Event handler for actionEvents such as a change in the active digital
library, a collection being selected in the dropdown box or the collection
-Info button being pressed, or a service being selected in the service
dropdown box (browsing or searching).
Called when this QueryForm's search button is pressed: the data
entered/controls settings specified by the user are passed to the
digital library's Query Service in order to perform the search.
The multi-panel is laid out with a GridBagLayout in order to make
the layout more attractive (so that the form controls don't have as
odd sizes as before when GraphPaperLayout was used).
A beginning to the AdminSOAPServer class which will contain management/admin
related web services such as adding new documents, creating, building and
importing collections and configuring Greenstone modules.
Resets the internal data members of this BrowseResponseData object of
their values so that this BrowseResponseData can be reused for the
next Browse response message.
Resets the internal data members of this QueryResponseData object of
their values so that this QueryResponseData can be reused for the
next Query response message.
CollectionData represents a Greenstone 3 collection and contains the data
stored in a <collection></collection> element returned from a
MessageRouter's desribe response XML and a Collection describe response XML.
Static inner class MetaData: can import it into other files as
"import gs3client.CollectionData.MetaData;"
In this way, can use it as if it were a regular class (a.o.t.
Only the name and type of a <service></service> element is
stored, since this is all the service data available inside a collection's
response message to a describe request.
Creates combo boxes/drop-downs for the <param> elements
whose types are GSXML.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM_SINGLE and listboxes for those
Interface that defines the digital library methods that need to be
provided by a digital library that's going to be incorporated into the
Greenstone Java-Client, so that the client may be able to use/access
its functionality.
Will clear previous browse service's classification options and widgets,
and redisplay browse options as specified by the describe Response Message
XML returned from the browse Service.
Handles rightclicks on a treeview of documentNodeData objects by showing
the popupMenu with associated files that, when selected, can be displayed
in the htmlPane.
Given tags of the form
<documentNode nodeID="HASHac0a04dd14571c60d7fbfd.4.2"
nodeType="x" docType="y">
<nodeStructureInfo><info name="i" value="1" />
<info name = "ii" value = "2" /></nodeStructureInfo>
<metadataList><metadata name="a">Value
<documentNode ....></documentNode>
<documentNode ....></documentNode>
this constructor extracts the nodeId out of it and any other fields
that might be set in the docNodeTag <documentNode> element.
Static method that gets all the descendant elements of a portion of XMl
within the same namespace as indicated by parameters namespacePrefix and
At method's end, Vector v will contain those descendent elements of
parentElement where the element's name is prefixed by namespacePrefix
and suffixed by localName.
Given an Element <parentEl>, finds all direct child elements called
<elName> that have an attribute named attrName:
<elName attrName=value>bodytext</elName>
This is particularly useful for extracting info for those cases where
elName=<displayItem> and where the attrName is "name".
Given an xml element ('parent'), it looks through its direct children
to find the <listElementName> tag and extracts each child called
<childElementName> element from it.
GS3ServicesAPIA does two things:
- it implements DigitalLibraryServicesAPIA for enabling the Java-client
to access Greenstone's repository of collections and documents.
GS3ServicesAPIA constructor, which, given the url to the wsdl file,
finds either service and port or the service's endpoint of the GS3 Web
Services and instantiates the associated Service and Call objects.
GS3ServicesAPIA constructor, that given the url to the wsdl file, finds
either service and port or the service's endpoint of the GS3 Web Services
and instantiates the associated Service and Call objects.
Since we are setting the descendents lazily (only setting the children
each time), we have a little flag to indicate whether this node has
any children.
Abstract superclass NodeData can represent either a the information in
a <classifierNode> (stored in a ClassifierNodeData object) or in a
<documentNode> (stored in a DocumentNodeData object).
map of (nodeIDs, references to associated NodeData) pairs,
stored in the order they are contained in the response XML messages
(the order in which data objects are parsed and created for them)
For some reason, the overriden getPreferredSize() is not
called upon resize of this panel, so I am calling it manually
whenever there's a call to paint this Panel.
Class QueryFormData represents the <param> and <option> elements
that can appear in a <paramList> tag in the xml response returned by
a describe request sent to *Query* Service (e.g.
Static inner class QueryFormParam is a subclass of QueryFormData and
uniquely represents the data that can be contained in any <param>
tag of the xml response that's returned when a describe request is sent to
a Query Service.
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the specified part of the document's structure.
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the specified part of the document's structure.
(b) DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the entire document structure.
DocumentStructureRetrieve request sent to a collection's
DocumentStructureRetrieve service (manual pp.48, 49) to retrieve
the entire document structure.
Performs a structureRetrieve and title metadata retrieve message-
request for the docNode, but only iff the structure and title for
that docNode is not already set.
Given a ClassifierNodeData object for browsing, this method will
set the classNode's children (previously retrieved) and retrieve
all the children's metadata including the title.
After a DocumentContentRetrieve request for one or more documents
has returned a response, this method - when given the response XML -
will set the nodeContents of each document in the response (as long
as those documents already have an associated DocumentNodeData
object instantiated, which should/would always be the case).
Given a <nodeStructure></nodeStructure> element returned
from a request for the *ENTIRE* nodeStructure, this method will find the
<documentNode> that is the Root (nodeType=ROOT) and from there
on proceed to set all descendent <documentNode>s.
This method sets the metadata for one or even all <documentNode>
data objects contained in the Map nodeIDsToNodes, using the <message>
element parameter (which is returned upon a documentMetadataRetrieve
Sets member variable nodeContent with the text (if any) inside any
<nodeContent></nodeContent> child element of
<documentNode>, else the value of nodeContent is set to empty
string ("").
Given an XML responseMessage to a request for the classification
Browse structure, this method sets its nodeIDsToNodes member variable
by instantiating classifierNodeData and/or documentNodeData objects
as given in the responseMessageTag.
Given the response to a query message (XML with root <message>
or <response> tag), a QueryResponseData object is created
to store all the document Identifiers and document data returned
as well as information about the terms that were searched on.
Sorts the metadata of the docNode into the required order and displays
metadata names in the JList metanames and the associated metadata values
in the JList metavalues.