[page:Geometry] →
CubeGeometry is the quadrilateral primitive geometry class. It is typically used for creating a cube or irregular quadrilateral of the dimensions provided with the 'width', 'height', and 'depth' constructor arguments.
[name]([page:Float width], [page:Float height], [page:Float depth], [page:Integer widthSegments], [page:Integer heightSegments], [page:Integer depthSegments])
width — Width of the sides on the X axis.
height — Height of the sides on the Y axis.
depth — Depth of the sides on the Z axis.
widthSegments — Optional. Number of segmented faces along the width of the sides. Default is 1.
heightSegments — Optional. Number of segmented faces along the height of the sides. Default is 1.
depthSegments — Optional. Number of segmented faces along the depth of the sides. Default is 1.
Each of the constructor parameters is accessible as a property of the same name. Any modification of these properties after instantiation does not change the geometry.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]