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In brief: getting the GS3 web services demo-client to run


A Running the demo-client against a Greenstone 3 digital library

  1. Get and install the latest version of Greenstone 3 from SVN:
    See the Installing Greenstone 3 wiki page for installation instructions and walkthroughs.
  2. Deploy the QBRSOAPServer as follows. Use a Linux x-term/Windows DOS-prompt to cd into the greenstone 3 installation folder. Then type:
    ant soap-deploy-site
    It will prompt you for 3 things: This will have deployed the QBRSOAPServer for the Site specified at http://HOST:PORT/greenstone3/services, where the values for HOST and PORT depend on where your greenstone 3 server for the chosen Site is listening.
  3. Get the demo-client application: download tar.gz/zip version of the GS3 web services demo-client, and unzip it.
  4. Run the demo-client:
  5. Once the application starts, choose Greenstone from the drop-down box at the top as the digital library you wish to connect to. A dialogue will prompt you for the wsdl URL of the QBRSOAPServer web services which you can obtain from the Greenstone 3 services page http://HOST:PORT/greenstone3/services You need to copy the link to the wsdl file of the QBRSOAPServer web services you deployed in 2.
  6. To run the demo-client on a separate computer from the Greenstone server where the web services are deployed:
    Move to another computer. Download and run the demo-client as described in the first three steps. Once the application opens up and you choose to connect to the greenstone 3 digital library, remember to type the HOST and PORT of the remote Greenstone 3 server when specifying the web services' wsdl URL. Basically, the steps are the same as before.

B Running the demo-client against a Fedora repository of Greenstone 3 content

  1. Get and install Fedora 2.2.1 (you could try a later version, though I haven't yet attempted this). See the document on Installing Fedora.
  2. Use the FLI application (Fedora Librarian Interface) that comes with Greenstone 3 to export Greenstone 3 documents into FedoraMETS format and put these in the Fedora repository. To run FLI, go to your greenstone 3 installation folder's gli directory.
    Then, if you're on Linux, type in an X-term
    If you're on Windows, double click on fli.bat. The opening dialogue requires you to provide the details necessary for connecting to the Fedora repository. Otherwise you can use FLI as you would GLI.
  3. Optional: If you want full-text searching in Fedora, get and install Fedora Generic Search, then use it to index the Greenstone 3 docs you exported into the Fedora repository. For details see the document on Installing Fedora Generic Search.
  4. Run the demo-client as in point 3 of Section A above.
  5. Once the application starts, choose Fedora from the drop-down box. A dialogue will ask you for the host and port that the fedora server is listening on and your fedora server username and password.
  6. To run the demo-client on a separate computer from the Fedora server's repository containing GS3 docs:
    Move to another computer. Download and run the demo-client as described in the first three steps. Once the application opens up and you choose to connect to the fedora digital library, remember to type the HOST and PORT of the remote fedora server along with its username and password. Basically, the steps are the same as before.

NOTE: If you have both Fedora and Greenstone 3 set up as described in Sections A and B above, the client can be run against either digital library's repository. The application will require you to connect to both only once.