// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.Webserver.Sensor
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Microsoft.Kinect;
using Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Interaction;
using Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.Webserver.Sensor.Serialization;
/// Implementation of ISensorStreamHandler that exposes interaction and user viewer
/// streams.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1001:TypesThatOwnDisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposable", Justification = "Disposable interaction stream is disposed when sensor is set to null")]
public class InteractionStreamHandler : SensorStreamHandlerBase, IInteractionClient
/// JSON name of interaction stream.
internal const string InteractionStreamName = "interaction";
/// JSON name for property representing primary user tracking ID.
internal const string InteractionPrimaryUserPropertyName = "primaryUser";
/// JSON name for property representing user states.
internal const string InteractionUserStatesPropertyName = "userStates";
/// JSON name of user viewer stream.
internal const string UserViewerStreamName = "userviewer";
/// JSON name for property representing user viewer image resolution.
internal const string UserViewerResolutionPropertyName = "resolution";
/// Default width for user viewer image.
internal const int UserViewerDefaultWidth = 128;
/// Default height for user viewer image.
internal const int UserViewerDefaultHeight = 96;
/// JSON name for property representing default color for users in user viewer image.
internal const string UserViewerDefaultUserColorPropertyName = "defaultUserColor";
/// JSON name for property representing a map between user states and colors that should
/// be used to represent those states in user viewer image.
internal const string UserViewerUserColorsPropertyName = "userColors";
/// Sub path for interaction client web-socket RPC endpoint owned by this handler.
internal const string ClientUriSubpath = "CLIENT";
/// Default value for default color for users in user viewer image (light gray).
internal static readonly Color UserViewerDefaultDefaultUserColor = new Color { R = 0xd3, G = 0xd3, B = 0xd3, A = 0xff };
/// Default color for tracked users in user viewer image (Kinect blue).
internal static readonly Color UserViewerDefaultTrackedUserColor = new Color { R = 0x00, G = 0xbc, B = 0xf2, A = 0xff };
/// Default color for engaged users in user viewer image (Kinect purple).
internal static readonly Color UserViewerDefaultEngagedUserColor = new Color { R = 0x51, G = 0x1c, B = 0x74, A = 0xff };
/// Regular expression that matches the user viewer resolution property.
private static readonly Regex UserViewerResolutionRegex = new Regex(@"^(?i)(\d+)x(\d+)$");
private static readonly Size[] UserViewerSupportedResolutions =
new Size(640, 480), new Size(320, 240), new Size(160, 120),
new Size(128, 96), new Size(80, 60)
/// Context that allows this stream handler to communicate with its owner.
private readonly SensorStreamHandlerContext ownerContext;
/// Serializable interaction stream message, reused as interaction frames arrive.
private readonly InteractionStreamMessage interactionStreamMessage = new InteractionStreamMessage { stream = InteractionStreamName };
/// Serializable user viewer stream message header, reused as depth frames arrive
/// and are colorized into the user viewer image.
private readonly ImageHeaderStreamMessage userViewerStreamMessage = new ImageHeaderStreamMessage { stream = UserViewerStreamName };
/// Ids of users we choose to track.
private readonly int[] recommendedUserTrackingIds = new int[2];
/// A map between user state names and colors that should be used to represent those
/// states in user viewer image.
private readonly Dictionary userViewerUserColors = new Dictionary();
/// Width of user viewer image.
private readonly UserViewerColorizer userViewerColorizer = new UserViewerColorizer(UserViewerDefaultWidth, UserViewerDefaultHeight);
/// User state manager.
private readonly IUserStateManager userStateManager = new DefaultUserStateManager();
/// Sensor providing data to interaction stream.
private KinectSensor sensor;
/// Entry point for interaction stream functionality.
private InteractionStream interactionStream;
/// Intermediate storage for the user information received from interaction stream.
private UserInfo[] userInfos;
/// true if interaction stream is enabled.
private bool interactionIsEnabled;
/// true if user viewer stream is enabled.
private bool userViewerIsEnabled;
/// Default color for users in user viewer image, in 32-bit RGBA format.
private int userViewerDefaultUserColor;
/// Keep track if we're in the middle of processing an interaction frame.
private bool isProcessingInteractionFrame;
/// Keep track if we're in the middle of processing a user viewer image.
private bool isProcessingUserViewerImage;
/// Channel used to perform remote procedure calls regarding IInteractionClient state.
private WebSocketRpcChannel clientRpcChannel;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class
/// and associates it with a context that allows it to communicate with its owner.
/// An instance of class.
internal InteractionStreamHandler(SensorStreamHandlerContext ownerContext)
this.userViewerDefaultUserColor = GetRgbaColorInt(UserViewerDefaultDefaultUserColor);
this.userViewerUserColors[DefaultUserStateManager.TrackedStateName] = GetRgbaColorInt(UserViewerDefaultTrackedUserColor);
this.userViewerUserColors[DefaultUserStateManager.EngagedStateName] = GetRgbaColorInt(UserViewerDefaultEngagedUserColor);
this.ownerContext = ownerContext;
this.userStateManager.UserStateChanged += this.OnUserStateChanged;
this.AddStreamConfiguration(InteractionStreamName, new StreamConfiguration(this.GetInteractionStreamProperties, this.SetInteractionStreamProperty));
this.AddStreamConfiguration(UserViewerStreamName, new StreamConfiguration(this.GetUserViewerStreamProperties, this.SetUserViewerStreamProperty));
/// True if we should process interaction data fed into interaction stream and user state manager.
/// False otherwise.
private bool ShouldProcessInteractionData
// Check for a null userInfos since we may still get posted events from
// the stream after we have unregistered our event handler and deleted
// our buffers.
// Also we process interaction data even if only user viewer stream is
// enabled since data is used by IUserStateManager and UserViewerColorizer
// as well as by clients listening directly to interaction stream.
return (this.userInfos != null) && (this.interactionIsEnabled || this.userViewerIsEnabled);
/// Lets ISensorStreamHandler know that Kinect Sensor associated with this stream
/// handler has changed.
/// New KinectSensor.
public override void OnSensorChanged(KinectSensor newSensor)
if (this.sensor != null)
this.interactionStream.InteractionFrameReady -= this.InteractionFrameReadyAsync;
this.interactionStream = null;
this.sensor.SkeletonStream.AppChoosesSkeletons = false;
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// KinectSensor might enter an invalid state while enabling/disabling streams or stream features.
// E.g.: sensor might be abruptly unplugged.
this.userInfos = null;
this.sensor = newSensor;
if (newSensor != null)
this.interactionStream = new InteractionStream(newSensor, this);
this.interactionStream.InteractionFrameReady += this.InteractionFrameReadyAsync;
this.sensor.SkeletonStream.AppChoosesSkeletons = true;
this.userInfos = new UserInfo[InteractionFrame.UserInfoArrayLength];
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// KinectSensor might enter an invalid state while enabling/disabling streams or stream features.
// E.g.: sensor might be abruptly unplugged.
/// Process data from one Kinect depth frame.
/// Kinect depth data.
/// from which we obtained depth data.
public override void ProcessDepth(DepthImagePixel[] depthData, DepthImageFrame depthFrame)
if (depthData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("depthData");
if (depthFrame == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("depthFrame");
if (this.ShouldProcessInteractionData)
this.interactionStream.ProcessDepth(depthData, depthFrame.Timestamp);
this.ProcessUserViewerImageAsync(depthData, depthFrame);
/// Process data from one Kinect skeleton frame.
/// Kinect skeleton data.
/// from which we obtained skeleton data.
public override void ProcessSkeleton(Skeleton[] skeletons, SkeletonFrame skeletonFrame)
if (skeletons == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("skeletons");
if (skeletonFrame == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("skeletonFrame");
if (this.ShouldProcessInteractionData)
this.interactionStream.ProcessSkeleton(skeletons, this.sensor.AccelerometerGetCurrentReading(), skeletonFrame.Timestamp);
this.userStateManager.ChooseTrackedUsers(skeletons, skeletonFrame.Timestamp, this.recommendedUserTrackingIds);
this.recommendedUserTrackingIds[0], this.recommendedUserTrackingIds[1]);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// KinectSensor might enter an invalid state while choosing skeletons.
// E.g.: sensor might be abruptly unplugged.
/// Handle an http request.
/// Name of stream for which property values should be set.
/// Context containing HTTP request data, which will also contain associated
/// response upon return.
/// Request URI path relative to the stream name associated with this sensor stream
/// handler in the stream handler owner.
/// Await-able task.
/// Return value should never be null. Implementations should use Task.FromResult(0)
/// if function is implemented synchronously so that callers can await without
/// needing to check for null.
public override Task HandleRequestAsync(string streamName, HttpListenerContext requestContext, string subpath)
if (streamName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("streamName");
if (requestContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("requestContext");
if (subpath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("subpath");
if (!InteractionStreamName.Equals(streamName))
// Only supported endpoints are related to interaction stream
KinectRequestHandler.CloseResponse(requestContext, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
var splitPath = KinectRequestHandler.SplitUriSubpath(subpath);
if (splitPath == null)
KinectRequestHandler.CloseResponse(requestContext, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
var pathComponent = splitPath.Item1;
switch (pathComponent)
case ClientUriSubpath:
// Only support one client at any one time
if (this.clientRpcChannel != null)
if (this.clientRpcChannel.CheckConnectionStatus())
KinectRequestHandler.CloseResponse(requestContext, HttpStatusCode.Conflict);
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
this.clientRpcChannel = null;
channel =>
// Check again in case another request came in before connection was established
if (this.clientRpcChannel != null)
this.clientRpcChannel = channel;
channel =>
// Only forget the current channel if it matches the channel being closed
if (this.clientRpcChannel == channel)
this.clientRpcChannel = null;
KinectRequestHandler.CloseResponse(requestContext, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return SharedConstants.EmptyCompletedTask;
/// Cancel all pending operations.
public override void Cancel()
if (this.clientRpcChannel != null)
/// Lets handler know that it should clean up resources associated with sensor stream
/// handling.
/// Await-able task.
/// Return value should never be null. Implementations should use Task.FromResult(0)
/// if function is implemented synchronously so that callers can await without
/// needing to check for null.
public override async Task UninitializeAsync()
if (this.clientRpcChannel != null)
await this.clientRpcChannel.CloseAsync();
/// Gets interaction information available for a specified location in UI.
/// The skeleton tracking ID for which interaction information is being retrieved.
/// The hand type for which interaction information is being retrieved.
/// X-coordinate of UI location for which interaction information is being retrieved.
/// 0.0 corresponds to left edge of interaction region and 1.0 corresponds to right edge
/// of interaction region.
/// Y-coordinate of UI location for which interaction information is being retrieved.
/// 0.0 corresponds to top edge of interaction region and 1.0 corresponds to bottom edge
/// of interaction region.
/// An object instance.
public InteractionInfo GetInteractionInfoAtLocation(int skeletonTrackingId, InteractionHandType handType, double x, double y)
var interactionInfo = new InteractionInfo { IsPressTarget = false, IsGripTarget = false };
if (this.interactionIsEnabled && (this.clientRpcChannel != null))
var result = this.clientRpcChannel.CallFunction("getInteractionInfoAtLocation", skeletonTrackingId, handType.ToString(), x, y);
if (result.Success)
interactionInfo.IsGripTarget = result.Result.isGripTarget;
interactionInfo.IsPressTarget = result.Result.isPressTarget;
var elementId = result.Result.pressTargetControlId;
interactionInfo.PressTargetControlId = (elementId != null) ? elementId.GetHashCode() : 0;
interactionInfo.PressAttractionPointX = result.Result.pressAttractionPointX;
interactionInfo.PressAttractionPointY = result.Result.pressAttractionPointY;
return interactionInfo;
/// Converts a color into the corresponding 32-bit integer RGBA representation.
/// Color to convert
/// 32-bit integer RGBA representation of color.
internal static int GetRgbaColorInt(Color color)
return (color.A << 24) | (color.B << 16) | (color.G << 8) | color.R;
/// Event handler for InteractionStream's InteractionFrameReady event
/// object sending the event
/// event arguments
internal async void InteractionFrameReadyAsync(object sender, InteractionFrameReadyEventArgs e)
if (!this.ShouldProcessInteractionData)
if (this.isProcessingInteractionFrame)
// Re-entered InteractionFrameReadyAsync while a previous frame is already being processed.
// Just ignore new frames until the current one finishes processing.
this.isProcessingInteractionFrame = true;
bool haveFrameData = false;
using (var interactionFrame = e.OpenInteractionFrame())
// Even though we checked value of userInfos above as part of
// ShouldProcessInteractionData check, callbacks happening while
// opening an interaction frame might have invalidated it, so we
// check value again.
if ((interactionFrame != null) && (this.userInfos != null))
// Copy interaction frame data so we can dispose interaction frame
// right away, even if data processing/event handling takes a while.
this.interactionStreamMessage.timestamp = interactionFrame.Timestamp;
haveFrameData = true;
if (haveFrameData)
this.userStateManager.UpdateUserInformation(this.userInfos, this.interactionStreamMessage.timestamp);
this.userViewerColorizer.UpdateColorLookupTable(this.userInfos, this.userViewerDefaultUserColor, this.userStateManager.UserStates, this.userViewerUserColors);
if (this.interactionIsEnabled)
this.interactionStreamMessage.UpdateHandPointers(this.userInfos, this.userStateManager.PrimaryUserTrackingId);
await this.ownerContext.SendStreamMessageAsync(this.interactionStreamMessage);
this.isProcessingInteractionFrame = false;
/// Gets all interaction stream property value.
/// Property name->value map where property values should be set.
internal void GetInteractionStreamProperties(Dictionary propertyMap)
propertyMap.Add(KinectRequestHandler.EnabledPropertyName, this.interactionIsEnabled);
propertyMap.Add(InteractionPrimaryUserPropertyName, this.userStateManager.PrimaryUserTrackingId);
propertyMap.Add(InteractionUserStatesPropertyName, DefaultUserStateManager.GetStateMappingEntryArray(this.userStateManager.UserStates));
/// Set an interaction stream property value.
/// Name of property to set.
/// Property value to set.
/// null if property setting was successful, error message otherwise.
internal string SetInteractionStreamProperty(string propertyName, object propertyValue)
bool recognized = true;
if (propertyValue == null)
// None of the interaction stream properties accept a null value
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
switch (propertyName)
case KinectRequestHandler.EnabledPropertyName:
this.interactionIsEnabled = (bool)propertyValue;
recognized = false;
if (!recognized)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyNameUnrecognized;
catch (InvalidCastException)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
return null;
/// Gets all user viewer stream property value.
/// Property name->value map where property values should be set.
internal void GetUserViewerStreamProperties(Dictionary propertyMap)
propertyMap.Add(KinectRequestHandler.EnabledPropertyName, this.userViewerIsEnabled);
propertyMap.Add(UserViewerResolutionPropertyName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"{0}x{1}", this.userViewerColorizer.Width, this.userViewerColorizer.Height));
propertyMap.Add(UserViewerDefaultUserColorPropertyName, this.userViewerDefaultUserColor);
propertyMap.Add(UserViewerUserColorsPropertyName, this.userViewerUserColors);
/// Set a user viewer stream property.
/// Name of property to set.
/// Property value to set.
/// null if property setting was successful, error message otherwise.
internal string SetUserViewerStreamProperty(string propertyName, object propertyValue)
bool recognized = true;
switch (propertyName)
case KinectRequestHandler.EnabledPropertyName:
this.userViewerIsEnabled = (bool)propertyValue;
case UserViewerResolutionPropertyName:
if (propertyValue == null)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
var match = UserViewerResolutionRegex.Match((string)propertyValue);
if (!match.Success || (match.Groups.Count != 3))
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
int width = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int height = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (!IsSupportedUserViewerResolution(width, height))
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueUnsupportedResolution;
this.userViewerColorizer.SetResolution(width, height);
case UserViewerDefaultUserColorPropertyName:
this.userViewerDefaultUserColor = (int)propertyValue;
case UserViewerUserColorsPropertyName:
if (propertyValue == null)
// Null values just clear the set of user colors
var userColors = (Dictionary)propertyValue;
// Verify that all dictionary values are integers
bool allIntegers = userColors.Values.Select(color => color as int?).All(colorInt => colorInt != null);
if (!allIntegers)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
// If property value specified is compatible, copy values over
foreach (var entry in userColors)
this.userViewerUserColors.Add(entry.Key, (int)entry.Value);
recognized = false;
if (!recognized)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyNameUnrecognized;
catch (InvalidCastException)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
catch (NullReferenceException)
return Properties.Resources.PropertyValueInvalidFormat;
return null;
/// Determine if the specified resolution is supported for user viewer images.
/// Image width.
/// Image height.
/// True if specified resolution is supported, false otherwise.
private static bool IsSupportedUserViewerResolution(int width, int height)
return UserViewerSupportedResolutions.Any(resolution => ((int)resolution.Width == width) && ((int)resolution.Height == height));
/// Handler for IUserStateManager.UserStateChanged event.
/// object sending the event
/// event arguments
private async void OnUserStateChanged(object sender, UserStateChangedEventArgs e)
if (this.interactionIsEnabled)
// If enabled, forward all user state events to client
await this.ownerContext.SendEventMessageAsync(e.Message);
/// Update colorizer lookup table from color-related configuration.
private void UpdateColorizerLookupTable()
if (this.ShouldProcessInteractionData)
this.userInfos, this.userViewerDefaultUserColor, this.userStateManager.UserStates, this.userViewerUserColors);
/// Process depth data to obtain user viewer image.
/// Kinect depth data.
/// from which we obtained depth data.
private async void ProcessUserViewerImageAsync(DepthImagePixel[] depthData, DepthImageFrame depthFrame)
if (this.userViewerIsEnabled)
if (this.isProcessingUserViewerImage)
// Re-entered ProcessUserViewerImageAsync while a previous image is already being processed.
// Just ignore new depth frames until the current one finishes processing.
this.isProcessingUserViewerImage = true;
this.userViewerColorizer.ColorizeDepthPixels(depthData, depthFrame.Width, depthFrame.Height);
this.userViewerStreamMessage.timestamp = depthFrame.Timestamp;
this.userViewerStreamMessage.width = this.userViewerColorizer.Width;
this.userViewerStreamMessage.height = this.userViewerColorizer.Height;
this.userViewerStreamMessage.bufferLength = this.userViewerColorizer.Buffer.Length;
await this.ownerContext.SendTwoPartStreamMessageAsync(this.userViewerStreamMessage, this.userViewerColorizer.Buffer);
this.isProcessingUserViewerImage = false;