[page:Material] →


A material for non-shiny (Lambertian) surfaces, evaluated per vertex.


[name]([page:todo parameters])

parameters -- todo


See the base [page:Material] class for common parameters.

.[page:Color color]

Diffuse color of the material. Default is white.

.[page:Color ambient]

Ambient color of the material, multiplied by the color of the [page:AmbientLight]. Default is white.

.[page:Color emissive]

Emissive (light) color of the material, essentially a solid color unaffected by other lighting. Default is black.

.[page:Integer shading]

How the triangles of a curved surface are rendered: as a smooth surface, as flat separate facets, or no shading at all.
Options are [page:Materials THREE.SmoothShading] (default), [page:Materials THREE.FlatShading], [page:Materials THREE.NoShading].

.[page:Boolean wireframe]

Whether the triangles' edges are displayed instead of surfaces. Default is *false*.

.[page:Float wireframeLinewidth]

Line thickness for wireframe mode. Default is *1.0*.
Due to limitations in the ANGLE layer, on Windows platforms linewidth will always be 1 regardless of the set value.

.[page:String wireframeLinecap]

Define appearance of line ends. Possible values are "butt", "round" and "square". Default is 'round'.
This setting might not have any effect when used with certain renderers. For example, it is ignored with the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer, but does work with the [page:CanvasRenderer Canvas] renderer.

.[page:String wireframeLinejoin]

Define appearance of line joints. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Default is 'round'.
This setting might not have any effect when used with certain renderers. For example, it is ignored with the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer, but does work with the [page:CanvasRenderer Canvas] renderer.

.[page:Integer vertexColors]

Define how the vertices gets colored. Possible values are THREE.NoColors, THREE.FaceColors and THREE.VertexColors. Default is THREE.NoColors.
This setting might not have any effect when used with certain renderers. For example, it is ignored with the [page:CanvasRenderer Canvas] renderer, but does work with the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer.

.[page:Boolean fog]

Define whether the material color is affected by global fog settings. Default is *true*.
This setting might not have any effect when used with certain renderers. For example, it is ignored with the [page:CanvasRenderer Canvas] renderer, but does work with the [page:WebGLRenderer WebGL] renderer.

.[page:Texture map]

Set color texture map. Default is null.

.[page:Texture lightMap]

Set light map. Default is null.

.[page:Texture specularMap]

Since this material does not have a specular component, the specular value affects only how much of the environment map affects the surface. Default is null.

.[page:TextureCube envMap]

Set env map. Default is null.

.[page:Float reflectivity]

How much the environment map affects the surface; also see "combine".

.[page:Float refractionRatio]

The index of refraction for an environment map using [page:Textures THREE.CubeRefractionMapping]. Default is *0.98*.

.[page:Integer combine]

How to combine the result of the surface's color with the environment map, if any.
Options are [page:Textures THREE.Multiply] (default), [page:Textures THREE.MixOperation], [page:Textures THREE.AddOperation]. If mix is chosen, the reflectivity is used to blend between the two colors.

.[page:Boolean skinning]

Define whether the material uses skinning. Default is *false*.

.[page:Boolean morphTargets]

Define whether the material uses morphTargets. Default is *false*.

.[page:Vector3 wrapRGB]


.[page:boolean morphNormals]


.[page:boolean wrapAround]




[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]