// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.Webserver
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
/// Implementation of IHttpRequestHandler used to serve static file content.
public class FileRequestHandler : IHttpRequestHandler
/// Root directory in server's file system from which we're serving files.
private readonly DirectoryInfo rootDirectory;
/// Origin used as a helper for URI parsing and canonicalization.
private readonly Uri parseHelperOrigin = new Uri("http://a");
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Root directory in server's file system from which files should be served.
internal FileRequestHandler(DirectoryInfo rootDirectory)
if (rootDirectory == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rootDirectory");
// Re-create directory name to ensure equivalence between directory names
// that end in "\" character and directory names that are identical except
// that they don't end in "\" character.
var normalizedDirectoryName = rootDirectory.Parent != null
? Path.Combine(rootDirectory.Parent.FullName, rootDirectory.Name)
: rootDirectory.Name;
this.rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(normalizedDirectoryName);
/// Prepares handler to start receiving HTTP requests.
/// Await-able task.
/// Return value should never be null. Implementations should use Task.FromResult(0)
/// if function is implemented synchronously so that callers can await without
/// needing to check for null.
public Task InitializeAsync()
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
/// Handle an http request.
/// Context containing HTTP request data, which will also contain associated
/// response upon return.
/// Request URI path relative to the URI prefix associated with this request
/// handler in the HttpListener.
/// Await-able task.
/// Return value should never be null. Implementations should use Task.FromResult(0)
/// if function is implemented synchronously so that callers can await without
/// needing to check for null.
public async Task HandleRequestAsync(HttpListenerContext requestContext, string subpath)
if (requestContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("requestContext");
if (subpath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("subpath");
var statusCode = await this.ServeFileAsync(requestContext.Response, subpath);
CloseResponse(requestContext, statusCode);
catch (HttpListenerException e)
"Problem encountered while serving file at subpath {0}. Client might have aborted request. Cause: \"{1}\"", subpath, e.Message);
/// Cancel all pending operations.
public void Cancel()
/// Lets handler know that no more HTTP requests will be received, so that it can
/// clean up resources associated with request handling.
/// Await-able task.
/// Return value should never be null. Implementations should use Task.FromResult(0)
/// if function is implemented synchronously so that callers can await without
/// needing to check for null.
public Task UninitializeAsync()
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
/// Close response stream and associate a status code with response.
/// Context whose response we should close.
/// Status code.
internal static void CloseResponse(HttpListenerContext context, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)statusCode;
/// Determine if the specified directory is an ancestor of the specified file.
/// Information for potential ancestor directory.
/// File for which to determine directory ancestry.
/// True if is an ancestor of .
internal static bool IsAncestorDirectory(DirectoryInfo ancestorDirectory, FileInfo file)
var parentDirectory = file.Directory;
while (parentDirectory != null)
if (string.Compare(parentDirectory.FullName, ancestorDirectory.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
return true;
parentDirectory = parentDirectory.Parent;
return false;
/// Serve the file corresponding to the specified URI path.
/// HTTP response where file will be streamed, on success.
/// Request URI path relative to the URI prefix associated with this request
/// handler in the HttpListener.
/// Await-able task holding an HTTP status code that should be part of response.
private async Task ServeFileAsync(HttpListenerResponse response, string subpath)
Uri uri;
uri = new Uri(this.parseHelperOrigin, subpath);
catch (UriFormatException)
return HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
var filePath = Path.Combine(this.rootDirectory.FullName, uri.AbsolutePath.Substring(1));
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
if (!IsAncestorDirectory(this.rootDirectory, fileInfo))
return HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
if (!fileInfo.Exists)
return HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
response.ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fileInfo.FullName);
using (var fileStream = fileInfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
await fileStream.CopyToAsync(response.OutputStream);
return HttpStatusCode.OK;