Package org.greenstone.gs3client

Interface Summary
ColourCombo.ColourChangeable Interface ColourChangeable defines one method, changeUIColour(), which classes whose user-interface colours can change may implement.

Class Summary
BrowseDisplay The Browse panel inside the Java-client's tab pane that's labelled "Browse".
BrowseDisplay.ClassifierData Static inner class that represents the data in a <classifier> element - itself nested inside a list (<classifierList>) of them.
ColourCombo Background and selection color combinations for the Java-Client's interface.
Displays Class containing static methods, static variables and inner classes that are used by both SearchResultsDisplay and BrowseDisplay.
Displays.MetadataComparator Static inner class MetadataComparator is a Comparator for the metadata fields stored as a list of Pair objects (name, values).
Displays.PopupListener Handles rightclicks on a treeview of documentNodeData objects by showing the popupMenu with associated files that, when selected, can be displayed in the htmlPane.
GraphPaperLayout The GraphPaperLayout class is a layout manager that lays out a container's components in a rectangular grid, similar to GridLayout.
GS3JavaClient The main Javaclient class.
GS3JavaClient.PasswordAuthenticator Inner class that handles authentication for any sites (urls, etc.) that require it.
QueryForm Panel that represents a Query Form based on GS3 describe response XML messages sent by a Query Service.
QueryFormControl Represents a control in a query form.
SearchResultsDisplay The Search panel inside the Java-client's tab pane that's labelled "Search Results".