Creates the Lucene index directory in the right location inside
FEDORA_HOME into which FedoraGSearch will store the indexes for
the Greenstone contents in the Fedora repository.
Loads properties from the property file denoted by propFileName
and replaces all place-holders (such as FEDORA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME,
HOST, PORT) with the custom values specified for this installation.
This class essentially follows the instructions at
in order to install Fedora Generic Search from their optimised
fedoragsearch.war file.
Reads from file which contains default
directory paths (using variables like FEDORA_HOME and
CATALINA_HOME) and HOST and PORT, and sets these to custom values.
Given a DOM document, finds the first element where nodeName=tagName
where one of the attributes has the name attrName and whose value
contains attrValueContent.
Displays a dialog to get user input for
- fedora server host, port, username and password,
- the names for the fedora generic search index and repository
that are to be created, and
- for the location of fedoragenericsearch.war (the installer is
meant to work specifically with Muradora's fedoragenericsearch.war
since they have edited various property and xml files to make it
all easier).