kedaluwarsa Aman? Hanya HTTP? Nama Cookie Nilai ', 'Hapus cookie ini? Untuk nama server yang berakhiran: ... dan jalur dimulai dengan: Aman? Nama Cookie Nilai ', ' Manajemen Cookie CGIProxy

Kembali ke menjelajah

Hapus semua cookie

Berikut adalah cookie yang Anda gunakan melalui CGIProxy:


%s %s

Otentikasi cookie:

Hapus cookie ini? Server Pengguna Alam

', '
%s   Lokasi melalui proxy: %s  
[Melaporkan bug]   [Pengaturan cookie]                 %s
', '
%s Lokasi melalui proxy: %s   [Manage cookie] %s
', ' Halaman menggunakan pengkodean UTF-16, yang tidak didukung oleh versi Perl

Halaman menggunakan pengkodean UTF-16, yang tidak didukung oleh versi Perl

Halaman yang Anda minta tampaknya berada dalam UTF-16 Unicode Format ini. Hal ini tidak didukung oleh versi Perl berjalan pada server ini (lebih tepatnya, "Encode" modul Perl tidak dapat ditemukan).

Untuk mendukung UTF-16, silakan upgrade ke versi 5.8.0 Perl atau lambat. ', ' PERINGATAN: SSL tidak didukung, memasuki wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: SSL tidak didukung, memasuki wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy ini sebagai diinstal tidak mendukung SSL, yaitu URL yang dimulai dengan "https://". Untuk mendukung SSL, administrator proksi perlu menginstal Net::SSLeay Perl module (perhaps by running "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), dan kemudian proksi ini secara otomatis akan mendukung SSL (tersebut Situs CGIProxy memiliki info lebih lanjut). Sementara itu, setiap browsing ke suatu "https://" URL akan langsung dari browser Anda, dan tidak lagi anonim.

Ikuti link di bawah ini untuk keluar sesi browsing anonim Anda, dan melanjutkan URL non-anonim.

', ' Isi Compressed tidak didukung, tapi dikirim oleh server.

Isi Kompresi tidak didukung, tapi dikirim oleh server.

Server pada %s:%s menjawab dengan konten terkompresi, meskipun diberitahu untuk tidak. Server yang baik terkonfigurasi, atau memiliki bug.

Untuk mendukung konten terkompresi, administrator proxy yang perlu menginstal IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package-- mungkin dengan menjalankan "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- dan kemudian proksi ini secara otomatis akan mendukungnya. (Note that the IO::Compress::Gzip package sudah termasuk dalam Perl 5.9.4 atau lambat.) ', ' Proxy tidak dapat meneruskan file non-teks

Proxy tidak dapat meneruskan file non-teks

Karena keterbatasan bandwidth, pemilik proxy ini tertentu ekspedisi hanya file text. Untuk hasil terbaik, menonaktifkan pemuatan gambar otomatis jika browser Anda memungkinkan Anda.

Jika Anda memerlukan akses ke gambar atau data biner lainnya, rutekan browser Anda melalui proxy lain (atau menginstal satu sendiri-- mudah). ', 'Membaca() salah: %s', 'keamanan', ' Script konten diblokir

Script konten diblokir

Sumber daya yang Anda minta (Atau diarahkan ke tanpa sepengetahuan Anda) ternyata script yang bisa dijalankan. Sumber daya tersebut telah diblokir oleh proxy ini, mungkin untuk melindungi diri Anda.

Bahkan jika Anda yakin ingin script, Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya melalui proxy ini cara itu dikonfigurasi. Jika diizinkan, coba browsing melalui proxy ini tanpa menghapus skrip. Jika tidak, Anda harus mengkonfigurasi ulang proxy atau mencari cara lain untuk mendapatkan sumber daya. ', '

', ' %s Mulai Menggunakan CGIProxy %s



Mulai browsing melalui proxy ini berbasis CGI dengan memasukkan URL di bawah. Hanya HTTP dan FTP URL yang didukung. Tidak semua fungsi akan bekerja (Misalnya beberapa applet Java), tetapi sebagian besar halaman akan baik-baik.


Pengaturan cookie

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() salah: %s', ' PERINGATAN: Memasuki wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: Memasuki wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy ini hanya mendukung HTTP dan FTP. Setiap browsing ke willbe URL lain langsung dari browser anda, dan tidak lagi anonim.

Ikuti link di bawah ini untuk keluar sesi browsing anonim Anda, dan untuk melanjutkan URL non-anonim.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'it') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Autorizzazione non riuscita. riprova.', 'Bad opcode: [%s] alla posizione %s nel body %s.', 'Inizia navigazione', 'Errore CGIProxy', 'Impossibile collegarsi con SSL: %s', 'Impossibile STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s', 'Impossibile STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Impossibile connettersi al database engine: %s', 'Impossibile connettere al database: %s', 'Impossibile connettere al nuovo \'%s\' database: %s', 'Impossibile creare la connessione SSL: %s', 'Impossibile create contesto SSL: %s', 'Impossibile creare database \'%s\' (riprova manualmente): %s', 'Impossibile creare nel database la tabella: %s', 'Impossibile eliminare cookie (%s): %s', 'Impossibile preparare %s: %s', 'Impossibile svuotare cookies: %s', 'Impossibile svuotare sessions: %s', 'Impossibile set_fd: %s', 'Impossibile salvare cookie in database: %s', 'Impossibile aggiornare session record: %s', 'Connessione da un indirizzo IP errato.', 'Impossibile bind FTP data socket: %s', 'Impossibile connettere a %s:%s: %s', 'Impossibile create FTP data socket: %s', 'Impossibile creare socket: %s', 'Impossibile deflate: %s', 'Impossibile trovare indirizzo %s: %s', 'Impossibile gunzip: %s', 'Impossibile gzip: %s', 'Impossibile inflate: %s', 'Impossibile install modulo Perl %s. Provare ad installare manualmente, magari eseguendo "cpan %s" dalla riga di comando.', 'Impossibile listen su FTP data socket: %s', 'Elimina cookies selezionati', 'Inserisci l\'URL che si desidera visitare nel box sottostante.', 'Errore accettazione FTP data socket: %s', 'Errore dal server di destinazione: nessuna WWW-Authenticate header.', 'Errore di lettura risposta chunked da %s .', 'Vai', 'Allarme intruso! Una persona diversa dal server sta tentando di inviare i dati.', 'Risposta non valida da %s: [%s]', 'Gestione cookies', 'Errore Net::SSLeay::free : %s', 'Errore Net::SSLeay::read : %s', 'Nessuna risposta da %s:%s', 'Nessuna risposta dal proxy SSL', 'Nuova navigazione', 'Errore proxy SSL; risposta è stata:

', '%s sembra essere installato, ma non risulta caricabile.', 'Non dovrebbe esserci un token= [%s]', 'Spiacenti, non supportiamo il database %s .', 'Scusa, nessuna funzione con //%s', 'Spiacente, solo HTTP e FTP sono attualmente supportati.', 'Siamo spiacenti, questo proxy non è in grado di gestire una richiesta maggiore di %s byte ad un URL protetto da password. Prova a ridurre le dimensioni, o lo riprova con un URL non protetto.', 'L\'URL deve contenere un host name valido.', 'L\'URL inserito è un host name valido.', 'L\'URL di destinazione non può contenere un nome host vuoto.', 'Troppi MIME types da registere.', 'SU', 'Attualmente non sei autenticato da altri siti attraverso questo proxy.', 'Attualmente non stai inviando i cookie attraverso questo proxy.', ' Questo proxy non può accedere al server richiesto.

Questo proxy non può accedere al server richiesto.

Il proprietario di questo server ha limitato il server che si tenta di accedere, presumibilmente per motivi di sicurezza o di larghezza di banda. Il server che avete appena provato di accesso non è sulla lista dei server consentiti. ', ' Non sei consentito a utilizzare questo proxy.

Non sei consentito a utilizzare questo proxy.

Il proprietario di questo proxy ha limitato solo agli utenti autorizzati ad usarlo. Basando sul vostro indirizzo IP, non sei un utente autorizzato. ', 'Errore chunked read() error: %s', 'download', ' Directory di FTP %s %s

Server su FTP %s

La directory corrente è %s


', ' Errore FTP

Errore FTP

Il FTP server su %s ha restituito la seguente errore di risposta:

Inserisci username e password per %s su %s

Autorizzazione richiesta

Inserisci username e password per %s su %s:

Richiede il supporto dei cookie attivato nel tuo browser.

Note: Ogni volta che si utilizza un proxy, si sta confidando il proprietario di quel proxy con tutte le informazioni inserite, compreso il vostro nome e password. Questo è vero per tutti i proxy, non solo per questo. ', ' Recupero di un URL sicuro su un proxy non sicuro è vietato.

Recupero di un URL sicuro su un proxy non sicuro è vietato.

Questo proxy è in esecuzione su un server non sicuro, il che significa che il recupero delle pagine da server sicuri non è permesso. Il pericolo è che l\'utente e il server finale possono credere di avere una connessione sicura tra di loro, mentre infatti il collegamento tra l\'utente e questo proxy è insicuro e può verificarsi intercettazioni. Ecco perché abbiamo server sicuri, dopo tutto.

Questo proxy deve essere eseguito su un server sicuro prima di poter recuperare pagine da altri server sicuri. ', ' Il proxy non può delegare attraverso se stessa

Il proxy non può delegare attraverso se stessa

L\'URL è tentato di accedere causerebbe questo proxy ad accedere a se stesso, il che è ridondante e porta probabilmente uno spreco di risorse. Il proprietario di questo proxy non consente tale looping.

Invece di immettere la risorsa al proxy e poi ripassarla al proxy , provare a immettere la risorsa direttamente. il collegamento sottostante potrebbe farlo.

', ' La pagina presenta Unicode non valido

La pagina presenta Unicode non valido

Questa pagina ha set di caratteri "%s", ma il contenuto non poteva essere decodificato correttamente come quella charset. Si prega di avvisare il proprietario della pagina in questione. ', 'Eliminare questo cookie? Server che termina con: ... e path che inizia con: Scadenza (GMT/UTC) Sicuro? Solo HTTP? Nome del cookie Valore ', 'Eliminare questo cookie? Server che termina con: ... e path che inizia con: Solo HTTP? Nome del cookie Valore ', ' CGIProxy Gestione Cookie

Torna alla navigazione

Elimina tutti i cookies

Qui ci sono i cookies che si sta utilizzando attraverso CGIProxy:


%s %s

Cookies di autenticazione:

Eliminare questo cookie? Server User Raccolta dei dati del database

', '
%s   Indirizzo attraverso proxy: %s  
[Segnala un bug]   [Gestione cookies]                 %s
', '
%s Indirizzo attraverso proxy: %s   [Gestione cookies] %s
', ' Pagina utilizza la codifica UTF-16, che non è supportato da questa versione        di Perl

Pagina utilizza la codifica UTF-16, che non è supportato da questa versione di Perl

La pagina richiesta sembra essere in formato di Unicode UTF-16. questo non è supportata dalla versione di Perl in esecuzione su questo server (più esattamente, il modulo "Encode" di Perl non è stato trovato).

Per supportare UTF-16, si prega di aggiornare a Perl versione 5.8.0 o successiva. ', ' ATTENZIONE: SSL non supportato, stai per entrare nella zona non anonimo!

ATTENZIONE: SSL non supportato, stai per entrare nella zona non anonimo!

Questo proxy come installato non supporta SSL, vale a dire gli URL che iniziano con "https://". Per supportare SSL, l\'amministratore deve installare il modulo Net :: SSLeay Perl (magari eseguendo "nph-proxy.cgi installare moduli"), e poi questo proxy supporterà automaticamente SSL (sul sito CGIProxy per dettagli). Nel frattempo, ogni browsing di un URL "https://" sarà reindirizzato dal vostro browser, e non più anonimo.

Segui il link qui sotto per uscire dalla sessione di navigazione anonima, e continuare l\'URL non anonima.

', ' Contenuti compressi non supportato, ma è stato inviato dal server.

Contenuti compressi non supportato, ma è stato inviato dal server.

Il server su %s:%s risponde con il contenuto compresso, anche se è stato detto di non farlo. Questo server è mal configurato, o ha un bug.

Per supportare il contenuto compresso, l\'amministratore deve installare IO :: Compress :: pacchetto Gzip Perl - magari eseguendo "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- e poi questo proxy lo supporterà automaticamente. (Si noti che la Package IO :: Compress :: Gzip è già incluso in Perl 5.9.4 o versioni successive.) ', ' Proxy non può inoltrare file non di testo

Proxy non può inoltrare file non di testo

A causa di limitazioni di banda, il proprietario di questa proxy ha autorizzato l\'inoltro solo file di testo. Per ottenere risultati ottimali, disattivare il caricamento automatico delle immagini se il browser consente.

Se è necessario accedere a immagini o altri dati binari, scegli di navigare attraverso un altro proxy (o installare uno voi stessi - è facile). ', 'Errore read() : %s', 'sicurezza', ' Contenuto dello script bloccato

Contenuto dello script bloccato

La risorsa che hai richiesto (o statovi inviato a vostra insaputa) è apparentemente uno script eseguibile. Tali risorse sono state bloccate da questo proxy, presumibilmente per la propria protezione.

Anche se siete sicuri di voler eseguire lo script, non si può ottenere attraverso questo proxy il modo in cui è configurato. Se consentito, prova a navigare attraverso questo proxy senza rimuovere script. In caso contrario, sarà necessario riconfigurare il proxy o trovare un altro modo per ottenere la risorsa. ', '

', ' %s CGIProxy %s



Inizia a navigare attraverso questo proxy CGI-based inserendo un URL sottostante. Sono supportati HTTP e URL FTP. Non tutte le funzioni delle pagine saranno eseguite (ad esempio, alcuni applet Java), ma per la maggior parte andrà bene.


Gestione cookies

', 'Errore ssl_read_all_fixed() : %s', ' ATTENZIONE: stai per entrare nella zona non anonimo!

ATTENZIONE: stai per entrare nella zona non anonimo!

Questo proxy supporta solo HTTP e FTP. Qualsiasi navigazione a un altro URL sarà reindirizzato dal vostro browser, e non più anonimo.

Segui il link qui sotto per uscire dalla sessione di navigazione anonima, e continuare l\'URL non anonima.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'jv') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Otorisasi Mboten saget. Coba Maneh', 'Opcode Mboten Sae: [%s] ing posisi %s ingkang metode body %s', 'Miwiti Njlajah', 'Kasalahan CGIProxy', 'Mboten Saget nyambung SLL: %s', 'Mboten saget STH_SEL_COOKIE->ngelaksana\'aken: %s', 'Mboten saget STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Mboten saget nyambung mesin database: %s', 'Mboten saget ngahubungaken teng Database: %s', 'Mboten nyambung anyar \'%\' database: %s', 'Mboten Saget ndamel Koneksi SSL: %s', 'Mboten saget ndamel Konteks SSL: %s', 'Mboten saget ndamel Database \'%s\' (cobi ngajalakaken manual): %s', 'Mboten saget ndamel Tabel database: %s', 'Mboten saget ngapus cookie (%s): %s', 'Mboten saget nyiap\'ake %s: %s', 'Mboten saget ngaresik\'i sesi: %s', 'Mboten saget ngaresik\'i sesi: %s', 'Mboten Saget set_fd: %s', 'Mboten Saget nyimpen cookie teng database\'ipun: %s', 'Mboten saget nganyari sesi catetan: %s', 'Ngubungaken saking alamat IP ingkang Salah', 'Mboten saget ndamel ikatan socket Data FTP: %s', 'Mboten saget nyambungaken %s:%s: %s', 'Mboten saget ndamel socket Data FTP: %s', 'Mboten saget ndamel socket %s', 'Mboten saget ngempis: %s', 'Mboten saget nemukaken Alamat kangge %s:%s', 'Mboten Saget gunzip: %s', 'Mboten Saget gzip : %s', 'Mboten saget ngembang: %s', 'Mboten Saget nga\'install Perl %s modul. Nyoba nga\'install manual, menawi saget nga\'jalakake "cpan %s" saking baris perintah', 'Mboten saget mireng\'ake data socket FTP: %s', 'Ngapus cookie ingkang kapilih', 'Lebet\'aken URL ingkang Panjenengan pingin kunjungi dateng Kotak ing Ngisor iki', 'Kasalahan nampa Data Socket FTP: %s', 'Kasalahan dening Server Target: mboten wonten WWW-Ka\'asliane(Otentikasinipun).', 'Kasalahan maos respon saking chunked %s .', 'Menyang', 'Intruder Alert! Wong Liya selain Server lagi nyoba ngirim data', 'Respon mboten valid saking %s: [%s]', 'Pe\'aturan Cookie', 'Net::SSLeay::free error: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read Error: %s', 'Mboten wonten respon saking s%:%s', 'Mboten wonten respon saking Proxy SSL', 'Ngulangi Mbuka\'', 'SSL Proxy kesalahan ; respon :

 % s ',
'Kadosipun nga\'install %s OK, nanging mboten saget mbukak',
'Ngapunten, sae\'nipun mboten dugi mriki , token= [%s]',
'Ngapunten, mboten ngadukung %s database dereng',
'Ngapunten, mboten wonten fungsi kayata //%s',
'Ngapunten , cuma\' HTTP lan FTP ingkang didukung',
'Ngapunten , Proxy niki mboten saget nangani panjalukan luwih %s Byte saking URL ingkang Dilindungi sandhi. Cobi panjenengan ngurangi ukuran pangiriman ,  utawi ngirim saking URL ingkang dilindhungi',
'URL kudu ka\'isi nami host ingkang valid',
'URL ingkang panjenengan lebet\'aken , gadah Nami Host mboten Valid',
'URL Target mboten saget ka\'isi, Nami Host kosong',
'Kathah Sanget MIME kangge ndafthar',
'Panjenengan sakniki mboten dikonfirmasi dateng Situs pundi mawon saking Proxy niki',
'Sakniki Panjenengan mboten saget ngirim cookie dateng Proxy niki',
Proxy mboten saget ngakses server , Ngapunten.

Proxy mboten saget ngakses server , Ngapunten.

Ingkang gadhah proxy niki ngebatesi server ingkang angsal di akses menawi kangge alesan keamanan utawi bandwidth. Server Panjenangan mung nyoba kangge ngakses mboten saking daftar server ingkang di angsal\'aken ', ' Panjenengan mboten gadhah izin kangge migunak\'aken proxy niki, Ngapunten.

Panjenengan mboten gadhah izin kangge migunak\'aken proxy niki, Ngapunten.

Ingkang gadhah proxy niki ngabatasi pangguna ingkang diizin\'aken Saking alamat IP Panjenengan, Panjenengan dudu pangguna ingkang gadhah wewenang. ', 'read() Chunked Error: %s', 'Ngunduh', ' Direktori FTP %s %s

FTP server dateng %s

Direktori sak\'niki %s


', ' Kasalahan FTP

Kasalahan FTP

Server FTP di %s nyobi respon kasalahan niki

Lebet\'aken nami pangguna lan kata sandi kangge %s dateng %s

Otorisasi ingkang diwajib\'aken

Lebet\'aken Nami Pangguna lan kata sandi kangge %s dateng %s:
Nami Pangguna:
Kata sandi:    

Hali niki merlu\'aken dukungan cookie aktif saking browser Panjenengan.

Catatan: Saben Panjenengan migunak\'aken proxy, Panjenengan marcayanii ingkang gadah proxy niki , sedaya informasi ingkang Panjenengan Lebetaken, termasuk nami lan password teng mriki . Niki berlaku kangge napa mawon wakil, mboten mung setunggal niki ', ' Panjupukan URL ingkang aman liwat proxy non-aman niku mboten di angsal\'aken.

Panjupukan URL ingkang aman liwat proxy non-aman niku mboten di angsal\'aken.

Proxy niki mlaku saking server non-aman, ingkang gadhah arti panjupuk\'an kaca saking server aman mboten di izin\'aken. Bahayanipun pangguna lan server akhir menawi percaya gadhah koneksi aman antarane tiyang, déné sesambetan antarane user lan proxy ora aman lan pangupingan saget kalaksanan. Makane kuwi awak\'e dhewe gadhah server ingkang aman, sakwise sedyanipun.

Proxy niki kudu di\'jalak\'aken saking server ingkang aman sak dhereng\'e di izin\'aken jmendhet kaca saking server aman sanesipun. ', ' Proxy mboten saget ngulang saking awak\'e dhewe\'

Proxy mboten saget ngulang saking awak\'e dhewe\'

URL ingkang Panjenengan cobi akses bakal nyebab\'aken proksi niki kangge ngakses awak\'e dhewe\', ingkang berlebihan lan menawi nyia - nyia\'aken sumber daya. Ingkang Gadhah niki sampun ngekonfigurasi\'aken ngangge ngelarang perulangan kasebut .

Tinimbang paribasan sing proxy kangge ngakses proxy Kangge ngakses sumber daya ingkang di karepi, cobi paribasan proxy kangge ngakses sumber daya langsung. Link ing ngisor iki saget nindak\'ake.

', ' Nampil\'aken Unicode cacat

Nampil\'aken Unicode cacat

Kaca niki ngomong\'ake niku migguna\'ake charset "%s", tapi isinipun mboten sager bener diterjemah\'ake dados charset. Mangga ngabari ingkang gadhah kaca kasebut. ', 'Busak cookie niki? Kangge nami server ingkang gadah akhiran: ... lan jalur dimulai saking: Kadaluwarsa Aman? Cuma HTTP? Jeneng Cookie Nilai ', 'Busak cookie nkii? Kangge nami server ingkang gadah akhiran: ... lan jalur dimulai saking: Aman? Jeneng Cookie Nilai ', ' Manajemen Cookie CGIProxy

Mbalik nga\'jelajah

Busak sedaya cookie

niki cookie ingkang Panjengan migunak\'aken saking CGIProxy:


%s %s

Otentikasi cookie:

Busak cookie niki? Server Pengguna Alam

', '
%s   Lokasi saking proxy: %s  
[Ngelapor\'aken BUG]   [Peraturan cookie]                 %s
', '
%s Lokasi saking proxy: %s   [Manage cookie] %s
', ' Kaca migguna\'ake pengkodean UTF-16, ingkang mboten didukung dening versi Perl

Kaca migguna\'ake pengkodean UTF-16, ingkang mboten didukung dening versi Perl

Kaca ingkang Panjenengan kasuwun kadosipun wonten ing njero UTF-16 Unicode Format niki. Hal kayata niki mboten didukung dening versi Perl ing server niki (luwih benere, "Encode" modul Perl mboten saget ditemu\'aken).

kangge ngadukung UTF-16, monggo upgrade dateng versi 5.8.0 Perl utawi lamban. ', ' PERINGATAN: SSL mboten didukung, panjenangan mlebet wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: SSL mboten didukung, panjenangan mlebet wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy miki diinstal mboten ngadukung SSL, yaiku URL ingkang dimulai "https://". Kangge ngadukung SSL, administrator proksi kudu nga\'instal Net::SSLeay Perl module (perhaps by running "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), lan bar niku proksi niki otomatis ngadukung SSL (tersebut Situs CGIProxy memiliki info lebih lanjut). Samentara niku, saben ngajelajah dateng situs "https://" URL bakal langsung saking browser Panjenengan, lan mboten Anonim maneh.

Melu link ing ngisor niki kangge medhal sesi nga\'jelajah Anonim Panjenengan, lan ngalanjutaken URL non-anonim.

', ' Isi Compressed mboten ngadukung, nanging dikirim saking server.

Isi Kompresi mboten ngadukung, ngangingdikirim saking server.

Server saking %s:%s ngajawab ngangge konten terkompresi, meski dereng ngertos. Server ingkang sae terkonfigurasi, utawi gadhah bug.

Kangge ngadukung konten terkompresi, administrator proxy perlu nga\'instal IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package-- menawi kalian ngajalak\'aken "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- lan bar niku proksi niki otomatis ngadukung. (Catethan IO::Compress::Gzip package sampun termasuk saking Perl 5.9.4 utawi lamban.) ', ' Proxy mboten saget nerus\'aken file non-teks

Proxy niki mboten saget nerus\'aken file non-teks

Amargi keterbatasan bandwidth, Ingkang gadhah proxy tertentu ,ekspedisi amung file text. Kangge hasil paling sae, nonaktif\'aken pemuatan gambar otomatis ,menawi browser Panjenengan memungkinkan.

yen Panjenengan merluk\'aken akses gambar utawa data biner sanesipun, rutek\'aken browser Panjenengan liwat proxy liyane (utawa nga\'install siji maleh-- gampil). ', 'read() Error: %s', 'safety', ' Script konten diblokir

Script konten diblokir

Sumber daya ingkang Panjenengan kasuwun (Utawa diarah\'aken tanpa sapengetahuan Panjenengan) jebule Script saget di jalak\'aken. Sumber daya kasebut sampun diblokir dening proxy niki, menawi kangge ngelindungi Panjenengan.

Yen menawi Panjenengan yakin kapingin script, Panjenengan mboten saget angsal saking proxy niki , carane niku dateng konfigurasi. Menawi diizin\'aken, coba ngajelajah liwat proxy niki tanpa busak skrip. Menawi mboten, Panjenengan kudu ngekonfigurasi ulang proxy utawi nggolek cara liya kangge mendhet sumber daya. ', '

', ' %s Miwiti Migunak\'aken CGIProxy %s



Mulai njlajah saking proxy niki berbasis CGI ,caranipun lebet\'aken URL ing ngisor niki. cuma HTTP lan FTP URL ingkang didukung. Mboten sedaya saget berfungsi (Misalipun applet Java), nanging sakabehane kaca tetep sae sae mawon.


Peraturan cookie

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() Error: %s', ' PERINGATAN: Panjenengan mlebeti wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: Panjenengan mlebeti wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy nkii cuma ngadukung HTTP lan FTP. Saben ngajelajah ke willbe URL liya, langsung saking browser Panjenengan, lan mboten anonim maneh.

Melu link ing ngisor niki kangge medhal nga\'jelajah Anonim Panjenengan, lan kangge ngelanjutaken URL non-anonim.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'nl') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Autorisatie mislukt. Probeer opnieuw.', 'Slechte opcode: [%s] op positie %s in de methode %s.', 'Start met surfen.', 'CGIProxy Fout', 'Kan niet connecteren met SSL: %s', 'Kan STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute niet uitvoeren: %s', 'Kan SHT_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array() niet uitvoeren : %s', 'Kan niet connecteren naar de database: %s', 'Kan niet naar de database connecteren: %s', 'kan niet connecteren naar de nieuwe \'%s\' database: %s', 'Kan geen SSL verbinding tot stand brengen: $s', 'Kan geen SSL context creeren: %s', 'Kan de database niet aanmaken \'%s\' ( probeer het manueel): %s', 'Kan de database tabellen niet aanmaken: %s', 'Kan cookie (%s): niet verwijderen.', 'Kan %s niet voorbereiden :%s', 'Kan Cookies niet opschonen: %s', 'Kan sessie niet opschonen: %s', 'kan "set_fd" niet uitvoeren : %s', 'Kan cookie niet opslaan in de database: %s', 'Kan de sessie niet bijwerken: %s', 'Connectie vanuit een verkeerd IP adres.', 'Kon geen FTP data verbinding tot stand brengen: %s', 'Kon niet verbinden naar %s:%s: %s', 'Kon geen FTP data verbinding aanmaken: %s', 'Kan geen verbinding tot stand brengen: %s', 'Kon %s niet uitpakken.', 'Kon geen adres vinden als %s: %s', 'Onmogelijk te archiveren naar Gzip formaat: %s', 'Onmogelijk te archiveren naar Gzip formaat: %s', 'Kon %s niet inpakken.', 'Kon Perl module %s niet installeren. Probeer het manueel te installeren, mogelijk door "cpan %s" uit te voeren in de terminal.', 'Kon niet luiteren naar FTP verbinding: %s', 'Verwijder de geselecteerde cookies.', 'Voer de URL die je wilt bezoeken hieronder in.', 'Fout bij het accepteren van de FTP data verbinding: %s', 'Fout bij doel server: geen WWW- autenticatie header.', 'Fout by het lezen van verknipt antwoord van %s.', 'Gaan', 'Waarschuwing Indringers!! Iemand anders dan de server probeert jou data te zenden.', 'ongeldig antwoord van %s: [%s]', 'Cookie Beheer', 'Net::SSLeay::free fout: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read fout: %s', 'Geen antwoord van %s:%s', 'Geen antwoord van de SSL proxy', 'Herstart', 'SSL proxy fout; antwoord was:

', 'Leek %s goed te installeren maar kon het niet laden.', 'Je zou hier niet mogen zijn, token= [%s]', 'Excuses, er is nog geen ondersteuning voor een %s database.', 'Excuses, geen functie zoals //%s', 'Excuses, enkel “HTTP” en “FTP” zijn momenteel ondersteund.', 'Excuses, deze proxy kan geen verzoeken behandelen langer dan %s bytes voor een, met paswoord beveiligde URL. Probeer uw verzoek te verkleinen, of verander naar een onbeveiligde URL', 'De URL moet een geldige "host\' naam bevatten.', 'De URL die je invoerde heeft een ongeldige "host" naam.', 'De URL kan geen lege "host" naam bevatten.', 'Te veel MIME types om te registreren.', 'Omhoog', 'Je bent niet gemachtigd om sites te bezoeken via deze proxy.', 'Op dit ogenblik stuur je geen cookies door deze proxy.', ' De proxy kan de server niet bereiken, sorry

De proxy kan de server niet bereiken, sorry.

De eigenaar van deze proxy heeft de toegankelijkheid van bepaalde servers beperkt, waarschijnlijk voor de veiligheid of om bandbreedte te beperken. De server die je wilt bereiken staat op de lijst van niet-toegestane servers. ', ' Het is niet toegestaan om deze proxy te gebruiken, sorry

Het is niet toegestaan om deze proxy te gebruiken, sorry.

De eigenaar van de proxy heeft het aantal gebruikers gelimiteerd, gebaseerd op je IP-adres heb je geen toegangsrechten. ', 'verknipte lees() fout: %s', 'download', ' FTP directory of %s %s

FTP server at %s

huidige directory is %s


', ' FTP Fout

FTP Fout

De FTP server: %s gaf de volgende foutomschrijving terug:

Geef je naam en wachtwoord op voor %s bij %s

Autorisatie gevraagd

Voer je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in ( %s ) voor %s:

Deze actie heeft cookie ondersteuning nodig vanuit je browser.

Nota: Elke keer je een proxy gebruikt, vertrouw je de eigenaar van de proxy met al je informatie die je invoert, ook je naam en wachtwoord. Dit is het geval voor elke proxy, niet enkel deze proxy. ', ' De ophaling van beveiligde URL\'s via een niet beveiligde proxy is verboden.

De ophaling van beveiligde URL\'s via een niet beveiligde proxy is verboden.

Deze proxy draait op een niet beveiligde server, wat betekent dat de ophaling van beveiligde URL\'s niet toegestaan is. Het gevaar is bestaande dat de gebruiker en de server overtuigt zijn van de veilige verbinding, terwijl in feite de link tussen deze proxy en de gebruiker niet beveiligd is en luistervinken kunnen meeluisteren. Dat is waarom er beveiligde server bestaan in de eerste plaats.

Deze proxy moet op een beveiligde server draaien vooraleer het is toegestaan om beveiligde URL\'s op te halen. ', ' De proxy kan niet in cirkels met zichzelf doorverbinden

De proxy kan niet in cirkels met zichzelf doorverbinden.

De URL die je ingaf, is die van de proxy zelf. Dit is redundant en een verkwisting van technologie. De eigenaar van deze proxy heeft de proxy zo geconfigureerd dat deze actie niet toegestaan is.

In plaats van op een dubbele manier door de proxy door te verbinden, probeer de verbinding opnieuw met een directe verbinding door de proxy. De link onderaan kan dit doen.

', ' De pagina heeft een misvormde Unicode

De pagina heeft een misvormde Unicode

Deze pagina zegt de character set "%s" te gebruiken, maar de inhoud kon niet op die manier gedecodeerd worden. Informeer de eigenaar van de pagina hierover. ', 'Verwijder cookie? Voor server namen eindigend met: ... en een locatie beginnend met: Verloopt (GMT/UTC) Veilig? Enkel HTTP? Cookie naam Value ', 'Verwijder cookie? Voor server namen eindigend met: ... en een locatie beginnend met: Veilig? Cookie naam Value ', ' CGIProxy Cookie Beheer

Terug Surfen

Verwijder alle cookies

Hier zijn de cookies die je gebruikt via de CGIProxy:


%s %s

Autenticatie van de cookies:

Verwijder cookie? Server Gebruiker Gebied

', '
%s   Locatie via proxy: %s  
[Rapporteer een bug]   [Cookie beheer]                 %s
', '
%s Locatie via proxy: %s   [Cookie beheer] %s
', ' De pagina\'s gebruiken een UTF-16 encodering, hetwelk niet ondersteund is door deze versie van Perl

De pagina\'s gebruiken een UTF-16 encodering, hetwelk niet ondersteund is door deze versie van Perl

De pagina die je op vroeg lijkt in een Unicode UTF-16 formaat te zijn. Dit is niet ondersteund door de versie van Perl die op deze server draait. ( meer specifiek, de "Encode" Perl module kon niet gevonden worden.

Voor UTF-16 ondersteuning, Upgrade naar Perl 5.8.0 of later. ', ' WAARSCHUWING! SSL niet ondersteund - Betreding van een niet-anonieme zone

WAARSCHUWING! SSL niet ondersteund - Betreding van een niet-anonieme zone

Deze proxy, zoals geïnstalleerd, zal geen SSL ondersteunen. Bijvoorbeeld: URL\'s met een "https://". prefix. Om SSL te ondersteunen zal de proxy administrator de "Net::SSLeay Perl" module moeten installeren. (Misschien door volgende code uit te voeren "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), Dan zal de proxy automatisch SSL ondersteunen ( CGIProxy site bevat meer informatie). Ondertussen zal elke surf actie naar een "https://" URL direct uitgevoerd worden door je browser en dus niet meer anoniem.

Volg de onderstaande link om je anonieme surf sessie te beëindigen, en niet meer anoniem verder te surfen naar de URL.

', ' Gearchiveerde inhoud niet ondersteund maar verzonden door de server

Gearchiveerde inhoud niet ondersteund maar verzonden door de server.

De server bij %s:%s antwoordde met gearchiveerde inhoud, zelfs na een uitdrukkelijk verzoek om dit niet te doen. De server is ofwel slecht geconfigureerd of heeft een bug.

Om gearchiveerde inhoud te tonen zal de administrator volgende module moeten installeren: "IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package" -- Misschien door: "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- te installeren en deze proxy zal het dan automatisch ondersteunen. ( Opmerking: Het pakket "IO::Compress::Gzip" is reeds opgenomen in Perl 5.9.4 en later.) ', ' Proxy kan niet-tekst-bestanden niet doorsturen

Proxy kan niet-tekst-bestanden niet doorsturen

Door limitaties betreffende de bandbreedte, stuurt de eigenaar van deze proxy enkel tekst bestanden door. Zet voor het beste resultaat en indien mogelijk, de automatische afbeelding ophaling op non actief in je browser.

Als je toegang nodig hebt tot afbeeldingen of binaire data, contacteer een andere proxy (of installeer er zelf eentje )-- Het is een makkie). ', 'lees() fout: %s', 'veiligheid', ' Script inhoud geblokkeerd

Script inhoud geblokkeerd

De gegevens die je opvroeg ( of naartoe geleid bent, zonder uw medeweten) is blijkbaar een uitvoerbaar script. Zulke scripts worden geblokkeerd door deze proxy, vermoedelijk voor uw bescherming.

Zelfs indien je het script wenst, is het onmogelijk het door deze proxy te krijgen op de manier dat deze geconfigureerd is. Als het toegestaan is, probeer dan door deze proxy te surfen zonder scripts te verwijderen. Anders zal je je de proxy moeten herconfigureren of een andere manier vinden om de gegevens op te vragen. ', '

', ' %s Start CGIProxy %s



Start met surfen door deze proxy op “CGI “ basis, dit door een URL in te vullen in het veld hieronder. Enkel “HTTP” en “FTP “zijn ondersteund. Niet alle functies zullen werken. (b.v. sommige Java applets), maar de meeste pagina\'s zullen in orde zijn.


Cookie Beheer

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() fout: %s', ' WAARSCHUWING! Betreding van een niet-anonieme zone

WAARSCHUWING! Betreding van een niet-anonieme zone

Deze proxy ondersteund enkel “HTTP” en “FTP”. Elke surf actie naar een andere URL zal direct vanuit uw browser komen. Met andere woorden, niet meer anoniem.

Volg de onderstaande link om je anonieme surf sessie te beëindigen, en niet meer anoniem verder te surfen naar de URL.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'pl') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Autoryzacja nie powiodła się. Spróbuj ponownie.', 'Zły kod operacji: [%s] na pozycji %s w metodzie body %s.', 'Rozpocznij przeglądanie', 'Błąd CGIProxy', 'Nie można ustanowić połączenia SSL: %s', 'Nie można wykonać STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s', 'Nie można STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Nie można połączyć się z silnikiem bazy danych: %s', 'Nie można połączyć się z bazą danych: %s', 'Nie można połączyć się z nową bazą danych \'%s\' : %s', 'Nie można nawiązać połączenia SSL: %s', 'Nie można utworzyć SSL context: %s', 'Nie można stworzyć bazy danych \'%s\' (spróbuj zrobić to ręcznie): %s', 'Nie można utworzyć tabel bazy danych: %s', 'Nie można usunąć "cookie" (%s): %s', 'Nie można przygotować %s: %s', 'Nie można wyczyścić "cookies": %s', 'Nie można wyczyścić sesji: %s', 'Nie można ustawić set_fd: %s', 'Nie można zapisać "cookie" w bazie danych: %s', 'Nie można zaktualizować wpisu sesji: %s', 'Łączenie ze złego adresu IP.', 'Gniazdo nie może powiązać danych FTP: %s', 'Nie można się połączyć z %s:%s: %s', 'Nie można utworzyć gniazda danych FTP: %s', 'Nie można utworzyć gniazda: %s', 'Nie można skompresować: %s', 'Nie można odnaleźć adresu %s: %s', 'Nie można użyć funkcji gunzip: %s', 'Nie można użyć funkcji gzip: %s', 'Nie można dekompresować: %s', 'Nie można zainstalować modułu Perl-a: %s. Spróbuj zainstalować go ręcznie, być może uruchamiając "cpan %s" z linii poleceń.', 'Nie można nasłuchiwać na gnieździe danych FTP :%s', 'Usuń wybrane cookies', 'Wpisz adres URL, który chcesz odwiedzić w polu poniżej.', 'Błąd pobierania danych na gnieździe FTP: %s', 'Błąd serwera docelowego: brak nagłówka WWW-Authenticate.', 'Błąd odczytu fragmentu odpowiedzi z %s.', 'Idź', 'Uwaga intruz! Ktoś inny niż serwer próbuje wysłać dane.', 'Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź od %s: [%s]', 'Zarządzaj "cookies"', 'Net::SSLeay::free błąd: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read błąd: %s', 'Brak odpowiedzi z %s:%s', 'Brak odpowiedzi z serwera proxy SSL', 'Restart', 'Błąd SSL proxy ; została zwrócona odpowiedź:

', 'Instalacja %s wydaje się być OK, ale nie można go załadować.', 'Znacznik = [%s] nie powinien znajdować się w tym miejscu.', 'Niestety, brak obsługi bazy danych %s.', 'Niestety, nie ma takiej funkcji, jak //%s', 'Niestety, tylko połączenia HTTP i FTP są obecnie obsługiwane.', 'Przepraszam, to proxy nie może przetworzyć żądań dłuższych niż %s bajtów na adresach chronionych hasłem. Spróbuj zredukować rozmiar zadania lub wyślij je jako niezabezpieczony adres URL.', 'Adres URL musi zawierać poprawną nazwę hosta.', 'Wprowadzony adres URL ma nieprawidłową nazwę hosta.', 'Adres docelowy nie może zawierać pustej nazwy hosta.', 'Za dużo typów MIME do użycia.', 'Do góry', 'Nie jesteś obecnie uwierzytelniony na żadnej stronie przez to proxy.', 'Obecnie nie wysyłasz żadnych plików cookie przez to proxy.', ' Proxy nie może uzyskać dostępu do tego serwera.

Proxy nie może uzyskać dostępu do tego serwera.

Właściciel tego proxy, ograniczył dostęp do niektórych serwerów, prawdopodobnie ze względów bezpieczeństwa lub przepustowości. Serwer do którego próbowałeś się dostać nie jest na liście dozwolonych serwerów. ', ' Nie masz uprawnień do tego proxy.

Nie masz uprawnień do tego proxy.

Właściciel tego proxy ograniczył dostęp niektórym użytkownikom. Na podstawie adresu IP, nie masz dostępu . ', 'read() błąd fragmentu: %s', 'pobierz', ' Katalog FTP %s %s

Serwer FTP na %s

Aktualny katalog to %s


', ' Błąd FTP

Błąd FTP

Serwer FTP na %s zwrócił następującą odpowiedź o błędzie:

Wpisz nazwę użytkownika i hasło dla %s na %s

Wymagana autoryzacja

Wpisz nazwę użytkownika i hasło %s dla %s:

Wymagane włączenie obsługi cookies w twojej przeglądarce.

Uwaga: Zawsze korzystając z serwera proxy, musisz posiadać zaufanie do właściciela tego proxy, uwzględniając dane które wprowadzasz, włączając w to nazwę użytkownika i hasło podawane tutaj. Odnosi się to do każdego proxy, nie tylko tego. ', ' Wchodzie na bezpieczne adresy URL przez niezabezpieczone proxy jest zabronione.

Wchodzie na bezpieczne adresy URL przez niezabezpieczone proxy jest zabronione.

To proxy działa na niezabezpieczonym serwerze, co oznacza, że pobieranie stron z bezpiecznych serwerów jest zabronione. Istnieje niebezpieczeństwo, że użytkownik i serwer końcowy może uwierzyć, że połączenie między nimi jest bezpiecznie, gdy w rzeczywistości połączenie pomiędzy użytkownikiem a tym proxy jest niebezpieczne i może być na podsłuchu. Dlatego przede wszystkim powinno używać się bezpiecznych serwerów.

Proxy musi działać na bezpiecznym serwerze, wtedy będzie dozwolone pobieranie stron z innych bezpiecznych serwerów. ', ' Proxy nie może być zapętlone samo w sobie

Proxy nie może łączyć się samo z sobą

Adres, który próbowałeś otworzyć poprzez to proxy, powoduje zapętlenie połączenia samo ze sobą które jest zbędne i powoduje marnotrawienie zasobów. Właściciel tego proxy ustawił go do odrzucenia takich pętli.

Zamiast kazać proxy, łączyć się kolejny raz z proxy i dopiero wtedy z zasobami, sprobuj połączyć się z zasobami bezpośrednio poprzez proxy. Odnośnik poniżej postara się zrobić to za ciebie.

', ' Strona ma nieprawidłowo utworzony Unicode

Strona ma nieprawidłowo utworzony Unicode

Ta strona zgłasza kodowanie przy użyciu zestawu znaków "%s", ale zawartość nie może być prawidłowo zdekodowanie w tym kodowaniu. Prosimy o powiadomienie właściciela strony. ', 'Usunąć to cookie? Dla nazw serwerów kończących się na: ... i adresów zaczynających się od: Data wygaśnięcia (GMT/UTC) Bezpieczne? tylko HTTP? Nazwa cookie Wartość ', 'Usunąć to cookie? Dla nazw serwerów kończących się na: ... i adresów zaczynających się od: Bezpieczne? Nazwa cookie Wartość ', ' Zarządzanie CGIProxy Cookie

Powrót do przeglądania

Usuń wszystkie cookies

Tutaj są cookies, które używasz poprzez CGIProxy:


%s %s

Uwierzytelniające cookies:

Usuń to cookie? Serwer Użytkownik Domena

', '
%s   Adres poprzez proxy: %s  
[Zgłoś błąd]   [Zarządzaj cookies]                 %s
', '
%s Adres poprzez proxy: %s   [Zarządzaj cookies] %s
', ' Strona korzysta z kodowania UTF-16, które nie jest obsługiwany przez tę wersję Perla

Strona korzysta z kodowania UTF-16, które nie jest obsługiwane przez tę wersję Perla

Żądana strona wydaje się być w formacie Unicode UTF-16. Ta wersja Perl-a nie obsługuje tego formatu na tym serwerze (bardziej szczegółowo, "kodowanie" Perl-a nie zostało odnalezione).

Aby włączyć kodowanie UTF-16, należy uaktualnić Perl-a do wersji 5.8.0 lub nowszej. ', ' Ostrzeżenie: SSL nie obsługiwane, wchodzisz w obszar nie-anonimowy!

Ostrzeżenie: SSL nie obsługiwane, wchodzisz w obszar nie-anonimowy!

To proxy nie wspiera obłsugi SSL, ze względu na sposób jego instalacji, czyli adresów zaczynających się od "https://". Aby włączyć obsługę SSL administrator tego proxy musi zainstalować moduł Perl-a Net::SSLeay (być może poprzez uruchomienie "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"). Wtedy to proxy zacznie automatycznie obsługiwać protokół SSL (więcej informacji znajdziesz na stronie CGIProxy). W międzyczasie, strony zaczynające się od "https://" będą łączyły się bezpośrednio przez twoją przeglądarkę i nie będziesz anonimowy

Poniższy link zakończy twoją anonimową sesję przeglądania i przeniesie cię do strefy pozbawionej anonimowości

', ' Skompresowane treści nie są obsługiwane, ale zostały wysłane przez serwer.

Skompresowane treści nie są obsługiwane, ale zostały wysłane przez serwer.

Serwer %s:%s odpowiedział skompresowaną treścią, mimo żądania nie-skompresowanej treści. Serwer jest albo źle skonfigurowany, albo ma błąd.

Aby włączyć obsługę kompresji treści, administrator tego proxy musi zainstalować moduł Perl-a IO::Compress::Gzip (być może poprzez uruchomienie "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" ) Dopiero wtedy to proxy automatycznie zacznie wspierać kompresję treści. (Informacja: pakiet IO::Compress::Gzip jest już zawarty w Perl-u 5.9.4 i nowszych.) ', ' Proxy nie może przesyłać innych plików niż tekstowe.

Proxy nie może przesyłać innych plików niż tekstowe.

Ze względu na ograniczenia przepustowości, właściciel tego konkretnego proxy zezwala na przesyłanie tylko plików tekstowych. Aby uzyskać najlepsze rezultaty, należy wyłączyć automatyczne ładowanie zdjęć

Jeśli potrzebujesz dostępu do obrazów lub innych danych binarnych, przeglądaj strony przez inne proxy (lub zainstaluj je samemu - To takie proste ). ', 'read() błąd: %s', 'bezpieczeństwo', ' Zawartość skryptu zablokowana

Zawartość skryptu zablokowana

Zasób, którego szukasz (lub miejsce do którego zostałeś przekierowany bez Twojej wiedzy) jest najwyraźniej skryptem wykonywalnym. Takie zasoby są blokowane poprzez to proxy, dla własnego bezpieczeństwa.

Nawet, jeśli jesteś pewien, że chcesz użyć tego skryptu, nie możesz tego zrobić przez sposób w jaki jest skonfigurowane proxy. Jeśli jesteś pewien, że chcesz, spróbuj uruchomić stronę bez blokowania skryptów . W przeciwnym razie będziesz musiał ponownie skonfigurować proxy lub znaleźć inny sposób na dotarcie do tego zasobu. ', '


Rozpocznij przeglądanie stron używając proxy opartego na skryptach CGI. Wpisz adres URL poniżej. Tylko adresy HTTP i FTP są obsługiwane. Nie wszystkie funkcje będą działać (np. niektóre aplety Java), ale większość stron będzie OK.


Zarządzaj cookies

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() błąd: %s', ' Ostrzeżenie: Wchodzisz w obszar nie-anonimowy!

Ostrzeżenie: Wchodzisz w obszar nie-anonimowy!

Ten serwer proxy obsługuje tylko połączania HTTP i FTP. Inne adresy URL będą ustanawiane bezpośrednio z przeglądarki i nie będziesz więcej anonimowy.

Poniższy link, zakończy twoją anonimową sesję przeglądania i przejdziesz do nie-anonimowego adresu URL.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'ru') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Ошибка авторизации. Попробуйте еще раз.', 'Плохой код операции: [%s] в позиции %s в методе тела %s.', 'Начать серфинг', 'Ошибка CGIProxy', 'Не могу установить SSL соединение с %s', 'Не могу STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute: %s', 'Не могу STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Не могу соедениться с сервером базы данных: %s', 'Не могу соедениться с базой данных: %s', 'Не могу соеденится с новой базой данных \'%s\': %s', 'Не могу создать SSL соединение: %s', 'Не могу создать SSL контекст: %s', 'Не могу создать базу данных \'%s\' (попробуйте сделать это вручную): %s', 'Не могу создать таблицы в базе: %s', 'Не могу удалить cookie (%s): %s', 'Не могу подготовить %s: %s', 'Не могу очистить cookies: %s', 'Не могу очистить сессии: %s', 'Не могу set_fd: %s', 'Не могу сохранить cookie в базе данных: %s', 'Не могу обновить запись сессии: %s', 'Подключение от неправильного IP-адреса.', 'Не могу присвоить FTP сокет для данных : %s', 'Не могу соедениться с %s:%s: %s', 'Не могу создать FTP сокет для данных: %s', 'Не могу создать сокет: %s', 'Не удалось снизить: %s', 'Не могу найти адрес для %s: %s', 'Не могу распаковать %s при помощи gunzip.', 'Не могу сжать %s при помощи gzip.', 'Не удалось увеличить: %s', 'Не удалось установить Perl модуль. Попробуйте установить его вручную, используя "cpan %s" из коммандной строки.', 'Не могу соеденится с FTP сокетом данных: %s', 'Удалить выбранные cookies', 'Введите URL котоырй вы хотите посетить в строке снизу.', 'Не могу принять данные от FTP сокета: %s', 'Ошибка сервера : отсутствует заголовок WWW-Authenticate.', 'Не удается прочитать часть ответа от %s .', 'Поехали', 'Опасность! Кто то другой пытается послать вам данные.', 'Неправильный ответ от %s: [%s]', 'Управление cookies', 'Ошибка Net::SSLeay::free: %s', 'Ошибка Net::SSLeay::read: %s', 'Нет ответа от %s:%s', 'Нет ответа от SSL прокси', 'Нерезапуск', 'Ошибка SSL прокси , получен ответ:

', 'Установка прошла корректно, но не могу загрузить.', 'Это не должно быть здесь, токен= [%s]', 'Пока не поддерживаю базу данных %s', 'Нет такой функции, как //%s', 'На текущий момент поддерживаются только HTTP и FTP протоколы', 'Ошибка. Этот прокси не модет обработать запрос размером больше %s байт, если URL защищен паролем. Попробуйте уменьшить размер запроса или используйте не защищенный паролем URL.', 'URL должен содержать дейтвительное имя хоста.', 'URL который вы ввели содержит ошибочное имя хоста.', 'URL назначения не должно содержать пустое имя хоста.', 'Слишком много MIME-типов для регистряция.', 'вверх', 'В данный момент вы неауьентифицироывнны на каком либо сайте через этот прокси.', 'В данный момент вы не посылаете cookies через этот прокси.', ' Прокси не можеn получить доступ к серверу.

Прокси не можеn получить доступ к серверу.

Владелец этого прокси запретил доступ к некоторым серверам, вероятно из соображений безопасности или экономии трафика. Сервер, к которому вы пытаетесь получить доступ, отсутствуеб в списк разрешенных серверов. ', ' Вам не разрешено использовать этот прокси.

Вам не разрешено использовать этот прокси.

Владелец этого прокси запрещает использовать его без разрешения. Судя повашему IP адресу - вы не разрешено им пользоваться ', 'Ошибка части read() : %s', 'Скачать', ' FTP папка на %s %s

FTP сервер на %s

Текущая директория - %s


', ' Ошибка FTP

Ошибка FTP

FTP сервер %s ответил ошибкой :

Введите имя и пароль для  %s на %s

Требуется авторизация

Введите имя и пароль для %s на %s:

Необходимо включить поддержку cookie в броузере.

Важное замечание: Когда вы пользуетесь прокси-сервером, вы доверяете его владельцу всю информацию которую используете, включая и эти имя и пароль. Это относится не только к этому прокси , но и к любому другому. ', ' Запрещено открывать безопасные ссылки (HTTPS) через небезопасный прокси

Запрещено открывать безопасные ссылки (HTTPS) через небезопасный (HTTP) прокси .

Этот прокси работает на сервере использующем небезопасное соединение, поэтому на нем запрещено открывать сайты с SSL. Опасность в том, что пользовтель и сервер, обслуживающий защищеный сайт, могут поверить что между ними установлено безопасно соединение, но на деле соединение между прокси и пользователем незащищено и данные могут быть перехвачены. Защищенные сервера созданы для исключения возможности перехвата.

Этот прокси должен работать на защищенном сервере, что бы получать вебстраницы с других защищенных серверов. ', ' Прокси не может обрабатывать ссылки указывающие на него самого

Прокси не может обрабатывать ссылки указывающие на него самого

Адрес, который вы ввели, содержит ссылку на сам прокси. Это излишне и ведет к бесполезной трате ресурсов сервера. Владелец сервера запретил использовать циклические ссылки.

Вместо того, чтобы использовать циклическую ссылку, лучше попробуйте открыть ресурс напрямую. Ссылка ниже может помочь в этом.

', ' Page has malformed Unicode На странице битая кодировка Unicode.

На странице битая кодировка Unicode

Страница сообщает, что она использует кодировку "%s", но содержимое не может быть корректно отображено в этой кодировке. Сообщите об этом владельцу страницы. ', 'Удалить эти cookie? Для имени сервера оканчивающегося на : ... и пути начинающегося на : Заканчивается Безопасно? Только HTTP ? Имя cookie значение ', 'Удалить эти cookie? Для имени сервера оканчивающегося на: ... и пути начинающегося на: Безопасно? Имя cookie значение ', ' Управление cookie

Вернуться к просмотру

Удалить все cookies

Здесь все cookies которые вы используете через CGIProxy:


%s %s

Сookies для аутентификации:

Удалить эти cookie? Имя сервера Имя ползователя Realm

', '
%s   местоположение через прокси: %s  
[Сообщить об ошибке]   [Управление cookies]                 %s
', '
%s Открыть через прокси: %s   [Управление cookies] %s
', ' На странице используется кодировка UTF-16, которая не поддерживается этой версией Perl

На странице используется кодировка UTF-16, которая не поддерживается этой версией Perl

Запрошенная страница использует кодировку Unicode UTF-16. Эта кодировка не поддерживается версией Perl установленой на этом сервере (скорее всего не найден модуль Encode).

Чтобы включить поддержку UTF-16 обновите Perl до версии 5.8.0 или выше. ', ' Внимание: SSL не поддерживается, вы входите в НЕ анонимную зону!

Внимание: SSL не поддерживается, вы входите в НЕ анонимную зону!

Этот прокси не поддерживает SSL, тоесть сслыки которые начинаются на "HTTPS://". Чтобы включить поддержку SSL, администратор этого прокси должен установить модуль Net::SSLeay для Perl скорее всего используя "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" ) и этот прокси сразу начнет поддерживать работу с SSL(the CGIProxy site здесь больше информации об этом). Сейчас же, все ссылки начинабщиеся с "https://" будуь открываться сразу в браузере и не будут анонимными.

Follow the link below to exit your anonymous browsing session, and continue to the URL non-anonymously. Нажмите на ссылку ниже чтобы закончить анонимный броузинг и перейти по ссыле не анонимно.

', ' Компрессия содержимного не поддерживается, но сервер пытается ее использовать.

Компрессия содержимного не поддерживается, но сервер пытается ее использовать.

Сервер %s:%s пытается сжимать информацию при передаче, даже если его об этом не просили.Он или не правильно сконфигурирован, или в нем есть ошибка.

Чтобы использовать сжатие контента при передаче, администратор этого прокси должен установить Perl пакет IO::Compress::Gzip, вероятно запустив "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" на сервере, и поддержка сжатия включится автоматически после этого ( обратите внимание, что пакет IO::Compress::Gzip уже присутствует в Perl версии 5.9.4 или более поздней). ', ' Этот прокси не может перенаправлять не-текстовые файлы

Этот прокси не может перенаправлять не-текстовые файлы

Из за ограничения скорости, владелец этого прокси позволяет перенаправлять только текстовые файлы. Для лучшего результата, отключите автоматическую загрузку картинок в броузере.

Если вам нужно получать изображения, попробуйте использовать другой прокси (или просто установите такой для себя, это не сложно ', 'Ошибка read(): %s', 'безопасность', ' Заблокирован скрипт

Заблокирован скрипт

Ресурс, который вы запрашиваете (или может вас перенаправили на него без вашего ведома) содержит исполняемый скрипт. Так, что ресурс заблокирован этим прокси для вашей защиты.

Даже если вы уверены что этот крипт вам нужен, вы не сможете получить к нему доступ из за текущей настройки этого прокси. Если это возможно, порпобуйте использлвать этот прокси без блокирования скриптов. Еслине выходит, вам надобно перенастроить этот прокси или найти другой способ получить доступ к этому ресурсу. ', '

', ' %s Начинаем использовать CGIProxy %s



Открой вебсайт при помощи этого CGI-proxy, введи адрес ниже. Поддерживается только HTTP и FTP. Не все содержимое на сайтах будет работать (например Java-апплеты), но в целом все будет работать корректно.


Управление cookies

', 'Ошибка ssl_read_all_fixed(): %s', ' Внимание: вы входите в не анонимное пространство

Внимание: вы входите в не анонимное пространство!

Этот прокси поддерживает только HTTP и FTP. Попытка открыть любой другой протокол будет произведене напрямую, их вашего броузера ( не используя этот прокси) и это соединение не будет анонимным

Используя ссылку ниже вы завершите анонимный серфинг и продолжите использовать эту ссылку, но уже не анонимно

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'su') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Otorisasi gagal. Cobi deui.', 'Opcode awon: [%s] dina posisi %s dilebet metode awak %s.', 'Ngawitan browsing', 'Kalepatan CGIProxy', 'Teu tiasa nyambung SSL: %s', 'Teu tiasa STH_SEL_COOKIE->ngalakonan: %s', 'Teu tiasa STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array(): %s', 'Teu tiasa nyambung ka mesin database: %s', 'Teu tiasa nyambung ka database: %s', 'Teu tiasa nyambung ka anyar \'%s\' database: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel sambungan SSL: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel konteks SSL: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel database \'%s\' (cobian kalayan manual): %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel tabel database: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngahapus cookie (%s): %s', 'Teu tiasa nyiapkeun %s: %s', 'Teu tiasa meresihkeun cookie: %s', 'Teu tiasa meresihkeun sesi: %s', 'Teu tiasa set_fd: %s', 'Teu tiasa nyimpen cookie dilebet database: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngaupdate catetan sesi: %s', 'Nyambungkeun tina alamat IP nu lepat.', 'Teu tiasa meungkeut socket Data FTP: %s', 'Teu tiasa nyambung ka %s:%s: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel socket Data FTP: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngadamel socket: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngaalitan: %s', 'Teu tiasa mendakan alamat kanggo %s: %s', 'Teu tiasa gunzip: %s', 'Teu tiasa gzip: %s', 'Teu tiasa ngaageungan: %s', 'Teu tiasa masang Perl\'s %s modul. Cobian masang sacara manual, manawi jalankeun nganggo "cpan %s" ti baris parentah.', 'Teu tiasa ngadangukeun data socket FTP: %s', 'Mupus cookie anu dipilih', 'Lebetkeun URL anu bade dimaksad dina kotak di handap ieu.', 'Kalepatan nampi Data socket FTP: %s', 'Lepat ku server tujuan: teu aya WWW-', 'Lepat ngaos waleran ti chunked %s .', 'Sumangga', 'Perhatosan penyusup! Jalmi sanes salian ti server nuju nyobi ngintun data.', 'Waleran henteu valid ti %s: [%s]', 'Panyetelan cookie', 'Net::SSLeay::free lepat: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read lepat: %s', 'Teu aya waleran ti %s:%s', 'Teu aya waleran ti proxy SSL', 'Uihan deui', 'SSL proxy lepat; walerana nyaeta:

', 'Katingalna masang %s OK, tapi teu tiasa ngaluarkeun.', 'Sakedahna henteu dugi kadieu, token= [%s]', 'Hapunten, teu acan tiasa ngarojong %s database.', 'Hapunten, teu aya fungsi sepertos //%s', 'Hapunten, nembe HTTP sareng FTP waktos ayeuna anu didukung.', 'Hapunten,ieu proxy teu tiasa nyumponan kahoyong anu langkung ti %s bytes dina URL anu di rusiahkeun nganggo password. Cobian lungsurkeun ukuran tujuan, atanapi cobian kana URL anu henteu dijagi.', 'URL kedah dieusi ku nami host anu valid.', 'URL anu dilebetkeun ngagaduhan nami host anu henteu valid.', 'URL nu dimaksad teu tiasa dikosongkeun.', 'Seueur teuing jenis MIME kanggo daftar.', 'UP', 'Salira waktos ayeuna henteu dikonfirmasi ka situs mana oge ngalangkungan proxy ieu.', 'Waktos ayeuna salira henteu ngirimkeun cookie ngalangkungan proxy ieu.', ' Proxy teu tiasa ngakses server ieu, hapunten.

Proxy teu tiasa ngakses server ieu, hapunten.

nu gaduh proxy ieu parantos ngabatas server anu tiasa di akses, dupina kanggo alesan kaamanan atawa bandwidth. Server salira ngan nyobian kanggo ngakses henteu dina daftar server anu di kengingkeun. ', ' salira teu tiasa ngakses proxy ieu, hapunten.

salira teu tiasa ngakses proxy ieu, hapunten.

Nu gaduh proxy ieu parantos ngabatesan nu nganggo anu diizinkeun kanggo ngagunakeunna. Didasarkeun alamat IP Salira, Salira sanes pengguna anu berhak. ', 'ngaos chunked() lepat: %s', 'ampihan', ' Direktori FTP %s %s

FTP server di %s

Direktori waktos ieu %s


', ' Kalepatan FTP

Kalepatan FTP

Server FTP di %s respon deui kalepatann nu ieu:

Lebetkeun nami pengguna sareng kata sandi kanggo %s di %s

Otorisasi yg diharuskan

Lebetkeun nami pengguna sareng kata sandi kanggo %s di %s:
Nami pengguna:
Kata sandi:    

Hal ieu meryogikeun dukungan cookie diaktifkeun dina browser sia.

Catatan: Satiap kali salira nganggo proxy, salira percanten kanu gaduh proxy sareng sadaya informasi nu ku sia di asupkeun, termasuk nami sareng password di dieu. Hal ieu berlaku kanggo naon wae wakil, lain ukur hiji ieu. ', ' Nyandak URL anu aman ngalangkungan proxy non-aman diwagel.

Nyandak URL anu aman ngalangkungan proxy non-aman diwagel.

Proxy ieu dijalankeun dina server non-aman, anu hartosna yen nyandak halaman tina server aman henteu diijinkeun. Bahayana nyaeta yen nunganggo sareng server akhir meureun percanten yen aranjeuna ngagaduhan koneksi anu aman antara aranjeuna, padahal hubungan antara nunganggo sareng Proxy ieu henteu aman tiasa aya nu ngintip. kitu sababna urang kedah gaduh server anu aman, saparantos sadaya.

Proxy ieu kudy dijalankeun dina server anu aman sateuacan diizinkeun kanggo nyandak halaman tina server aman sanesna. ', ' Proxy teu tiasa loop deui ngalangkungan ieu nyalira

Proxy teu tiasa loop deui ngalangkungan ieu nyalira

URL anu salira cobian akses bakal ngakibatkeun proksi ieu kanggi ngakses nyalira, anu kaleuwihan sareng bakal ngabuang-buang sumber daya. nu gaduh proxy ieu parantos ngonfigurasi kanggo ngawagel perulangan eta.

Daripada nyebatkeun proxy kanggo ngakses sumber daya anu dipikahoyong, cobian sebatkeun proxy kanggo ngakses sumber daya langsung. Link di handap ieu tiasa ngalakukan hal ieu.

', ' Mintonkeun Unicode cacat

Mintonkeun Unicode cacat

Halaman ieu nyebatkeun eta nganggo charset "%s", tapi eusina henteu tiasa bener diterjemahkeun janten charset. Kedah ngauningakeun anu gaduh halaman eta. ', 'Pupus cookie ieu? kanggo nami server anu diakhiran ku: ... sareng jalur dikawitan ku: Kadaluwarsa Aman? Mung HTTP? Nami Cookie Nilai ', 'Pupus cookie ieu? Kanggo nami server anu diakhiran ku: ... sareng jalur dikawitan ku: Aman? Nami Cookie Nilai ', ' Manajemen Cookie CGIProxy

Uih deui ka menjelajah

Pupus sadaya cookie

Daftar cookie anu salira anggo ngalangkungan CGIProxy ieu:


%s %s

Otentikasi cookie:

Pupus cookie ieu? Server Nu nganggo Alam

', '
%s   Lokasi ngalangkungan proxy: %s  
[Ngawartoskeun bug]   [Panyetelan cookie]                 %s
', '
%s Lokasi ngalangkungan proxy: %s   [Manage cookie] %s
', ' Halaman ngagunakeun pengkodean UTF-16, anu henteu didukung ku versi Perl

Halaman ngagunakeun pengkodean UTF-16, abu henteu didukung ku versi Perl

Halaman anu salira suhunkeun dupina aya dina UTF-16 Unicode Format ieu. Hal ieu henteu didukung ku versi Perl anu aya dina server ieu (leuwih tepatna, "Encode" modul Perl henteu tiasa ditemukan).

kanggi ngadukung UTF-16, mangga upgrade ka versi 5.8.0 Perl atawa saterasna. ', ' PERINGATAN: SSL henteu didukung, lebet ka wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: SSL henteu didukung, lebet ka wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy ieu henteu diinstal anu ngadukung SSL, nyaeta URL anu dikawitan ku "https://". Kanggo ngadukung SSL, administrator proksi kudu ngainstal Net::SSLeay Perl module (perhaps by running "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), sareng saterasna proksi ieu sacara otomatis bakal ngadukung SSL (eta Situs CGIProxy ngagaduhan wartos saterasna). Samentawis eta, satiap browsing ka hiji "https://" URL bakal langsung tina browser salira, sareng henteu rusiah deui.

Tuturkeun link di handap ieu kanggo kaluar sesi browsing rusiah salira, sareng teras kana URL non-anonim.

', ' eusi kompresi henteu didukung, tapi dikirim ku server.

eusi Kompresi henteu didukung, tapi dikirim ku server.

Server pada %s:%s ngawaler ku konten anu dikompresi, sanaos diwartosan kanggo ulah. Server anu sae dikonfigurasi, atawa ngagaduhan bug.

kanggo ngadukung konten nu dikompresi, administrator proxy kedah peryogi nginstal IO::Compress::Gzip Perl package-- cobi ku ngajalankan "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- sareng saterasna proksi ieu sacara otomatis bakal ngadukungna. (Note that the IO::Compress::Gzip package parantos kalebet dina Perl 5.9.4 atau saatosna.) ', ' Proxy tidak dapat meneruskan file non-teks

Proxy teu tiasa neraskan file non-teks

Kusabab katerbatasan bandwidth, nu gaduh proxy ieu tertentu ekspedisi saukur file text. kanggo hasil terbaik, nganonaktifkan pemuatan gambar otomatis lamun browser salira memungkinkan.

upamu salira meryogikeun akses ka gambar atawa data biner lainna, rutekeun browser sakira ngalangkungan proxy sanes (atawa ngainstal nyalira-- mudah). ', 'ngaos() lepat: %s', 'safety', ' Script konten diblokir

Script konten diblokir

Sumber daya anu salira suhunkeun(Atawa diarahkeun ka tanpa sakaterang salira) singhoreng script anu tiasa dijalankeun. Sumber daya eta parantos diblokir ku proxy ieu, meureun kanggo ngalindungi diri salira.

Bahkan lamun salira yakin hoyong script, salira teu tiasa ngengingkeuna ngalangkungan proxy ieu cara itu dikonfigurasi. lamun diizinkeun, cobi browsing ngalangkungan proxy ieu tanpa mupus skrip. lamun henteu, salira kedah ngakonfigurasi deui proxy atawa milarian cara sanes kanggo ngengingkeun sumber daya. ', '

', ' %s Ngawitan Nganggo CGIProxy %s



Ngawitan browsing nganggo proxy CGI ieu kalayan ngalebetan URL di handap. Nembe HTTP sareng FTP URL anu didukung. Henteu sadaya fungsi tiasa dianggo (Misalna sababaraha applet Java), tapi sabagean ageung halaman bakal sae.


Panyetelan cookie

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() lepat: %s', ' PERINGATAN: Lebet ka wilayah non-anonim!

PERINGATAN: Lebet ka wilayah non-anonim!

Proxy ieu mung ngadukung HTTP sareng FTP. Setiap browsing ka URL lain langsung tina browser salira, sareng henteu anonim deui.

Tuturkeun link di handap ieu kanggo kaluar sesi browsing anonim salira, sareng kanggo neraskeun URL non-anonim.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'tr') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( 'Kimlik doğrulama başarısız. Yeniden deneyin.', 'Yanlış işlem kodu: %2s metod gövdesi %1s konumunda [%s]', 'Taramaya başla', 'CGIProxy Hatası', 'SSL bağlantısı kurulamıyor: %s', 'STH_SEL_COOKIE->execute gerçekleştirilemiyor: %s', 'STH_SEL_IP->fetchrow_array() gerçekleştirilemiyor: %s', 'Veritabanı cihazına bağlanamıyor: %s', 'Veritabanına bağlanamıyor: %s', 'Yeni ‘%s’ veritabanına bağlanamıyor: %s', 'SSL bağlantısı yaratılamıyor: %s', 'SSL içeriği yaratılamıyor: %s', '‘%s’ veritabanı yaratılamıyor (elle yamayı deneyin): %s', 'Veritabanı tabloları yaratılamıyor: %s', 'Çerez (%s) silinemiyor: %s', '%s hazırlanamıyor: %s', 'Çerezler temizlenemiyor: %s', 'Oturumlar temizlenemiyor: %s', 'set_fd yapılamıyor: %s', 'Çerez veritabanına depolanamıyor: %s', 'Oturum kaydı güncellenemiyor: %s', 'Yanlış IP adresinden bağlanılıyor.', 'FTP veri yuvası bağlanamıyor: %s', '%s:%s bağlantısı kurulamadı: %s', 'FTP veri yuvası yaratılamıyor: %s', 'Yuva yaratılamadı: %s', 'Sönme yapılamıyor: %s', '%s için adres bulunamadı: %s', 'Gunzip gerçekleşemedi: %s', 'gzip gerçekleşemedi: %s', 'Şişme yapılamıyor: %s', 'Perl %s modülü kurulamadı. Komut satırında "cpan %s" komutunu çalıştırarak elle kurmayı deneyin.', 'FTP veri yuvası dinlenemiyor: %s', 'Seçilen çerezleri sil', 'Aşağıdaki kutuya gitmek istediğiniz URL’yi girin.', 'FTP veri yuvası kabul etme hatası: %s', 'Hedef sunucu tarafında hata: WWW-Authenticate başlığı yok.', '%s yanıt bloğunu okuma hatası.', 'Git', 'İzinsiz Giriş Uyarısı! Sunucu olmayan birisi size very göndermeye çalışıyor.', '%s yanıtı geçersiz: [%s]', 'Çerezleri yönet', 'Net::SSLeay::free hatası: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read hatası: %s', '%s yanıt vermiyor: %s', 'SSL proxy yanıt vermiyor', 'Yeniden Başlat', 'SSL proxy hatası; gelen yanıt:

', '%s düzgün şekilde kuruldu gibi görünüyor, ancak yüklenemiyor.', 'Gelinmemesi gereken yer, jeton= [%s]', 'Üzgünüz, henüz %s veritabanı desteklenmiyor.', 'Üzgünüz //%s fonksiyonu yok', 'Üzgünüz, şu an yalnızca HTTP ve FTP destekleniyor.', 'Üzgünüz, bu proxy parolayla korunan bir URL’de %s byte’dan büyük bir isteği kabul edemiyor. Gönderi büyüklüğünü azaltmayı veya parolayla korunmayan bir URL’ye göndermeyi deneyin.', 'URL geçerli bir Internet sunucu adresine sahip olmalı.', 'Girdiniz URL’nin sunucu adresi geçersiz.', 'Hedef URL boş bir sunucu adı içeremez.', 'Kayıt edilecek çok fazla MIME türü.', 'yukarı', 'Şu anda bu proxy aracılığıyla hiçbir sitede kimliğiniz doğrulanmıyor.', 'Şu anda bu proxy aracılığıyla hiçbir çerez göndermiyorsunuz.', ' Proxy sunucuya erişemiyor, üzgünüz.

Proxy sunucuya erişemiyor, üzgünüz.

Bu proxy\'nin sahibi, büyük olasılıkla güvenlik veya band genişliği nedeniyle hangi sunucuya erişebileceğini kısıtlamış. Erişmeye çalıştığınız sunucu izin verilen sunucular listesinde değil. ', ' Bu proxy\'s kullanma izniniz yok, üzgünüz.

Bu proxy\'s kullanma izniniz yok, üzgünüz.

Bu proxy\'nin sahibi hangi kullanıcıların kullanma izni olduğunu kısıtlamış. IP adresinize göre yetkili bir kullanıcı değilsiniz. ', 'Blok read() hatası: %s', 'indir', ' %s FTP dizini %s

FTP sunucusu adresi %s

Şu anki dizin: %s


', ' FTP Hatası

FTP Hatası

%s adresindeki FTP sunucusu şu hata yanıtını verdi:

%2s adresindeki %1s için kullanıcı adı ve parolayı girin

Kimlik doğrulama gerekli

%s (%s) için kullanıcı adı ve parolayı girin:
Kullanıcı adı:

Bunun için tarayıcınızdaki çerez desteğinin açık olması gerekir.

Note: Bir proxy kullandığınızda, isminiz ve parolanız da dahil girdiğiniz her türlü bilgi ile ilgili bu proxy sahibine güveniyorsunuz demektir. Bu, yalnızca bu proxy değil her proxy için geçerlidir. ', ' Güvenli URL\'lerin güvensiz bir proxy yoluyla alınması yasaktır.

Güvenli URL\'lerin güvensiz bir proxy yoluyla alınması yasaktır.

Bu proxy güvenli olmayan bir sunucuda çalışıyor, bunun anlamı sayfaların güvenli sunuculardan alınması izni olmadığıdır. Bunun tehlikesi, kullanıcının ve son sunucunun aralarında güvenli bir bağlantı olduğunu düşünmeleri, ancak kullanıcı ve proxy arasındaki bağlantının güvenli olmaması ve gizli dinlemenin meydana gelme olasılığıdır. Güvenli sunuculara sahip olmamızın nedeni budur.

Bu proxy\'nin diğer güvenli sunuculardan sayfa alabilmesi için güvenli bir sunucuda çalıştırılması gerekir. ', ' Proxy kendi üzerinden geri döngüye alamıyor

Proxy kendi üzerinden geri döngüye alamıyor.

Erişmeyi denedğiniz URL, bu proxynin kendisine erişmesine neden oluyor, bu gereksizdir ve büyük olasılıkla kaynak israfına neden olur. Bu proxy\'nin sahibi proxy\'yi tür döngülere izin vermeyecek şekilde yapılandırmış.

Proxy\'ye istenilen kaynağa erişmeyi denemek yerine, kaynağa doğrudan ulaşmasını belirtin. Aşağıdaki bağlantı bunu sağlayabilir.

', ' Sayfada hatalı Unicode var

Sayfada hatalı Unicode var

Bu sayfa, "%s" charset\'ini kullandığını söylüyor, ancak içeriğin kodu düzgün şekilde çözülemiyor. Ltfen söz konusu sayfanın sahibine bunu iletin. ', 'Çerez silinsin mi? Şununla biten sunucu adları için: ...ve şununla başlayan yol için: Sona erme Güvenli mi? Yalnızca HTTP? Çerez adı Değer ', 'Çerez silinsin mi? Şununla biten sunucu adları için: ...ve şununla başlayan yol için: Güvenli mi? Çerez adı Değer ', ' CGIProxy Çerez Yönetimi

Taramaya dön

Tüm çerezleri sil

CGIProxy aracılığıyla kullandığınız çerezler aşağıdadır:


%s %s

Kimlik doğrulama çerezleri:

Çerez silinsin mi? Sunucu Kullanıcı Bölge

', '
%s   Proxy üzerinden konum: %s  
[Sorun bildir]   [Çerezleri yönet]                 %s
', '
%s Proxy üzerinden konum: %s   [Çerezleri yönet] %s
', ' Sayfa, Perl\'ün bu sürümü tarafından desteklenmeyen UTF-16 kodlaması kullanıyor

Sayfa, Perl\'ün bu sürümü tarafından desteklenmeyen UTF-16 kodlaması kullanıyor

İstediğiniz sayfa Unicode UTF-16 formatında. Bu format, bu sunucuda çalışan Perl sürümü tarafından desteklenmiyor (veya "Encode" Perl modülü bulunamıyor).

UTF-16 formatının desteklenmesi için Perl sürüm 5.8.0 veya daha yenisine yükseltin. ', ' UYARI: SSL desteklenmiyor, anonim olmayan bölgeye giriliyor!

UYARI: SSL desteklenmiyor, anonim olmayan bölgeye giriliyor!

Kurulan bu proxy SSL\'i desteklemiyor, örn. "https://" ile başlayan URL\'ler. SSL\'i desteklemek için, proxy yöneticisinin Net::SSLeay Perl modülünü yüklemesi gerekiyor ("nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" kodu çalıştırılabilir), daha sonra bu proxy SSL\'i otomatik olarak destekleyecektir (daha fazla bilgi için CGIProxy sitesi). Bu arada herhangi bir "https://" URL\'sini tarama doğrudan sizin trayıcınızdan yapılacaktır ve anonim olmayacaktır.

Anonim tarama oturumunuzdan çıkmak için aşağıdaki bağlantıyı takip edin ve URL\'ye anonim olmadan devam edin.

', ' Sıkıştırılmış içerik desteklenmiyor ancak sunucu tarafından gönderildi.

Sıkıştırılmış içerik desteklenmiyor ancak sunucu tarafından gönderildi.

%s:%s adresindeki sunucu bu istenmemesine rağmen sıkıştırılmış içerik ile yanıt verdi. Bu sunucu yanlış yapılandırılmış veya sorunlu olabilir.

Sıkıştırılmış içeriği desteklemek için proxy yöneticisinin IO::Compress::Gzip Perl paketini yüklemesi gerekir-- "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules" kodu çalıştırılarak-- daha sonra bu proxy otomatik olarak destekleyecektir. (IO::Compress::Gzip paketi Perl 5.9.4 veya daha yenisine dahildir.) ', ' Proxy, metin olmayan dosyaları iletemiyor

Proxy, metin olmayan dosyaları iletemiyor

Band genişliği sınırlamaları nedeniyle bu proxy\'nin sahibi yalnızca metin dosyalarını iletebiliyor. En iyi sonuç için tarayıcınız izin veriyorsa otomatik görüntü yüklemeyi kapatın.

Görüntülere veya diğer ikili verilere erişmeniz gerekiyorsa tarayıcınız başka bir proxy yoluyla yönlendirin (veya başka bir tane yükleyin-- çok kolay). ', 'read() hatası: %s', 'güvenlik', ' Betik içeriği engellenmiş

Betik içeriği engellenmiş

İstediğiniz kaynak (veya isteğiniz dışında yönlendirildiğiniz kaynak) çalıştırılabilir bir betik. Bu tür kaynaklar, büyük olasılıkla güvenliğiniz için bu proxy tarafından engellenmiştir.

Bu betiği istediğinizden emin olsanız da, yapılandırıldığı şekilde bu proxy yoluyla ona ulaşamazsınız. İzniniz varsa betikleri kaldırmadan bu proxy yoluyla tarama yapmayı deneyin. Aksi takdirde proxy\'yi tekrar yapılandırmanız gerekir veya kaynağı edinmenin başka bir yolunu bulmanız gerekir. ', '

', ' %s CGIProxy Kullanmaya Başlayın %s



Aşağıya bir URL girerek bu CGI tabanlı proxy aracılığıyla taramaya başlayın. Yalnızca HTTP ve FTP URL\'leri desteklenmektedir. Tüm işlevler çalışmaz (örn. bazı Java uygulamaları), ancak sayfalarda sorun çıkmayacaktır.


Çerezleri yönet

', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() hatası: %s', ' UYARI: Anonim olmayan bölgeye giriş!

UYARI: Anonim olmayan bölgeye giriş!

Bu proxy yalnızca HTTP ve FTP\'yi destekler. Başka bir URL tarama doğrudan sizin tarayıcınızdan yapılacaktır ve anonim olmaktan çıkacaktır.

Anonim tarama oturumunuzdan çıkmak için aşağıdaki bağlantıyı takip edin ve URL\'ye anonim olmadan devam edin.

', ) ; } elsif ($lang eq 'zh') { return if $MSG{$lang} ; @{$MSG{$lang}}{@MSG_KEYS}= ( '授权失败。请重试。', '坏的操作码: [%s] 在位置 %s 在方法体 %s。', '开始浏览', 'CGIProxy 错误', 'SSL无法连接: %s', '无法STH_SEL_COOKIE->执行: %s', '无法STH_SEL_IP-> fetchrow_array(): %s', '无法连接数据库引擎: %s', '无法连接到数据库: %s', '无法连接到新的 \'%s\'数据库: %s', '无法创建SSL连接:%s', '无法创建SSL context: %s', '无法创建数据库 \'%s\' (请尝试手动): %s', '无法创建数据库表单: %s', '无法删除cookie (%s): %s', '无法准备 %s: %s', '无法清除cookies: %s', '无法清除会话: %s', '无法 set_fd: %s', '无法在数据库中储存cookie: %s', '无法更新会话记录: %s', '正在从错误的IP地址进行连接。', '无法捆绑FTP data socket: %s', '无法连接到 %s:%s: %s', '无法创建FTP data socket: %s', '无法创建socket: %s', '无法进行deflate压缩: %s', '无法寻找地址给%s: %s', '无法进行gunzip解压缩: %s', '不能够gzip压缩: %s', '无法进行inflate压缩: %s', '无法安装Perl\'s %s 模块。请尝试手动安装,可能运行"cpan %s"在命令行。', '无法监听FTP data socket: %s', '删除选中的cookies', '请在下面的方框中输入你想要访问的URL。', '接收 FTP data socket: %s过程产生错误', '目标服务器错误:不存在WWW-Authenticate 头文件。', '在读取来自 %s的分块响应时产生错误。', '连接', '入侵者警告!本服务器以外的某些人正在试图向你传输数据。', '无效响应来自%s: [%s]', '管理cookies', 'Net::SSLeay::free 错误: %s', 'Net::SSLeay::read 错误: %s', '没有来自的回应%s:%s', 'SSL代理器没有反应。', '返回初始页面', 'SSL 代理器错误,响应如下:

', '似乎成功安装 %s,但无法装载它。', '无法到达这里,记号= [%s]', '对不起,尚且无法支持: %s 数据库。', '对不起,不存在//%s函数', '对不起,目前只支持HTTP和FTP。', '对不起,本代理服务器无法处理来自带密保URL的大于%s字节的请求。请尝试减小上传量,或者通过未经保护的URL上传。', 'URL必须含有有效的主机名。', '您输入的URL具有无效的主机名。', '目标URL不可以包含空的主机名。', '存在过多需要注册的MIME类型。', '返回上一目录', '您目前没有通过本服务器验证访问任何站点。', '你目前不在通过本服务器发送cookies。', ' 对不起,代理器无法存取服务器 。

对不起,代理器无法存取服务器 。

本代理器的拥有者限制了本代理器器可以存取哪个服务器,应该是处于安全和带宽原因。您刚刚尝试存取的服务器不在允许获取的服务器名单上。 ', ' 对不起,您已被禁止使用本代理器。


本代理器的拥有者限制了本代理器器可以存取哪个服务器。您的IP地址说明您不是被授权的用户。 ', '分块读取()错误:%s', '下载', ' FTP 目录 %s %s

FTP 服务器在t %s

当前目录是 %s


', ' FTP 错误

FTP 错误

The FTP 服务器在 %s 返回下列错误响应:

为以下输入用户名和密码 %s at %s


为以下输入用户名和密码 %s 在 %s:

需要您在浏览器中开启 cookie 支持。

注意: 无论您何时使用代理器, 您信任该代理器 拥有者可获取所有您所输入的信息,包括您现在输入的用户名和密码。这也适用于 任何 代理器,不仅仅是这个。 ', ' 通过不安全的代理器获取安全的URLs 是被禁止的。

通过不安全的代理器获取安全的URLs 是被禁止的。.


本代理器在被允许从其它安全服务器上取回页面之间, 必须在安全的服务器上运行。 ', ' 代理器无法自行回送。



与其命令代理器通过进入代理器来获取需要的资源,请尝试命令代理器直接获取资源。以下链接或许会 这么做。

', ' 本页面存在形式错误的 Unicode

本页面存在形式错误的 Unicode

本页面据说在用这种字符集"%s", 但是内容不能被正确地用这个字符集解码。请通知本问题页面的所有人。 ', '删除这个 cookie吗? 为以如下结尾的服务器名称: ... 和如下开始的路径: 失效 安全吗? 只有HTTP? Cookie 名称 值 ', '删除这个 cookie? 为以如下结尾的服务器名称: ...和如下开始的路径: 安全吗? Cookie名称 值 ', ' CGI代理器Cookie 管理


删除所有的 cookies

这些是你正通过CGIProxy浏览的 cookies:


%s %s


删除这个 cookie? 服务器 用户 数据库数据集合

', '
%s   位置 通过 代理器: %s  
[报告一个漏洞]   [管理 cookies]                 %s
', '
%s 位置 通过 代理器: %s   [管理 cookies] %s
', ' 页面运用UTF-16 编码。本版本的Perl不支持这种编码。

页面运用UTF-16 编码。本版本的Perl不支持这种编码。

您需要的页面以 Unicode\'s UTF-16形式显现。在本服务器上运行的本版本的Perl不支持这种编码。(更加准确地说,无法找到the "Encode" Perl 模块).

=为了支持 UTF-16, 请升级至Perl 5.8.0 或者更新版本。 ', ' 警告: 不支持SSL, 进入非匿名区域!

警告: 不支持SSL, 进入非匿名区域!

本代理器不支持 SSL,即以"https://" 开头的。 如需支持 SSL, 代理器管理员需要安装 Net::SSLeay Perl 模块 (或许需通过运行"nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"), 然后本代理器会自动支持SSL ( CGIProxy 页面 有更多信息). 同时,任何对 "https://" URL 的浏览会直接通过您的浏览器进行并不再匿名。


', ' 不支持压缩内容, 并将通过服务器发送。

不支持压缩内容, 并将通过服务器发送。

位于的服务器 %s:%回应带有压缩内容, 虽然它未被命令压缩。服务器要么是被错误地配置了,要么是有漏洞。

为了支持被压缩内容,代理器管理员需要安装IO::Compress::Gzip Perl 模块-可能通过运行 "nph-proxy.cgi install-modules"-- 本代理器将会自动支持它。. (注意 IO::Compress::Gzip 组合已被包括在Perl 5.9.4 或者 或更新版本) ', ' 代理器不可以发送非文本文件夹


由于带宽限制,该代理器持有者只发送文本文件夹。 为了获取最佳效果,在您的浏览器允许的情况下,请关闭自动图像装载

如果您需要读取图像或者二进制数据,请通过另一个代理器制定您的浏览器路径 (或者您可以自己装一个-- 这很简单). ', '读取()错误:%s', '安全', ' 脚本内容被阻截。



即使您确定您想要脚本文件,您不可以通过本代理器用它原本被设置的方式获得。 如果被允许, 请尝试不移除脚本文件浏览本代理器。否则,您需要重新设置代理器或者是寻找其它方式来获取资源。 ', '

', ' %s 开始使用CGI服务器 %s



输入以下URL, 通过以这个 CGI为基础的 代理器开始浏览。只支持HTTP 和 FTP URL。不是所有功能都能运行 (e.g. 一些JAVA编写的小应用程序), 但是大部分页面都能正常浏览。



', 'ssl_read_all_fixed() 错误: %s', ' 警告: 进入非匿名区域!


本代理其只支持 HTTP 和 FTP。 任何对其他URL进行的浏览将会直接在您的浏览器里进行,并不再匿名


', ) ; } } # This routine was also generated by the messages2perl program. # Flags (languages) represented here include [ar de en es fa fr id it jv nl pl ru su tr zh], in that order. sub flags_HTML { return { 'ar' => ' ', 'de' => ' ', 'en' => ' ', 'es' => ' ', 'fa' => ' ', 'fr' => ' ', 'id' => ' ', 'it' => ' ', 'jv' => ' ', 'nl' => ' ', 'pl' => ' ', 'ru' => ' ', 'su' => ' ', 'tr' => ' ', 'zh' => ' ', } ; }