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Running FLI, the Fedora Librarian Interface
FLI is built on top of GLI. Just as with GLI, it allows you to drag-and-drop documents into a collection which it will then build. The building process of FLI is different in that it will export the documents into a Fedora repository.
- You need the Greenstone server to be running on the same machine as where your Fedora machine is running. This may not be a requirement in the future, but it is at present.
- You need Greenstone 2 or 3
- You need Fedora installed (which would have required you to set the environment variables FEDORA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME, which are also needed by FLI). And:
- You need to add a new environment variable called FEDORA_VERSION. If the version you have installed is Fedora 2.*, then you set this to 2, if you have Fedora 3.* installed, then you'd set this environment variable to 3.
- You need the Greenstone server running on the same machine as where your Fedora server is installed.
- If you have more than one Greenstone installed (Greenstone 2 and Greenstone 3), then first run the setup file for the Greenstone installation you want to use, so that your Greenstone environment is set up.
If you were on linux, you would have to source the setup scripts by going into the Greenstone installation directory.
For Greenstone 2, you'd have typed:
source setup.bash
And for Greenstone 3:
If you're on Windows you would run setup.bat in the Greenstone 2 folder or gs3-setup.bat in the Greenstone 3 folder.
- If you're using a Linux xterm, you'd go into Greenstone's gli folder and type:
If you're on Windows, go into Greenstone's gli folder and double-click on fli.bat
- Once FLI starts up, it will ask you the Fedora server details and your Fedora username and password to access the Fedora repository.
- Drag and drop documents into a collection as before, go to the Build tab and press the Build button. Once the building is finished, pressing the preview button will open the browser onto the Fedora search page.
- If you have other digital objects in your Fedora repository besides the content generated by Greenstone, you will have to type
or just
in the search box—with the quotes.
If your Fedora repository only contains documents built in FLI, then pressing just the search button should be fine.