List of documents related to GS3 web services and the demo-client application

Start with In brief: getting the GS3 web services demo-client to run

Running the GS3 web services demo-client application:
  1. Getting web services running on the Greenstone 3 server
  2. Running the GS3 web services demo-client application
  3. Installing Fedora 2.2.1 and Fedora-related information
  4. Running FLI, the Fedora Librarian Interface (for putting documents into a Fedora repository)
  5. Installing Fedora Generic Search
Further information:
  1. How to expose custom Greenstone 3 web services on GS3's server
  2. How to write a simple client for Greenstone 3 web services
  3. Writing web services in general - using Java and Apache Axis